# coding: utf-8

# Importing a few things

# In[1]:

# OpenMDAO imports
from openmdao.main.datatypes.array import Array
from openmdao.main.datatypes.float import Float
from openmdao.main.datatypes.list import List
from openmdao.main.component import Component

# FUSED-Wind imports
from fusedwind.plant_flow.asym import AEPMultipleWindRoses, AEPSingleWindRose, BaseAEPModel
from fusedwind.interface import InterfaceSlot, implement_base
from fusedwind.plant_flow.comp import GenericWindFarm

# GCLarsen import
#from gclarsen.fused import FGCLarsen

from topfarm.tlib import TopfarmComponent

# Other
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# In[2]:

# OpenMDAO imports
#from openmdao.main.api import Assembly
#from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import VarTree, Float, Slot, Array, List, Int, Str, Dict, Enum

# FUSEDWind imports
#from fusedwind.interface import implement_base, InterfaceSlot
#from fusedwind.plant_flow.comp import GenericWindFarm
from fusedwind.plant_flow.vt import GenericWindFarmTurbineLayout, WTPC, WeibullWindRoseVT, GenericWindRoseVT

# Topfarm lib imports
from topfarm.aep import AEP
from topfarm.layout_distribution import spiral, DistributeSpiral, DistributeXY, DistributeFilledPolygon
from topfarm.plot import OffshorePlot, PrintOutputs
from topfarm.tlib import DistFromTurbines, PolyFill, document, DistFromBorders
#from topfarm.tlib import ConverHullArea,
from topfarm.foundation import FoundationLength
from topfarm.elnet import ElNetLength, elnet
from topfarm.optimizers import *
from topfarm.topfarm import Topfarm

#GCL imports
from gclarsen.fusedwasp import PlantFromWWH, WTDescFromWTG
from gclarsen.fused import FGCLarsen

from numpy import *
import numpy as np

# For plotting
import pylab as plt

# ### Loading all the input data

# In[3]:

dat = loadtxt('WaterDepth1.dat')
X, Y = meshgrid(linspace(0., 1000., 50), linspace(0., 1000., 50))
depth = array(zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), dat.flatten()))
borders = array([[200, 200], [150, 500], [200, 800], [600, 900], [700, 700], [900, 500], [800, 200], [500, 100], [200, 200]])
baseline = array([[587.5, 223.07692308], [525., 346.15384615], [837.5, 530.76923077], [525., 530.76923077], [525., 838.46153846], [837.5, 469.23076923]])

wt_desc = WTDescFromWTG('V80-2MW-offshore.wtg').wt_desc
wt_layout = GenericWindFarmTurbineLayout([WTPC(wt_desc=wt_desc, position=pos) for pos in baseline])

# The wind rose
weibull_array = np.array([[  0.00000000e+00,   3.59673400e-02,  9.22422800e+00,   2.38867200e+00],
                         [  3.00000000e+01,   3.94977300e-02,   9.86435600e+00,   2.44726600e+00],
                         [  6.00000000e+01,   5.17838000e-02,   9.65220200e+00,   2.41992200e+00],
                         [  9.00000000e+01,   6.99794900e-02,   9.98217800e+00,   2.58789100e+00],
                         [  1.20000000e+02,   8.36383000e-02,   1.00946000e+01,   2.74804700e+00],
                         [  1.50000000e+02,   6.43412500e-02,   9.64369000e+00,   2.59179700e+00],
                         [  1.80000000e+02,   8.64220000e-02,   9.63377500e+00,   2.58007800e+00],
                         [  2.10000000e+02,   1.17690000e-01,   1.05678600e+01,   2.54492200e+00],
                         [  2.40000000e+02,   1.51555100e-01,   1.14525200e+01,   2.46679700e+00],
                         [  2.70000000e+02,   1.47361100e-01,   1.17423700e+01,   2.60351600e+00],
                         [  3.00000000e+02,   1.00109800e-01,   1.16923200e+01,   2.62304700e+00],
                         [  3.30000000e+02,   5.16542400e-02,   1.01385800e+01,   2.32226600e+00]])
wind_rose = WeibullWindRoseVT()
wind_rose.wind_directions = weibull_array[:,0]
wind_rose.frequency = weibull_array[:,1]
wind_rose.k = weibull_array[:,3]
wind_rose.A = weibull_array[:,2]

# Minimum distance between turbines
dist_WT_D = 3.0

# #### Plotting the depth

# Some matplotlib options

# In[4]:

#get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
import pylab as plt
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['axes.titleweight'] = 'bold'
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 14
# To see all the options:

# In[7]:

N = 100
X, Y = plt.meshgrid(plt.linspace(depth[:,0].min(), depth[:,0].max(), N),
                    plt.linspace(depth[:,1].min(), depth[:,1].max(), N))
Z = plt.griddata(depth[:,0],depth[:,1],depth[:,2],X,Y, interp='linear')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6), dpi=2000)
fs = 14
ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.contourf(X,Y,Z, label='depth [m]')
#ax.plot(wt_layout.wt_positions[:,0], wt_layout.wt_positions[:,1], 'or', label='baseline position')
ax.scatter(wt_layout.wt_positions[:,0], wt_layout.wt_positions[:,1], wt_layout._wt_list('rotor_diameter'), label='baseline position')
ax.plot(borders[:,0], borders[:,1], 'r--', label='border')
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]');
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.colorbar().set_label('water depth [m]')

# The red points indicate the position of the baseline turbines, the contour plot illustrate the water depth in meters and the red line illustrates the position of the borders limiting the domain of exploration of the optimization.

# #### Plot the wind rose

# In[8]:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5), dpi=1000)

# Plotting the wind statistics
ax1 = plt.subplot(121, polar=True)
w = 2.*np.pi/len(wind_rose.frequency)
b = ax1.bar(pi/2.0-np.array(wind_rose.wind_directions)/180.*np.pi - w/2.0,
            np.array(wind_rose.frequency)*100, width=w)

# Trick to set the right axes (by default it's not oriented as we are used to in the WE community)
mirror = lambda d: 90.0 - d if d < 90.0 else 360.0 + (90.0 - d)
ax1.set_xticklabels([u'%d\xb0'%(mirror(d)) for d in linspace(0.0, 360.0,9)[:-1]]);
ax1.set_title('Wind direction frequency');

# Plotting the Weibull A parameter
ax2 = plt.subplot(122, polar=True)
b = ax2.bar(pi/2.0-np.array(wind_rose.wind_directions)/180.*np.pi - w/2.0,
            np.array(wind_rose.A), width=w)
ax2.set_xticklabels([u'%d\xb0'%(mirror(d)) for d in linspace(0.0, 360.0,9)[:-1]]);
ax2.set_title('Weibull A parameter per wind direction sectors');

# ### Setting up TOPFARM

# #### Calculating the wind farm AEP

# In[9]:

ws = linspace(4, 25, 21)
wd = linspace(0, 360, 37)[:-1]

# In[11]:

aep = AEP(wt_layout=wt_layout,
print 'Net AEP=',aep.net_aep/1e6, 'MWh'

# Getting the inputs and outputs of the OpenMDAO components

# In[15]:


# Optimize only the foundation length

# In[22]:

components = {
    'foundation': FoundationLength(borders=borders, scaling=0.0, depth=depth),
    'distribute': DistributeXY(wt_layout=wt_layout, borders=borders),
    'elnet': ElNetLength(scaling=0.0),
    'wt_dist': DistFromTurbines(scaling=wt_desc.rotor_diameter * dist_WT_D),
    'dist_from_borders': DistFromBorders(wt_layout=wt_layout, borders=borders, scaling=0.0),
    'plotting': OffshorePlot(baseline=baseline, borders=borders, depth=depth, distribution='xy',
                             add_inputs=['elnet_length', 'foundation_length', 'min_dist' ],
    'driver': CONMINOpt()}

workflows =   {'driver': ['distribute', 'foundation','wt_dist', 'elnet', 'dist_from_borders', 'plotting']}

#objectives =  {'driver': 'foundation.foundation_length'}
objectives =  {'driver': '0.5 * foundation.foundation_length + 0.5*elnet.elnet_length'}

constraints = {'driver': ['wt_dist.min_dist>0.8',

design_variables = {'driver': 'distribute'}

connections = {'distribute.wt_positions': ['foundation.wt_positions',
               'foundation.foundation_length': 'plotting.foundation_length',
               'foundation.foundations': 'plotting.foundations',
               'elnet.elnet_layout': 'plotting.elnet_layout',
               'elnet.elnet_length': 'plotting.elnet_length',
               'wt_dist.min_dist': 'plotting.min_dist'}

input_parameters = {}

top = Topfarm(components, workflows, objectives, constraints, design_variables, connections, input_parameters)

# #### Optimization using the AEP

# In[24]:

components = {
    'elnet': ElNetLength(scaling=0.0),
    'foundation': FoundationLength(borders=borders, scaling=0.0, depth=depth),
    'aep': AEP(wt_layout=wt_layout,
               wind_speeds=[4, 8, 12],
               wind_directions=linspace(0, 360, 12)[:-1],
#    'area': ConverHullArea(wt_layout=wt_layout, scaling=0.0),
    'dist_from_borders': DistFromBorders(wt_layout=wt_layout, borders=borders, scaling=0.0),
    'wt_dist': DistFromTurbines(scaling=wt_desc.rotor_diameter * dist_WT_D),
    'distribute': DistributeFilledPolygon(wt_layout=wt_layout, borders=borders),
    'plotting': OffshorePlot(baseline=baseline, borders=borders, depth=depth, distribution='xy',
                             add_inputs=['capacity_factor', 'elnet_length', 'net_aep', 'foundation_length', 'min_dist' ],
    'driver': COBYLAOpt(rhobeg=1e-2)}
workflows =   {'driver': ['distribute', 'foundation', 'elnet', 'aep', 'dist_from_borders', 'wt_dist', 'plotting']}

objectives =  {'driver': '-aep.net_aep'}
# objectives =  {'driver': '-aep.net_aep + 0.4*elnet.elnet_length'}
#objectives =  {'driver': '-aep.capacity_factor/area.area'}

constraints = {'driver': ['wt_dist.min_dist>0.8',
                         # 'dist_from_borders'

design_variables = {'driver': 'distribute'}

connections = {'distribute.wt_positions': ['foundation.wt_positions',
               'foundation.foundation_length': 'plotting.foundation_length',
               'foundation.foundations': 'plotting.foundations',
               'elnet.elnet_layout': 'plotting.elnet_layout',
               'elnet.elnet_length': 'plotting.elnet_length',
               'wt_dist.min_dist': 'plotting.min_dist',
               'aep.capacity_factor': 'plotting.capacity_factor',
               'aep.net_aep': 'plotting.net_aep'}

input_parameters = {}
top = Topfarm(components, workflows, objectives, constraints, design_variables, connections, input_parameters)

# In[ ]:

baseline = top.distribute.wt_positions

# In[ ]:

from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, Component
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver, COBYLAdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import Uniform

from openmdao.examples.simple.paraboloid import Paraboloid

from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import JSONCaseRecorder, ListCaseRecorder

class Optimization(Assembly):

    def configure(self):
        self.add('paraboloid', Paraboloid())

        self.add('driver', COBYLAdriver())

        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.x', low=-50, high=50)
        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.y', low=-50, high=50)


        self.recorders = [ListCaseRecorder()]

# In[ ]:

class Analysis(Assembly):
    def configure(self):
        self.add('paraboloid', Paraboloid())

        self.add('driver', DOEdriver())
        self.driver.DOEgenerator = Uniform(1000)

        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.x', low=-50, high=50)
        self.driver.add_parameter('paraboloid.y', low=-50, high=50)


        self.recorders = [ListCaseRecorder()]

# In[ ]:

# Print out history of our objective for inspection

# In[ ]:

from topfarm.tlib import listcase2df

analysis = Optimization()

df = listcase2df(analysis.recorders[0])

# In[ ]:

get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from fusedwind.fused_helper import *

# In[ ]:

def contour_plot(func):
    rose = func()
    XS, YS = plt.meshgrid(np.linspace(-2, 2, 20), np.linspace(-2,2, 20));
    ZS = np.array([rose(x1=x, x2=y).f_xy for x,y in zip(XS.flatten(),YS.flatten())]).reshape(XS.shape);
    plt.contourf(XS, YS, ZS, 50);

df.plot(x='paraboloid.x', y='paraboloid.y', ls='', marker='.')

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