# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2018 Verily Life Sciences Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Base module for the google_v2 and google_cls_v2 providers."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# pylint: disable=g-tzinfo-datetime
import datetime
import io
import json
import os
import re
import socket
import ssl
import sys
import warnings

from .._dsub_version import DSUB_VERSION
import googleapiclient.discovery
import googleapiclient.errors
from httplib2 import ServerNotFoundError
from ..lib import job_model
import pytz
import retrying
from six.moves import range
import six.moves.http_client

import google.auth
from google.oauth2 import service_account

# The google v1 provider directly added the bigquery scope, but the v1alpha2
# API automatically added:
# - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute
# - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control
# - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/genomics
# - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write
# - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring.write
# With the addition of the google v2 provider, we explicitly set all of these
# scopes such that existing user code continues to work.

# Transient errors for the Google APIs should not cause them to fail.
# There are a set of HTTP and socket errors which we automatically retry.
#  429: too frequent polling
#  50x: backend error
TRANSIENT_HTTP_ERROR_CODES = frozenset([429, 500, 503, 504])

# Auth errors should be permanent errors that a user needs to go fix
# (enable a service, grant access on a resource).
# However we have seen them occur transiently, so let's retry them when we
# see them, but not as patiently.
HTTP_AUTH_ERROR_CODES = frozenset([401, 403])

# Socket error 32 (broken pipe) and 104 (connection reset) should
# also be retried
TRANSIENT_SOCKET_ERROR_CODES = frozenset([32, 104])

# When attempting to cancel an operation that is already completed
# (succeeded, failed, or canceled), the response will include:
# "error": {
#    "code": 400,
#    "status": "FAILED_PRECONDITION",
# }

# List of Compute Engine zones, which enables simple wildcard expansion.
# We could look this up dynamically, but new zones come online
# infrequently enough, this is easy to keep up with.
# Also - the Pipelines API may one day directly support zone wildcards.
# To refresh this list:
#   gcloud compute zones list --format='value(name)' \
#     | sort | awk '{ printf "    '\''%s'\'',\n", $1 }'
_ZONES = [

def _print_error(msg):
  """Utility routine to emit messages to stderr."""
  print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

def get_zones(input_list):
  """Returns a list of zones based on any wildcard input.

  This function is intended to provide an easy method for producing a list
  of desired zones for a pipeline to run in.

  The Pipelines API default zone list is "any zone". The problem with
  "any zone" is that it can lead to incurring Cloud Storage egress charges
  if the GCE zone selected is in a different region than the GCS bucket.
  See https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing#network-egress.

  A user with a multi-region US bucket would want to pipelines to run in
  a "us-*" zone.
  A user with a regional bucket in US would want to restrict pipelines to
  run in a zone in that region.

  Rarely does the specific zone matter for a pipeline.

  This function allows for a simple short-hand such as:
     [ "us-*" ]
     [ "us-central1-*" ]
  These examples will expand out to the full list of US and us-central1 zones

    input_list: list of zone names/patterns

    A list of zones, with any wildcard zone specifications expanded.
  if not input_list:
    return []

  output_list = []

  for zone in input_list:
    if zone.endswith('*'):
      prefix = zone[:-1]
      output_list.extend([z for z in _ZONES if z.startswith(prefix)])

  return output_list

class Label(job_model.LabelParam):
  """Name/value label metadata for a Google Genomics pipeline.

    name (str): the label name.
    value (str): the label value (optional).
  _allow_reserved_keys = True
  __slots__ = ()

def build_pipeline_labels(job_metadata, task_metadata, task_id_pattern=None):
  """Build a set() of standard job and task labels.

    job_metadata: Job metadata, such as job-id, job-name, and user-id.
    task_metadata: Task metadata, such as the task-id.
    task_id_pattern: A pattern for the task-id value, such as "task-%d"; the
      original google label values could not be strictly numeric, so "task-"
      was prepended.

    A set of standard dsub Label() objects to attach to a pipeline.
  labels = {
      Label(name, job_metadata[name])
      for name in ['job-name', 'job-id', 'user-id', 'dsub-version']

  task_id = task_metadata.get('task-id')
  if task_id is not None:  # Check for None (as 0 is conceivably valid)
    if task_id_pattern:
      task_id = task_id_pattern % task_id
    labels.add(Label('task-id', str(task_id)))

  task_attempt = task_metadata.get('task-attempt')
  if task_attempt is not None:
    labels.add(Label('task-attempt', str(task_attempt)))

  return labels

def prepare_job_metadata(script, job_name, user_id, create_time):
  """Returns a dictionary of metadata fields for the job."""

  # The name of the pipeline gets set into the operation as-is.
  # The default name of the pipeline is the script name
  # The name of the job is derived from the job_name and gets set as a
  # 'job-name' label (and so the value must be normalized).
  if job_name:
    pipeline_name = job_name
    job_name_value = job_model.convert_to_label_chars(job_name)
    pipeline_name = os.path.basename(script)
    job_name_value = job_model.convert_to_label_chars(
        pipeline_name.split('.', 1)[0])

  # The user-id will get set as a label
  user_id = job_model.convert_to_label_chars(user_id)

  # Now build the job-id. We want the job-id to be expressive while also
  # having a low-likelihood of collisions.
  # For expressiveness, we:
  # * use the job name (truncated at 10 characters).
  # * insert the user-id
  # * add a datetime value
  # To have a high likelihood of uniqueness, the datetime value is out to
  # hundredths of a second.
  # The full job-id is:
  #   <job-name>--<user-id>--<timestamp>
  job_id = '%s--%s--%s' % (job_name_value[:10], user_id,

  # Standard version is MAJOR.MINOR(.PATCH). This will convert the version
  # string to "vMAJOR-MINOR(-PATCH)". Example; "0.1.0" -> "v0-1-0".
  version = job_model.convert_to_label_chars('v%s' % DSUB_VERSION)
  return {
      'pipeline-name': pipeline_name,
      'job-name': job_name_value,
      'job-id': job_id,
      'user-id': user_id,
      'dsub-version': version,

def prepare_query_label_value(labels):
  """Converts the label strings to contain label-appropriate characters.

    labels: A list of strings to be converted.

    A list of converted strings.
  if not labels:
    return None
  return [job_model.convert_to_label_chars(label) for label in labels]

def parse_rfc3339_utc_string(rfc3339_utc_string):
  """Converts a datestamp from RFC3339 UTC to a datetime.

    rfc3339_utc_string: a datetime string in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format

    A datetime.

  # The timestamp from the Google Operations are all in RFC3339 format, but
  # they are sometimes formatted to millisconds, microseconds, sometimes
  # nanoseconds, and sometimes only seconds:
  # * 2016-11-14T23:05:56Z
  # * 2016-11-14T23:05:56.010Z
  # * 2016-11-14T23:05:56.010429Z
  # * 2016-11-14T23:05:56.010429380Z
  m = re.match(r'(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).?(\d*)Z',

  # It would be unexpected to get a different date format back from Google.
  # If we raise an exception here, we can break people completely.
  # Instead, let's just return None and people can report that some dates
  # are not showing up.
  # We might reconsider this approach in the future; it was originally
  # established when dates were only used for display.
  if not m:
    return None

  groups = m.groups()
  if len(groups[6]) not in (0, 3, 6, 9):
    return None

  # Create a UTC datestamp from parsed components
  # 1- Turn components 0-5 from strings to integers
  # 2- If the last component does not exist, set it to 0.
  #    If it does exist, make sure to interpret it as milliseconds.
  g = [int(val) for val in groups[:6]]

  fraction = groups[6]
  if not fraction:
    micros = 0
  elif len(fraction) == 3:
    micros = int(fraction) * 1000
  elif len(fraction) == 6:
    micros = int(fraction)
  elif len(fraction) == 9:
    # When nanoseconds are provided, we round
    micros = int(round(int(fraction) // 1000))
    assert False, 'Fraction length not 0, 6, or 9: {}'.len(fraction)

    return datetime.datetime(
        g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4], g[5], micros, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
  except ValueError as e:
    assert False, 'Could not parse RFC3339 datestring: {} exception: {}'.format(
        rfc3339_utc_string, e)

def get_operation_full_job_id(op):
  """Returns the job-id or job-id.task-id for the operation."""
  job_id = op.get_field('job-id')
  task_id = op.get_field('task-id')
  if task_id:
    return '%s.%s' % (job_id, task_id)
    return job_id

def _cancel_batch(batch_fn, cancel_fn, ops):
  """Cancel a batch of operations.

    batch_fn: API-specific batch function.
    cancel_fn: API-specific cancel function.
    ops: A list of operations to cancel.

    A list of operations canceled and a list of error messages.

  # We define an inline callback which will populate a list of
  # successfully canceled operations as well as a list of operations
  # which were not successfully canceled.

  canceled = []
  failed = []

  def handle_cancel_response(request_id, response, exception):
    """Callback for the cancel response."""
    del response  # unused

    if exception:
      # We don't generally expect any failures here, except possibly trying
      # to cancel an operation that is already canceled or finished.
      # If the operation is already finished, provide a clearer message than
      # "error 400: Bad Request".

      msg = 'error %s: %s' % (exception.resp.status, exception.resp.reason)
      if exception.resp.status == FAILED_PRECONDITION_CODE:
        detail = json.loads(exception.content)
        status = detail.get('error', {}).get('status')
        if status == FAILED_PRECONDITION_STATUS:
          msg = 'Not running'

      failed.append({'name': request_id, 'msg': msg})
      canceled.append({'name': request_id})


  # Set up the batch object
  batch = batch_fn(callback=handle_cancel_response)

  # The callback gets a "request_id" which is the operation name.
  # Build a dict such that after the callback, we can lookup the operation
  # objects by name
  ops_by_name = {}
  for op in ops:
    op_name = op.get_field('internal-id')
    ops_by_name[op_name] = op
    batch.add(cancel_fn(name=op_name, body={}), request_id=op_name)

  # Cancel the operations

  # Iterate through the canceled and failed lists to build our return lists
  canceled_ops = [ops_by_name[op['name']] for op in canceled]
  error_messages = []
  for fail in failed:
    op = ops_by_name[fail['name']]
    error_messages.append("Error canceling '%s': %s" %
                          (get_operation_full_job_id(op), fail['msg']))

  return canceled_ops, error_messages

def cancel(batch_fn, cancel_fn, ops):
  """Cancel operations.

    batch_fn: API-specific batch function.
    cancel_fn: API-specific cancel function.
    ops: A list of operations to cancel.

    A list of operations canceled and a list of error messages.

  # Canceling many operations one-by-one can be slow.
  # The Pipelines API doesn't directly support a list of operations to cancel,
  # but the requests can be performed in batch.

  canceled_ops = []
  error_messages = []

  max_batch = 256
  total_ops = len(ops)
  for first_op in range(0, total_ops, max_batch):
    batch_canceled, batch_messages = _cancel_batch(
        batch_fn, cancel_fn, ops[first_op:first_op + max_batch])

  return canceled_ops, error_messages

def _print_retry_error(exception, verbose):
  """Prints an error message if appropriate."""
  if not verbose:

  now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    status_code = exception.resp.status
  except AttributeError:
    status_code = ''

  _print_error('{}: Caught exception {} {}'.format(now,
  _print_error('{}: This request is being retried'.format(now))

def retry_api_check(exception, verbose):
  """Return True if we should retry. False otherwise.

    exception: An exception to test for transience.
    verbose: If true, output retry messages

    True if we should retry. False otherwise.
  if isinstance(exception, googleapiclient.errors.HttpError):
    if exception.resp.status in TRANSIENT_HTTP_ERROR_CODES:
      _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
      return True

  if isinstance(exception, socket.error):
    if exception.errno in TRANSIENT_SOCKET_ERROR_CODES:
      _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
      return True

  if isinstance(exception, google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError):
    _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
    return True

  # For a given installation, this could be a permanent error, but has only
  # been observed as transient.
  if isinstance(exception, ssl.SSLError):
    _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
    return True

  # This has been observed as a transient error:
  #   ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at genomics.googleapis.com
  if isinstance(exception, ServerNotFoundError):
    _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
    return True

  # Observed to be thrown transiently from auth libraries which use httplib2
  # Use the one from six because httlib no longer exists in Python3
  # https://docs.python.org/2/library/httplib.html
  if isinstance(exception, six.moves.http_client.ResponseNotReady):
    _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
    return True

  return False

def retry_api_check_quiet(exception):
  return retry_api_check(exception, False)

def retry_api_check_verbose(exception):
  return retry_api_check(exception, True)

def retry_auth_check(exception, verbose):
  """Specific check for auth error codes.

  Return True if we should retry.

  False otherwise.
    exception: An exception to test for transience.
    verbose: If true, output retry messages

    True if we should retry. False otherwise.
  if isinstance(exception, googleapiclient.errors.HttpError):
    if exception.resp.status in HTTP_AUTH_ERROR_CODES:
      _print_retry_error(exception, verbose)
      return True

  return False

def retry_auth_check_quiet(exception):
  return retry_auth_check(exception, False)

def retry_auth_check_verbose(exception):
  return retry_auth_check(exception, True)

# Exponential backoff retrying API discovery.
# Maximum 23 retries.  Wait 1, 2, 4 ... 64, 64, 64... seconds.
# For API errors dealing with auth, we want to retry, but not as often
# Maximum 4 retries. Wait 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds.
def setup_service(api_name, api_version, credentials=None):
  """Configures genomics API client.

    api_name: Name of the Google API (for example: "genomics")
    api_version: Version of the API (for example: "v2alpha1")
    credentials: Credentials to be used for the gcloud API calls.

    A configured Google Genomics API client with appropriate credentials.
  # dsub is not a server application, so it is ok to filter this warning.
      'ignore', 'Your application has authenticated using end user credentials')
  if not credentials:
    credentials, _ = google.auth.default()
  return googleapiclient.discovery.build(
      api_name, api_version, credentials=credentials)

def credentials_from_service_account_info(credentials_file):
  with io.open(credentials_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_fi:
    credentials_info = json.load(json_fi)
  return service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(credentials_info)

class Api(object):
  """Wrapper around API execution with exponential backoff retries."""

  def __init__(self, verbose):
    self._verbose = verbose

  def execute(self, api):
    """Executes operation.

      api: The base API object

       A response body object
    if self._verbose:
      return self.execute_verbose(api)
      return self.execute_quiet(api)

  # Exponential backoff retrying API execution, verbose version
  # Maximum 23 retries.  Wait 1, 2, 4 ... 64, 64, 64... seconds.
  # For API errors dealing with auth, we want to retry, but not as often
  # Maximum 4 retries. Wait 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds.
  def execute_verbose(self, api):
    """Executes operation.

      api: The base API object

       A response body object
    return api.execute()

  # Exponential backoff retrying API execution, quiet version
  # Maximum 23 retries.  Wait 1, 2, 4 ... 64, 64, 64... seconds.
  # For API errors dealing with auth, we want to retry, but not as often
  # Maximum 4 retries. Wait 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds.
  def execute_quiet(self, api):
    """Executes operation.

      api: The base API object

       A response body object

    return api.execute()

if __name__ == '__main__':