# System display and EDSM lookup

import json
import requests
import sys
import time
import urllib2
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread

import Tkinter as tk
from ttkHyperlinkLabel import HyperlinkLabel
import myNotebook as nb

from config import appname, applongname, appversion, config
import companion
import plug

if __debug__:
    from traceback import print_exc


this = sys.modules[__name__]	# For holding module globals
this.session = requests.Session()
this.queue = Queue()		# Items to be sent to EDSM by worker thread
this.discardedEvents = []	# List discarded events from EDSM
this.lastlookup = False		# whether the last lookup succeeded

# Game state
this.multicrew = False		# don't send captain's ship info to EDSM while on a crew
this.coordinates = None
this.newgame = False		# starting up - batch initial burst of events
this.newgame_docked = False	# starting up while docked
this.navbeaconscan = 0		# batch up burst of Scan events after NavBeaconScan

# Main window clicks
def system_url(system_name):
    return 'https://www.edsm.net/en/system?systemName=%s' % urllib2.quote(system_name)

def station_url(system_name, station_name):
    if station_name:
        return 'https://www.edsm.net/en/system?systemName=%s&stationName=%s' % (urllib2.quote(system_name), urllib2.quote(station_name))
        return 'https://www.edsm.net/en/system?systemName=%s&stationName=ALL' % urllib2.quote(system_name)

def plugin_start():
    # Can't be earlier since can only call PhotoImage after window is created
    this._IMG_KNOWN    = tk.PhotoImage(data = 'R0lGODlhEAAQAMIEAFWjVVWkVWS/ZGfFZ////////////////yH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAQABAAAAMvSLrc/lAFIUIkYOgNXt5g14Dk0AQlaC1CuglM6w7wgs7rMpvNV4q932VSuRiPjQQAOw==')	# green circle
    this._IMG_UNKNOWN  = tk.PhotoImage(data = 'R0lGODlhEAAQAKEDAGVLJ+ddWO5fW////yH5BAEKAAMALAAAAAAQABAAAAItnI+pywYRQBtA2CtVvTwjDgrJFlreEJRXgKSqwB5keQ6vOKq1E+7IE5kIh4kCADs=')	# red circle
    this._IMG_NEW      = tk.PhotoImage(data = 'R0lGODlhEAAQAMZwANKVHtWcIteiHuiqLPCuHOS1MN22ZeW7ROG6Zuu9MOy+K/i8Kf/DAuvCVf/FAP3BNf/JCf/KAPHHSv7ESObHdv/MBv/GRv/LGP/QBPXOPvjPQfjQSvbRSP/UGPLSae7Sfv/YNvLXgPbZhP7dU//iI//mAP/jH//kFv7fU//fV//ebv/iTf/iUv/kTf/iZ/vgiP/hc/vgjv/jbfriiPriiv7ka//if//jd//sJP/oT//tHv/mZv/sLf/rRP/oYv/rUv/paP/mhv/sS//oc//lkf/mif/sUf/uPv/qcv/uTv/uUv/vUP/qhP/xP//pm//ua//sf//ubf/wXv/thv/tif/slv/tjf/smf/yYP/ulf/2R//2Sv/xkP/2av/0gP/ylf/2df/0i//0j//0lP/5cP/7a//1p//5gf/7ev/3o//2sf/5mP/6kv/2vP/3y//+jP///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEKAH8ALAAAAAAQABAAAAePgH+Cg4SFhoJKPIeHYT+LhVppUTiPg2hrUkKPXWdlb2xHJk9jXoNJQDk9TVtkYCUkOy4wNjdGfy1UXGJYOksnPiwgFwwYg0NubWpmX1ArHREOFYUyWVNIVkxXQSoQhyMoNVUpRU5EixkcMzQaGy8xhwsKHiEfBQkSIg+GBAcUCIIBBDSYYGiAAUMALFR6FAgAOw==')
    this._IMG_ERROR    = tk.PhotoImage(data = 'R0lGODlhEAAQAKEBAAAAAP///////////yH5BAEKAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAIwlBWpeR0AIwwNPRmZuVNJinyWuClhBlZjpm5fqnIAHJPtOd3Hou9mL6NVgj2LplEAADs=')	  # BBC Mode 5 '?'

    # Migrate old settings
    if not config.get('edsm_cmdrs'):
        if isinstance(config.get('cmdrs'), list) and config.get('edsm_usernames') and config.get('edsm_apikeys'):
            # Migrate <= 2.34 settings
            config.set('edsm_cmdrs', config.get('cmdrs'))
        elif config.get('edsm_cmdrname'):
            # Migrate <= 2.25 settings. edsm_cmdrs is unknown at this time
            config.set('edsm_usernames', [config.get('edsm_cmdrname') or ''])
            config.set('edsm_apikeys',   [config.get('edsm_apikey') or ''])
    if config.getint('output') & 256:
        # Migrate <= 2.34 setting
        config.set('edsm_out', 1)

    this.thread = Thread(target = worker, name = 'EDSM worker')
    this.thread.daemon = True

    return 'EDSM'

def plugin_app(parent):
    this.system = parent.children['system']	# system label in main window
    this.system.bind_all('<<EDSMStatus>>', update_status)

def plugin_stop():
    # Signal thread to close and wait for it
    this.thread = None

def plugin_prefs(parent, cmdr, is_beta):

    PADX = 10
    BUTTONX = 12	# indent Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons
    PADY = 2		# close spacing

    frame = nb.Frame(parent)
    frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)

    HyperlinkLabel(frame, text='Elite Dangerous Star Map', background=nb.Label().cget('background'), url='https://www.edsm.net/', underline=True).grid(columnspan=2, padx=PADX, sticky=tk.W)	# Don't translate
    this.log = tk.IntVar(value = config.getint('edsm_out') and 1)
    this.log_button = nb.Checkbutton(frame, text=_('Send flight log and Cmdr status to EDSM'), variable=this.log, command=prefsvarchanged)
    this.log_button.grid(columnspan=2, padx=BUTTONX, pady=(5,0), sticky=tk.W)

    nb.Label(frame).grid(sticky=tk.W)	# big spacer
    this.label = HyperlinkLabel(frame, text=_('Elite Dangerous Star Map credentials'), background=nb.Label().cget('background'), url='https://www.edsm.net/settings/api', underline=True)	# Section heading in settings
    this.label.grid(columnspan=2, padx=PADX, sticky=tk.W)

    this.cmdr_label = nb.Label(frame, text=_('Cmdr'))	# Main window
    this.cmdr_label.grid(row=10, padx=PADX, sticky=tk.W)
    this.cmdr_text = nb.Label(frame)
    this.cmdr_text.grid(row=10, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.W)

    this.user_label = nb.Label(frame, text=_('Commander Name'))	# EDSM setting
    this.user_label.grid(row=11, padx=PADX, sticky=tk.W)
    this.user = nb.Entry(frame)
    this.user.grid(row=11, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.EW)

    this.apikey_label = nb.Label(frame, text=_('API Key'))	# EDSM setting
    this.apikey_label.grid(row=12, padx=PADX, sticky=tk.W)
    this.apikey = nb.Entry(frame)
    this.apikey.grid(row=12, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.EW)

    prefs_cmdr_changed(cmdr, is_beta)

    return frame

def prefs_cmdr_changed(cmdr, is_beta):
    this.log_button['state'] = cmdr and not is_beta and tk.NORMAL or tk.DISABLED
    this.user['state'] = tk.NORMAL
    this.user.delete(0, tk.END)
    this.apikey['state'] = tk.NORMAL
    this.apikey.delete(0, tk.END)
    if cmdr:
        this.cmdr_text['text'] = cmdr + (is_beta and ' [Beta]' or '')
        cred = credentials(cmdr)
        if cred:
            this.user.insert(0, cred[0])
            this.apikey.insert(0, cred[1])
        this.cmdr_text['text'] = _('None') 	# No hotkey/shortcut currently defined
    this.label['state'] = this.cmdr_label['state'] = this.cmdr_text['state'] = this.user_label['state'] = this.user['state'] = this.apikey_label['state'] = this.apikey['state'] = cmdr and not is_beta and this.log.get() and tk.NORMAL or tk.DISABLED

def prefsvarchanged():
    this.label['state'] = this.cmdr_label['state'] = this.cmdr_text['state'] = this.user_label['state'] = this.user['state'] = this.apikey_label['state'] = this.apikey['state'] = this.log.get() and this.log_button['state'] or tk.DISABLED

def prefs_changed(cmdr, is_beta):
    config.set('edsm_out', this.log.get())

    if cmdr and not is_beta:
        cmdrs = config.get('edsm_cmdrs')
        usernames = config.get('edsm_usernames') or []
        apikeys = config.get('edsm_apikeys') or []
        if cmdr in cmdrs:
            idx = cmdrs.index(cmdr)
            usernames.extend([''] * (1 + idx - len(usernames)))
            usernames[idx] = this.user.get().strip()
            apikeys.extend([''] * (1 + idx - len(apikeys)))
            apikeys[idx] = this.apikey.get().strip()
            config.set('edsm_cmdrs', cmdrs + [cmdr])
        config.set('edsm_usernames', usernames)
        config.set('edsm_apikeys', apikeys)

def credentials(cmdr):
    # Credentials for cmdr
    if not cmdr:
        return None

    cmdrs = config.get('edsm_cmdrs')
    if not cmdrs:
        # Migrate from <= 2.25
        cmdrs = [cmdr]
        config.set('edsm_cmdrs', cmdrs)

    if cmdr in cmdrs and config.get('edsm_usernames') and config.get('edsm_apikeys'):
        idx = cmdrs.index(cmdr)
        return (config.get('edsm_usernames')[idx], config.get('edsm_apikeys')[idx])
        return None

def journal_entry(cmdr, is_beta, system, station, entry, state):

    # Update display
    if this.system['text'] != system:
        this.system['text'] = system or ''
        this.system['image'] = ''

    this.multicrew = bool(state['Role'])
    if 'StarPos' in entry:
        this.coordinates = entry['StarPos']
    elif entry['event'] == 'LoadGame':
        this.coordinates = None

    if entry['event'] in ['LoadGame', 'Commander', 'NewCommander']:
        this.newgame = True
        this.newgame_docked = False
        this.navbeaconscan = 0
    elif entry['event'] == 'StartUp':
        this.newgame = False
        this.newgame_docked = False
        this.navbeaconscan = 0
    elif entry['event'] == 'Location':
        this.newgame = True
        this.newgame_docked = entry.get('Docked', False)
        this.navbeaconscan = 0
    elif entry['event'] == 'NavBeaconScan':
        this.navbeaconscan = entry['NumBodies']

    # Send interesting events to EDSM
    if config.getint('edsm_out') and not is_beta and not this.multicrew and credentials(cmdr) and entry['event'] not in this.discardedEvents:
        # Introduce transient states into the event
        transient = {
            '_systemName': system,
            '_systemCoordinates': this.coordinates,
            '_stationName': station,
            '_shipId': state['ShipID'],

        if entry['event'] == 'LoadGame':
            # Synthesise Materials events on LoadGame since we will have missed it
            materials = {
                'timestamp': entry['timestamp'],
                'event': 'Materials',
                'Raw':          [ { 'Name': k, 'Count': v } for k,v in state['Raw'].iteritems() ],
                'Manufactured': [ { 'Name': k, 'Count': v } for k,v in state['Manufactured'].iteritems() ],
                'Encoded':      [ { 'Name': k, 'Count': v } for k,v in state['Encoded'].iteritems() ],
            this.queue.put((cmdr, materials))

        this.queue.put((cmdr, entry))

# Update system data
def cmdr_data(data, is_beta):

    system = data['lastSystem']['name']

    if not this.system['text']:
        this.system['text'] = system
        this.system['image'] = ''

# Worker thread
def worker():

    pending = []	# Unsent events
    closing = False

    while True:
        item = this.queue.get()
        if item:
            (cmdr, entry) = item
            closing = True	# Try to send any unsent events before we close

        retrying = 0
        while retrying < 3:
                if item and entry['event'] not in this.discardedEvents:

                # Get list of events to discard
                if not this.discardedEvents:
                    r = this.session.get('https://www.edsm.net/api-journal-v1/discard', timeout=_TIMEOUT)
                    this.discardedEvents = set(r.json())
                    this.discardedEvents.discard('Docked')	# should_send() assumes that we send 'Docked' events
                    assert this.discardedEvents			# wouldn't expect this to be empty
                    pending = [x for x in pending if x['event'] not in this.discardedEvents]	# Filter out unwanted events

                if should_send(pending):
                    (username, apikey) = credentials(cmdr)
                    data = {
                        'commanderName': username.encode('utf-8'),
                        'apiKey': apikey,
                        'fromSoftware': applongname,
                        'fromSoftwareVersion': appversion,
                        'message': json.dumps(pending, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'),
                    r = this.session.post('https://www.edsm.net/api-journal-v1', data=data, timeout=_TIMEOUT)
                    reply = r.json()
                    (msgnum, msg) = reply['msgnum'], reply['msg']
                    # 1xx = OK, 2xx = fatal error, 3&4xx not generated at top-level, 5xx = error but events saved for later processing
                    if msgnum // 100 == 2:
                        print('EDSM\t%s %s\t%s' % (msgnum, msg, json.dumps(pending, separators = (',', ': '))))
                        plug.show_error(_('Error: EDSM {MSG}').format(MSG=msg))
                        for e, r in zip(pending, reply['events']):
                            if not closing and e['event'] in ['StartUp', 'Location', 'FSDJump', 'CarrierJump']:
                                # Update main window's system status
                                this.lastlookup = r
                                this.system.event_generate('<<EDSMStatus>>', when="tail")	# calls update_status in main thread
                            elif r['msgnum'] // 100 != 1:
                                print('EDSM\t%s %s\t%s' % (r['msgnum'], r['msg'], json.dumps(e, separators = (',', ': '))))
                        pending = []

                if __debug__: print_exc()
                retrying += 1
            plug.show_error(_("Error: Can't connect to EDSM"))

        if closing:

# Whether any of the entries should be sent immediately
def should_send(entries):

    # batch up burst of Scan events after NavBeaconScan
    if this.navbeaconscan:
        if entries and entries[-1]['event'] == 'Scan':
            this.navbeaconscan -= 1
            if this.navbeaconscan:
                return False
            this.navbeaconscan = 0

    for entry in entries:
        if (entry['event'] == 'Cargo' and not this.newgame_docked) or entry['event'] == 'Docked':
            # Cargo is the last event on startup, unless starting when docked in which case Docked is the last event
            this.newgame = False
            this.newgame_docked = False
            return True
        elif this.newgame:
        elif entry['event'] not in ['CommunityGoal',	# Spammed periodically
                                    'ModuleBuy', 'ModuleSell', 'ModuleSwap',		# will be shortly followed by "Loadout"
                                    'ShipyardBuy', 'ShipyardNew', 'ShipyardSwap']:	#   "
            return True
    return False

# Call edsm_notify_system() in this and other interested plugins with EDSM's response to a 'StartUp', 'Location', 'FSDJump' or 'CarrierJump' event
def update_status(event=None):
    for plugin in plug.provides('edsm_notify_system'):
        plug.invoke(plugin, None, 'edsm_notify_system', this.lastlookup)

# Called with EDSM's response to a 'StartUp', 'Location', 'FSDJump' or 'CarrierJump' event. https://www.edsm.net/en/api-journal-v1
# msgnum: 1xx = OK, 2xx = fatal error, 3xx = error, 4xx = ignorable errors.
def edsm_notify_system(reply):
    if not reply:
        this.system['image'] = this._IMG_ERROR
        plug.show_error(_("Error: Can't connect to EDSM"))
    elif reply['msgnum'] // 100 not in (1,4):
        this.system['image'] = this._IMG_ERROR
        plug.show_error(_('Error: EDSM {MSG}').format(MSG=reply['msg']))
    elif reply.get('systemCreated'):
        this.system['image'] = this._IMG_NEW
        this.system['image'] = this._IMG_KNOWN