# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 The EMVA1288 Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE that can
# be found in the LICENSE file.

"""Utils functions

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from lxml import etree
from PIL import Image
from collections import OrderedDict
from emva1288.camera import routines
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
import warnings
# import cv2


def load_image(fname):
    img = Image.open(fname)
    img = np.asarray(img.split()[0])
    # img = cv2.imread(fname, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)
    # img = cv2.split(img)[0]
    return img

def get_int_imgs(imgs):
    Returns the sum and pseudo-variance from list of images
    sum is just the image resulting on the addition of all the images
    pvar is the pseudo-variance, this is
    pvar = SUM((Li - SUM(i))^2)
    to get variance from pseudo-variance
    var = (1/(L^2) * 1/(L - 1)) * pvar
    L = len(imgs)

    sum_ = 0
    sq_ = 0
    for img in imgs:
        # we force the images as int64 to make sure we do not clip
        i = img.astype(np.int64)
        sum_ += i
        sq_ += np.square(i)

    # the pseudo variance can be computed from the sum image and the sum of
    # the square images
    var_ = L * (L * sq_ - np.square(sum_))

    return {'L': L, 'sum': sum_, 'pvar': var_}

def LinearB0(Xi, Yi):
    X = np.asfarray(Xi)
    Y = np.asfarray(Yi)

    # we want a function y = m * x
    def fp(v, x):
        return x * v[0]

    # the error of the function e = x - y
    def e(v, x, y):
        return (fp(v, x) - y)

    # the initial value of m, we choose 1, because we thought YODA would
    # have chosen 1
    v0 = [1.0]

    vr, _success = leastsq(e, v0, args=(X, Y))

    # compute the R**2 (sqrt of the mean of the squares of the errors)
    err = np.sqrt(sum(np.square(e([vr], X, Y))) / (len(X) * len(X)))

    # Some versions of leastsq returns an array, other a scalar, so here we
    # make sure
    # it is an array
    val = np.array([vr]).flatten()

    return val, err

def LinearB(Xi, Yi):
    X = np.asfarray(Xi)
    Y = np.asfarray(Yi)

    # we want a function y = m * x + b
    def fp(v, x):
        return x * v[0] + v[1]

    # the error of the function e = x - y
    def e(v, x, y):
        return (fp(v, x) - y)

    # the initial value of m, we choose 1, because we thought YODA would
    # have chosen 1
    v0 = np.array([1.0, 1.0])

    vr, _success = leastsq(e, v0, args=(X, Y))

    # compute the R**2 (sqrt of the mean of the squares of the errors)
    err = np.sqrt(sum(np.square(e(vr, X, Y))) / (len(X) * len(X)))

#    print vr, success, err
    return vr, err

def GetImgShape(img):
    rows = 1

    if img.ndim == 1:
        cols, = img.shape
        rows, cols = img.shape
    return rows, cols

def FFT1288(img_, rotate=False, n=1):
    '''Compute the FFT emva1288 style

    Compute an FFT per line and average the resulting ffts

    img : array
        Input image
    rotate : bool (optional)
        Rotate the image before performing the FFT
    n : int (optional)
        If the image is the sum of several images use this value
        to produce the fft of the average image

    array : One dimension FFT power spectrum
    img = np.ma.copy(img_)
    if rotate:
        img = img.transpose()

    _rows, cols = GetImgShape(img)

    if isinstance(img, np.ma.masked_array):
        img_line = []
        # If img is masked, perform fft line by line
        for line in img:
            # fft must be performed on compressed line
            line = line.compressed()
            # Assuring the line is not empty
            if line.size == 0:
        # cols might be changed, it corresponds to len(arr)
        cols = np.min([len(line)for line in img_line])
        img = img_line[:][0:cols]

    # simply perform fft on x axis
    img = np.asfarray(img) - np.mean(img)
    fft = np.fft.fft(img, axis=1)
    fft /= np.sqrt(cols)

    fabs = np.real(fft * np.conjugate(fft))

    # extract the mean of each column of the fft
    r = np.mean(fabs, axis=0)

    # if the image is the sum of n image, the fft of the average image is
    r /= n ** 2

    # Return only half of the spectrogram (it is symemtrical)
    return r[: cols // 2]

def GetFrecs(fft):
    n = len(fft)
    x = np.arange(n)
    x = x * 1.0 / (2 * n)
    return x

def Histogram1288(img, Qmax):
    y = np.ravel(img)

    ymin = np.min(y)
    ymax = np.max(y)

    # Because we are working with integers, minimum binwidth is 1
    W = 1
    q = ymax - ymin
    Q = q + 1

    # When too many bins, create a new integer binwidth
    if Q > Qmax:
        # We want the number of bins as close as possible to Qmax (256)
        W = int(np.ceil(1. * q / (Qmax - 1)))
        Q = int(np.floor(1. * q / W)) + 1

    # The bins
    # we need one more value for the numpy histogram computation
    # numpy used bin limits
    # in our interpretation we use the lower limit of the bin
    B = [ymin + (i * W) for i in range(Q + 1)]

    # Normal distribution with the original sigma, and mean
    mu = np.mean(y)
    sigma = np.std(y)
    # For masked arrays, the total number of pixel is the sum of the non-masked
    # value
    N = np.ma.count(y)
    normal = ((1. * (ymax - ymin) / Q) *
              N / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma) *
              np.exp(-0.5 * (1. / sigma * (B[:-1] - mu)) ** 2))

#   # Reference algorithm, it's pretty slow
#   # the numpy version gives the same results
#     #The histogram container
#     H = np.zeros((Q,), dtype=np.int64)
#     #Histogram computation
#     for yi in y:
#         q = (yi - ymin) / W
#         H[q] += 1

    H, _b = np.histogram(y, B, range=(ymin, ymax))

    return {'bins': np.asfarray(B[:-1]), 'values': H, 'model': normal}

def cls_1288_info(cls):
    """Dictionnary that represents results.

    cls : Class from wich to extract the information.

    dict :
        Dictionnary extracted using the format defined by
        a custom sphinx directive
        with the following format::

          {attribute1: {'section': section name,
                        'units': attribute units,
                        'short': attribute short description,
                        'latexname': latex name for the attribute,
                        'symbol': symbol to represent the value}}


    d = OrderedDict()
    items = [name for name in sorted(cls.__dict__.keys())]
    for attribute_name in items:
        # Extract the doc from the Processing methods
        doc = getattr(cls, attribute_name).__doc__
        if not doc:

        # All the lines in the docstring
        lines = [s.strip() for s in doc.splitlines()]

        # to store the relevant tag lines
        tag_lines = []
        n = len(lines)

        flag = False
        for line in lines:
            # Get only those that are relevant (start with .. emva1288::)
            if line.startswith('.. emva1288::'):
                flag = True
            if flag:
                if not line.strip():
                    flag = False
        # if there are not relevant lines skip and go to next method
        if not tag_lines:

        # To store the info from the doc
        attribute_info = {}
        for line in tag_lines:
            tags = [x.strip() for x in line.split(':', 2) if x.strip()]
            # Each valid tag has to be xx:yy
            if len(tags) != 2:
            # Fill the dict
            attribute_info[tags[0].lower()] = tags[1]

        # If there is no section set it as other
        attribute_info.setdefault('section', 'other')
        d[attribute_name] = attribute_info
    return d

def _sections_first(dct):
    """For backwards compatibility where we use to have
    results with section as first keys
    d = OrderedDict()

    sections = sorted({k['section'] for k in dct.values()})
    for section in sections:
        d[section] = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in dct.items():
            if v['section'] != section:
            d[section][k] = v
    return d

def obj_to_dict(obj):
    Get the info dict from the object class
    Add the values or Data to this dict

    for each method if the return value is a dict, it is inserted as
    d[SectionName][MethodName][Data] = ReturnValue
    if not
    d[SectionName][MethodName][Value] = ReturnValue
    d = cls_1288_info(obj.__class__)
    for attribute in d.keys():
        # Get the value for the given attribute
        val = getattr(obj, attribute)
        if callable(val):
            val = val()

        if isinstance(val, dict):
            d[attribute]['data'] = val
            d[attribute]['value'] = val
    return d

def dict_to_xml(d, root='results', filename=None):
    Takes a dict and return a well formed xml string

    def key_to_xml(d, r):
        Recursive call to add the key/value from dict to the r element tree
        If the value is an array joint the values casted as strings
        with whitespaces separator
        if the value is something else, it is casted as string
        for k in d.keys():
            e = etree.SubElement(r, k)
            # when the value for the key is a dict, call the function again
            if isinstance(d[k], dict):
                r.append(key_to_xml(d[k], e))

            # if the value is an array
            # add the values of the array as a string separated by whitespaces
            # Note to self: add other array types as needed
            elif isinstance(d[k], np.ndarray):
                a = [str(x) for x in d[k]]
                e.text = ' '.join(a)

            # if something else, just add the corresponding string value
                e.text = str(d[k])
        return r

    tree = etree.Element(root)
    xml = key_to_xml(d, tree)

    t = etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)
    if filename is None:
        return t
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

def xml_to_dict(xml):
    If xml is a file, opens and parse, if string, parse it from string
    Convert the xml to a dict using element_to_dict
    Process the resulting dict:
    Cast Data to numpy float arrays (split the string by whitespaces)
    Cast Value to float
        if os.path.isfile(xml):
            tree = etree.parse(xml)
            tree = etree.ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
        print('Problems loading XML')
        return None

    def element_to_dict(r):
        Recursive call to add dictionnary elements from the r xml element
        dout = {}
        for child in r:
            # The resulting keys are forced to lowercase to compoensate
            # for some windows versions that use CamelCase
            if list(child):
                # if the element has children call the function again with
                # children as r
                dout[child.tag.lower()] = element_to_dict(child)
                dout[child.tag.lower()] = child.text
        return dout

    root = tree.getroot()
    d = element_to_dict(root)
    # loop to reconstruct arrays from strings in Data elements
    for section, method in d.items():
        for methodname, value in method.items():
            if 'data' in value:
                for data in value['data']:
                    v = value['data'][data]
                    v = v.strip()
                    v = v.split()
                    d[section][methodname]['data'][data] = np.asfarray(v)
                v = value['value']
                if v in ('None', None, 'none'):
                    v = None
                    # sometimes the decimal point is written with , instead of.
                    v = v.replace(',', '.')
                    v = float(v)
                d[section][methodname]['value'] = v
    return d

def round_significant(v, sig=SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS):
    Round up to the given significant digits, used for comparison
    if v == 0.0:
        return 0.0
    return round(v, sig - np.int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(v)))) - 1)

round_array = np.vectorize(round_significant)

def compare_xml(x1, x2, filename=None):
    # load the xml into dicts
    f1 = xml_to_dict(x1)
    f2 = xml_to_dict(x2)
    s = ''

    # if something is wrong abort
    if f1 is None or f2 is None:
        return s

    c1 = list(f1.keys())
    c2 = list(f2.keys())

    # loop throught the combined categories
    categories = set(c1) | set(c2)
    for category in sorted(categories):
        s += '*' * 70 + '\n'
        s += category + '\n'
        s += '*' * 70 + '\n'
        # check if missing category in one of the dicts
        if category not in c1 or category not in c2:
            t1 = category in c1
            t2 = category in c2
            s += '{0:<35}'.format('PRESENT')
            s += '{0:<20}{1:<20}FAIL'.format(str(t1), str(t2)) + '\n'

        m1 = f1[category].keys()
        m2 = f2[category].keys()
        # loop throught the combined methodnames
        methodnames = set(m1) | set(m2)
        for methodname in sorted(methodnames):
            s += '{0:<35}'.format(methodname)

            # check if methodname in dict
            if methodname not in m1:
                v1 = None
                a1 = None
            # get the value and the data
                v1 = f1[category][methodname].get('value', None)
                a1 = f1[category][methodname].get('data', None)

            if methodname not in m2:
                v2 = None
                a2 = None
                v2 = f2[category][methodname].get('value', None)
                a2 = f2[category][methodname].get('data', None)

            # first we check for values and then for data
            # if both present only values will be taken in count for comparison
            # If both are values
            if v1 is not None and v2 is not None:
                    r = (round_significant(v1) - round_significant(v2)) == 0.0
                    r = False
                t1 = v1
                t2 = v2

            # if both are arrays
            elif a1 is not None and a2 is not None:
                k1 = a1.keys()
                k2 = a2.keys()
                t1 = 'Array'
                t2 = 'Array'

                # if different keys, is invalid
                if (set(k1) ^ set(k2)):
                    r = False
                    # loop throught the keys
                    for k in k1:
                            r = np.max(np.abs(round_array(a1[k]) -
                                              round_array(a2[k]))) == 0.0
                            r = False

                        if not r:
                t1 = str(v1)
                t2 = str(v2)
                r = False

            s += '{0:<20}{1:<20}'.format(t1, t2)
            if r:
                s += 'OK' + '\n'
                s += 'FAIL' + '\n'

        s += '\n'

    if filename is None:
        return s
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        return s

def high_pass_filter(img, dim):
    """High pass filtering on image

    Computes the highpass filtering as defined by the emva standart keeping the
    result as an int image. The computation preserves the image as ints and
    doesn't perform the final division, but returns the dividing factor

    img : np.array
        the image to filter
    dim : int
        The size of the highpass filter

    d : dict
        The data dictionary of the result. The keys are:
        'img' : The filtered image
        'multiplicator' : Factor from the convolution to be considered in the
        computation of the histogram
    # By definition in the emva standart, the high pass filter is using
    # the following operation :
    # y' = y-R (*) y
    # where (*) represents a convolution and R is a 5x5 matrix filled with 1/25
    # In order to maintain int values for a higher precision, we make the
    # following manipulation :
    # y' = P (*) y - R (*) y, where P is a 5x5 matrix of zeros with P[2,2] = 1
    # multiplying the right side of the equation by 25 and then dividing by 25
    # y' =  ((25 * P - R') (*) y) /25, where R' is a 5x5 matrix of ones
    # simplifying
    # y' = (M (*) y)/25, where M is a 5x5 matrix of -1 with M[2,2] = 24
    # We don't peform the division to keep the int precision, but we return the
    # factor (25)

    # If the image is from a color camera, the format of the data to compute is
    # a masked array. Convolution cannot typically be performed on a masked
    # array, but considering this particular operation we can work around this
    # problem.
    # Considering the kernel, the unmasked values are correctly computed using
    # convolve(), while the others are wrong. But by re-applying the mask, we
    # work around this problem.
    # The multiplicator must be changed to the number of valid pixels
    # being considered in the convolution.

    # Check validity of kernel size
    if not dim % 2:
        raise ValueError('The size of the highpass filter must be odd')
    # Initializing the kernel
    kernel = np.ones((dim, dim))
    sl = dim//2
    if isinstance(img, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        # Saving the mask
        mask = np.ma.getmask(img)
        # These next few lines are to determine the number of pixels being
        # considered in the convolution
        value = np.ones(img.shape)
        # Applying the mask on a matrix of ones and filling the masked values
        # with 0
        value = np.ma.MaskedArray(value, mask)
        value = value.filled(0)
        # The convolution of the matrix with a 5x5 matrix of ones will return
        # a matrix where the values where there was no mask correspong to the
        # number of considred pixels
        value = convolve(value, kernel)
        # Slice off values that are invalid after the convolution
        value = np.ma.MaskedArray(value, mask)[sl:-sl, sl:-sl]
        # After applying the mask all the values should be equal. If not, the
        # filter is not bayer and will not work properly with this code
        if value.max() != value.min():
            raise ValueError('Masked image does not have a valid bayer'
        # Setting the kernel
        kernel *= -1
        kernel[sl, sl] = value.max()-1
        # Finally computing the filtering and slicing off the edges
        img = img.filled(0)
        img = convolve(img, kernel)
        img = np.ma.array(img, mask=mask)[sl:-sl, sl:-sl]
        # Set the kernel and compute, then slice off the edges
        kernel *= -1
        kernel[sl, sl] = dim**2-1
        img = convolve(img, kernel)[sl:-sl, sl:-sl]
    return {'img': img, 'multiplicator': kernel[sl, sl] + 1}