# Copyright 2016 Conchylicultor. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================

The batch builder convert the songs into data readable by the neural networks.
Used for training, testing and generating

import random  # Shuffling
import operator  # Multi-level sorting
import numpy as np

import deepmusic.songstruct as music

class Batch:
    """Structure containing batches info
    Should be in a tf placeholder compatible format
    def __init__(self):
        self.inputs = []
        self.targets = []

    def generate(self, target=True):
        """ Is called just before feeding the placeholder, allows additional
            target(Bool): is true if the bach also need to generate the target

class BatchBuilder:
    """ Class which create and manage batches
    Batches are created from the songs
    Define the song representation input (and output) format so the network must
    support the format
    The class has the choice to either entirely create the
    batches when get list is called or to create the batches
    as the training progress (more memory efficient)
    # TODO: Should add a option to pre-compute a lot of batches and
    # cache them in the hard drive
    # TODO: For generating mode, add another function
    # TODO: Add a function to get the length too (for tqdm when generators) ?
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

    def get_module_id():
        """ Return the unique id associated with the builder
        Ultimately, the id will be used for saving/loading the dataset, and
        as parameter argument.
            str: The name of the builder
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def get_list(self, dataset, name):
        """ Compute the batches for the current epoch
        Is called twice (for training and testing)
            dataset (list[Objects]): the training/testing set
            name (str): indicate the dataset type
            list[Batch]: the batches to process
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def build_next(self, batch):
        """ In case of a generator (batches non precomputed), compute the batch given
        the batch id passed
            batch: the current testing or training batch or id of batch to generate
            Batch: the computed batch
        # TODO: Unused function. Instead Batch.generate does the same thing. Is it
        # a good idea ? Probably not. Instead should prefer this factory function
        return batch

    def build_placeholder_input(self):
        """ Create a placeholder compatible with the batch input
        Allow to control the dimensions
            tf.placeholder: the placeholder for a single timestep
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def build_placeholder_target(self):
        """ Create a placeholder compatible with the target
        Allow to control the dimensions
            tf.placeholder: the placeholder for a single timestep
        # TODO: The target also depend of the loss function (sigmoid, softmax,...) How to redefined that ?
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def process_song(self, song):
        """ Apply some pre-processing to the songs so the song
        already get the right input representation.
        Do it once globally for all songs
            song (Song): the training/testing set
            Object: the song after formatting
        return song  # By default no pre-processing

    def reconstruct_song(self, song):
        """ Reconstruct the original raw song from the preprocessed data
        We should have:
            reconstruct_song(process_song(my_song)) == my_song

            song (Object): the training/testing set
            Song: the song after formatting
        return song  # By default no pre-processing

    def process_batch(self, raw_song):
        """ Create the batch associated with the song
        Called when generating songs to create the initial input batch
            raw_song (Song): The song to convert
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def reconstruct_batch(self, output, batch_id, chosen_labels=None):
        """ Create the song associated with the network output
            output (list[np.Array]): The ouput of the network (size batch_size*output_dim)
            batch_id (int): The batch that we must reconstruct
            chosen_labels (list[np.Array[batch_size, int]]): the sampled class at each timestep (useful to reconstruct the generated song)
            Song: The reconstructed song
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

    def get_input_dim():
        """ Return the input dimension
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class')

class Relative(BatchBuilder):
    """ Prepare the batches for the current epoch.
    Generate batches of the form:
        12 values for relative position with previous notes (modulo 12)
        14 values for the relative pitch (+/-7)
        12 values for the relative positions with the previous note
    OFFSET_SCALES = 0  # Start at A0
    NB_SCALES = 7  # Up to G7 (Official order is A6, B6, C7, D7, E7,... G7)

    # Experiments on the relative note representation:
    # Experiment 1:
    # * As baseline, we only project the note on one scale (C5: 51)

    # Options:
    # * Note absolute (A,B,C,...G) vs relative ((current-prev)%12)
    # * Use separation token between the notes (a note with class_pitch=-1 is a separation token)
    HAS_EMPTY = True

    class RelativeNote:
        """ Struct which define a note in a relative way with respect to
        the previous note
        Can only play 7 octave (so the upper and lower notes of the
        piano are never reached (not that important in practice))
        def __init__(self):
            # TODO: Should the network get some information about the absolute pitch ?? An other way could be to
            # always start by a note from the base
            # TODO: Define behavior when saturating
            # TODO: Try with time relative to prev vs next
            # TODO: Try to randomly permute chords vs low to high pitch
            # TODO: Try pitch %7 vs fixed +/-7
            # TODO: Try to add a channel number for each note (2 class SoftMax) <= Would require a clean database where the melodie/bass are clearly separated
            self.pitch_class = 0  # A, B, C,... +/- %12
            self.scale = 0  # Octave +/- % 7
            self.prev_tick = 0  # Distance from previous note (from -0 up to -MAXIMUM_SONG_RESOLUTION*NOTES_PER_BAR (=1 bar))

    class RelativeSong:
        """ Struct which define a song in a relative way (intern class format)
        Can only play 7 octave (so the upper and lower notes of the
        piano are never reached (not that important in practice))
        def __init__(self):
            """ All attribute are defined with respect with the previous one
            self.first_note = None  # Define the reference note
            self.notes = []

    class RelativeBatch(Batch):
        """ Struct which contains temporary information necessary to reconstruct the
        class SongExtract:  # Define a subsong
            def __init__(self):
                self.song = None  # The song reference
                self.begin = 0
                self.end = 0

        def __init__(self, extracts):
                extracts(list[SongExtract]): Should be of length batch_size, or at least all from the same size
            self.extracts = extracts

        def generate(self, target=True):
                target(Bool): is true if the bach also need to generate the target
            # TODO: Could potentially be optimized (one big numpy array initialized only one, each input is a sub-arrays)
            # TODO: Those inputs should be cleared once the training pass has be run (Use class with generator, __next__ and __len__)
            sequence_length = self.extracts[0].end - self.extracts[0].begin
            shape_input = (len(self.extracts), Relative.RelativeBatch.get_input_dim())  # (batch_size, note_space) +1 because of the <next> token

            def gen_input(i):
                array = np.zeros(shape_input)
                for j, extract in enumerate(self.extracts):  # Iterate over the batches
                    # Set the one-hot vector (chose label between <next>,A,...,G)
                    label = extract.song.notes[extract.begin + i].pitch_class
                    array[j, 0 if not label else label + 1] = 1
                return array

            def gen_target(i):  # TODO: Could merge with the previous function to optimize the calls
                array = np.zeros([len(self.extracts)], dtype=int)  # Int for SoftMax compatibility
                for j, extract in enumerate(self.extracts):  # Iterate over the batches
                    # Set the one-hot label (chose label between <next>,A,...,G)
                    label = extract.song.notes[extract.begin + i + 1].pitch_class  # Warning: +1 because targets are shifted with respect to the inputs
                    array[j] = 0 if not label else label + 1
                return array

            self.inputs = [gen_input(i) for i in range(sequence_length)]  # Generate each input sequence
            if target:
                self.targets = [gen_target(i) for i in range(sequence_length)]

        def get_input_dim():
            # TODO: Refactoring. Where to place this functions ?? Should be accessible from model, and batch and depend of
            # batch_builder, also used in enco/deco modules. Ideally should not be static
            return 1 + Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE  # +1 because of the <next> token

    def __init__(self, args):

    def get_module_id():
        return 'relative'

    def process_song(self, old_song):
        """ Pre-process the data once globally
        Do it once globally.
            old_song (Song): original song
            list[RelativeSong]: the new formatted song
        new_song = Relative.RelativeSong()


        # Gather all notes and sort them by absolute time
        all_notes = []
        for track in old_song.tracks:
            for note in track.notes:
        all_notes.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('tick', 'note'))  # Sort first by tick, then by pitch

        # Compute the relative position for each note
        prev_note = all_notes[0]
        new_song.first_note = prev_note  # TODO: What if the song start by a chord ?
        for note in all_notes[1:]:
            # Check if we should insert an empty token
            temporal_distance = note.tick - prev_note.tick
            assert temporal_distance >= 0
            if Relative.HAS_EMPTY and temporal_distance > 0:
                for i in range(temporal_distance):
                    separator = Relative.RelativeNote()  # Separation token
                    separator.pitch_class = None

            # Insert the new relative note
            new_note = Relative.RelativeNote()
            if Relative.NOTE_ABSOLUTE:
                new_note.pitch_class = note.note % Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE
                new_note.pitch_class = (note.note - prev_note.note) % Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE
            new_note.scale = (note.note//Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE - prev_note.note//Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE) % Relative.NB_SCALES  # TODO: add offset for the notes ? (where does the game begins ?)
            new_note.prev_tick = temporal_distance

            prev_note = note

        return new_song

    def reconstruct_song(self, rel_song):
        """ Reconstruct the original raw song from the preprocessed data
        See parent class for details

        Some information will be lost compare to the original song:
            * Only one track left
            * Original tempo lost
            rel_song (RelativeSong): the song to reconstruct
            Song: the reconstructed song
        raw_song = music.Song()
        main_track = music.Track()

        prev_note = rel_song.first_note
        current_tick = rel_song.first_note.tick
        for next_note in rel_song.notes:
            # Case of separator
            if next_note.pitch_class is None:
                current_tick += 1

            # Adding the new note
            new_note = music.Note()
            # * Note
            if Relative.NOTE_ABSOLUTE:
                new_note.note = Relative.BASELINE_OFFSET + next_note.pitch_class
                new_note.note = Relative.BASELINE_OFFSET + ((prev_note.note-Relative.BASELINE_OFFSET) + next_note.pitch_class) % Relative.NB_NOTES_SCALE
            # * Tick
            if Relative.HAS_EMPTY:
                new_note.tick = current_tick
                new_note.tick = prev_note.tick + next_note.prev_tick
            # * Scale
            # ...
            prev_note = new_note

        return raw_song

    def process_batch(self, raw_song):
        """ Create the batch associated with the song
            raw_song (Song): The song to convert
        processed_song = self.process_song(raw_song)
        extract = self.create_extract(processed_song, 0, len(processed_song.notes))
        batch = Relative.RelativeBatch([extract])
        return batch

    def reconstruct_batch(self, output, batch_id, chosen_labels=None):
        """ Create the song associated with the network output
            output (list[np.Array]): The ouput of the network (size batch_size*output_dim)
            batch_id (int): The batch id
            chosen_labels (list[np.Array[batch_size, int]]): the sampled class at each timestep (useful to reconstruct the generated song)
            Song: The reconstructed song
        assert Relative.HAS_EMPTY == True

        processed_song = Relative.RelativeSong()
        processed_song.first_note = music.Note()
        processed_song.first_note.note = 56  # TODO: Define what should be the first note
        for i, note in enumerate(output):
            relative = Relative.RelativeNote()
            # Here if we did sample the output, we should get which has heen the selected output
            if not chosen_labels or i == len(chosen_labels):  # If chosen_labels, the last generated note has not been sampled
                chosen_label = int(np.argmax(note[batch_id,:]))  # Cast np.int64 to int to avoid compatibility with mido
                chosen_label = int(chosen_labels[i][batch_id])
            print(chosen_label, end=' ')  # TODO: Add a text output connector
            if chosen_label == 0:  # <next> token
                relative.pitch_class = None
                #relative.scale = # Note used
                #relative.prev_tick =
                relative.pitch_class = chosen_label-1
                #relative.scale =
                #relative.prev_tick =
        return self.reconstruct_song(processed_song)

    def create_extract(self, processed_song, start, length):
        """ preprocessed song > batch
        extract = Relative.RelativeBatch.SongExtract()
        extract.song = processed_song
        extract.begin = start
        extract.end = extract.begin + length
        return extract

    # TODO: How to optimize !! (precompute all values, use sparse arrays ?)
    def get_list(self,  dataset, name):
        """ See parent class for more details
            dataset (list[Song]): the training/testing set
            name (str): indicate the dataset type
            list[Batch]: the batches to process
        # Randomly extract subsamples of the songs
        print('Subsampling the songs ({})...'.format(name))

        extracts = []
        sample_subsampling_length = self.args.sample_length+1  # We add 1 because each input has to predict the next output
        for song in dataset:
            len_song = len(song.notes)
            max_start = len_song - sample_subsampling_length
            assert max_start >= 0  # TODO: Error handling (and if =0, compatible with randint ?)
            nb_sample_song = 2*len_song // self.args.sample_length  # The number of subsample is proportional to the song length (TODO: Could control the factor)
            for _ in range(nb_sample_song):
                    random.randrange(max_start),  # Begin TODO: Add mode to only start at the beginning of a bar
                    self.args.sample_length # End

        # Shuffle the song extracts
        print('Shuffling the dataset...')

        # Group the samples together to create the batches
        print('Generating batches...')

        def gen_next_samples():
            """ Generator over the mini-batch training samples
            Warning: the last samples will be ignored if the number of batch does not match the number of samples
            nb_samples = len(extracts)
            for i in range(nb_samples//self.args.batch_size):
                yield extracts[i*self.args.batch_size:(i+1)*self.args.batch_size]

        batch_set = [Relative.RelativeBatch(e) for e in gen_next_samples()]
        return batch_set

    def get_input_dim(self):
        """ In the case of the relative song, the input dim is the number of
        note on the scale (12) + 1 for the next token
        return Relative.RelativeBatch.get_input_dim()

class PianoRoll(BatchBuilder):
    """ Old piano roll format (legacy code). Won't work as it is
    def __init__(self, args):

    def get_module_id():
        return 'pianoroll'

    def get_list(self, dataset):

        # On the original version, the songs were directly converted to piano roll
        # self._convert_song2array()

        batches = []

        # TODO: Create batches (randomly cut each song in some small parts (need to know the total length for that)
        # then create the big matrix (NB_NOTE*sample_length) and turn that into batch). If process too long,
        # could save the created batches in a new folder, data/samples or save/model.

        # TODO: Create batches from multiples length (buckets). How to change the loss functions weights (longer
        # sequences more penalized ?)

        # TODO: Optimize memory management

        # First part: Randomly extract subsamples of the songs
        print('Subsampling songs ({})...'.format('train' if train_set else 'test'))

        sample_subsampling_length = self.args.sample_length+1  # We add 1 because each input has to predict the next output

        sub_songs = []
        songs_set = dataset
        for song in songs_set:
            len_song = song.shape[-1]  # The last dimension correspond to the song duration
            max_start = len_song - sample_subsampling_length
            assert max_start >= 0  # TODO: Error handling (and if =0, compatible with randint ?)
            nb_sample_song = 2*len_song // self.args.sample_length  # The number of subsample is proportional to the song length
            for _ in range(nb_sample_song):
                start = np.random.randint(max_start)  # TODO: Add mode to only start at the begining of a bar
                sub_song = song[:, start:start+sample_subsampling_length]

        # Second part: Shuffle the song extracts
        print("Shuffling the dataset...")

        # Third part: Group the samples together to create the batches
        print("Generating batches...")

        def gen_next_samples():
            """ Generator over the mini-batch training samples
            Warning: the last samples will be ignored if the number of batch does not match the number of samples
            nb_samples = len(sub_songs)
            for i in range(nb_samples//self.args.batch_size):
                yield sub_songs[i*self.args.batch_size:(i+1)*self.args.batch_size]

        for samples in gen_next_samples():  # TODO: tqdm with persist = False / will this work with generators ?
            batch = Batch()

            # samples has shape [batch_size, NB_NOTES, sample_subsampling_length]
            assert len(samples) == self.args.batch_size
            assert samples[0].shape == (music.NB_NOTES, sample_subsampling_length)

            # Define targets and inputs
            for i in range(self.args.sample_length):
                input = -np.ones([len(samples), music.NB_NOTES])
                target = np.zeros([len(samples), music.NB_NOTES])
                for j, sample in enumerate(samples):  # len(samples) == self.args.batch_size
                    # TODO: Could reuse boolean idx computed (from target to next input)
                    input[j, sample[:, i] == 1] = 1.0
                    target[j, sample[:, i+1] == 1] = 1.0



        # Use tf.train.batch() ??

        # TODO: Save some batches as midi to see if correct

        return batches

    def get_batches_test(self):  # TODO: Move that to BatchBuilder
        """ Return the batches which initiate the RNN when generating
        The initial batches are loaded from a json file containing the first notes of the song. The note values
        are the standard midi ones. Here is an examples of an initiator file:


            List[Batch], List[str]: The generated batches with the associated names
        assert self.args.batch_size == 1

        batches = []
        names = []

        with open(self.TEST_INIT_FILE) as init_file:
            initiators = json.load(init_file)

        for initiator in initiators['initiator']:
            batch = Batch()

            for seq in initiator['seq']:  # We add a few notes
                new_input = -np.ones([self.args.batch_size, music.NB_NOTES])  # No notes played by default
                for note in seq['notes']:
                    new_input[0, note] = 1.0


        return batches, names