# Extract pixels and metadata using shapefiles and georeferenced imagery.
# The purpose of this module is to generate train, test and target data
# for machine learning algorithms.
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import xrange

import geoio
import geojson
import geojson_tools as gt
import numpy as np
import sys
import warnings
from scipy.misc import imresize
from itertools import cycle
import osgeo.gdal as gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import *
from functools import reduce

def get_data(shapefile, return_labels=False, return_id=False, buffer=[0, 0], mask=False,
    """Return pixel intensity array for each geometry in shapefile.
       The image reference for each geometry is found in the image_id
       property of the shapefile.
       If shapefile contains points, then buffer must have non-zero entries.
       The function also can also return a list of geometry ids; this is useful in
       case some of the shapefile entries do not produce a valid intensity
       array and/or class name.

           shapefile (str): Name of shapefile in mltools geojson format.
           return_labels (bool): If True, then a label vector is returned.
           return_id (bool): if True, then the geometry id is returned.
           buffer (list): 2-dim buffer in PIXELS. The size of the box in each
                          dimension is TWICE the buffer size.
           mask (bool): Return a masked array.
           num_chips (int): Maximum number of arrays to return.

           chips (list): List of pixel intensity numpy arrays.
           ids (list): List of corresponding geometry ids.
           labels (list): List of class names, if return_labels=True

    data, ct = [], 0

    # go through point_file and unique image_id's
    image_ids = gt.find_unique_values(shapefile, property_name='image_id')

    # go through the shapefile for each image --- this is how geoio works
    for image_id in image_ids:

        # add tif extension
        img = geoio.GeoImage(image_id + '.tif')

        for chip, properties in img.iter_vector(vector=shapefile,
                                                    {'image_id': image_id}],

            if chip is None or reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, chip.shape) == 0:

            # every geometry must have id
            if return_id:
                this_data = [chip, properties['feature_id']]
                this_data = [chip]

            if return_labels:
                    label = properties['class_name']
                    if label is None:
                except (TypeError, KeyError):


            # return if max num chips is reached
            if num_chips:
                ct += 1
                if ct == num_chips:
                    return zip(*data)

    return zip(*data)

def random_window(image, chip_size, no_chips=10000):
    """Implement a random chipper on a georeferenced image.

           image (str): Image filename.
           chip_size (list): Array of chip dimensions.
           no_chips (int): Number of chips.

           List of chip rasters.
    img = geoio.GeoImage(image)

    chips = []
    for i, chip in enumerate(img.iter_window_random(
            win_size=chip_size, no_chips=no_chips)):
        if i == no_chips - 1:

    return chips

def apply_mask(input_file, mask_file, output_file):
    """Apply binary mask on image. Input image and mask must have the same
       (x,y) dimension and the same projection.

           input_file (str): Input file name.
           mask_file (str): Mask file name.
           output_file (str): Masked image file name.

    source_ds = gdal.Open(input_file, GA_ReadOnly)
    nbands = source_ds.RasterCount
    mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask_file, GA_ReadOnly)

    xsize, ysize = source_ds.RasterXSize, source_ds.RasterYSize
    xmasksize, ymasksize = mask_ds.RasterXSize, mask_ds.RasterYSize

    print('Generating mask')

    # Create target DS
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
    dst_ds = driver.Create(output_file, xsize, ysize, nbands, GDT_Byte)

    # Apply mask --- this is line by line at the moment, not so efficient
    for i in range(ysize):
        # read line from input image
        line = source_ds.ReadAsArray(xoff=0, yoff=i, xsize=xsize, ysize=1)
        # read line from mask
        mask_line = mask_ds.ReadAsArray(xoff=0, yoff=i, xsize=xsize, ysize=1)
        # apply mask
        masked_line = line * (mask_line > 0)
        # write
        for n in range(1, nbands + 1):
            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(n).WriteArray(masked_line[n - 1].astype(np.uint8),
                                               xoff=0, yoff=i)
    # close datasets
    source_ds, dst_ds = None, None

def get_data_from_polygon_list(features, min_side_dim=0, max_side_dim=125, num_chips=None,
                               classes=['No swimming pool', 'Swimming pool'],
                               normalize=True, return_id=False, return_labels=True,
                               bit_depth=8, mask=True, show_percentage=True,
                               assert_all_valid=False, resize_dim=None, **kwargs):
    Extract pixel intensity arrays ('chips') from image strips given a list of polygon
        features from a geojson file. All chips will be of uniform size. Will only return
        chips whose side dimension is between min_side_dim and max_side_dim. Each image
        strip referenced in the image_id property must be in the working directory and
        named as follows: <image_id>.tif.

    INPUTS  features (list): list of polygon features from an open geojson file.
                IMPORTANT: Geometries must be in the same projection as the imagery! No
                projection checking is done!
            min_side_dim (int): minimum size acceptable (in pixels) for a polygon.
                defaults to 10.
            max_side_dim (int): maximum size acceptable (in pixels) for a polygon. Note
                that this will be the size of the height and width of all output chips.
                defaults to 125.
            num_chips (int): Maximum number of chips to return. If None, all valid chips
                from features will be returned. Defaults to None.
            classes (list['string']): name of classes for chips. Defualts to swimming
                pool classes (['Swimming_pool', 'No_swimming_pool'])
            normalize (bool): divide all chips by max pixel intensity (normalize net
                input). Defualts to True.
            return_id (bool): return the feature id with each chip. Defaults to False.
            return_labels (bool): Include labels in output. Labels will be numerical
                and correspond to the class index within the classes argument. Defualts
                to True.
            bit_depth (int): Bit depth of the imagery, necessary for proper normalization.
            defualts to 8 (standard for dra'd imagery).
            show_percentage (bool): Print percent of chips collected to stdout. Defaults
                to True
            assert_all_valid (bool): Throw an error if any of the included polygons do not
                match the size criteria (defined by min and max_side_dim), or are returned
                as None from geoio. Defaults to False.
            resize_dim (tup): Dimensions to reshape chips into after padding. Use for
                downsampling large chips. Dimensions: (n_chan, rows, cols). Defaults to
                None (does not resize).

            bands (list of ints): The band numbers (base 1) to be retrieved from the
                imagery. Defualts to None (all bands retrieved)
            buffer (int or list of two ints): Number of pixels to add as a buffer around
                the requested pixels. If an int, the same number of pixels will be added
                to both dimensions. If a list of two ints, they will be interpreted as
                xpad and ypad.

    OUTPUT  chips (array): Uniformly sized chips with the following dimensions:
                (num_chips, num_channels, max_side_dim, max_side_dim)
            ids (list): Feature ids corresponding to chips.
            labels (array): One-hot encoded labels for chips with the follwoing
                dimensions: (num_chips, num_classes)

    ct, inputs, labels, ids, nb_classes = 0, [], [], [], len(classes)
    total = len(features) if not num_chips else num_chips
    cls_dict, imgs = {classes[i]: i for i in xrange(len(classes))}, {}

    def write_status(ct, chip_err=False):
        '''helper function to write percent complete to stdout + raise AssertionError'''
        if show_percentage:
            sys.stdout.write('\r%{0:.2f}'.format(100 * (ct + 1) / float(total)) + ' ' * 20)

        if chip_err and assert_all_valid:
            raise AssertionError('One or more invalid polygons. Please make sure all ' \
                                 'polygons are valid or set assert_all_valid to False.')
        return ct + 1

    # cycle through polygons and get pixel data
    for poly in features:
        id = poly['properties']['image_id']
        coords = poly['geometry']['coordinates'][0]

        # open all images in geoio
        if id not in imgs.keys():
                imgs[id] = geoio.GeoImage(id + '.tif')
            except (ValueError):
                raise Exception('{}.tif not found in current directory. Please make ' \
                                'sure all images refereced in features are present and ' \
                                'named properly'.format(str(id)))

        # call get_data on polygon geom
        chip = imgs[id].get_data_from_coords(coords, mask=mask, **kwargs)
        if chip is None:
            ct = write_status(100 * ct / float(total), ct, chip_err=True)

        # check for adequate chip size
        chan, h, w = np.shape(chip)
        pad_h, pad_w = max_side_dim - h, max_side_dim - w

        if min(h, w) < min_side_dim or max(h, w) > max_side_dim:
            ct = write_status(ct, chip_err=True)

        # zero-pad polygons to (n_bands, max_side_dim, max_side_dim)
        chip = chip.filled(0).astype(float) if mask else chip
        chip_patch = np.pad(chip, [(0, 0), (pad_h/2, (pad_h - pad_h/2)), (pad_w/2,
                            (pad_w - pad_w/2))], 'constant', constant_values=0)

        # resize chip
        if resize_dim:
            new_chip = []
            for band_ix in xrange(len(chip_patch)):
            chip_patch = np.array(new_chip)

        # norm pixel intenisty from 0 to 1
        if normalize:
            div = (2 ** bit_depth) - 1
            chip_patch /= float(div)

        # get labels
        if return_labels:
                label = poly['properties']['class_name']
                if label is None:
                    ct = write_status(ct, chip_err=True)

            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                ct = write_status(ct, chip_err=True)

        # get feature ids
        if return_id:
            id = poly['properties']['feature_id']

        # append chip to inputs
        ct = write_status(ct)

        if num_chips:
            if len(inputs) == num_chips:

    # combine data
    inputs = [np.array([i for i in inputs])]

    if return_id:

    if return_labels:
        # format labels
        Y = np.zeros((len(labels), nb_classes))
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            Y[i, labels[i]] = 1

    return inputs

def get_uniform_chips(input_file, num_chips=None, **kwargs):
    Get uniformly-sized pixel intensity arrays from image strips using a geojson file.
        Output will be in the same format as get_data_from_polygon_list.

    INPUT   input_file (str): File name. This file should be filtered for polygon size
            num_chips (int): Maximum number of chips to return. If None will return all
                chips in input_file. Defaults to None

            See get_data_from_polygon_list docstring for other input params

    OUTPUT  chips (array): Uniformly sized chips with the following dimensions:
                (num_chips, num_channels, max_side_dim, max_side_dim)
            ids (list): Feature ids corresponding to chips.
            labels (array): One-hot encoded labels for chips with the follwoing
                dimensions: (num_chips, num_classes)

    # Load features from input_file
    with open(input_file) as f:
        feature_collection = geojson.load(f)['features']

    if num_chips:
        feature_collection = feature_collection[: num_chips]

    return get_data_from_polygon_list(feature_collection, num_chips=num_chips, **kwargs)

def uniform_chip_generator(input_file, batch_size=32, **kwargs):
    Generate batches of uniformly-sized pixel intensity arrays from image strips using a
        geojson file. Output will be in the same format as get_data_from_polygon_list.

    INPUT   input_file (str): File name
            batch_size (int): Number of chips to yield per iteration

            See get_data_from_polygon_list docstring for other input params. Do not use
                the num_chips arg.

    OUTPUT  chips (array): Uniformly sized chips with the following dimensions:
                (num_chips, num_channels, max_side_dim, max_side_dim)
            ids (list): Feature ids corresponding to chips.
            labels (array): One-hot encoded labels for chips with the follwoing
                dimensions: (num_chips, num_classes)

    # Load features from input_file
    with open(input_file) as f:
        feature_collection = geojson.load(f)['features']

    # Produce batches using get_data_from_polygon_list
    for batch_ix in range(0, len(feature_collection), batch_size):
        this_batch = feature_collection[batch_ix: batch_ix + batch_size]

        yield get_data_from_polygon_list(this_batch, **kwargs)