Has the built-in aggregation functions, code for using them,
and code for adding new user-defined ones.

import types
import warnings
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

from neat.math_util import mean, median2

def product_aggregation(x):  # note: `x` is a list or other iterable
    return reduce(mul, x, 1.0)

def sum_aggregation(x):
    return sum(x)

def max_aggregation(x):
    return max(x)

def min_aggregation(x):
    return min(x)

def maxabs_aggregation(x):
    return max(x, key=abs)

def median_aggregation(x):
    return median2(x)

def mean_aggregation(x):
    return mean(x)

class InvalidAggregationFunction(TypeError):

def validate_aggregation(function):  # TODO: Recognize when need `reduce`
    if not isinstance(function,
        raise InvalidAggregationFunction("A function object is required.")

    if not (function.__code__.co_argcount >= 1):
        raise InvalidAggregationFunction("A function taking at least one argument is required")

class AggregationFunctionSet(object):
    """Contains aggregation functions and methods to add and retrieve them."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.functions = {}
        self.add('product', product_aggregation)
        self.add('sum', sum_aggregation)
        self.add('max', max_aggregation)
        self.add('min', min_aggregation)
        self.add('maxabs', maxabs_aggregation)
        self.add('median', median_aggregation)
        self.add('mean', mean_aggregation)

    def add(self, name, function):
        self.functions[name] = function

    def get(self, name):
        f = self.functions.get(name)
        if f is None:
            raise InvalidAggregationFunction("No such aggregation function: {0!r}".format(name))

        return f

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        warnings.warn("Use get, not indexing ([{!r}]), for aggregation functions".format(index),
        return self.get(index)

    def is_valid(self, name):
        return name in self.functions