import os
from threading import local
import unittest

import pycurl

from twisted.internet.defer import FirstError
from twisted.python.compat import unicode

from landscape.lib import testing
from landscape.lib.fetch import (
    fetch, fetch_async, fetch_many_async, fetch_to_files,
    url_to_filename, HTTPCodeError, PyCurlError)

class CurlStub(object):

    def __init__(self, result=None, infos=None, error=None):
        self.result = result
        self.infos = infos
        if self.infos is None:
            self.infos = {pycurl.HTTP_CODE: 200}
        self.options = {}
        self.performed = False
        self.error = error

    def getinfo(self, what):
        if what in self.infos:
            return self.infos[what]
        raise RuntimeError("Stub doesn't know about %d info" % what)

    def setopt(self, option, value):
        if isinstance(value, unicode):
            raise AssertionError("setopt() doesn't accept unicode values")
        if self.performed:
            raise AssertionError("setopt() can't be called after perform()")
        self.options[option] = value

    def perform(self):
        if self.error:
            raise self.error
        if self.performed:
            raise AssertionError("Can't perform twice")
        self.performed = True

class CurlManyStub(object):

    def __init__(self, url_results):
        self.curls = {}
        for url in url_results:
            result = url_results[url]
            if not isinstance(result, tuple):
                body = result
                http_code = 200
                body = result[0]
                http_code = result[1]
            self.curls[url] = CurlStub(
                result=body, infos={pycurl.HTTP_CODE: http_code})

        # Use thread local storage to keep the current CurlStub since
        # CurlManyStub is passed to multiple threads, but the state needs to be
        # local.
        self._local = local()
        self._local.current = None

    def getinfo(self, what):
        if not self._local.current.performed:
            raise AssertionError("getinfo() can't be called before perform()")
        result = self._local.current.getinfo(what)
        self._local.current = None
        return result

    def setopt(self, option, value):
        if option == pycurl.URL:
            # This seems a bit weird, but the curls have a str as key and we
            # want to keep it like this. But when we set the value for pycurl
            # option we already have the encoded bytes object, that's why we
            # have to decode again.
            self._local.current = self.curls[value.decode('ascii')]
        self._local.current.setopt(option, value)

    def perform(self):

class Any(object):

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return True

class FetchTest(testing.FSTestCase, testing.TwistedTestCase,

    def test_basic(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_post(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", post=True, curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.POST: True,
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_post_data(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", post=True, data="data", curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertEqual(curl.options[pycurl.READFUNCTION](), b"data")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.POST: True,
                          pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE: 4,
                          pycurl.READFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_cainfo(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", cainfo="cainfo", curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.CAINFO: b"cainfo",
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_cainfo_on_http(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", cainfo="cainfo", curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertTrue(pycurl.CAINFO not in curl.options)

    def test_headers(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("",
                       headers={"a": "1", "b": "2"}, curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.HTTPHEADER: ["a: 1", "b: 2"],
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_timeouts(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", connect_timeout=5,
                       total_timeout=30, curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 5,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 30,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_unicode(self):
        The L{fetch} function converts the C{url} parameter to C{bytes} before
        passing it to curl.
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch(u"", curl=curl)
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertEqual(curl.options[pycurl.URL], b"")
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(curl.options[pycurl.URL], bytes))

    def test_non_200_result(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result", {pycurl.HTTP_CODE: 404})
            fetch("", curl=curl)
        except HTTPCodeError as error:
            self.assertEqual(error.http_code, 404)
            self.assertEqual(error.body, b"result")
  "HTTPCodeError not raised")

    def test_http_error_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(HTTPCodeError(501, "")),
                         "Server returned HTTP code 501")

    def test_http_error_repr(self):
        self.assertEqual(repr(HTTPCodeError(501, "")),
                         "<HTTPCodeError http_code=501>")

    def test_pycurl_error(self):
        curl = CurlStub(error=pycurl.error(60, "pycurl error"))
            fetch("", curl=curl)
        except PyCurlError as error:
            self.assertEqual(error.error_code, 60)
            self.assertEqual(error.message, "pycurl error")
  "PyCurlError not raised")

    def test_pycurl_insecure(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", curl=curl,
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                         {pycurl.URL: b"",
                          pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                          pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                          pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                          pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                          pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                          pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                          pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER: False,
                          pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                          pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})

    def test_pycurl_error_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(PyCurlError(60, "pycurl error")),
                         "Error 60: pycurl error")

    def test_pycurl_error_repr(self):
        self.assertEqual(repr(PyCurlError(60, "pycurl error")),
                         "<PyCurlError args=(60, 'pycurl error')>")

    def test_pycurl_follow_true(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", curl=curl,
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertEqual(1, curl.options[pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION])

    def test_pycurl_follow_false(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch("", curl=curl,
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertNotIn(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, curl.options.keys())

    def test_pycurl_user_agent(self):
        """If provided, the user-agent is set in the request."""
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        result = fetch(
            "", curl=curl, user_agent="user-agent")
        self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        self.assertEqual(b"user-agent", curl.options[pycurl.USERAGENT])

    def test_pycurl_proxy(self):
        """If provided, the proxy is set in the request."""
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        proxy = "http://my.little.proxy"
        result = fetch("", curl=curl, proxy=proxy)
        self.assertEqual(b"result", result)
        self.assertEqual(proxy.encode('ascii'), curl.options[pycurl.PROXY])

    def test_create_curl(self):
        curls = []

        def pycurl_Curl():
            curl = CurlStub(b"result")
            return curl
        Curl = pycurl.Curl
            pycurl.Curl = pycurl_Curl
            result = fetch("")
            curl = curls[0]
            self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
                             {pycurl.URL: b"",
                              pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION: 1,
                              pycurl.MAXREDIRS: 5,
                              pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT: 30,
                              pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 1,
                              pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME: 600,
                              pycurl.NOSIGNAL: 1,
                              pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION: Any(),
                              pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT: 0,
                              pycurl.ENCODING: b"gzip,deflate"})
            pycurl.Curl = Curl

    def test_async_fetch(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result")
        d = fetch_async("", curl=curl)

        def got_result(result):
            self.assertEqual(result, b"result")
        return d.addCallback(got_result)

    def test_async_fetch_with_error(self):
        curl = CurlStub(b"result", {pycurl.HTTP_CODE: 501})
        d = fetch_async("", curl=curl)

        def got_error(failure):
            self.assertEqual(failure.value.http_code, 501)
            self.assertEqual(failure.value.body, b"result")
            return failure
        self.assertFailure(d, HTTPCodeError)
        return d

    def test_fetch_many_async(self):
        L{fetch_many_async} retrieves multiple URLs, and returns a
        C{DeferredList} firing its callback when all the URLs have
        successfully completed.
        url_results = {"http://good/": b"good",
                       "http://better/": b"better"}

        def callback(result, url):
            self.assertIn(result, url_results.values())
            self.assertIn(url, url_results)

        def errback(failure, url):

        curl = CurlManyStub(url_results)
        d = fetch_many_async(url_results.keys(), callback=callback,
                             errback=errback, curl=curl)

        def completed(result):
            self.assertEqual(url_results, {})

        return d.addCallback(completed)

    def test_fetch_many_async_with_error(self):
        L{fetch_many_async} aborts as soon as one URL fails.
        url_results = {"http://right/": b"right",
                       "http://wrong/": (b"wrong", 501),
                       "http://impossible/": b"impossible"}
        failed_urls = []

        def errback(failure, url):
            self.assertEqual(failure.value.body, b"wrong")
            self.assertEqual(failure.value.http_code, 501)
            return failure

        curl = CurlManyStub(url_results)
        urls = ["http://right/", "http://wrong/", "http://impossible/"]
        result = fetch_many_async(urls, callback=None,
                                  errback=errback, curl=curl)

        def check_failure(failure):
            self.assertEqual(failed_urls, ["http://wrong/"])

        self.assertFailure(result, FirstError)
        return result.addCallback(check_failure)

    def test_url_to_filename(self):
        L{url_to_filename} extracts the filename part of an URL, optionally
        prepending a directory path to it.
        self.assertEqual(url_to_filename("http://some/file"), "file")
        self.assertEqual(url_to_filename("http://some/file/"), "file")
        self.assertEqual(url_to_filename("http://some/file", directory="dir"),
                         os.path.join("dir", "file"))

    def test_fetch_to_files(self):
        L{fetch_to_files} fetches a list of URLs and save their content
        in the given directory.
        url_results = {"http://good/file": b"file",
                       "http://even/better-file": b"better-file"}
        directory = self.makeDir()
        curl = CurlManyStub(url_results)

        result = fetch_to_files(url_results.keys(), directory, curl=curl)

        def check_files(ignored):
            for url, result in url_results.items():
                filename = url.rstrip("/").split("/")[-1]
                fd = open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'rb')
                self.assertEqual(, result)

        return result

    def test_fetch_to_files_with_trailing_slash(self):
        L{fetch_to_files} discards trailing slashes from the final component
        of the given URLs when saving them as files.
        directory = self.makeDir()
        curl = CurlStub(b"data")

        result = fetch_to_files(["http:///with/slash/"], directory, curl=curl)

        def check_files(ignored):
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, "slash"))

        return result

    def test_fetch_to_files_with_errors(self):
        L{fetch_to_files} optionally logs an error message as soon as one URL
        fails, and aborts.
        url_results = {"http://im/right": b"right",
                       "http://im/wrong": (b"wrong", 404),
                       "http://im/not": b"not"}
        directory = self.makeDir()
        messages = []
        logger = (lambda message: messages.append(message))
        curl = CurlManyStub(url_results)

        result = fetch_to_files(url_results.keys(), directory, logger=logger,

        def check_messages(failure):
            self.assertEqual(len(messages), 1)
                             "Couldn't fetch file from http://im/wrong "
                             "(Server returned HTTP code 404)")

        def check_files(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(messages, [])
            self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, "wrong")))

        return result

    def test_fetch_to_files_with_non_existing_directory(self):
        The deferred list returned by L{fetch_to_files} results in a failure
        if the destination directory doesn't exist.
        url_results = {"http://im/right": b"right"}
        directory = "i/dont/exist/"
        curl = CurlManyStub(url_results)

        result = fetch_to_files(url_results.keys(), directory, curl=curl)

        def check_error(failure):
            error = str(failure.value.subFailure.value)
                             ("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
            self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, "right")))

        return result