# ELEKTRONN3 - Neural Network Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2017 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Martin Drawitsch

"""Loss functions"""
from typing import Sequence, Optional, Tuple, Callable, Union

import torch

from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from elektronn3.modules.lovasz_losses import lovasz_softmax

class CombinedLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    """Defines a loss function as a weighted sum of combinable loss criteria.

        criteria: List of loss criterion modules that should be combined.
        weight: Weight assigned to the individual loss criteria (in the same
            order as ``criteria``).
        device: The device on which the loss should be computed. This needs
            to be set to the device that the loss arguments are allocated on.
    def __init__(
            criteria: Sequence[torch.nn.Module],
            weight: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
            device: torch.device = None
        self.criteria = torch.nn.ModuleList(criteria)
        self.device = device
        if weight is None:
            weight = torch.ones(len(criteria))
            weight = torch.as_tensor(weight, dtype=torch.float32)
            assert weight.shape == (len(criteria),)
        self.register_buffer('weight', weight.to(self.device))

    def forward(self, *args):
        loss = torch.tensor(0., device=self.device)
        for crit, weight in zip(self.criteria, self.weight):
            loss += weight * crit(*args)
        return loss

class FocalLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    """Focal Loss (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002)
    Expects raw outputs, not softmax probs."""
    def __init__(self, weight=None, gamma=2., reduction='mean', ignore_index=-100):
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.nll = torch.nn.NLLLoss(weight=weight, reduction=reduction, ignore_index=ignore_index)
        self.log_softmax = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(1)
    def forward(self, output, target):
        log_prob = self.log_softmax(output)
        prob = torch.exp(log_prob)
        return self.nll(((1 - prob) ** self.gamma) * log_prob, target)

class SoftmaxBCELoss(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.bce = torch.nn.BCELoss(*args, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, output, target):
        probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1)
        return self.bce(probs, target)

# class MultiLabelCrossEntropy(nn.Module):
#     def __init__(self, weight=torch.tensor(1.)):
#         self.register_buffer('weight', weight)

#     def forward(self, output, target):
#         assert output.shape == target.shape
#         logprobs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(output, dim=1)
#         wsum = self.weight[None] * torch.sum(-target * logprobs)
#         return torch.mean(wsum, dim=1)

def global_average_pooling(inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    if inp.ndim == 5:
        return F.adaptive_avg_pool3d(inp, 1)
    elif inp.ndim == 4:
        return F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(inp, 1)
        raise NotImplementedError

class GAPTripletMarginLoss(nn.TripletMarginLoss):
    """Same as ``torch.nn.TripletMarginLoss``, but applies global average
    pooling to anchor, positive and negative tensors before calculating the

    def forward(self, anchor: torch.Tensor, positive: torch.Tensor, negative: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return super().forward(

class DistanceWeightedMSELoss(nn.Module):
    """Weighted MSE loss for signed euclidean distance transform targets.

    By setting ``fg_weight`` to a high value, the errors in foreground
    regions are more strongly penalized.
    If ``fg_weight=1``, this loss is equivalent to ``torch.nn.MSELoss``.

    Requires that targets are transformed with

    Per-pixel weights are assigned on the targets as follows:
    - each foreground pixel is weighted by ``fg_weight``
    - each background pixel is weighted by 1.
    def __init__(self, fg_weight=100., mask_borders=40):
        self.fg_weight = fg_weight
        self.mask_borders = mask_borders

    def forward(self, output, target):
        mse = nn.functional.mse_loss(output, target, reduction='none')
        with torch.no_grad():
            # This assumes that the target is in the (-1, 1) value range (tanh)
            #  and that regions with value <= 0 are foreground.
            weight = torch.ones_like(target)
            weight[target <= 0] = self.fg_weight
            if self.mask_borders is not None:  # Mask out invalid regions that come from same-padding
                o = self.mask_borders
                weight[:, :, :o, :o] = 0.
                weight[:, :, target.shape[-2] - o:, target.shape[-1] - o:] = 0.
        return torch.mean(weight * mse)

def _channelwise_sum(x: torch.Tensor):
    """Sum-reduce all dimensions of a tensor except dimension 1 (C)"""
    reduce_dims = tuple([0] + list(range(x.dim()))[2:])  # = (0, 2, 3, ...)
    return x.sum(dim=reduce_dims)

# TODO: Dense weight support
def dice_loss(probs, target, weight=1., eps=0.0001, smooth=0.):
    # Probs need to be softmax probabilities, not raw network outputs
    tsh, psh = target.shape, probs.shape

    if tsh == psh:  # Already one-hot
        onehot_target = target.to(probs.dtype)
    elif tsh[0] == psh[0] and tsh[1:] == psh[2:]:  # Assume dense target storage, convert to one-hot
        onehot_target = torch.zeros_like(probs)
        onehot_target.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), 1)
        raise ValueError(
            f'Target shape {target.shape} is not compatible with output shape {probs.shape}.'
    # if weight is None:
    #     weight = torch.ones(probs.shape[0], dtype=probs.dtype)  # (C,)
    # if ignore_index is not None:
    #     weight[:, ignore_index] = 0.

    intersection = probs * onehot_target  # (N, C, ...)
    numerator = 2 * _channelwise_sum(intersection) + smooth  # (C,)
    denominator = probs + onehot_target  # (N, C, ...)
    denominator = _channelwise_sum(denominator) + smooth + eps  # (C,)
    loss_per_channel = 1 - (numerator / denominator)  # (C,)
    weighted_loss_per_channel = weight * loss_per_channel  # (C,)
    return weighted_loss_per_channel.mean()  # ()

class DiceLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    """Generalized Dice Loss, as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03237.

    Works for n-dimensional data. Assuming that the ``output`` tensor to be
    compared to the ``target`` has the shape (N, C, D, H, W), the ``target``
    can either have the same shape (N, C, D, H, W) (one-hot encoded) or
    (N, D, H, W) (with dense class indices, as in
    ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss``). If the latter shape is detected, the
    ``target`` is automatically internally converted to a one-hot tensor
    for loss calculation.

        apply_softmax: If ``True``, a softmax operation is applied to the
            ``output`` tensor before loss calculation. This is necessary if
            your model does not already apply softmax as the last layer.
            If ``False``, ``output`` is assumed to already contain softmax
        weight: Weight tensor for class-wise loss rescaling.
            Has to be of shape (C,). If ``None``, classes are weighted equally.
        smooth: Smoothing term that is added to both the numerator and the
            denominator of the dice loss formula.
    def __init__(
            apply_softmax: bool = True,
            weight: torch.Tensor = torch.tensor(1.),
            smooth: float = 0.
        if apply_softmax:
            self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
            self.softmax = lambda x: x  # Identity (no softmax)
        self.dice = dice_loss
        self.register_buffer('weight', weight)
        self.smooth = smooth

    def forward(self, output, target):
        probs = self.softmax(output)
        return self.dice(probs, target, weight=self.weight, smooth=self.smooth)

# TODO: There is some low-hanging fruit for performance optimization
class FixMatchSegLoss(nn.Module):
    """Self-supervised loss for semi-supervised semantic segmentation training,
    very similar to the :math:`l_u` loss proposed in
    FixMatch (https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07685).

    The main difference to FixMatch is the kind of augmentations that are used
    for consistency regularization. In FixMatch, so-called
    "strong augmentations" are applied to the (already "weakly augmented")
    inputs. Most of these strong augmentations only work for image-level
    In ``FMSegLoss``, only simple, easily reversible geometric augmentations
    are used currently
    (random xy(z) flipping and random xy rotation in 90 degree steps).
    TODO: Add more augmentations

    This loss combines two different well-established semi-supervised learning

    - consistency regularization: consistency (equivariance) against random
      flipping and random rotation augmentatations is enforced
    - pseudo-label training: model argmax predictions are treated as targets
      for a pseudo-supervised cross-entropy training loss
      This only works for settings where argmax makes sense (not suitable for
      regression) and can be disabled with ``enable_psuedo_label=False``.

        model: Neural network model to be trained.
        scale: Scalar factor to be multiplied with the loss to adjust its
            magnitude. (If this loss is combined with a standard supervised
            cross entropy, ``scale`` corresponds to the lambda_u hyperparameter
            in FixMatch
        enable_pseudo_label: If ``enable_pseudo_label=True``, the inner loss is
            the cross entropy between the argmax pseudo label tensor computed
            from the weakly augmented input and the softmax model output on the
            strongly augmented input. Since this internally uses
            ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss``, the ``model`` is expected to give
            raw, unsoftmaxed outputs.
            This only works for settings where computing the argmax and softmax
            on the outputs makes sense (so classification, not regression).
            If ``enable_pseudo_label=False``, a mean squared error regression
            loss is computed directly on the difference between the two model
            outputs, without computing or using pseudo-labels.
            In this case, the loss is equivalent to the ``R`` loss proposed in
            "Transformation Consistent Self-ensembling Model for
            Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation"
            This non-pseudo-label variant of the loss can also be used for
            pixel-level regression training.
        confidence_thresh: (Only applies if ``enable_pseudo_label=True``.)
            The confidence threshold that determines how
            confident the model has to be in each output element's
            classification for it to contribute to the loss. All output
            elements where none of the softmax class probs exceed this
            threshold are masked out from the loss calculation and the resulting
            loss is set to 0. In the FixMatch paper, this hyperparameter is
            called tau.
        ce_weight: (Only applies if ``enable_pseudo_label=True``.)
            Class weight tensor for the inner cross-entropy loss. Should be
            the same as the weight for the supervised cross-entropy loss.

    def __init__(
            model: nn.Module,
            scale: float = 1.,
            enable_pseudo_label: bool = True,
            confidence_thresh: float = 0.9,
        self.model = model
        self.scale = scale
        self.enable_pseudo_label = enable_pseudo_label
        self.confidence_thresh = confidence_thresh

        if self.enable_pseudo_label:
            self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=ce_weight, ignore_index=-100)
            self.criterion = nn.MSELoss()

    def get_random_augmenters(
            ndim: int
    ) -> Tuple[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]:
        """Produce a pair of functions ``augment, reverse_augment``, where
        the ``augment`` function applies a random augmentation to a torch
        tensor and the ``reverse_augment`` function performs the reverse
        aumentations if applicable (i.e. for geometrical transformations)
        so pixel-level loss calculation is still correct).

        Note that all augmentations are performed on the compute device that
        holds the input, so generally on the GPU.

        # Random rotation angle (in 90 degree steps)
        k90 = torch.randint(0, 4, ()).item()
        # Get a random selection of spatial dims (ranging from [] to [2, 3, ..., example.ndim - 1]
        flip_dims_binary = torch.randint(0, 2, (ndim - 2,))
        flip_dims = (torch.nonzero(flip_dims_binary, as_tuple=False).squeeze(1) + 2).tolist()

        def augment(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
            x = torch.rot90(x, +k90, (-1, -2))
            if len(flip_dims) > 0:
                x = torch.flip(x, flip_dims)

            # # Uncomment to enable additional random brightness and contrast augmentations
            # contrast_std = 0.1
            # brightness_std = 0.1
            # a = torch.randn(x.shape[:2], device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * contrast_std + 1.0
            # b = torch.randn(x.shape[:2], device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * brightness_std
            # for n in range(x.shape[0]):
            #     for c in range(x.shape[1]):
            #         # Formula based on tf.image.{adjust_contrast,adjust_brightness}
            #         # See https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image
            #         m = torch.mean(x[n, c])
            #         x[n, c] = a[n, c] * (x[n, c] - m) + m + b[n, c]

            # # Uncomment to enable additional additive gaussian noise augmentations
            # agn_std = 0.1
            # x.add_(torch.randn_like(x).mul_(agn_std))

            return x

        def reverse_augment(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
            if len(flip_dims) > 0:  # Check is necessary only on cuda
                x = torch.flip(x, flip_dims)
            x = torch.rot90(x, -k90, (-1, -2))
            return x

        return augment, reverse_augment

    def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        augment, reverse_augment = self.get_random_augmenters(ndim=inp.ndim)
        aug = augment(inp)
        out = self.model(inp)
        aug_out = self.model(aug)
        aug_out_reversed = reverse_augment(aug_out)

        if self.enable_pseudo_label:
            with torch.no_grad():
                # We need softmax outputs for thresholding
                out = torch.softmax(out, 1)
                omax, pseudo_label = torch.max(out, dim=1)
                # Ignore loss on outputs that are lower than the confidence threshold
                mask = omax < self.confidence_thresh
                # Assign special ignore value to all masked elements
                pseudo_label[mask] = self.criterion.ignore_index
            loss = self.criterion(aug_out_reversed, pseudo_label)
            loss = self.criterion(aug_out_reversed, out)
        scaled_loss = self.scale * loss
        return scaled_loss

# TODO: Rename and clean up
def norpf_dice_loss(probs, target, weight=1., class_weight=1.):
    # Probs need to be softmax probabilities, not raw network outputs
    tsh, psh = target.shape, probs.shape

    if tsh == psh:  # Already one-hot
        onehot_target = target.to(probs.dtype)
    elif tsh[0] == psh[0] and tsh[1:] == psh[2:]:  # Assume dense target storage, convert to one-hot
        onehot_target = torch.zeros_like(probs)
        onehot_target.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), 1)
        raise ValueError(
            f'Target shape {target.shape} is not compatible with output shape {probs.shape}.'
    # if weight is None:
    #     weight = torch.ones(probs.shape[0], dtype=probs.dtype)  # (C,)
    # if ignore_index is not None:
    #     weight[:, ignore_index] = 0.

    if weight.sum() == 0:
        return probs.sum() * 0

    ignore_mask = (1 - onehot_target[0][-1]).view(1,1,*probs.shape[2:]) # inverse ignore

    bg_probs = 1 - probs
    bg_target = 1 - onehot_target
    global_weight = (class_weight > 0).type(probs.dtype)
    positive_target_mask = (weight.view(1,-1,1,1,1) * onehot_target)[0][1:-1].sum(dim=0).view(1,1,*probs.shape[2:]) # weighted targets w\ background and ignore
    weight = weight * global_weight
    dense_weight = weight.view(1,-1,1,1,1)
    target_mask_empty = ((positive_target_mask * ignore_mask).sum(dim=(0,2,3,4)) == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    target_empty = ((onehot_target * ignore_mask).sum(dim=(0,2,3,4)) == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    bg_target_empty = ((bg_target * ignore_mask).sum(dim=(0,2,3,4)) == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    # complete background for weighted classes and target of weighted classes as background for unweighted classes
    needs_positive_target_mark = (dense_weight.sum() == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    bg_mask = torch.ones_like(bg_probs) * dense_weight + needs_positive_target_mark * positive_target_mask * global_weight.view(1,-1,1,1,1)

    # make num/denom 1 for unweighted classes and classes with no target
    intersection = probs * onehot_target * ignore_mask * dense_weight  # (N, C, ...)
    intersection2 = bg_probs * bg_target * ignore_mask * bg_mask  # (N, C, ...)
    denominator = (probs + onehot_target) * ignore_mask * dense_weight  # (N, C, ...)
    denominator2 = (bg_probs + bg_target) * ignore_mask * bg_mask  # (N, C, ...)
    numerator = 2 * class_weight * _channelwise_sum(intersection)  # (C,)
    numerator2 = 2 * _channelwise_sum(intersection2)  # (C,)
    denominator = class_weight * _channelwise_sum(denominator)  # (C,)
    denominator2 = _channelwise_sum(denominator2)  # (C,)

    no_tp = (numerator == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    # workarounds for divide by zero
    # unweighted classes get DSC=1
    numerator += (1 - weight)
    denominator += (1 - weight)
    bg_mask_empty = ((bg_mask).sum(dim=(0,2,3,4)) == 0).type(probs.dtype)
    numerator2 *= 1 - bg_mask_empty
    numerator2 += bg_mask_empty
    denominator2 *= 1 - bg_mask_empty
    denominator2 += bg_mask_empty
    # when there is no target, DSC has no meaning and is therefore set to 1 as well
    numerator *= 1 - target_empty
    numerator += target_empty
    denominator *= 1 - target_empty
    denominator += target_empty
    numerator2 *= 1 - bg_target_empty
    numerator2 += bg_target_empty
    denominator2 *= 1 - bg_target_empty
    denominator2 += bg_target_empty

    if (denominator == 0).sum() > 0 or (denominator2 == 0).sum() > 0:
        print(denominator, denominator2)
        import IPython

    #numerator2 += (numerator2 == 0).type(numerator2.dtype) # no tp background
    #denominator2 += (denominator2 == 0).type(denominator2.dtype) # 100% tp foreground
    #denominator += (denominator == 0).type(denominator.dtype) # ???¿¿¿

    #loss_per_channel = 1 - numerator / denominator  # (C,)
    #loss_per_channel = 1 - ((numerator * denominator2 + denominator * numerator2) / (2 * denominator * denominator2))  # (C,)

    #loss_per_channel = 1 - (numerator * denominator2 + denominator * numerator2) / (2 * denominator * denominator2) # (C,)
    loss_per_channel = 1 + no_tp - (numerator/denominator + no_tp * numerator2/denominator2) # (C,)

    #loss_per_channel = 1 - (numerator + numerator2 + target_mask_empty * (1 - weight)) / (denominator + denominator2 + target_mask_empty * (1 - weight)) # (C,)
    #weighted_loss = 1 - (numerator.sum() + numerator2.sum())/(denominator.sum() + denominator2.sum())
    #weighted_loss = 1 - (numerator[1:-1].sum() + numerator2[1:-1].sum()) / (denominator[1:-1].sum() + denominator2[1:-1].sum()) # (C,)

    #weighted_loss = (weight[:-1] * loss_per_channel[:-1]).sum() / weight[:-1].sum()  # (C,)

    # normalize loss to [0, 1]
    #weighted_loss = loss_per_channel[1:-1].sum() / ((loss_per_channel[1:-1] > 0).sum() + (loss_per_channel[1:-1].sum() == 0))  # (C,)
    #weighted_loss *= 2
    weighted_loss = loss_per_channel[1:-1].sum() / (class_weight[1:-1] > 0).sum()
    #weighted_loss = loss_per_channel[1:-1].sum() 

    if torch.isnan(weighted_loss).sum() or (weighted_loss > 1).sum():
    #if torch.isnan(weighted_loss):
        import IPython

    return weighted_loss  # ()

# TODO: Rename and clean up
class NorpfDiceLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    """Generalized Dice Loss, as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03237,

    Works for n-dimensional data. Assuming that the ``output`` tensor to be
    compared to the ``target`` has the shape (N, C, D, H, W), the ``target``
    can either have the same shape (N, C, D, H, W) (one-hot encoded) or
    (N, D, H, W) (with dense class indices, as in
    ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss``). If the latter shape is detected, the
    ``target`` is automatically internally converted to a one-hot tensor
    for loss calculation.

        apply_softmax: If ``True``, a softmax operation is applied to the
            ``output`` tensor before loss calculation. This is necessary if
            your model does not already apply softmax as the last layer.
            If ``False``, ``output`` is assumed to already contain softmax
        weight: Weight tensor for class-wise loss rescaling.
            Has to be of shape (C,). If ``None``, classes are weighted equally.
    def __init__(self, apply_softmax=True, weight=torch.tensor(1.), class_weight=torch.tensor(1.)):
        if apply_softmax:
            self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
            self.softmax = lambda x: x  # Identity (no softmax)
        self.dice = norpf_dice_loss
        self.register_buffer('weight', weight)
        self.register_buffer('class_weight', class_weight)

    def forward(self, output, target):
        probs = self.softmax(output)
        return self.dice(probs, target, weight=self.weight, class_weight=self.class_weight)

class LovaszLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, apply_softmax=True):
        if apply_softmax:
            self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
            self.softmax = lambda x: x  # Identity (no softmax)
        # lovasz_softmax works on softmax probs, so we still have to apply
        #  softmax before passing probs to it
        self.lovasz = lovasz_softmax

    def forward(self, output, target):
        probs = self.softmax(output)
        return self.lovasz(probs, target)

class ACLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    """Active Contour loss

    Supports 2D and 3D data, as long as all spatial dimensions have the same
    size and there are only two output channels.

    - Using mean instead of sum for reductions to avoid size dependency.
    - Instead of the proposed λ loss component weighting (which leads to
      exploding loss magnitudes for high λ values), a relative weight
      ``region_weight`` is used to balance the components:
      ``ACLoss = (1 - region_weight) * length_term + region_weight * region_term``

    def __init__(self, num_classes: int, region_weight: float = 0.5):
        assert 0. <= region_weight <= 1., 'region_weight must be between 0 and 1'
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.region_weight = region_weight

    def get_length(output):
        if output.ndim == 4:
            dy = output[:, :, 1:, :] - output[:, :, :-1, :]  # y gradient (B, C, H-1, W)
            dx = output[:, :, :, 1:] - output[:, :, :, :-1]  # x gradient (B, C, H, W-1)
            dy = dy[:, :, 1:, :-2] ** 2  # (B, C, H-2, W-2)
            dx = dx[:, :, :-2, 1:] ** 2  # (B, C, H-2, W-2)
            delta_pred = torch.abs(dy + dx)
        elif output.ndim == 5:
            assert output.shape[3] == output.shape[4], 'All spatial dims must have the same size'
            dz = output[:, :, 1:, :, :] - output[:, :, :-1, :, :]  # z gradient (B, C, D-1, H, W)
            dy = output[:, :, :, 1:, :] - output[:, :, :, :-1, :]  # h gradient (B, C, D, H-1, W)
            dx = output[:, :, :, :, 1:] - output[:, :, :, :, :-1]  # w gradient (B, C, D, H, W-1)
            dz = dz[:, :, 1:, :-2, :-2] ** 2  # (B, C, D-2, H-2, W-2)
            dy = dy[:, :, :-2, 1:, :-2] ** 2  # (B, C, D-2, H-2, W-2)
            dx = dx[:, :, :-2, :-2, 1:] ** 2  # (B, C, D-2, H-2, W-2)
            delta_pred = torch.abs(dz + dy + dx)
        length = torch.mean(torch.sqrt(delta_pred + 1e-6))
        return length

    def get_region(output, target):
        region_in = torch.mean(output * (target - 1.) ** 2.)
        region_out = torch.mean((1 - output) * target ** 2.)
        return region_in + region_out

    def forward(self, output, target):
        assert output.shape[2] == output.shape[3], 'All spatial dims must have the same size'
        if target.ndim == output.ndim - 1:
            target = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(target, self.num_classes).transpose(1, -1)

        length_term = self.get_length(output) if self.region_weight < 1. else 0.
        region_term = self.get_region(output, target) if self.region_weight > 0. else 0.
        loss = (1 - self.region_weight) * length_term + self.region_weight * region_term
        return loss


# Version with features that are untested and currently not needed
# Based on https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/one-hot-encoding-with-autograd-dice-loss/9781/5
def __dice_loss_with_cool_extra_features(output, target, weights=None, ignore_index=None):
    eps = 0.0001

    encoded_target = torch.zeros_like(output)
    if ignore_index is not None:
        mask = target == ignore_index
        target = target.clone()
        target[mask] = 0
        encoded_target.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), 1)
        mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(encoded_target)
        encoded_target[mask] = 0
        encoded_target.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), 1)

    if weights is None:
        weights = 1

    intersection = output * encoded_target
    numerator = 2 * _channelwise_sum(intersection)
    denominator = output + encoded_target

    if ignore_index is not None:
        denominator[mask] = 0
    denominator = _channelwise_sum(denominator) + eps
    loss_per_channel = weights * (1 - (numerator / denominator))

    return loss_per_channel.sum() / output.shape[1]

# Very simple version. Only for binary classification. Just included for testing.
# Note that the smooth value is set to 0 and eps is introduced instead, to make it comparable.
# Based on https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/1249#issuecomment-305088398
def __dice_loss_binary(output, target, smooth=0, eps=0.0001):
    onehot_target = torch.zeros_like(output)
    onehot_target.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), 1)

    iflat = output.view(-1)
    tflat = onehot_target.view(-1)
    intersection = (iflat * tflat).sum()

    return 1 - ((2 * intersection + smooth) /
                (iflat.sum() + tflat.sum() + smooth + eps))