import io
import requests
import os.path
import glob
import argparse
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import mistletoe
from notion.block import ImageBlock, CollectionViewBlock, PageBlock
from notion.client import NotionClient
from .NotionPyRenderer import NotionPyRenderer

def uploadBlock(blockDescriptor, blockParent, mdFilePath, imagePathFunc=None):
    Uploads a single blockDescriptor for NotionPyRenderer as the child of another block
    and does any post processing for Markdown importing
    @param {dict} blockDescriptor A block descriptor, output from NotionPyRenderer
    @param {NotionBlock} blockParent The parent to add it as a child of
    @param {string} mdFilePath The path to the markdown file to find images with
    @param {callable|None) [imagePathFunc=None] See upload()

    @todo Make mdFilePath optional and don't do searching if not provided
    blockClass = blockDescriptor["type"]
    del blockDescriptor["type"]
    if "schema" in blockDescriptor:
        collectionSchema = blockDescriptor["schema"]
        collectionRows = blockDescriptor["rows"]
        del blockDescriptor["schema"]
        del blockDescriptor["rows"]
    blockChildren = None
    if "children" in blockDescriptor:
        blockChildren = blockDescriptor["children"]
        del blockDescriptor["children"]
    newBlock = blockParent.children.add_new(blockClass, **blockDescriptor)
    # Upload images to that have local file paths
    if isinstance(newBlock, ImageBlock):
        imgRelSrc = blockDescriptor["source"]
        if '://' in imgRelSrc:
            return #Don't upload images that are external urls

        if imagePathFunc: #Transform by imagePathFunc
            imgSrc = imagePathFunc(imgRelSrc, mdFilePath)
            imgSrc = Path(mdFilePath).parent / Path(imgRelSrc)

        if not imgSrc.exists():
            print(f"ERROR: Local image '{imgSrc}' not found to upload. Skipping...")
        print(f"Uploading file '{imgSrc}'")
    elif isinstance(newBlock, CollectionViewBlock):
        #We should have generated a schema and rows for this one
        notionClient = blockParent._client #Hacky internals stuff...
        newBlock.collection = notionClient.get_collection(
            #Low-level use of the API
            #TODO: Update when notion-py provides a better interface for this
            notionClient.create_record("collection", parent=newBlock, schema=collectionSchema)
        view = newBlock.views.add_new(view_type="table")
        for row in collectionRows:
            newRow = newBlock.collection.add_row()
            for idx, propName in enumerate(prop["name"] for prop in collectionSchema.values()):
                # TODO: If rows aren't uploading, check to see if there's special
                # characters that don't map to propName in notion-py
                propName = propName.lower() #The actual prop name in notion-py is lowercase
                propVal = row[idx]
                setattr(newRow, propName, propVal)
    if blockChildren:
        for childBlock in blockChildren:
            uploadBlock(childBlock, newBlock, mdFilePath, imagePathFunc)

def convert(mdFile, notionPyRendererCls=NotionPyRenderer):
    Converts a mdFile into an array of NotionBlock descriptors
    @param {file|string} mdFile The file handle to a markdown file, or a markdown string
    @param {NotionPyRenderer} notionPyRendererCls Class inheritting from the renderer
    incase you want to render the Markdown => differently
    return mistletoe.markdown(mdFile, notionPyRendererCls)

def upload(mdFile, notionPage, imagePathFunc=None, notionPyRendererCls=NotionPyRenderer):
    Uploads a single markdown file at mdFilePath to as a child of
    @param {file} mdFile The file handle to a markdown file
    @param {NotionBlock} notionPage The block to add the markdown to
    @param {callable|None) [imagePathFunc=None] Function taking image source and mdFilePath
    to transform the relative image paths by if necessary (useful if your images are stored in weird
    locations relative to your md file.
    @param {NotionPyRenderer} notionPyRendererCls Class inheritting from the renderer
    incase you want to render the Markdown => differently
    # Convert the Markdown file
    rendered = convert(mdFile, notionPyRendererCls)

    # Upload all the blocks
    for idx, blockDescriptor in enumerate(rendered):
        pct = (idx+1)/len(rendered) * 100
        print(f"\rUploading {blockDescriptor['type'].__name__}, {idx+1}/{len(rendered)} ({pct:.1f}%)", end='')
        uploadBlock(blockDescriptor, notionPage,, imagePathFunc)

def filesFromPathsUrls(paths):
    Takes paths or URLs and yields file (path, fileName, file) tuples for 
    for path in paths:
        if '://' in path:
            r = requests.get(path)
            if not r.status_code < 300: #TODO: Make this better..., should only accept success
                raise RuntimeError(f'Could not get file {path}, HTTP {r.status_code}')
            fileName = path.split('?')[0]
            fileName = fileName.split('/')[-1]
            fileLike = io.StringIO(r.text)
   = path
            yield (path, fileName, fileLike)
            globPaths = glob.glob(path, recursive=True)
            if not globPaths:
                raise RuntimeError(f'No file found for glob {path}')
            for path in globPaths:
                with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
                    yield (path, os.path.basename(path), file)

def cli(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Uploads Markdown files to')
    parser.add_argument('token_v2', type=str,
                        help='the token for your session')
    parser.add_argument('page_url', type=str,
                        help='the url of the page you want to upload your Markdown files to')
    parser.add_argument('md_path_url', type=str, nargs='+',
                        help='A path, glob, or url to the Markdown file you want to upload')
    parser.add_argument('--create', action='store_const', dest='mode', const='create',
                        help='Create a new child page (default)')
    parser.add_argument('--append', action='store_const', dest='mode', const='append',
                        help='Append to page instead of creating a child page')
    parser.add_argument('--clear-previous', action='store_const', dest='mode', const='clear',
                        help='Clear a previous child page with the same name if it exists')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    print("Initializing client...")
    client = NotionClient(token_v2=args.token_v2)
    print("Getting target PageBlock...")
    page = client.get_block(args.page_url)
    uploadPage = page

    for mdPath, mdFileName, mdFile in filesFromPathsUrls(args.md_path_url):
        if args.mode == 'create' or args.mode == 'clear':
            # Clear any old pages if it's a PageBlock that has the same name
            if args.mode == 'clear':
                for child in [c for c in page.children if isinstance(c, PageBlock) and c.title == mdFileName]:
                    print(f"Removing previous {child.title}...")
            # Make the new page in
            uploadPage = page.children.add_new(PageBlock, title=mdFileName)
        print(f"Uploading {mdPath} to at page {uploadPage.title}...")
        upload(mdFile, uploadPage)

if __name__ == "__main__":