import numpy as np
import numba
from keras.layers import Permute, Reshape, Activation

# this function is the same as the one in the original repository
# basically it performs upsampling for datasets having zoom > 1
def interp_map(prob, zoom, width, height):
    zoom_prob = np.zeros((prob.shape[0], height, width), dtype=np.float32)
    for c in range(prob.shape[0]):
        for h in range(height):
            for w in range(width):
                r0 = h // zoom
                r1 = r0 + 1
                c0 = w // zoom
                c1 = c0 + 1
                rt = float(h) / zoom - r0
                ct = float(w) / zoom - c0
                v0 = rt * prob[c, r1, c0] + (1 - rt) * prob[c, r0, c0]
                v1 = rt * prob[c, r1, c1] + (1 - rt) * prob[c, r0, c1]
                zoom_prob[c, h, w] = (1 - ct) * v0 + ct * v1
    return zoom_prob

def softmax(x, restore_shape=True):
    Softmax activation for a tensor x. No need to unroll the input first.

    :param x: x is a tensor with shape (None, channels, h, w)
    :param restore_shape: if False, output is returned unrolled (None, h * w, channels)
    :return: softmax activation of tensor x
    _, c, h, w = x._keras_shape
    x = Permute(dims=(2, 3, 1))(x)
    x = Reshape(target_shape=(h * w, c))(x)

    x = Activation('softmax')(x)

    if restore_shape:
        x = Reshape(target_shape=(h, w, c))(x)
        x = Permute(dims=(3, 1, 2))(x)

    return x