import builtins
import inspect
import io
import keyword
import linecache
import os
import re
import sys
import sysconfig
import tokenize
import traceback

class SyntaxHighlighter:

    _default_style = {
        "comment": "\x1b[30m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "keyword": "\x1b[35m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "builtin": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "string": "\x1b[36m{}\x1b[0m",
        "number": "\x1b[34m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "operator": "\x1b[35m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "punctuation": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "constant": "\x1b[36m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "identifier": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "other": "{}",

    _builtins = set(dir(builtins))
    _constants = {"True", "False", "None"}
    _punctation = {"(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ":", ",", ";"}

    def __init__(self, style=None):
        self._style = style or self._default_style

    def highlight(self, source):
        style = self._style
        row, column = 0, 0
        output = ""

        for token in self.tokenize(source):
            type_, string, start, end, line = token

            if type_ == tokenize.NAME:
                if string in self._constants:
                    color = style["constant"]
                elif keyword.iskeyword(string):
                    color = style["keyword"]
                elif string in self._builtins:
                    color = style["builtin"]
                    color = style["identifier"]
            elif type_ == tokenize.OP:
                if string in self._punctation:
                    color = style["punctuation"]
                    color = style["operator"]
            elif type_ == tokenize.NUMBER:
                color = style["number"]
            elif type_ == tokenize.STRING:
                color = style["string"]
            elif type_ == tokenize.COMMENT:
                color = style["comment"]
                color = style["other"]

            start_row, start_column = start
            _, end_column = end

            if start_row != row:
                source = source[:column]
                row, column = start_row, 0

            if type_ != tokenize.ENCODING:
                output += line[column:start_column]
                output += color.format(string)

            column = end_column

        output += source[column:]

        return output

    def tokenize(source):
        # Worth reading:
        source = source.encode("utf-8")
        source = io.BytesIO(source)

            yield from tokenize.tokenize(source.readline)
        except tokenize.TokenError:

class ExceptionFormatter:

    _default_theme = {
        "introduction": "\x1b[33m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "cause": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "context": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "dirname": "\x1b[32m{}\x1b[0m",
        "basename": "\x1b[32m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "line": "\x1b[33m{}\x1b[0m",
        "function": "\x1b[35m{}\x1b[0m",
        "exception_type": "\x1b[31m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "exception_value": "\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",
        "arrows": "\x1b[36m{}\x1b[0m",
        "value": "\x1b[36m\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m",

    def __init__(
        self._colorize = colorize
        self._diagnose = diagnose
        self._theme = theme or self._default_theme
        self._backtrace = backtrace
        self._syntax_highlighter = SyntaxHighlighter(style)
        self._max_length = max_length
        self._encoding = encoding
        self._hidden_frames_filename = hidden_frames_filename
        self._prefix = prefix
        self._lib_dirs = self._get_lib_dirs()
        self._pipe_char = self._get_char("\u2502", "|")
        self._cap_char = self._get_char("\u2514", "->")
        self._catch_point_identifier = " <Loguru catch point here>"

    def _get_lib_dirs():
        schemes = sysconfig.get_scheme_names()
        names = ["stdlib", "platstdlib", "platlib", "purelib"]
        paths = {sysconfig.get_path(name, scheme) for scheme in schemes for name in names}
        return [os.path.abspath(path).lower() + os.sep for path in paths if path in sys.path]

    def _get_char(self, char, default):
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, LookupError):
            return default
            return char

    def _is_file_mine(self, file):
        filepath = os.path.abspath(file).lower()
        if not filepath.endswith(".py"):
            return False
        return not any(filepath.startswith(d) for d in self._lib_dirs)

    def _extract_frames(self, tb, is_first, *, limit=None, from_decorator=False):
        frames, final_source = [], None

        if tb is None or (limit is not None and limit <= 0):
            return frames, final_source

        def is_valid(frame):
            return frame.f_code.co_filename != self._hidden_frames_filename

        def get_info(frame, lineno):
            filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
            function = frame.f_code.co_name
            source = linecache.getline(filename, lineno).strip()
            return filename, lineno, function, source

        infos = []

        if is_valid(tb.tb_frame):
            infos.append((get_info(tb.tb_frame, tb.tb_lineno), tb.tb_frame))

        get_parent_only = from_decorator and not self._backtrace

        if (self._backtrace and is_first) or get_parent_only:
            frame = tb.tb_frame.f_back
            while frame:
                if is_valid(frame):
                    infos.insert(0, (get_info(frame, frame.f_lineno), frame))
                    if get_parent_only:
                frame = frame.f_back

            if infos and not get_parent_only:
                (filename, lineno, function, source), frame = infos[-1]
                function += self._catch_point_identifier
                infos[-1] = ((filename, lineno, function, source), frame)

        tb = tb.tb_next

        while tb:
            if is_valid(tb.tb_frame):
                infos.append((get_info(tb.tb_frame, tb.tb_lineno), tb.tb_frame))
            tb = tb.tb_next

        if limit is not None:
            infos = infos[-limit:]

        for (filename, lineno, function, source), frame in infos:
            final_source = source
            if source:
                colorize = self._colorize and self._is_file_mine(filename)
                lines = []
                if colorize:
                if self._diagnose:
                    relevant_values = self._get_relevant_values(source, frame)
                    values = self._format_relevant_values(list(relevant_values), colorize)
                    lines += list(values)
                source = "\n    ".join(lines)
            frames.append((filename, lineno, function, source))

        return frames, final_source

    def _get_relevant_values(self, source, frame):
        value = None
        pending = None
        is_attribute = False
        is_valid_value = False
        is_assignment = True

        for token in self._syntax_highlighter.tokenize(source):
            type_, string, (_, col), *_ = token

            if pending is not None:
                # Keyword arguments are ignored
                if type_ != tokenize.OP or string != "=" or is_assignment:
                    yield pending
                pending = None

            if type_ == tokenize.NAME and not keyword.iskeyword(string):
                if not is_attribute:
                    for variables in (frame.f_locals, frame.f_globals):
                            value = variables[string]
                        except KeyError:
                            is_valid_value = True
                            pending = (col, self._format_value(value))
                elif is_valid_value:
                        value = inspect.getattr_static(value, string)
                    except AttributeError:
                        is_valid_value = False
                        yield (col, self._format_value(value))
            elif type_ == tokenize.OP and string == ".":
                is_attribute = True
                is_assignment = False
            elif type_ == tokenize.OP and string == ";":
                is_assignment = True
                is_attribute = False
                is_valid_value = False
                is_attribute = False
                is_valid_value = False
                is_assignment = False

        if pending is not None:
            yield pending

    def _format_relevant_values(self, relevant_values, colorize):
        for i in reversed(range(len(relevant_values))):
            col, value = relevant_values[i]
            pipe_cols = [pcol for pcol, _ in relevant_values[:i]]
            pre_line = ""
            index = 0

            for pc in pipe_cols:
                pre_line += (" " * (pc - index)) + self._pipe_char
                index = pc + 1

            pre_line += " " * (col - index)
            value_lines = value.split("\n")

            for n, value_line in enumerate(value_lines):
                if n == 0:
                    arrows = pre_line + self._cap_char + " "
                    arrows = pre_line + " " * (len(self._cap_char) + 1)

                if colorize:
                    arrows = self._theme["arrows"].format(arrows)
                    value_line = self._theme["value"].format(value_line)

                yield arrows + value_line

    def _format_value(self, v):
            v = repr(v)
        except Exception:
            v = "<unprintable %s object>" % type(v).__name__

        max_length = self._max_length
        if max_length is not None and len(v) > max_length:
            v = v[: max_length - 3] + "..."
        return v

    def _format_locations(self, frames_lines, *, has_introduction):
        prepend_with_new_line = has_introduction
        regex = r'^  File "(?P<file>.*?)", line (?P<line>[^,]+)(?:, in (?P<function>.*))?\n'

        for frame in frames_lines:
            match = re.match(regex, frame)

            if match:
                file, line, function ="file", "line", "function")

                is_mine = self._is_file_mine(file)

                if function is not None:
                    pattern = '  File "{}", line {}, in {}\n'
                    pattern = '  File "{}", line {}\n'

                if self._backtrace and function and function.endswith(self._catch_point_identifier):
                    function = function[: -len(self._catch_point_identifier)]
                    pattern = ">" + pattern[1:]

                if self._colorize and is_mine:
                    dirname, basename = os.path.split(file)
                    if dirname:
                        dirname += os.sep
                    dirname = self._theme["dirname"].format(dirname)
                    basename = self._theme["basename"].format(basename)
                    file = dirname + basename
                    line = self._theme["line"].format(line)
                    function = self._theme["function"].format(function)

                if self._diagnose and (is_mine or prepend_with_new_line):
                    pattern = "\n" + pattern

                location = pattern.format(file, line, function)
                frame = location + frame[match.end() :]
                prepend_with_new_line = is_mine

            yield frame

    def _format_exception(self, value, tb, *, seen=None, is_first=False, from_decorator=False):
        # Implemented from built-in traceback module:
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = type(value), value, tb

        if seen is None:
            seen = set()


        if exc_value:
            if exc_value.__cause__ is not None and id(exc_value.__cause__) not in seen:
                for text in self._format_exception(
                    exc_value.__cause__, exc_value.__cause__.__traceback__, seen=seen
                    yield text
                cause = "The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:"
                if self._colorize:
                    cause = self._theme["cause"].format(cause)
                if self._diagnose:
                    yield "\n\n" + cause + "\n\n\n"
                    yield "\n" + cause + "\n\n"

            elif (
                exc_value.__context__ is not None
                and id(exc_value.__context__) not in seen
                and not exc_value.__suppress_context__
                for text in self._format_exception(
                    exc_value.__context__, exc_value.__context__.__traceback__, seen=seen
                    yield text
                context = "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:"
                if self._colorize:
                    context = self._theme["context"].format(context)
                if self._diagnose:
                    yield "\n\n" + context + "\n\n\n"
                    yield "\n" + context + "\n\n"

            tracebacklimit = sys.tracebacklimit
        except AttributeError:
            tracebacklimit = None

        frames, final_source = self._extract_frames(
            exc_traceback, is_first, limit=tracebacklimit, from_decorator=from_decorator
        exception_only = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value)

        error_message = exception_only[-1][:-1]  # Remove last new line temporarily

        if self._colorize:
            if ":" in error_message:
                exception_type, exception_value = error_message.split(":", 1)
                exception_type = self._theme["exception_type"].format(exception_type)
                exception_value = self._theme["exception_value"].format(exception_value)
                error_message = exception_type + ":" + exception_value
                error_message = self._theme["exception_type"].format(error_message)

        if self._diagnose and frames:
            if issubclass(exc_type, AssertionError) and not str(exc_value) and final_source:
                if self._colorize:
                    final_source = self._syntax_highlighter.highlight(final_source)
                error_message += ": " + final_source

            error_message = "\n" + error_message

        exception_only[-1] = error_message + "\n"

        frames_lines = traceback.format_list(frames) + exception_only
        has_introduction = bool(frames)

        if self._colorize or self._backtrace or self._diagnose:
            frames_lines = self._format_locations(frames_lines, has_introduction=has_introduction)

        if is_first:
            yield self._prefix

        if has_introduction:
            introduction = "Traceback (most recent call last):"
            if self._colorize:
                introduction = self._theme["introduction"].format(introduction)
            yield introduction + "\n"

        yield "".join(frames_lines)

    def format_exception(self, type_, value, tb, *, from_decorator=False):
        yield from self._format_exception(value, tb, is_first=True, from_decorator=from_decorator)