import re
import time

import isodate
import requests

from cloudbot import hook
from cloudbot.util import timeformat
from cloudbot.util.formatting import pluralize

youtube_re = re.compile(r'(?:youtube.*?(?:v=|/v/)|youtu\.be/|yooouuutuuube.*?id=)([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)', re.I)

base_url = ''
api_url = base_url + 'videos?part=contentDetails%2C+snippet%2C+statistics&id={}&key={}'
search_api_url = base_url + 'search?part=id&maxResults=1'
playlist_api_url = base_url + 'playlists?part=snippet%2CcontentDetails%2Cstatus'
video_url = ""
err_no_api = "The YouTube API is off in the Google Developers Console."

def get_video_description(video_id):
    json = requests.get(api_url.format(video_id, dev_key)).json()

    if json.get('error'):
        if json['error']['code'] == 403:
            return err_no_api

    data = json['items']
    snippet = data[0]['snippet']
    statistics = data[0]['statistics']
    content_details = data[0]['contentDetails']

    out = '\x02{}\x02'.format(snippet['title'])

    if not content_details.get('duration'):
        return out

    length = isodate.parse_duration(content_details['duration'])
    out += ' - length \x02{}\x02'.format(timeformat.format_time(int(length.total_seconds()), simple=True))
        total_votes = (float(statistics['likeCount']) +
    except KeyError:
        total_votes = "N/A"

    if total_votes != 0:
        # format
            likes = pluralize(int(statistics['likeCount']), "like")
            dislikes = pluralize(int(statistics['dislikeCount']), "dislike")
            percent = 100 * float(statistics['likeCount']) / total_votes

            out += ' - {}, {} (\x02{:.1f}\x02%)'.format(likes,
                                                        dislikes, percent)
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            out += ' - {}, {}, (\x02{})'.format('N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A')

    if 'viewCount' in statistics:
        views = int(statistics['viewCount'])
        out += ' - \x02{:,}\x02 view{}'.format(views, "s"[views == 1:])

    uploader = snippet['channelTitle']

    upload_time = time.strptime(snippet['publishedAt'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
    out += ' - \x02{}\x02 on \x02{}\x02'.format(uploader,
                                                time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d", upload_time))

    if 'contentRating' in content_details:
        out += ' - \x034NSFW\x02'

    return out

def load_key(bot):
    global dev_key
    dev_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("google_dev_key", None)

def youtube_url(match):
    return get_video_description(

@hook.command("youtube", "you", "yt", "y")
def youtube(text):
    """youtube <query> -- Returns the first YouTube search result for <query>."""
    if not dev_key:
        return "This command requires a Google Developers Console API key."

    json = requests.get(search_api_url, params={"q": text, "key": dev_key, "type": "video"}).json()

    if json.get('error'):
        if json['error']['code'] == 403:
            return err_no_api
            return 'Error performing search.'

    if json['pageInfo']['totalResults'] == 0:
        return 'No results found.'

    video_id = json['items'][0]['id']['videoId']

    return get_video_description(video_id) + " - " + video_url % video_id

@hook.command("youtime", "ytime")
def youtime(text):
    """youtime <query> -- Gets the total run time of the first YouTube search result for <query>."""
    if not dev_key:
        return "This command requires a Google Developers Console API key."

    json = requests.get(search_api_url, params={"q": text, "key": dev_key, "type": "video"}).json()

    if json.get('error'):
        if json['error']['code'] == 403:
            return err_no_api
            return 'Error performing search.'

    if json['pageInfo']['totalResults'] == 0:
        return 'No results found.'

    video_id = json['items'][0]['id']['videoId']
    json = requests.get(api_url.format(video_id, dev_key)).json()

    if json.get('error'):
    data = json['items']
    snippet = data[0]['snippet']
    content_details = data[0]['contentDetails']
    statistics = data[0]['statistics']

    if not content_details.get('duration'):

    length = isodate.parse_duration(content_details['duration'])
    l_sec = int(length.total_seconds())
    views = int(statistics['viewCount'])
    total = int(l_sec * views)

    length_text = timeformat.format_time(l_sec, simple=True)
    total_text = timeformat.format_time(total, accuracy=8)

    return 'The video \x02{}\x02 has a length of {} and has been viewed {:,} times for ' \
           'a total run time of {}!'.format(snippet['title'], length_text, views,

ytpl_re = re.compile(r'(.*:)//(|[0-9]+)?(.*)', re.I)

def ytplaylist_url(match):
    location ="=")[-1]
    json = requests.get(playlist_api_url, params={"id": location, "key": dev_key}).json()

    if json.get('error'):
        if json['error']['code'] == 403:
            return err_no_api
            return 'Error looking up playlist.'

    data = json['items']
    snippet = data[0]['snippet']
    content_details = data[0]['contentDetails']

    title = snippet['title']
    author = snippet['channelTitle']
    num_videos = int(content_details['itemCount'])
    count_videos = ' - \x02{:,}\x02 video{}'.format(num_videos, "s"[num_videos == 1:])
    return "\x02{}\x02 {} - \x02{}\x02".format(title, count_videos, author)