




import os
import sys
import cv2
import fnmatch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import PIL.Image
import time
import warnings
import functools as fct
from scipy import ndimage
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
from holoviews import streams
from holoviews.streams import Stream, param
from io import BytesIO
from IPython.display import clear_output, Image, display


def LoadAndCrop(video_dict,stretch={'width':1,'height':1},cropmethod=None,fstfile=False):
    Loads video and creates interactive cropping tool from first frame. In the 
    case of batch processing, the first frame of the first video is used. Additionally, 
    when batch processing, the same cropping parameters will be appplied to every video.  
    Care should therefore be taken that the region of interest is in the same position across 
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch frame width [float]
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch frame height [float]
        cropmethod:: [str]
            Method of cropping video.  cropmethod takes the following values:
                None : No cropping 
                'Box' : Create box selection tool for cropping video
        fstfile:: [bool]
            Dictates whether to use first file in video_dict['FileNames'] to generate
            reference.  True/False
        image:: [holoviews.Image]
            Holoviews hv.Image displaying first frame
        stream:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video file/files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing whole 
                        video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be 
                              batch processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        - in the case of batch processing, video_dict['file'] is set to first 
          video in file 
        - prior cropping method HLine has been removed
    #if batch processing, set file to first file to be processed
    video_dict['file'] = video_dict['FileNames'][0] if fstfile else video_dict['file']      
    #Upoad file and check that it exists
    video_dict['fpath'] = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), video_dict['file'])
    if os.path.isfile(video_dict['fpath']):
        print('file: {file}'.format(file=video_dict['fpath']))
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])
        raise FileNotFoundError('{file} not found. Check that directory and file names are correct'.format(

    #Get maxiumum frame of file. Note that max frame is updated later if fewer frames detected
    cap_max = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) 
    print('total frames: {frames}'.format(frames=cap_max))

    #Set first frame
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, video_dict['start']) 
    ret, frame = cap.read() 
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    video_dict['f0'] = frame
    print('dimensions: {x}'.format(x=frame.shape))

    #Make first image reference frame on which cropping can be performed
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(frame.shape[1]), np.arange(frame.shape[0]), frame))
              title="First Frame.  Crop if Desired")
    #Create polygon element on which to draw and connect via stream to poly drawing tool
    if cropmethod==None:
        image.opts(title="First Frame")
        return image,None,video_dict
    if cropmethod=='Box':         
        box = hv.Polygons([])
        box_stream = streams.BoxEdit(source=box,num_objects=1)     
        return (image*box),box_stream,video_dict


def cropframe(frame,crop=None):
    Crops passed frame with `crop` specification
        frame:: [numpy.ndarray]
            2d numpy array 
        crop:: [hv.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices. Set to None if no cropping supplied.
        frame:: [numpy.ndarray]
            2d numpy array

        fxmin,fxmax=int(min(Xs)), int(max(Xs))
        fymin,fymax=int(min(Ys)), int(max(Ys))
        return frame[fymin:fymax,fxmin:fxmax]
        return frame


def Reference(video_dict,stretch=dict(width=1,height=1),crop=None,num_frames=100,
    Generates reference frame by taking median of random subset of frames.  This has the 
    effect of removing animal from frame provided animal is not inactive for >=50% of
    the video segment.  
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'altfile' : (only specify if used)
                            filename of alternative video to be used to generate
                            reference [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch frame width [float]
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch frame height [float]
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        num_frames:: [uint]
            Number of frames to base reference frame on.
        altfile:: [bool]
            Specify whether alternative file than video to be processed will be
            used to generate reference frame. If `altfile=True`, it is expected
            that `video_dict` contains `altfile` key.
        fstfile:: [bool]
            Dictates whether to use first file in video_dict['FileNames'] to generate
            reference.  True/False
        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image. Median of random subset of frames.
        image:: [holoviews.image]
            Holoviews Image of reference image.
        - If `altfile` is specified, it will be used to generate reference.
    #set file to use for reference
    video_dict['file'] = video_dict['FileNames'][0] if fstfile else video_dict['file']      
    vname = video_dict.get("altfile","") if altfile else video_dict['file']    
    fpath = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), vname)
    if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fpath)
        raise FileNotFoundError('File not found. Check that directory and file names are correct.')
    #Get video dimensions with any cropping applied
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    frame = cropframe(frame, crop)
    h,w = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]
    cap_max = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) 
    cap_max = int(video_dict['end']) if video_dict['end'] is not None else cap_max
    #Collect subset of frames
    collection = np.zeros((num_frames,h,w))  
    for x in range (num_frames):          
        grabbed = False
        while grabbed == False: 
            cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, y)
            ret, frame = cap.read()
            if ret == True:
                gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                gray = cropframe(gray, crop)
                grabbed = True
            elif ret == False:

    reference = np.median(collection,axis=0)
    if 'mask' in video_dict.keys():
        if video_dict['mask']['mask'] is not None:
                reference[video_dict['mask']['mask']] = 0
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(reference.shape[1]),
                                       title="Reference Frame") 
    return reference, image    


def Locate(cap,reference,tracking_params,video_dict,crop=None,prior=None):
    Return location of animal in frame, in x/y coordinates. 
        cap:: [cv2.VideoCapture]
            OpenCV VideoCapture class instance for video.
        reference:: [numpy array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        tracking_params:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'loc_thresh' : Percentile of difference values below which are set to 0. 
                               After calculating pixel-wise difference between passed 
                               frame and reference frame, these values are tthresholded 
                               to make subsequent defining of center of mass more 
                               reliable. [float between 0-100]
                'use_window' : Will window surrounding prior location be 
                               imposed?  Allows changes in area surrounding animal's 
                               location on previous frame to be more heavily influential
                               in determining animal's current location.
                               After finding pixel-wise difference between passed frame 
                               and reference frame, difference values outside square window 
                               of prior location will be multiplied by (1 - window_weight), 
                               reducing their overall influence. [bool]
                'window_size' : If `use_window=True`, the length of one side of square 
                                window, in pixels. [uint] 
                'window_weight' : 0-1 scale for window, if used, where 1 is maximal 
                                  weight of window surrounding prior locaiton. 
                                  [float between 0-1]
                'method' : 'abs', 'light', or 'dark'.  If 'abs', absolute difference
                           between reference and current frame is taken, and thus the 
                           background of the frame doesn't matter. 'light' specifies that
                           the animal is lighter than the background. 'dark' specifies that 
                           the animal is darker than the background. 
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        prior:: [list]
            If window is being used, list of length 2 is passed, where first index is 
            prior y position, and second index is prior x position.
        ret:: [bool]
            Specifies whether frame is returned in response to cv2.VideoCapture.read.
        dif:: [numpy.array]
            Pixel-wise difference from prior frame, after thresholding and
            applying window weight.
        com:: [tuple]
            Indices of center of mass as tuple in the form: (y,x).
        frame:: [numpy.array]
            Original video frame after cropping.
    #attempt to load frame
    ret, frame = cap.read() 
    #set window dimensions
    if prior != None and tracking_params['use_window']==True:
        window_size = tracking_params['window_size']//2
        ymin,ymax = prior[0]-window_size, prior[0]+window_size
        xmin,xmax = prior[1]-window_size, prior[1]+window_size

    if ret == True:
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame = cropframe(frame,crop)
        if 'mask' in video_dict.keys():
            if video_dict['mask']['mask'] is not None:
                    reference[video_dict['mask']['mask']] = 0
        #find difference from reference
        if tracking_params['method'] == 'abs':
            dif = np.absolute(frame-reference)
        elif tracking_params['method'] == 'light':
            dif = frame-reference
        elif tracking_params['method'] == 'dark':
            dif = reference-frame
        dif = dif.astype('int16')
        #apply window
        weight = 1 - tracking_params['window_weight']
        if prior != None and tracking_params['use_window']==True:
            dif = dif + (dif.min() * -1) #scale so lowest value is 0
            dif_weights = np.ones(dif.shape)*weight
            dif_weights[slice(ymin if ymin>0 else 0, ymax),
                        slice(xmin if xmin>0 else 0, xmax)]=1
            dif = dif*dif_weights
        #threshold differences and find center of mass for remaining values
        return ret, dif, com, frame
        return ret, None, None, frame


def TrackLocation(video_dict,tracking_params,reference,crop=None):
    For each frame in video define location of animal, in x/y coordinates, and distance
    travelled from previous frame.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        tracking_params:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'loc_thresh' : Percentile of difference values below which are set to 0. 
                               After calculating pixel-wise difference between passed 
                               frame and reference frame, these values are tthresholded 
                               to make subsequent defining of center of mass more 
                               reliable. [float between 0-100]
                'use_window' : Will window surrounding prior location be 
                               imposed?  Allows changes in area surrounding animal's 
                               location on previous frame to be more heavily influential
                               in determining animal's current location.
                               After finding pixel-wise difference between passed frame 
                               and reference frame, difference values outside square window 
                               of prior location will be multiplied by (1 - window_weight), 
                               reducing their overall influence. [bool]
                'window_size' : If `use_window=True`, the length of one side of square 
                                window, in pixels. [uint] 
                'window_weight' : 0-1 scale for window, if used, where 1 is maximal 
                                  weight of window surrounding prior locaiton. 
                                  [float between 0-1]
        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        df:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values.
    #load video
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])#set file
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,video_dict['start']) #set starting frame
    cap_max = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) 
    cap_max = int(video_dict['end']) if video_dict['end'] is not None else cap_max  
    #Initialize vector to store motion values in
    X = np.zeros(cap_max - video_dict['start'])
    Y = np.zeros(cap_max - video_dict['start'])
    D = np.zeros(cap_max - video_dict['start'])

    #Loop through frames to detect frame by frame differences
    for f in range(len(D)):
        if f>0: 
            yprior = np.around(Y[f-1]).astype(int)
            xprior = np.around(X[f-1]).astype(int)
            ret,dif,com,frame = Locate(cap,reference,tracking_params,
            ret,dif,com,frame = Locate(cap,reference,tracking_params,
        if ret == True:          
            Y[f] = com[0]
            X[f] = com[1]
            if f>0:
                D[f] = np.sqrt((Y[f]-Y[f-1])**2 + (X[f]-X[f-1])**2)
            #if no frame is detected
            f = f-1
            X = X[:f] #Amend length of X vector
            Y = Y[:f] #Amend length of Y vector
            D = D[:f] #Amend length of D vector
    #release video
    print('total frames processed: {f}'.format(f=len(D)))
    #create pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(
    {'File' : video_dict['file'],
     'Location_Thresh': np.ones(len(D))*tracking_params['loc_thresh'],
     'Use_Window': str(tracking_params['use_window']),
     'Window_Weight': np.ones(len(D))*tracking_params['window_weight'],
     'Window_Size': np.ones(len(D))*tracking_params['window_size'],
     'Start_Frame': np.ones(len(D))*video_dict['start'],
     'Frame': np.arange(len(D)),
     'X': X,
     'Y': Y,
     'Distance_px': D
    return df


def LocationThresh_View(video_dict,reference,tracking_params,examples=4,crop=None,stretch={'width':1,'height':1}):
    Display example tracking with selected parameters for a random subset of frames. 
    NOTE that because individual frames are analyzed independently, weighting 
    based upon prior location is not implemented.
        examples:: [uint]
            The number of frames for location tracking to be tested on.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        tracking_params:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'loc_thresh' : Percentile of difference values below which are set to 0. 
                               After calculating pixel-wise difference between passed 
                               frame and reference frame, these values are tthresholded 
                               to make subsequent defining of center of mass more 
                               reliable. [float between 0-100]
                'use_window' : Will window surrounding prior location be 
                               imposed?  Allows changes in area surrounding animal's 
                               location on previous frame to be more heavily influential
                               in determining animal's current location.
                               After finding pixel-wise difference between passed frame 
                               and reference frame, difference values outside square window 
                               of prior location will be multiplied by (1 - window_weight), 
                               reducing their overall influence. [bool]
                'window_size' : If `use_window=True`, the length of one side of square 
                                window, in pixels. [uint] 
                'window_weight' : 0-1 scale for window, if used, where 1 is maximal 
                                  weight of window surrounding prior locaiton. 
                                  [float between 0-1]
                'method' : 'abs', 'light', or 'dark'.  If 'abs', absolute difference
                           between reference and current frame is taken, and thus the 
                           background of the frame doesn't matter. 'light' specifies that
                           the animal is lighter than the background. 'dark' specifies that 
                           the animal is darker than the background. 
        examples:: [uint]
            The number of frames for location tracking to be tested on.
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
        df:: [holoviews.Layout]
            Returns Holoviews Layout with original images on left and heat plots with 
            animal's estimated position marked on right.
        - if `stretch` values are modified, this will only influence display and not
    #load video
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])
    cap_max = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) 
    cap_max = int(video_dict['end']) if video_dict['end'] is not None else cap_max
    #examine random frames
    images = []
    for example in range (examples):
        #analyze frame
        frm=np.random.randint(video_dict['start'],cap_max) #select random frame
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,frm) #sets frame to be next to be grabbed
        ret,dif,com,frame = Locate(cap,reference,tracking_params,
                                   video_dict,crop=crop) #get frame difference from reference 

        #plot original frame
        image_orig = hv.Image((np.arange(frame.shape[1]), np.arange(frame.shape[0]), frame))
                   title="Frame: " + str(frm))
        orig_overlay = image_orig * hv.Points(([com[1]],[com[0]])).opts(
        #plot heatmap
        dif = dif*(255//dif.max())
        image_heat = hv.Image((np.arange(dif.shape[1]), np.arange(dif.shape[0]), dif))
                   title="Frame: " + str(frm))
        heat_overlay = image_heat * hv.Points(([com[1]],[com[0]])).opts(
    layout = hv.Layout(images)
    return layout

def ROI_plot(reference,region_names,stretch={'width':1,'height':1}):
    Creates interactive tool for defining regions of interest, based upon array
    `region_names`. If `region_names=None`, reference frame is returned but no regions
    can be drawn.

        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        region_names:: [list]
            List containing names of regions to be drawn.  Should be set to None if no
            regions are used.
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes 
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
        image * poly * dmap:: [holoviews.Overlay]
            Reference frame that can be drawn upon to define regions of interest.
        poly_stream:: [hv.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            selection tool. `poly_stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of roi 
        - if `stretch` values are modified, this will only influence dispplay and not
    #get number of objects to be drawn
    nobjects = len(region_names) if region_names else 0 

    #Make reference image the base image on which to draw
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(reference.shape[1]), np.arange(reference.shape[0]), reference))
              title="No Regions to Draw" if nobjects == 0 else "Draw Regions: "+', '.join(region_names))

    #Create polygon element on which to draw and connect via stream to PolyDraw drawing tool
    poly = hv.Polygons([])
    poly_stream = streams.PolyDraw(source=poly, drag=True, num_objects=nobjects, show_vertices=True)
    poly.opts(fill_alpha=0.3, active_tools=['poly_draw'])

    def centers(data):
            x_ls, y_ls = data['xs'], data['ys']
        except TypeError:
            x_ls, y_ls = [], []
        xs = [np.mean(x) for x in x_ls]
        ys = [np.mean(y) for y in y_ls]
        rois = region_names[:len(xs)]
        return hv.Labels((xs, ys, rois))
    if nobjects > 0:
        dmap = hv.DynamicMap(centers, streams=[poly_stream])
        return (image * poly * dmap), poly_stream
        return (image),None


def ROI_Location(reference,location,region_names,poly_stream):
    For each frame, determine which regions of interest the animal is in.  For each
    region of interest, boolean array is added to `location` dataframe passed, with 
    column name being the region name.
        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
            Must contain column names 'X' and 'Y'.
        region_names:: [list]
            List containing names of regions to be drawn.  Should be set to None if no
            regions are used.
        poly_stream:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            selection tool. `poly_stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of roi 
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            For each region of interest, boolean array is added to `location` dataframe 
            passed, with column name being the region name. Additionally, under column
            `ROI_coordinates`, coordinates of vertices of each region of interest are
            printed. This takes the form of a dictionary of x and y coordinates, e.g.:
                'xs' : [[region 1 x coords], [region 2 x coords]],
                'ys' : [[region 1 y coords], [region 2 y coords]]

    #Create ROI Masks
    ROI_masks = {}
    for poly in range(len(poly_stream.data['xs'])):
        x = np.array(poly_stream.data['xs'][poly]) #x coordinates
        y = np.array(poly_stream.data['ys'][poly]) #y coordinates
        xy = np.column_stack((x,y)).astype('uint64') #xy coordinate pairs
        mask = np.zeros(reference.shape) # create empty mask
        cv2.fillPoly(mask, pts =[xy], color=255) #fill polygon  
        ROI_masks[region_names[poly]] = mask==255 #save to ROI masks as boolean 

    #Create arrays to store whether animal is within given ROI
    ROI_location = {}
    for mask in ROI_masks:

    #For each frame assess truth of animal being in each ROI
    for f in location['Frame']:
        y,x = location['Y'][f], location['X'][f]
        for mask in ROI_masks:
            ROI_location[mask][f] = ROI_masks[mask][int(y),int(x)]
    #Add data to location data frame
    for x in ROI_location:
    #Add ROI coordinates
    return location

def Summarize_Location(location, video_dict, bin_dict=None, region_names=None):
    Generates summary of distance travelled and proportional time spent in each region
    of interest according to user defined time bins.  If bins are not provided 
    (`bin_dict=None`), average of entire video segment will be provided.
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
            Additionally, for each region of interest, boolean array indicating whether 
            animal is in the given region for each frame.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        bin_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary specifying bins.  Dictionary keys should be names of the bins.  
            Dictionary value for each bin should be a tuple, with the start and end of 
            the bin, in seconds, relative to the start of the analysis period 
            (i.e. if start frame is 100, it will be relative to that). If no bins are to 
            be specified, set bin_dict = None.
            example: bin_dict = {1:(0,100), 2:(100,200)}                             
        region_names:: [list]
            List containing names of regions to be drawn.  Should be set to None if no
            regions are used.
        bins:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with distance travelled and proportional time spent in each 
            region of interest according to user defined time bins, as well as video 
            information and parameter values. If no region names are supplied 
            (`region_names=None`), only distance travelled will be included.
    #define bins
    avg_dict = {'all': (location['Frame'].min(), location['Frame'].max())}   
    bin_dict = bin_dict if bin_dict is not None else avg_dict
    #bin_dict = {k: tuple((np.array(v) * video_dict['fps']).tolist()) for k, v in bin_dict.items()}
    #get summary info
    bins = (pd.Series(bin_dict).rename('range(f)')
    bins['Distance_px'] = bins['range(f)'].apply(
        lambda r: location[location['Frame'].between(*r)]['Distance_px'].sum())
    if region_names is not None:
        bins_reg = bins['range(f)'].apply(
            lambda r: location[location['Frame'].between(*r)][region_names].mean())
        bins = bins.join(bins_reg)
        drp_cols = ['Distance_px', 'Frame', 'X', 'Y'] + region_names
        drp_cols = ['Distance_px', 'Frame', 'X', 'Y']
    bins = pd.merge(
        location.drop(drp_cols, axis='columns'),
    return bins


def Batch_LoadFiles(video_dict):
    Populates list of files in directory (`dpath`) that are of the specified file type
    (`ftype`).  List is held in `video_dict['FileNames']`.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)

        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video file/files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing whole 
                        video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be 
                              batch processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)

    #Get list of video files of designated type
    if os.path.isdir(video_dict['dpath']):
        video_dict['FileNames'] = sorted(os.listdir(video_dict['dpath']))
        video_dict['FileNames'] = fnmatch.filter(video_dict['FileNames'], ('*.' + video_dict['ftype'])) 
        return video_dict
        raise FileNotFoundError('{path} not found. Check that directory is correct'.format(


def Batch_Process(video_dict,tracking_params,bin_dict,region_names=None, 
                  stretch={'width':1,'height':1}, scale_dict=None, dist=None, 
    Run LocationTracking on folder of videos of specified filetype. 
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
        tracking_params:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'loc_thresh' : Percentile of difference values below which are set to 0. 
                               After calculating pixel-wise difference between passed 
                               frame and reference frame, these values are tthresholded 
                               to make subsequent defining of center of mass more 
                               reliable. [float between 0-100]
                'use_window' : Will window surrounding prior location be 
                               imposed?  Allows changes in area surrounding animal's 
                               location on previous frame to be more heavily influential
                               in determining animal's current location.
                               After finding pixel-wise difference between passed frame 
                               and reference frame, difference values outside square window 
                               of prior location will be multiplied by (1 - window_weight), 
                               reducing their overall influence. [bool]
                'window_size' : If `use_window=True`, the length of one side of square 
                                window, in pixels. [uint] 
                'window_weight' : 0-1 scale for window, if used, where 1 is maximal 
                                  weight of window surrounding prior locaiton. 
                                  [float between 0-1]
                'method' : 'abs', 'light', or 'dark'.  If 'abs', absolute difference
                           between reference and current frame is taken, and thus the 
                           background of the frame doesn't matter. 'light' specifies that
                           the animal is lighter than the background. 'dark' specifies that 
                           the animal is darker than the background. 
        bin_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary specifying bins.  Dictionary keys should be names of the bins.  
            Dictionary value for each bin should be a tuple, with the start and end of 
            the bin, in seconds, relative to the start of the analysis period 
            (i.e. if start frame is 100, it will be relative to that). If no bins are to 
            be specified, set bin_dict = None.
            example: bin_dict = {1:(0,100), 2:(100,200)}  
        region_names:: [list]
            List containing names of regions to be drawn.  Should be set to None if no
            regions are used.
        scale_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'distance' : distance between reference points, in desired scale 
                             (e.g. cm) [numeric]
                'scale' : string containing name of scale (e.g. 'cm') [str]
                'factor' : ratio of desired scale to pixel (e.g. cm/pixel [numeric]
        dist:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'd' : Euclidean distance between two reference points, in pixel units, 
                      rounded to thousandth. Returns None if no less than 2 points have 
                      been selected. [numeric]
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes                            
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.
        poly_stream:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            selection tool. `poly_stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of roi 
        summary_all:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with distance travelled and proportional time spent in each 
            region of interest according to user defined time bins, as well as video 
            information and parameter values. If no region names are supplied 
            (`region_names=None`), only distance travelled will be included.
        layout:: [hv.Layout]
            Holoviews layout wherein for each session the reference frame is returned
            with the regions of interest highlightted and the animals location across
            the session overlaid atop the reference image.
    images = []
    for file in video_dict['FileNames']:
        print ('Processing File: {f}'.format(f=file))  
        video_dict['file'] = file 
        video_dict['fpath'] = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), file)
        reference,image = Reference(video_dict,crop=crop,num_frames=100) 
        location = TrackLocation(video_dict,tracking_params,reference,crop=crop)
        if region_names!=None:
            location = ROI_Location(reference,location,region_names,poly_stream)
        if scale_dict!=None:
            location = ScaleDistance(scale_dict, dist, df=location, column='Distance_px')
        location.to_csv(os.path.splitext(video_dict['fpath'])[0] + '_LocationOutput.csv')
        file_summary = Summarize_Location(location, video_dict, bin_dict=bin_dict, region_names=region_names)
            summary_all = pd.concat([summary_all,file_summary],sort=False)
        except NameError: 
            summary_all = file_summary
        if scale_dict!=None:
            summary_all = ScaleDistance(scale_dict, dist, df=summary_all, column='Distance_px')
        trace = showtrace(reference,location,poly_stream,stretch=stretch)
        heatmap = Heatmap(reference, location, sigma=None, stretch=stretch)
        images = images + [(trace.opts(title=file)), (heatmap.opts(title=file))]

    #Write summary data to csv file
    sum_pathout = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), 'BatchSummary.csv')
    layout = hv.Layout(images)
    return summary_all, layout


def PlayVideo(video_dict,display_dict,location,crop=None):  
    Play portion of video back, displaying animal's estimated location. Video is played
    in notebook

        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        display_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'start' : start point of video segment in frames [int]
                'end' : end point of video segment in frames [int]
                'resize' : Default is None, in which original size is retained.
                           Alternatively, set to tuple as follows: (width,height).
                           Because this is in pixel units, must be integer values.
                'fps' : frames per second of video file/files to be processed [int]
                'save_video' : option to save video if desired [bool]
                               Currently, will be saved at 20 fps even if video 
                               is something else
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
            Additionally, for each region of interest, boolean array indicating whether 
            animal is in the given region for each frame. 
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.       
        Nothing returned


    #Load Video and Set Saving Parameters
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])#set file\
    if display_dict['save_video']==True:
        ret, frame = cap.read() #read frame
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame = cropframe(frame, crop)
        height, width = int(frame.shape[0]), int(frame.shape[1])
        fourcc = 0#cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'jpeg') #only writes up to 20 fps, though video read can be 30.
        writer = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), 'video_output.avi'), 
                                 fourcc, 20.0, 
                                 (width, height),

    #Initialize video play options   

    #Play Video
    for f in range(display_dict['start'],display_dict['stop']):
        ret, frame = cap.read() #read frame
        if ret == True:
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            frame = cropframe(frame, crop)
            markposition = (int(location['X'][f]),int(location['Y'][f]))
            #Save video (if desired). 
            if display_dict['save_video']==True:
        if ret == False:
            print('warning. failed to get video frame')

    #Close video window and video writer if open
    print('Done playing segment')
    if display_dict['save_video']==True:

def display_image(frame,fps,resize):
    img = PIL.Image.fromarray(frame, "L")
    img = img.resize(size=resize) if resize else img
    buffer = BytesIO()



def PlayVideo_ext(video_dict,display_dict,location,crop=None):  
    Play portion of video back, displaying animal's estimated location

        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)
        display_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'start' : start point of video segment in frames [int]
                'end' : end point of video segment in frames [int]
                'fps' : frames per second of video file/files to be processed [int]
                'save_video' : option to save video if desired [bool]
                               Currently, will be saved at 20 fps even if video 
                               is something else
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
            Additionally, for each region of interest, boolean array indicating whether 
            animal is in the given region for each frame. 
        crop:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices.       
        Nothing returned


    #Load Video and Set Saving Parameters
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])#set file\
    if display_dict['save_video']==True:
        ret, frame = cap.read() #read frame
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame = cropframe(frame, crop)
        height, width = int(frame.shape[0]), int(frame.shape[1])
        fourcc = 0#cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'jpeg') #only writes up to 20 fps, though video read can be 30.
        writer = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), 'video_output.avi'), 
                                 fourcc, 20.0, 
                                 (width, height),

    #Initialize video play options   
    rate = int(1000/display_dict['fps']) 

    #Play Video
    for f in range(display_dict['start'],display_dict['stop']):
        ret, frame = cap.read() #read frame
        if ret == True:
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            frame = cropframe(frame, crop)
            markposition = (int(location['X'][f]),int(location['Y'][f]))
            #Save video (if desired). 
            if display_dict['save_video']==True:
        if ret == False:
            print('warning. failed to get video frame')

    #Close video window and video writer if open        
    if display_dict['save_video']==True:


def showtrace(reference,location, poly_stream=None, color="red",alpha=.8,size=3,stretch=dict(width=1,height=1)):
    Create image where animal location across session is displayed atop reference frame

        reference:: [numpy array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
        poly_stream:: [holoviews.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            selection tool. `poly_stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of roi 
        color:: [str]
            Color of trace.  See Holoviews documentation for color options
        alpha:: [float]
            Alpha of trace.  See Holoviews documentation for details
        size:: [float]
            Size of trace.  See Holoviews documentation for details.     
            Location of animal superimposed upon reference. If poly_stream is passed
            than regions of interest will also be outlined.

    if poly_stream != None:
        lst = []
        for poly in range(len(poly_stream.data['xs'])):
            x = np.array(poly_stream.data['xs'][poly]) #x coordinates
            y = np.array(poly_stream.data['ys'][poly]) #y coordinates
            lst.append( [ (x[vert],y[vert]) for vert in range(len(x)) ] )
        poly = hv.Polygons(lst).opts(fill_alpha=0.1,line_dash='dashed')
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(reference.shape[1]),
                           title="Motion Trace")
    points = hv.Scatter(np.array([location['X'],location['Y']]).T).opts(color='red',alpha=alpha,size=size)
    return (image*poly*points) if poly_stream!=None else (image*points)


def Heatmap (reference, location, sigma=None, stretch=dict(width=1,height=1)):
    Create heatmap of relative time in each location. Max value is set to maxiumum
    in any one location.

        reference:: [numpy array]
            Reference image that the current frame is compared to.
        location:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with frame by frame x and y locations,
            distance travelled, as well as video information and parameter values. 
        sigma:: [numeric]
            Optional number specifying sigma of guassian filter
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes      
        map_i:: [holoviews.Image]
            Heatmap image
        stretch only affects display

    heatmap = np.zeros(reference.shape)
    for frame in range(len(location)):
        Y,X = int(location.Y[frame]), int(location.X[frame])
    sigma = np.mean(heatmap.shape)*.05 if sigma == None else sigma
    heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(heatmap,(0,0),sigma)
    heatmap = (heatmap / heatmap.max())*255
    map_i = hv.Image((np.arange(heatmap.shape[1]), np.arange(heatmap.shape[0]), heatmap))
           invert_yaxis=True, cmap='jet', alpha=1,
           colorbar=False, toolbar='below', title="Heatmap")
    return map_i


def DistanceTool(reference,stretch={'width':1,'height':1}):
    Creates interactive tool for measuring length between two points, in pixel units, in 
    order to ease process of converting pixel distance measurements to some other scale.
    Use point drawing tool to calculate distance beteen any two popints.

        reference:: [numpy.array]
            Reference image or other 2d image.
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes 
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
        image * points * dmap:: [holoviews.Overlay]
            Reference frame that can be drawn upon to define 2 points, the distance 
            between which will be measured and displayed.
        distance:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'd' : Euclidean distance between two reference points, in pixel units, 
                      rounded to thousandth. Returns None if no less than 2 points have 
                      been selected.
        - if `stretch` values are modified, this will only influence dispplay and not

    #Make reference image the base image on which to draw
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(reference.shape[1]), np.arange(reference.shape[0]), reference))
              title="Calculate Distance")

    #Create Point instance on which to draw and connect via stream to pointDraw drawing tool 
    points = hv.Points([]).opts(active_tools=['point_draw'], color='red',size=10)
    pointDraw_stream = streams.PointDraw(source=points,num_objects=2) 
    def markers(data, distance):
            x_ls, y_ls = data['x'], data['y']
        except TypeError:
            x_ls, y_ls = [], []
        x_ctr, y_ctr = np.mean(x_ls), np.mean(y_ls)
        if len(x_ls) > 1:
            x_dist = (x_ls[0] - x_ls[1])
            y_dist = (y_ls[0] - y_ls[1])
            distance['d'] = np.around( (x_dist**2 + y_dist**2)**(1/2), 3)
            text = "{dist} px".format(dist=distance['d'])
        return hv.Labels((x_ctr, y_ctr, text if len(x_ls) > 1 else "")).opts(
    distance = dict(d=None)
    markers_ptl = fct.partial(markers, distance=distance)
    dmap = hv.DynamicMap(markers_ptl, streams=[pointDraw_stream])
    return (image * points * dmap), distance


def ScaleDistance(scale_dict, dist=None, df=None, column=None):
    Adds column to dataframe by multiplying existing column by scaling factor to change
    scale. Used in order to convert distance from pixel scale to desired real world 
    distance scale.

        scale_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'distance' : distance between reference points, in desired scale 
                             (e.g. cm) [numeric]
                'scale' : string containing name of scale (e.g. 'cm') [str]
                'factor' : ratio of desired scale to pixel (e.g. cm/pixel [numeric]
        dist:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'd' : Euclidean distance between two reference points, in pixel units, 
                      rounded to thousandth. Returns None if no less than 2 points have 
                      been selected. [numeric]
        df:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with column to be scaled.
        column:: [str]
            Name of column in df to be scaled
        df:: [pandas.dataframe]
            Pandas dataframe with column of scaled distance values.
        - if `stretch` values are modified, this will only influence dispplay and not

    if dist['d']!= None:
        scale_dict['factor'] = scale_dict['distance']/dist['d']
        new_column = "_".join(['Distance', scale_dict['scale']])
        df[new_column] = df[column]*scale_dict['factor']
        order = [col for col in df if col not in [column,new_column]]
        order = order + [column,new_column]
        df = df[order]
        print('Distance between reference points undefined. Cannot scale column: {c}.\
        Returning original dataframe'.format(c=column))
    return df

def Mask_select(video_dict,stretch,crop=None,fstfile=False):
    Creates interactive tool for defining regions of interest, based upon array
    `region_names`. If `region_names=None`, reference frame is returned but no regions
    can be drawn.
        video_dict:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'dpath' : directory containing files [str]
                'file' : filename with extension, e.g. 'myvideo.wmv' [str]
                'fps' : frames per second of video files to be processed [int]
                'start' : frame at which to start. 0-based [int]
                'end' : frame at which to end.  set to None if processing 
                        whole video [int]
                'ftype' : (only if batch processing) 
                          video file type extension (e.g. 'wmv') [str]
                'FileNames' : (only if batch processing)
                              List of filenames of videos in folder to be batch 
                              processed.  [list]
                'f0' : first frame of video [numpy array]
                'mask' : [dict]
                    Dictionary with the following keys:
                        'mask' : boolean numpy array identifying regions to exlude
                                 from analysis.  If no such regions, equal to
                                 None. [bool numpy array)                              
        stretch:: [dict]
            Dictionary with the following keys:
                'width' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes 
                'height' : proportion by which to stretch height for display purposes
        crop:: [hv.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            cropping tool. `crop.data` contains x and y coordinates of crop
            boundary vertices. Set to None if no cropping supplied.

        fstfile:: [bool]
            Dictates whether to use first file in video_dict['FileNames'] to generate
            reference.  True/False
        image * poly * dmap:: [holoviews.Overlay]
            First frame of video that can be drawn upon to define regions of interest.
        poly_stream:: [hv.streams.stream]
            Holoviews stream object enabling dynamic selection in response to 
            selection tool. `poly_stream.data` contains x and y coordinates of region 
        mask:: [boolean numpy array]
            Boolean numpy array equal to size of frame (after any cropping), with regions
            to be excluded from analysis set to True.
        - if `stretch` values are modified, this will only influence dispplay and not
    #Load first file if batch processing
    if fstfile:
        video_dict['file'] = video_dict['FileNames'][0] 
        video_dict['fpath'] = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), video_dict['file'])
        if os.path.isfile(video_dict['fpath']):
            print('file: {file}'.format(file=video_dict['fpath']))
            cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath'])
            raise FileNotFoundError('{file} not found. Check that directory and file names are correct'.format(
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, video_dict['start']) 
        ret, frame = cap.read() 
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        video_dict['f0'] = frame
    #Make first image the base image on which to draw
    f0 = cropframe(video_dict['f0'],crop=crop)
    image = hv.Image((np.arange(f0.shape[1]), np.arange(f0.shape[0]), f0))
              title="Draw Regions to be Exluded")

    #Create polygon element on which to draw and connect via stream to PolyDraw drawing tool
    poly = hv.Polygons([])
    poly_stream = streams.PolyDraw(source=poly, drag=True, show_vertices=True)
    poly.opts(fill_alpha=0.3, active_tools=['poly_draw'])
    points = hv.Points([]).opts(active_tools=['point_draw'], color='red',size=10)
    pointDraw_stream = streams.PointDraw(source=points,num_objects=2) 
    def make_mask(data, mask):
            x_ls, y_ls = data['xs'], data['ys'] 
        except TypeError:
            x_ls, y_ls = [], []
        if len(x_ls)>0:
            mask['mask'] = np.zeros(f0.shape) 
            for submask in range(len(x_ls)):
                x = np.array(poly_stream.data['xs'][submask]) #x coordinates
                y = np.array(poly_stream.data['ys'][submask]) #y coordinates
                xy = np.column_stack((x,y)).astype('uint64') #xy coordinate pairs
                cv2.fillPoly(mask['mask'], pts =[xy], color=1) #fill polygon  
            mask['mask'] = mask['mask'].astype('bool')
        return hv.Labels((0,0,""))
    mask = dict(mask=None)
    make_mask_ptl = fct.partial(make_mask, mask=mask)        
    dmap = hv.DynamicMap(make_mask_ptl, streams=[poly_stream])
    return image*poly*dmap, poly_stream, mask

#Code to export svg
#conda install -c conda-forge selenium phantomjs

#import os
#from bokeh import models
#from bokeh.io import export_svgs

#bokeh_obj = hv.renderer('bokeh').get_plot(image).state
#bokeh_obj.output_backend = 'svg'
#export_svgs(bokeh_obj, dpath + '/' + 'Calibration_Frame.svg')