# Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import types
from xml.dom.minidom import *
from MoMeta import _VersionMeta, _ManagedObjectMeta
from MethodMeta import _MethodFactoryMeta
from UcsHandle import *
from Constants import *

externalMethodAttrs = ['errorCode', 'errorDescr', 'invocationResult', 'response']

def str_to_class(s):
	if s in globals() and isinstance(globals()[s], types.ClassType):
		return globals()[s]
	return None

class UcsBase:
	This is base class for ManagedObject, AbstractFilter and ExternalMethod classes.

	This class acts as the base class for ManagedObject, ExternalMethod and AbstractFilter classes. This class provides the basic
	functinality to add/remove/get child managed objects or handle object.

	def __init__(self, classId):
		self.classId = classId
		self.child = []
		self.handle = None
		self.dirtyMask = None

	def ToXml(self, options):
		w = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
		w.appendChild(self.WriteXml(w, options))
		return w.toxml()

	def GetHandle(self):
		"""Method returns the Ucs Handle object embedded within the object."""
		return self.handle

	def SetHandle(self, handle):
		"""Method sets the Ucs Handle object."""
		self.handle = handle

	def GetChild(self):
		"""Method returns the child managed object."""
		return self.child

	def GetChildCount(self):
		"""Method returns the child managed object count."""
		return len(self.child)

	def childWriteXml(self, w, option):
		"""Method writes the xml representation for the object."""
		ch = []
		for c in self.child:
			ch.append(c.WriteXml(w, option))
		return ch

	def RemoveChild(self, obj):
		"""Method removes the child managed object."""

	def childIsDirty(self):
		"""Method checks whether the child object is dirty or not."""
		for c in self.child:
			if c.IsDirty():
				return True
		return False

	def childMarkClean(self):
		"""Method Method cleans the dirty mask of child managed object."""
		for c in self.child:

	def MarkClean(self):
		"""Method cleans the dirty mask of the managed object."""
		self.dirtyMask = 0

	def IsDirty(self):
		"""Method checks whether the object is dirty or not."""
		return self.childIsDirty()

	def WriteObject(self):
		"""Method writes the string representation of the object."""
		for c in self.child:
			if c != None:

	def Clone(self):
		""" Method returns the clone of the Managed Object. """
		import copy

		return copy.deepcopy(self)

	#	def __copy__(self):
	#		return self
	def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
		""" Overridden method to support deepcopy of Managed Object. """
		import copy

		clone = copy.copy(self)
		cloneChild = []
		for c in clone.child:
		clone.child = cloneChild
		return clone

class UcsError(Exception):
	"""Base class for exceptions in Ucs module."""

class UcsException(UcsError):
	def __init__(self, errorCode, errorDescr):
		self.errorCode = errorCode
		self.errorDescr = errorDescr

	def __str__(self):
		return "[ErrorCode]: %s[ErrorDescription]: %s" % (self.errorCode, self.errorDescr)

class UcsValidationException(UcsError):
	def __init__(self, errorMsg):
		self.errorMsg = errorMsg

	def __str__(self):
		return "[ErrorMessage]: %s" % (self.errorMsg)

class AbstractFilter(UcsBase):

class ManagedObject(UcsBase):
	"""This class structures/represents all the managed objects in UCS."""

	def __init__(self, classId):

		unknownMo = False
		# make classId case insensitive
		metaClassId = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(classId)
		if (metaClassId == None):
			self.classId = classId
			self.propMoMeta = UcsMoMeta(classId, classId, "", "", "InputOutput", ManagedObject.DUMMYDIRTY, [], [], [],
			unknownMo = True
			self.classId = metaClassId
			self.propMoMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMeta(self.classId, "Meta")

		""" __init__ of the UcsBase class """
		UcsBase.__init__(self, self.classId)

		self.XtraProperty = {}

		""" instantiate class variables """
		if (not unknownMo):
			for prop in _ManagedObjectMeta[self.classId]:
				if prop != "Meta":
					self.__dict__[prop] = None

		if unknownMo:

	def FilterVersion(self, version):
		if ((self.propMoMeta != None) and (version != None)):
			if self.__dict__.has_key("XtraProperty"):

			for prop in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId):
				propMeta = UcsUtils.IsPropertyInMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId, prop)
				if ((propMeta == None) or (version < propMeta.version) or (
							propMeta.access == UcsPropertyMeta.Internal)):

		for c in self.GetChild():

	def setattr(self, key, value):
		""" This method sets attribute of a Managed Object. """
		if (UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId) != None):
			if (key in _ManagedObjectMeta[self.classId]):
				propMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMeta(self.classId, key)

				if (propMeta.ValidatePropertyValue(value) == False):
					# print "Validation Failure"
					return False

				if (propMeta.mask != None):
					self.dirtyMask |= propMeta.mask

				self.__dict__[key] = value
				self.__dict__['XtraProperty'][key] = value
			""" no such property """
			self.__dict__['XtraProperty'][UcsUtils.WordU(key)] = value
		# return None

	def __setattr__(self, key, value):
		""" Overridden standard setattr method. """
		if ((key == "classId") or (UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId) == None) or (
					key not in _ManagedObjectMeta[self.classId])):
			self.__dict__[key] = value

		return self.setattr(key, value)

	def getattr(self, key):
		""" This method gets attribute value of a Managed Object. """
		if ((key == "classId") and (self.__dict__.has_key(key))):
			return self.__dict__[key]

		if UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId):
			if self.__dict__.has_key(key):
				if key in _ManagedObjectMeta[self.classId]:
					""" property exists """
					return self.__dict__[key]
				if self.__dict__.has_key('XtraProperty'):
					if self.__dict__['XtraProperty'].has_key(key):
						return self.__dict__['XtraProperty'][UcsUtils.WordU(key)]
						raise AttributeError(key)
					# TODO: Add Warning/Error messages in Logger.
					print "No XtraProperty in mo:", self.classId, " key:", key
			""" property does not exist """
			if self.__dict__['XtraProperty'].has_key(key):
				return self.__dict__['XtraProperty'][UcsUtils.WordU(key)]
			elif key == "Dn" or key == "Rn":
				return None
				raise AttributeError(key)

	def __getattr__(self, key):
		""" Overridden standard getattr method. """
		return self.getattr(key)

	def AddChild(self, mo):
		""" This method adds child managed object to a managed object. """

	def MarkDirty(self):
		""" This method marks the managed object dirty. """
		if ((UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId) == None) and (not self.IsDirty())):
			self.dirtyMask = ManagedObject.DUMMYDIRTY
			self.dirtyMask = self.propMoMeta.mask

	def IsDirty(self):
		""" This method checks if managed object is dirty. """
		return ((self.dirtyMask != 0) or (self.childIsDirty()))

	def MakeRn(self):
		""" This method returns the Rn for a managed object. """
		rnPattern = self.propMoMeta.rn
		for prop in re.findall("\[([^\]]*)\]", rnPattern):
			if prop in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId):
				if (self.getattr(prop) != None):
					rnPattern = re.sub('\[%s\]' % prop, '%s' % self.getattr(prop), rnPattern)
					raise UcsValidationException('Property "%s" was None in MakeRn' % prop)
				# raise Exception('Property "%s" was None in MakeRn' %prop)
				raise UcsValidationException('Property "%s" was not found in MakeRn arguments' % prop)
			# raise Exception('Property "%s" was not found in MakeRn arguments' %prop)

		return rnPattern

	def WriteXml(self, w, option, elementName=None):
		"""	Method writes the xml representation of the managed object.	"""
		if (option == WriteXmlOption.Dirty and not self.IsDirty()):
		if elementName == None:
			x = w.createElement(self.propMoMeta.xmlAttribute)
			x = w.createElement(elementName)
		if UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId) != None:
			for at in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId):
				atMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMeta(self.classId, at)
				if (atMeta.access == UcsPropertyMeta.Internal):
				elif ((option != WriteXmlOption.Dirty) or (
							(atMeta.mask != None) and (self.dirtyMask & atMeta.mask) != 0)):
					if (getattr(self, at) != None):
						x.setAttribute(atMeta.xmlAttribute, getattr(self, at))
		# Adding XtraProperties from object into Xml query document
		for xtraProp in self.__dict__['XtraProperty']:
			x.setAttribute(UcsUtils.WordL(xtraProp), self.__dict__['XtraProperty'][xtraProp])
		x_child = self.childWriteXml(w, option)
		for xc in x_child:
			if (xc != None):
		return x

	def LoadFromXml(self, node, handle):
		"""	Method updates the object from the xml representation of the managed object. """
		if node.hasAttributes():
			# attributes = node._get_attributes()
			# attCount = attributes._get_length()
			attributes = node.attributes
			attCount = len(attributes)
			for i in range(attCount):
				attNode = attributes.item(i)
				# attr = UcsUtils.WordU(attNode._get_name())
				attr = UcsUtils.WordU(attNode.localName)
				if (UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId) != None):
					if (attr in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId)):
						# self.setattr(attr, str(attNode.nodeValue))
						self.setattr(attr, str(attNode.value))
						# self.setattr(UcsUtils.WordU(attr), str(attNode.nodeValue))
						self.setattr(UcsUtils.WordU(attr), str(attNode.value))
					# self.setattr(UcsUtils.WordU(attr), str(attNode.nodeValue))
					self.setattr(UcsUtils.WordU(attr), str(attNode.value))

			if self.getattr("Rn") == None and self.getattr("Dn") != None:
				self.setattr("Rn", str(re.sub(r'^.*/', '', self.getattr("Dn"))))

		if (node.hasChildNodes()):
			# childList = node._get_childNodes()
			# childCount = childList._get_length()
			childList = node.childNodes
			childCount = len(childList)
			for i in range(childCount):
				childNode = childList.item(i)
				if (childNode.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE):

				if childNode.localName in self.propMoMeta.fieldNames:
					# .LoadFromXml(childNode, handle)
				# TODO: Need code analysis.
				# if childNode.localName in self.propMoMeta.childFieldNames:
				c = ManagedObject(UcsUtils.WordU(childNode.localName))
				c.LoadFromXml(childNode, handle)

	def __str__(self):
		# from UcsBase import _write_mo
		return _write_mo(self)

class ExternalMethod(UcsBase):
	This class represents the UCS Xml api's query/configuration methods.

	def __init__(self, classId):

		# make classId case insensitive
		metaClassId = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMethodMetaIgnoreCase(classId)
		if (metaClassId == None):
			raise UcsValidationException("Invalid class Id %s" % classId)
		# raise Exception("Invalid class Id %s" % classId)
			classId = metaClassId

		""" __init__ of the UcsBase class """
		UcsBase.__init__(self, classId)

		self.classId = classId
		self.propMoMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsMethodMeta(self.classId, "Meta")

		""" instantiate class variables """
		for prop in _MethodFactoryMeta[classId]:
			if prop != "Meta":
				self.__dict__[prop] = None

		self.errorCode = 0
		self.errorDescr = None
		self.invocationResult = None
		self.response = None


	def AddChild(self, mo):
		""" This method adds child external method object to a external method object. """

	def setattr(self, key, value):
		""" This method sets the attribute of external method object. """
		if key in _MethodFactoryMeta[self.classId]:
			self.__dict__[key] = value
		elif key == 'errorCode':
			self.errorCode = value
		elif key == 'errorDescr':
			self.errorDescr = value
		elif key == 'invocationResult':
			self.invocationResult = value
		elif key == 'response':
			self.response = value
			""" no such property """
			# print "No such property ClassId: %s Property:%s" %(self.classId, key)
			return None

	def getattr(self, key):
		""" This method gets the attribute value of external method object. """
		if key in _MethodFactoryMeta[self.classId]:
			""" property exists """
			return self.__dict__[key]
			""" property does not exist """
			return None

	def getErrorResponse(self, errorCode, errorDescr):
		""" This methods sets error attributes of an external method object. """
		self.errorCode = errorCode
		self.errorDescr = errorDescr
		self.response = "yes"
		return self

	def WriteXml(self, w, option, elementName=None):
		"""	Method writes the xml representation of the managed object.	"""
		if elementName == None:
			x = w.createElement(self.propMoMeta.xmlAttribute)
			x = w.createElement(elementName)
		for at in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId):
			atMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsMethodMeta(self.classId, at)
			if (atMeta.io == "Output"):
			if atMeta.isComplexType:
				if (getattr(self, at) != None):
					x.appendChild(self.__dict__[at].WriteXml(w, option, UcsUtils.WordL(at)))
			elif (getattr(self, at) != None):
				x.setAttribute(atMeta.xmlAttribute, getattr(self, at))
		x_child = self.childWriteXml(w, option)
		for xc in x_child:
			if (xc != None):
		return x

	def LoadFromXml(self, node, handle):
		"""	Method updates/fills the object from the xml representation of the managed object. """
		from Ucs import ClassFactory

		if node.hasAttributes():
			# attributes = node._get_attributes()
			# attCount = attributes._get_length()
			attributes = node.attributes
			attCount = len(attributes)
			for i in range(attCount):
				attNode = attributes.item(i)
				# attr = UcsUtils.WordU(attNode._get_name())
				attr = UcsUtils.WordU(attNode.localName)
				if (attr in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId)):
					atMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsMethodMeta(self.classId, attr)
					if ((atMeta.io == "Input") or (atMeta.isComplexType)):
					# self.setattr(attr, str(attNode.nodeValue))
					self.setattr(attr, str(attNode.value))
				# elif (attNode._get_name() in externalMethodAttrs):
				#	self.setattr(attNode._get_name(), str(attNode.nodeValue))
				elif (attNode.localName in externalMethodAttrs):
					self.setattr(attNode.localName, str(attNode.value))

		if (node.hasChildNodes()):
			# childList = node._get_childNodes()
			# childCount = childList._get_length()
			childList = node.childNodes
			childCount = len(childList)
			for i in range(childCount):
				childNode = childList.item(i)
				if (childNode.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE):

				cln = UcsUtils.WordU(childNode.localName)
				if cln in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.classId):
					atMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsMethodMeta(self.classId, cln)
					if ((atMeta.io == "Output") and (atMeta.isComplexType)):
						c = ClassFactory(atMeta.fieldType)
						if (c != None):
							self.setattr(cln, c)
							c.LoadFromXml(childNode, handle)

class UcsUtils:
	This class provides the basic utility functionality for the library.

	def IsValidClassId(classId):
		""" Methods checks whether the provided classId is valid or not. """
		if ((classId in _ManagedObjectMeta) or (classId in _MethodFactoryMeta)):
			return True
		return False

	def GetUcsPropertyMeta(classId, key):
		""" Methods returns the property meta of the provided key for the given classId. """
		if classId in _ManagedObjectMeta:
			if key in _ManagedObjectMeta[classId]:
				return _ManagedObjectMeta[classId][key]
		return None

	def GetUcsMethodMeta(classId, key):
		""" Methods returns the method meta of the ExternalMethod. """
		if classId in _MethodFactoryMeta:
			if key in _MethodFactoryMeta[classId]:
				return _MethodFactoryMeta[classId][key]
		return None

	def GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(classId):
		""" Methods returns the class meta. """
		if classId in _ManagedObjectMeta:
			attrList = _ManagedObjectMeta[classId].keys()
			return attrList
		if classId in _MethodFactoryMeta:
			attrList = _MethodFactoryMeta[classId].keys()
			return attrList

		# If the case of classId is not as in Meta
		nci = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(classId)
		if (nci != None):
			attrList = _ManagedObjectMeta[nci].keys()
			return attrList

		nci = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMethodMetaIgnoreCase(classId)
		if (nci != None):
			attrList = _MethodFactoryMeta[nci].keys()
			return attrList

		return None

	def IsPropertyInMetaIgnoreCase(classId, key):
		""" Methods returns the property meta of the provided key for the given classId. Given key is case insensitive. """
		if classId in _ManagedObjectMeta:
			for prop in _ManagedObjectMeta[classId]:
				if (prop.lower() == key.lower()):
					return _ManagedObjectMeta[classId][prop]
		if classId in _MethodFactoryMeta:
			for prop in _MethodFactoryMeta[classId]:
				if (prop.lower() == key.lower()):
					return _MethodFactoryMeta[classId][prop]
		return None

	def FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(classId):
		""" Methods whether classId is valid or not . Given class is case insensitive. """
		if not classId:
			return None
		if classId in _ManagedObjectMeta:
			return classId
		lClassId = classId.lower()
		for key in _ManagedObjectMeta.keys():
			if (key.lower() == lClassId):
				return key
		return None

	def FindClassIdInMethodMetaIgnoreCase(classId):
		""" Methods whether classId is valid or not . Given class is case insensitive. """
		if classId in _MethodFactoryMeta:
			return classId
		lClassId = classId.lower()
		for key in _MethodFactoryMeta.keys():
			if (key.lower() == classId.lower()):
				return key
		return None

	def HandleFilterMaxComponentLimit(handle, lfilter):
		Method checks the filter count and if the filter count exceeds the maxComponents(number of filters), then the given filter
		objects get distributed among small groups and then again binded together in complex filters(like and , or) so that the
		count of filters can be reduced.
		from Ucs import AndFilter, OrFilter, AbstractFilter

		maxComponents = 10
		if ((lfilter == None) or (lfilter.GetChildCount() <= maxComponents)):
			return lfilter

		if ((not (isinstance(lfilter, AndFilter))) and (not (isinstance(lfilter, OrFilter)))):
			return lfilter

		resultFilter = None
		if (isinstance(lfilter, AndFilter) == True):
			parentFilter = AndFilter()
			childFilter = AndFilter()
			for cf in lfilter.GetChild():
				if (isinstance(cf, AbstractFilter) == True):
					if (childFilter.GetChildCount() == maxComponents):
						childFilter = AndFilter()
			resultFilter = parentFilter
			parentFilter = OrFilter()
			childFilter = OrFilter()
			for cf in lfilter.GetChild():
				if (isinstance(cf, AbstractFilter) == True):
					if (childFilter.GetChildCount() == maxComponents):
						childFilter = OrFilter()
			resultFilter = parentFilter
		return UcsUtils.HandleFilterMaxComponentLimit(handle, resultFilter)

	def WordL(word):
		""" Method makes the first letter of the given string as lower case. """
		return (word[0].lower() + word[1:])

	def WordU(word):
		""" Method makes the first letter of the given string as capital. """
		return (word[0].upper() + word[1:])

	def MakeDn(rnArray):
		""" Method forms Dn out of array of rns. """
		return '/'.join(rnArray)

	def CheckRegistryKey(javaKey):
		""" Method checks for the java in the registry entries. """
		from _winreg import ConnectRegistry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, OpenKey, QueryValueEx

		path = None
			aReg = ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
			rk = OpenKey(aReg, javaKey)
			for i in range(1024):
				currentVersion = QueryValueEx(rk, "CurrentVersion")
				if currentVersion != None:
					key = OpenKey(rk, currentVersion[0])
					if key != None:
						path = QueryValueEx(key, "JavaHome")
						return path[0]
		except Exception, err:
			# TODO: Add Warning/Error messages in Logger.
			WriteUcsWarning("Not able to access registry.")
			return None

	def GetJavaInstallationPath():
		""" Method returns the java installation path in the windows or Linux environment. """
		import os, platform

		# Get JavaPath for Ubuntu
		# if os.name == "posix":
		if platform.system() == "Linux":
			path = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
			if not path:
				raise UcsValidationException(
					"Please make sure JAVA is installed and variable JAVA_HOME is set properly.")
			# raise Exception("Please make sure JAVA is installed and variable JAVA_HOME is set properly.")
				path = os.path.join(path, 'bin')
				path = os.path.join(path, 'javaws')
				if not os.path.exists(path):
					raise UcsValidationException("javaws is not installed on System.")
				# raise Exception("javaws is not installed on System.")
					return path

		# Get JavaPath for Windows
		# elif os.name == "nt":
		elif platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":

			path = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')

			if path == None:
				path = UcsUtils.CheckRegistryKey(r"SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment\\")

			if path == None:  # Check for 32 bit Java on 64 bit machine.
				path = UcsUtils.CheckRegistryKey(r"SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment")

			if not path:
				raise UcsValidationException("Please make sure JAVA is installed.")
			# raise Exception("Please make sure JAVA is installed.")
				path = os.path.join(path, 'bin')
				path = os.path.join(path, 'javaws.exe')
				if not os.path.exists(path):
					raise UcsValidationException("javaws.exe is not installed on System.")
				# raise Exception("javaws.exe is not installed on System.")
					return path

	def DownloadFile(hUcs, source, destination):
		Method provides the functionality to download file from the UCS. This method is used in BackupUcs and GetTechSupport to
		download the files from the Ucs.
		import urllib2
		from sys import stdout
		from time import sleep

		httpAddress = "%s/%s" % (hUcs.Uri(), source)
		file_name = httpAddress.split('/')[-1]

		req = urllib2.Request(httpAddress)  # send the new url with the cookie.
		req.add_header('Cookie', 'ucsm-cookie=%s' % (hUcs._cookie))
		res = urllib2.urlopen(req)

		meta = res.info()
		file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
		print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size)

		f = open(destination, 'wb')
		file_size_dl = 0
		block_sz = 8192
		while True:
			rBuffer = res.read(block_sz)
			if not rBuffer:

			file_size_dl += len(rBuffer)
			status = r"%10d  [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size)
			status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1)
			stdout.write("\r%s" % status)
		# print status


	def GetSyncMoConfigFilePath():
		""" Method returs the path of SyncMoConfig.xml file. """
		return os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources"), "SyncMoConfig.xml")

	def GetSyncMoConfig(ConfigDoc):
		""" Internal support method for SyncManagedObject. """
		moConfigMap = {}
		configList = ConfigDoc.getElementsByTagName("mo")

		for moConfigNode in configList:
			classId = None
			noun = None
			version = None
			actionVersion = None
			action = None
			ignoreReason = None
			status = None
			excludeList = None

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("classid"):
				classId = moConfigNode.getAttribute("classid")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("noun"):
				noun = moConfigNode.getAttribute("noun")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("version"):
				version = moConfigNode.getAttribute("version")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("actionVersion"):
				actionVersion = moConfigNode.getAttribute("actionVersion")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("action"):
				action = moConfigNode.getAttribute("action")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("ignoreReason"):
				ignoreReason = moConfigNode.getAttribute("ignoreReason")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("status"):
				status = moConfigNode.getAttribute("status")

			if moConfigNode.hasAttribute("excludeList"):
				excludeList = moConfigNode.getAttribute("excludeList")

			# SyncMoConfig Object
			moConfig = None

			if classId:
				moConfig = SyncMoConfig(classId, noun, version, actionVersion, action, ignoreReason, status,

			if moConfig:
				if classId in moConfigMap:
					moConfigMap[classId] = moConfig
					moConfigList = []
					moConfigMap[classId] = moConfigList

		return moConfigMap

	def GetShaHash(str):
		""" Method returns the sha hash digest for a given string. """
		import sha

		return sha.new(str).digest()

	def Expandkey(key, clen):
		""" Internal method supporting encryption and decryption functionality. """
		import sha
		from string import join
		from array import array

		blocks = (clen + 19) / 20
		xkey = []
		seed = key
		for i in xrange(blocks):
			seed = sha.new(key + seed).digest()
		j = join(xkey, '')
		return array('L', j)

	def EncryptPassword(password, key):
		""" Encrypts the password using the given key. """
		from time import time
		from array import array
		import hmac
		import sha
		import os
		import base64

		H = UcsUtils.GetShaHash

		uhash = H(','.join(str(x) for x in [`time()`, `os.getpid()`, `len(password)`, password, key]))[:16]

		k_enc, k_auth = H('enc' + key + uhash), H('auth' + key + uhash)
		n = len(password)
		passwordStream = array('L', password + '0000'[n & 3:])
		xkey = UcsUtils.Expandkey(k_enc, n + 4)

		for i in xrange(len(passwordStream)):
			passwordStream[i] = passwordStream[i] ^ xkey[i]

		ct = uhash + passwordStream.tostring()[:n]
		auth = hmac.new(ct, k_auth, sha).digest()

		encryptStr = ct + auth[:8]
		encodedStr = base64.encodestring(encryptStr)
		encryptedPassword = encodedStr.rstrip('\n')
		return encryptedPassword

	def DecryptPassword(cipher, key):
		""" Decrypts the password using the given key with which the password was encrypted first. """
		import base64
		import hmac
		import sha
		from array import array

		H = UcsUtils.GetShaHash

		cipher = cipher + "\n"
		cipher = base64.decodestring(cipher)
		n = len(cipher) - 16 - 8

		uhash = cipher[:16]
		passwordStream = cipher[16:-8] + "0000"[n & 3:]
		auth = cipher[-8:]

		k_enc, k_auth = H('enc' + key + uhash), H('auth' + key + uhash)
		vauth = hmac.new(cipher[-8:], k_auth, sha).digest()[:8]

		passwordStream = array('L', passwordStream)
		xkey = UcsUtils.Expandkey(k_enc, n + 4)

		for i in xrange(len(passwordStream)):
			passwordStream[i] = passwordStream[i] ^ xkey[i]

		decryptedPassword = passwordStream.tostring()[:n]
		return decryptedPassword

	def extractMolistFromMethodResponse(methodResponse, inHierarchical=False):
		moList = []
		if inHierarchical == True:
			currentMoList = methodResponse.OutConfigs.child
			while len(currentMoList) > 0:
				childMoList = []
				for mo in currentMoList:
					while mo.GetChildCount() > 0:
						for child in mo.child:
							if child.__dict__.has_key('Dn'):
								if child.Dn == None or child.Dn == "":
									child.setattr("Dn", mo.Dn + '/' + child.Rn)
								child.setattr("Dn", mo.Dn + '/' + child.Rn)
				currentMoList = childMoList
			moList = methodResponse.OutConfigs.child

		return moList

def _write_mo(mo):
	""" Method to return string representation of a managed object. """
	# from UcsBase import UcsUtils
	classNotFound = False
	if (UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(mo.classId) == None):
		classNotFound = True

	tabsize = 8
	outstr = "\n"
	if classNotFound:
		outstr += "Managed Object\t\t\t:\t" + str(UcsUtils.WordU(mo.classId)) + "\n"
		outstr += "Managed Object\t\t\t:\t" + str(mo.propMoMeta.name) + "\n"
	outstr += "-" * len("Managed Object") + "\n"
	if (not classNotFound):
		for prop in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(mo.propMoMeta.name):
			propMeta = UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMeta(mo.propMoMeta.name, prop)
			if (propMeta.access == UcsPropertyMeta.Internal):
			val = mo.getattr(prop)
			# if val != None and val != "":
			outstr += str(prop).ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(val) + "\n"
		for prop in mo.__dict__:
			if (prop in ['classId', 'XtraProperty', 'handle', 'propMoMeta', 'dirtyMask', 'child']):
			val = mo.__dict__[prop]
			outstr += str(UcsUtils.WordU(prop)).ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(val) + "\n"
	if mo.__dict__.has_key('XtraProperty'):
		for xtraProp in mo.__dict__['XtraProperty']:
			outstr += '[X]' + str(UcsUtils.WordU(xtraProp)).ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(
				mo.__dict__['XtraProperty'][xtraProp]) + "\n"

	outstr += str("Ucs").ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(mo.handle._ucs) + "\n"

	outstr += "\n"
	return outstr

def WriteMoDiff(diffObj):
	""" Writes the difference managedObject(output of CompareManagedObject) on the terminal. """
	tabsize = 8
	print str(diffObj.Dn).ljust(tabsize * 10), str(diffObj.InputObject.propMoMeta.name).ljust(tabsize * 4), str(
		diffObj.SideIndicator).ljust(tabsize * 3), str(diffObj.DiffProperty)

def WriteObject(moList):
	""" Writes the managed object on the terminal in form of key value pairs. """
	from Ucs import Dn
	from UcsHandle import UcsMoDiff

	tabsize = 8
	if (isinstance(moList, _GenericMO) == True):
		print str(moList)
	elif (isinstance(moList, ExternalMethod) == True):
		if (hasattr(moList, "OutConfigs") == True):
			for child in moList.OutConfigs.GetChild():
				if (isinstance(child, ManagedObject) == True):
	elif (isinstance(moList, ManagedObject) == True):
		print str(_write_mo(moList))
	elif ((isinstance(moList, list) == True) and (len(moList) > 0)):
		if (isinstance(moList[0], UcsMoDiff)):
			print "Dn".ljust(tabsize * 10), "InputObject".ljust(tabsize * 4), "SideIndicator".ljust(
				tabsize * 3), "DiffProperty"
			print "--".ljust(tabsize * 10), "-----------".ljust(tabsize * 4), "-------------".ljust(
				tabsize * 3), "------------"
		for mo in moList:
			if (isinstance(mo, ManagedObject) == True):
				print str(_write_mo(mo))
			elif (isinstance(mo, Dn) == True):
				print mo.getattr("value")
			elif (isinstance(mo, UcsMoDiff) == True):

def WriteUcsWarning(string):
	""" Method to throw warnings. """
	import warnings


class GenericMO(ManagedObject):
	""" This class handles the exceptional behaviour of Generic managed object. """

	def __init__(self, mo, option):
		ManagedObject.__init__(self, mo.classId)
		self._excludePropList = []
		w = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
		w.appendChild(mo.WriteXml(w, option))

		doc = parseString(w.toxml())
		self.LoadFromXml(doc.childNodes[0], mo.handle)

class _GenericMO(ManagedObject):
	""" This class provides the functionality to create Generic managed objects. """

	def __init__(self, loadXml=None, mo=None, option=WriteXmlOption.AllConfig):
		ManagedObject.__init__(self, "GMO")
		self.dn = None
		self.rn = None
		self.properties = {}
		self.loadXml = loadXml
		self.mo = mo
		self.option = option

		if loadXml:

		if mo:

	def GetRootNode(self, xmlString):
		_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString)
		rootNode = _doc.documentElement

	def GetAttribute(self, attr):
		if attr in self.properties:
			return self.properties[attr]
		return None

	def WriteToAttributes(self, node):
		if node.hasAttributes():
			for _attr, _val in node.attributes.items():
				self.properties[_attr] = _val

	def LoadFromXml(self, node):
		"""	Method updates the object from the xml. """
		import os

		self.classId = node.localName
		metaClassId = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId)

		if metaClassId:
			self.classId = metaClassId

		if node.hasAttribute(NamingPropertyId.DN):
			self.dn = node.getAttribute(NamingPropertyId.DN)

		if self.dn:
			self.rn = os.path.basename(self.dn)

		# Write the attribute and value to dictionary properties, as it is .

		# Run the LoadFromXml for each childNode recursively and populate child list too.
		if (node.hasChildNodes()):
			# childList = node._get_childNodes()
			# childCount = childList._get_length()
			childList = node.childNodes
			childCount = len(childList)
			for i in range(childCount):
				childNode = childList.item(i)
				if (childNode.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE):
				c = _GenericMO()

	def WriteXml(self, w, option, elementName=None):
		"""	Method writes the xml representation of the generic managed object.	"""
		if elementName == None:
			x = w.createElement(self.classId)
			x = w.createElement(elementName)

		for prop in self.__dict__['properties']:
			x.setAttribute(UcsUtils.WordL(prop), self.__dict__['properties'][prop])
		x_child = self.childWriteXml(w, option)
		for xc in x_child:
			if (xc != None):
		return x

	def ToManagedObject(self):
		Method creates and returns an object of ManagedObject class using the classId and information from the
		Generic managed object.
		from Ucs import ClassFactory

		cln = UcsUtils.WordU(self.classId)
		mo = ClassFactory(cln)
		if mo and (isinstance(mo, ManagedObject) == True):
			metaClassId = UcsUtils.FindClassIdInMoMetaIgnoreCase(self.classId)
			for property in self.properties:
				if UcsUtils.WordU(property) in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(metaClassId):
					mo.setattr(UcsUtils.WordU(property), self.properties[property])
					# TODO: Add Warning/Error messages in Logger.
					WriteUcsWarning("Property %s Not Exist in MO %s" % (UcsUtils.WordU(property), metaClassId))

			if len(self.child):
				for ch in self.child:
					moch = ch.ToManagedObject()
			return mo
			return None

	def FromManagedObject(self):
		Method creates and returns an object of _GenericMO class using the classId and other information from the
		managed object.
		import os

		if (isinstance(self.mo, ManagedObject) == True):
			self.classId = self.mo.classId

			if self.mo.getattr('Dn'):
				self.dn = self.mo.getattr('Dn')

			if self.mo.getattr('Rn'):
				self.rn = self.mo.getattr('Rn')
			elif self.dn:
				self.rn = os.path.basename(self.dn)

			for property in UcsUtils.GetUcsPropertyMetaAttributeList(self.mo.classId):
				self.properties[property] = self.mo.getattr(property)

			if len(self.mo.child):
				for ch in self.mo.child:
					if not ch.getattr('Dn'):
						_Dn = self.mo.getattr('Dn') + "/" + ch.getattr('Rn')
						ch.setattr('Dn', _Dn)
					gmo = _GenericMO(mo=ch)

	def __str__(self):
		tabsize = 8
		if (isinstance(self, _GenericMO) == True):
			outStr = "\n"
			outStr += 'classId'.ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(self.__dict__['classId']) + "\n"
			outStr += 'dn'.ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(self.__dict__['dn']) + "\n"
			outStr += 'rn'.ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(self.__dict__['rn']) + "\n"
			for key, value in self.__dict__['properties'].items():
				outStr += key.ljust(tabsize * 4) + ':' + str(value) + "\n"

			for ch in self.child:
				outStr += str(ch) + "\n"

			# print outStr
			return outStr

	def GetChildClassId(self, classId):
		Method extracts and returns the child object list same as the given classId
		childList = []
		for ch in self.child:
			if ch.classId.lower() == classId.lower():
		return childList

	def GetChild(self):
		""" Method returns the child object. """
		return self.child

class SyncAction:
	""" Internal class to provide constants for SyncManagedObject functionality. """
	statusChange = "STATUS_CHANGE"
	ignore = "IGNORE"
	none = "NONE"

class SyncMoConfig:
	""" Internal class to support SyncManagedObject functionality. """
	classId = ""
	noun = ""
	version = None
	actionVersion = None
	action = ""
	ignoreReason = {}
	status = ""
	excludeList = []

	def __init__(self, classId, noun, version, actionVersion, action, ignoreReason, status, excludeList):
		self.classId = classId
		self.noun = noun

		if version:
			self.version = UcsVersion(version)
			self.version = None

		if actionVersion:
			self.actionVersion = UcsVersion(actionVersion)
			actionVersion = None

		self.status = status

		if (action.strip()).lower() == ("statusChange").lower():
			self.action = SyncAction.statusChange
		elif (action.strip()).lower() == ("ignore").lower():
			self.action = SyncAction.ignore
			self.action = SyncAction.none

		if excludeList:
			self.excludeList = excludeList.split(",")
			self.excludeList = None

		irMap = {}
		if ignoreReason and self.action == SyncAction.ignore:

			pairs = ignoreReason.strip().split(",")
			for pair in pairs:
				kv = pair.strip().split("=")
				if kv is None or len(kv) != 2:
				irMap[kv[0]] = kv[1]

		if irMap:
			self.ignoreReason = irMap

	def getClassid(self):
		return self.classId

	def getNoun(self):
		return self.noun

	def getVersion(self):
		return self.version

	def getActionVersion(self):
		return self.actionVersion

	def getAction(self):
		return self.action

	def getStatus(self):
		return self.status

	def getExcludeList(self):
		return self.excludeList

	def getIgnoreReason(self):
		return self.ignoreReason

def loadUcsConfig():
	from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser

	configFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"UcsConfig.cfg")
	parser = SafeConfigParser()

	sslProtocol = parser.get('ssl_connection', 'ssl_protocol').strip('"')
	isVerifyCertificate = parser.getboolean('ssl_connection', 'verify_certificate')

	if not sys.version_info < (2, 6):
		from functools import partial
		import ssl

		sslProtocolDict = {'TLSv1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1}

		ssl.wrap_socket = partial(ssl.wrap_socket, ssl_version=sslProtocolDict[sslProtocol])

		if not sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9) and not isVerifyCertificate:
			ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context