# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2017, Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


from __future__ import division

__all__ = ['Property_Package', 'Ideal_PP', 'UNIFAC_PP', 'Activity_PP', 
           'UNIFAC_Dortmund_PP', 'IdealPPThermodynamic']

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brenth, ridder, golden, brent

from thermo.utils import log, exp
from thermo.utils import has_matplotlib, R, pi, N_A

from thermo.activity import K_value, flash_inner_loop, dew_at_T, bubble_at_T
from thermo.unifac import UNIFAC, UFSG, DOUFSG, DOUFIP2006

if has_matplotlib:
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Property_Package(object):
    # Constant - if the phase fraction is this close to either the liquid or 
    # vapor phase, round it to it
    def to(self, zs, T=None, P=None, VF=None):
        obj = self.__class__(**self.kwargs)
        obj.flash(T=T, P=P, VF=VF, zs=zs)
        return obj    
    def __copy__(self):
        obj = self.__class__(**self.kwargs)
        return obj
    def Tdew(self, P, zs):
        return self.to(P=P, VF=1, zs=zs).T
    def Pdew(self, T, zs):
        return self.to(T=T, VF=1, zs=zs).P
    def Tbubble(self, P, zs):
        return self.to(P=P, VF=0, zs=zs).T
    def Pbubble(self, T, zs):
        return self.to(T=T, VF=0, zs=zs).P
    def _post_flash(self):
    def flash(self, zs, T=None, P=None, VF=None):
        if any(i == 0 for i in zs):
            zs = [i if i != 0 else 1E-11 for i in zs]
            z_tot = sum(zs)
            zs = [i/z_tot for i in zs]
        if T is not None and P is not None:
            phase, xs, ys, V_over_F = self.flash_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
        elif T is not None and VF is not None:
            phase, xs, ys, V_over_F, P = self.flash_TVF_zs(T=T, VF=VF, zs=zs)
        elif P is not None and VF is not None:
            phase, xs, ys, V_over_F, T = self.flash_PVF_zs(P=P, VF=VF, zs=zs)
            raise Exception('Unsupported flash requested')
        # Truncate 
        if phase  == 'l/g':
            if V_over_F < self.PHASE_ROUNDING_TOL: # liquid
                phase, xs, ys, V_over_F = 'l', zs, None, 0.
            elif V_over_F > 1. - self.PHASE_ROUNDING_TOL:
                phase, xs, ys, V_over_F = 'g', None, zs, 1.
        self.T = T
        self.P = P
        self.V_over_F = V_over_F
        self.phase = phase
        self.xs = xs
        self.ys = ys
        self.zs = zs
    def plot_Pxy(self, T, pts=30): # pragma: no cover
        if not has_matplotlib:
            raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
        if self.N != 2:
            raise Exception('Pxy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components')
        z1 = np.linspace(0, 1, pts)
        z2 = 1 - z1
        Ps_dew = []
        Ps_bubble = []
        for i in range(pts):
            self.flash(T=T, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
            self.flash(T=T, VF=1, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
        plt.title('Pxy diagram at T=%s K' %T)
        plt.plot(z1, Ps_dew, label='Dew pressure')
        plt.plot(z1, Ps_bubble, label='Bubble pressure')
        plt.xlabel('Mole fraction x1')
        plt.ylabel('System pressure, Pa')
    def plot_Txy(self, P, pts=30): # pragma: no cover
        if not has_matplotlib:
            raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
        if self.N != 2:
            raise Exception('Txy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components')
        z1 = np.linspace(0, 1, pts)
        z2 = 1 - z1
        Ts_dew = []
        Ts_bubble = []
        for i in range(pts):
            self.flash(P=P, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
            self.flash(P=P, VF=1, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
        plt.title('Txy diagram at P=%s Pa' %P)
        plt.plot(z1, Ts_dew, label='Dew temperature, K')
        plt.plot(z1, Ts_bubble, label='Bubble temperature, K')
        plt.xlabel('Mole fraction x1')
        plt.ylabel('System temperature, K')
    def plot_xy(self, P=None, T=None, pts=30): # pragma: no cover
        if not has_matplotlib:
            raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
        if self.N != 2:
            raise Exception('xy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components')
        z1 = np.linspace(0, 1, pts)
        z2 = 1 - z1
        y1_bubble = []
        x1_bubble = []
        for i in range(pts):
            if T:
                self.flash(T=T, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
            elif P:
                self.flash(P=P, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]])
        if T:
            plt.title('xy diagram at T=%s K (varying P)' %T)
            plt.title('xy diagram at P=%s Pa (varying T)' %P)
        plt.xlabel('Liquid mole fraction x1')
        plt.ylabel('Vapor mole fraction x1')
        plt.plot(x1_bubble, y1_bubble, '-', label='liquid vs vapor composition')
        plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--')
    def plot_TP(self, zs, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, pts=50, branches=[]): # pragma: no cover
        if not has_matplotlib:
            raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
        if not Tmin:
            Tmin = min(self.Tms)
        if not Tmax:
            Tmax = min(self.Tcs)
        Ts = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts)
        P_dews = []
        P_bubbles = []
        branch = bool(len(branches))
        if branch:
            branch_Ps = [[] for i in range(len(branches))]
        for T in Ts:
            self.flash(T=T, VF=0, zs=zs)
            self.flash(T=T, VF=1, zs=zs)
            if branch:
                for VF, Ps in zip(branches, branch_Ps):
                    self.flash(T=T, VF=VF, zs=zs)
        plt.plot(Ts, P_dews, label='PT dew point curve')
        plt.plot(Ts, P_bubbles, label='PT bubble point curve')
        plt.xlabel('System temperature, K')
        plt.ylabel('System pressure, Pa')
        plt.title('PT system curve, zs=%s' %zs)
        if branch:
            for VF, Ps in zip(branches, branch_Ps):
                plt.plot(Ts, Ps, label='PT curve for VF=%s'%VF)
    def un_zero_zs(zs):
        if any(i == 0 for i in zs):
            zs = [i if i != 0 else 1E-6 for i in zs]
            z_tot = sum(zs)
            zs = [i/z_tot for i in zs]
        return zs

    def plot_ternary(self, T, scale=10): # pragma: no cover
        if not has_matplotlib:
            raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
            import ternary
            raise Exception('Optional dependency ternary is required for ternary plotting')
        if self.N != 3:
            raise Exception('Ternary plotting requires a mixture of exactly three components')

        P_values = []

        def P_dew_at_T_zs(zs):
            zs = self.un_zero_zs(zs)
            self.flash(T=T, zs=zs, VF=0)
            return self.P
        def P_bubble_at_T_zs(zs):
            zs = self.un_zero_zs(zs)
            self.flash(T=T, zs=zs, VF=1)
            return self.P
        axes_colors = {'b': 'g', 'l': 'r', 'r':'b'}
        ticks = [round(i / float(10), 1) for i in range(10+1)]
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios':[4, 4, 1]})
        ax[0].axis("off") ; ax[1].axis("off")  ; ax[2].axis("off")
        for axis, f, i in zip(ax[0:2], [P_dew_at_T_zs, P_bubble_at_T_zs], [0, 1]):
            figure, tax = ternary.figure(ax=axis, scale=scale)
            figure.set_size_inches(12, 4)
            if not i:
                tax.heatmapf(f, boundary=True, colorbar=False, vmin=0)
                tax.heatmapf(f, boundary=True, colorbar=False, vmin=0, vmax=max(P_values))
            tax.left_axis_label("mole fraction $x_2$", offset=0.16, color=axes_colors['l'])
            tax.right_axis_label("mole fraction $x_1$", offset=0.16, color=axes_colors['r'])
            tax.bottom_axis_label("mole fraction $x_3$", offset=-0.06, color=axes_colors['b'])
            tax.ticks(ticks=ticks, axis='rlb', linewidth=1, clockwise=True,
                      axes_colors=axes_colors, offset=0.03)
            tax.gridlines(multiple=scale/10., linewidth=2,
        norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max(P_values))
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=plt.get_cmap('viridis'), norm=norm)
        sm._A = []
        cb = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax[2])
        cb.locator = matplotlib.ticker.LinearLocator(numticks=7)
        cb.formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()
        cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))
        fig.suptitle("Bubble pressure vs composition (left) and dew pressure vs composition (right) at %s K, in Pa" %T, fontsize=14); 

class Ideal_PP(Property_Package):
    def _T_VF_err(self, P, VF, zs, Psats):
        Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psat) for Psat in Psats]
        return flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)[0] - VF
    def _P_VF_err(self, T, P, VF, zs):
        Psats = self._Psats(T)
        Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psat) for Psat in Psats]
        return flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)[0] - VF
    def _Psats(self, T):
        # Need to reset the method because for the T bounded solver,
        # will normally get a different than prefered method as it starts
        # at the boundaries
        Psats = []
        for i in self.VaporPressures:
            if T < i.Tmax:
                i.method = None
                Psat = i(T)
                if Psat is None:
                    Psat = i.extrapolate_tabular(T)
        return Psats
    def _Tsats(self, P):
        Tsats = []
        for i in self.VaporPressures:
                error = lambda T: i.extrapolate_tabular(T) - P
                Tsats.append(brenth(error, i.Tmax, i.Tmax*5))
        return Tsats
    def __init__(self, VaporPressures=None, Tms=None, Tcs=None, Pcs=None):
        self.VaporPressures = VaporPressures
        self.Tms = Tms
        self.Tcs = Tcs
        self.Pcs = Pcs
        self.N = len(VaporPressures)
        self.cmps = range(self.N)
        self.kwargs = {'VaporPressures': VaporPressures,
                       'Tms': Tms, 'Tcs': Tcs, 'Pcs': Pcs}

    def flash_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs):
        Psats = self._Psats(T)
        if self.N == 1:
            Pdew = Pbubble = Psats[0]
            Pdew = dew_at_T(zs, Psats)
            Pbubble = bubble_at_T(zs, Psats)
        if P <= Pdew:
            # phase, ys, xs, quality - works for 1 comps too
            return 'g', None, zs, 1
        elif P >= Pbubble:
            return 'l', zs, None, 0
            Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psat) for Psat in Psats]
            V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)
            return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F
    def flash_TVF_zs(self, T, VF, zs):
        assert 0 <= VF <= 1
        Psats = self._Psats(T)
        # handle one component
        if self.N == 1:
            return 'l/g', [1.0], [1.0], VF, Psats[0]
        if VF == 0:
            P = bubble_at_T(zs, Psats)
        elif VF == 1:
            P = dew_at_T(zs, Psats)
            P = brenth(self._T_VF_err, min(Psats)*(1+1E-7), max(Psats)*(1-1E-7), args=(VF, zs, Psats))
        Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psat) for Psat in Psats]
        V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)
        return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F, P
    def flash_PVF_zs(self, P, VF, zs):
        assert 0 <= VF <= 1
        Tsats = self._Tsats(P)
        # handle one component
        if self.N == 1:
            return 'l/g', [1.0], [1.0], VF, Tsats[0]
        T = brenth(self._P_VF_err, min(Tsats)*(1+1E-7), max(Tsats)*(1-1E-7), args=(P, VF, zs))
        Psats = self._Psats(T)
        Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psat) for Psat in Psats]
        V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)
        return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F, T

class IdealPPThermodynamic(Ideal_PP):
    T_REF_IG = 298.15
    P_REF_IG = 101325.
    def __init__(self, VaporPressures=None, Tms=None, Tbs=None, Tcs=None, Pcs=None, 
                 HeatCapacityLiquids=None, HeatCapacityGases=None,
        self.cmps = range(len(VaporPressures))
        self.N = len(VaporPressures)
        self.VaporPressures = VaporPressures
        self.Tms = Tms
        self.Tbs = Tbs
        self.Tcs = Tcs
        self.Pcs = Pcs
        self.HeatCapacityLiquids = HeatCapacityLiquids
        self.HeatCapacityGases = HeatCapacityGases
        self.EnthalpyVaporizations = EnthalpyVaporizations
        self.kwargs = {'VaporPressures': VaporPressures,
                       'Tms': Tms, 'Tbs': Tbs, 'Tcs': Tcs, 'Pcs': Pcs,
                       'HeatCapacityLiquids': HeatCapacityLiquids, 
                       'HeatCapacityGases': HeatCapacityGases,
                       'EnthalpyVaporizations': EnthalpyVaporizations}
    def flash_thermodynamic(self, zs, T=None, P=None, VF=None, Hm=None, Sm=None):
        if any(i == 0 for i in zs):
            zs = [i if i != 0 else 1E-11 for i in zs]
            z_tot = sum(zs)
            zs = [i/z_tot for i in zs]
        if T is not None and Sm is not None:
            P = self.flash_TS_zs_bounded(T=T, Sm=Sm, zs=zs)
        elif P is not None and Sm is not None:
            T = flash_PS_zs_bounded(P=P, Sm=Sm, zs=zs)
        elif P is not None and H is not None:
            T = flash_PH_zs_bounded(P=P, Hm=Hm, zs=zs)
        elif ((T is not None and P is not None) or
            (T is not None and VF is not None) or
            (P is not None and VF is not None)):
            raise Exception('Flash inputs unsupported')

        self.flash(zs=zs, T=T, P=P, VF=VF)
    def _post_flash(self):
        # Cannot derive other properties with this
        self.Hm = self.enthalpy_Cpg_Hvap()
        self.Sm = self.entropy_Cpg_Hvap()
        self.Gm = self.Hm - self.T*self.Sm if (self.Hm is not None and self.Sm is not None) else None

#        self.G = self.H - self.T*self.S if (self.H is not None and self.S is not None) else None

    def enthalpy_Cpg_Hvap(self):
        r'''Method to calculate the enthalpy of an ideal mixture (no pressure
        effects). This routine is based on "route A", where only the gas heat
        capacity and enthalpy of vaporization are used.
        The reference temperature is a property of the class; it defaults to
        298.15 K.
        For a pure gas mixture:
        .. math::
             H = \sum_i z_i \cdot \int_{T_{ref}}^T C_{p}^{ig}(T) dT
        For a pure liquid mixture:
        .. math::
             H = \sum_i z_i \left( \int_{T_{ref}}^T C_{p}^{ig}(T) dT + H_{vap, i}(T) \right)
        For a vapor-liquid mixture:
        .. math::
             H = \sum_i z_i \cdot \int_{T_{ref}}^T C_{p}^{ig}(T) dT
                 + \sum_i x_i\left(1 - \frac{V}{F}\right)H_{vap, i}(T)

        H : float
            Enthalpy of the mixture with respect to the reference temperature,
        The object must be flashed before this routine can be used. It 
        depends on the properties T, zs, xs, V_over_F, HeatCapacityGases, 
        EnthalpyVaporizations, and.
        H = 0
        T = self.T
        if self.phase == 'g':
            for i in self.cmps:
                H += self.zs[i]*self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, T)
        elif self.phase == 'l':
            for i in self.cmps:
                # No further contribution needed
                Hg298_to_T = self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, T)
                Hvap = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T) # Do the transition at the temperature of the liquid
                if Hvap is None:
                    Hvap = 0 # Handle the case of a package predicting a transition past the Tc
                H += self.zs[i]*(Hg298_to_T - Hvap)
        elif self.phase == 'l/g':
            for i in self.cmps:
                Hg298_to_T_zi = self.zs[i]*self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, T)
                Hvap = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T) 
                if Hvap is None:
                    Hvap = 0 # Handle the case of a package predicting a transition past the Tc
                Hvap_contrib = -self.xs[i]*(1-self.V_over_F)*Hvap
                H += (Hg298_to_T_zi + Hvap_contrib)
        return H

    def set_T_transitions(self, Ts):
        if Ts == 'Tb':
            self.T_trans = self.Tbs
        elif Ts == 'Tc':
            self.T_trans = self.Tcs
        elif isinstance(Ts, float):
            self.T_trans = [Ts]*self.N
            self.T_trans = Ts

    def enthalpy_Cpl_Cpg_Hvap(self):
        H = 0
        T = self.T
        T_trans = self.T_trans
        if self.phase == 'l':
            for i in self.cmps:
                H += self.zs[i]*self.HeatCapacityLiquids[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, T)
        elif self.phase == 'g':
            for i in self.cmps:
                H_to_trans = self.HeatCapacityLiquids[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, self.T_trans[i])
                H_trans = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](self.T_trans[i]) 
                H_to_T_gas = self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_trans[i], T)
                H += self.zs[i]*(H_to_trans + H_trans + H_to_T_gas)
        elif self.phase == 'l/g':
            for i in self.cmps:
                H_to_T_liq = self.HeatCapacityLiquids[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, T)
                H_to_trans = self.HeatCapacityLiquids[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_REF_IG, self.T_trans[i])
                H_trans = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](self.T_trans[i])
                H_to_T_gas = self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral(self.T_trans[i], T)
                H += self.V_over_F*self.ys[i]*(H_to_trans + H_trans + H_to_T_gas)
                H += (1-self.V_over_F)*self.xs[i]*(H_to_T_liq)
        return H

    def entropy_Cpg_Hvap(self):
        r'''Method to calculate the entropy of an ideal mixture. This routine 
        is based on "route A", where only the gas heat capacity and enthalpy of
        vaporization are used.
        The reference temperature and pressure are properties of the class; it 
        defaults to 298.15 K and 101325 Pa.
        There is a contribution due to mixing:
        .. math::
            \Delta S_{mixing} = -R\sum_i z_i \log(z_i) 
        The ideal gas pressure contribution is:
        .. math::
            \Delta S_{P} = -R\log\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right)
        For a liquid mixture or a partially liquid mixture, the entropy
        contribution is not so strong - all such pressure effects find that
        expression capped at the vapor pressure, as shown in [1]_.
        .. math::
            \Delta S_{P} = - \sum_i x_i\left(1 - \frac{V}{F}\right) 
            R\log\left(\frac{P_{sat, i}}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i y_i\left(
            \frac{V}{F}\right) R\log\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right)
        These expressions are combined with the standard heat capacity and 
        enthalpy of vaporization expressions to calculate the total entropy:
        For a pure gas mixture:
        .. math::
             S = \Delta S_{mixing} + \Delta S_{P} + \sum_i z_i \cdot
             \int_{T_{ref}}^T \frac{C_{p}^{ig}(T)}{T} dT
        For a pure liquid mixture:
        .. math::
             S = \Delta S_{mixing} + \Delta S_{P} + \sum_i z_i \left( 
             \int_{T_{ref}}^T \frac{C_{p}^{ig}(T)}{T} dT + \frac{H_{vap, i}
             (T)}{T} \right)
        For a vapor-liquid mixture:
        .. math::
             S = \Delta S_{mixing} + \Delta S_{P} + \sum_i z_i \cdot 
             \int_{T_{ref}}^T \frac{C_{p}^{ig}(T)}{T} dT + \sum_i x_i\left(1
             - \frac{V}{F}\right)\frac{H_{vap, i}(T)}{T}
        S : float
            Entropy of the mixture with respect to the reference temperature,
        The object must be flashed before this routine can be used. It 
        depends on the properties T, P, zs, V_over_F, HeatCapacityGases, 
        EnthalpyVaporizations, VaporPressures, and xs.
        .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
           New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
        S = 0
        T = self.T
        P = self.P
        S -= R*sum([zi*log(zi) for zi in self.zs if zi > 0]) # ideal composition entropy composition; chemsep checked
        # Both of the mixing and vapor pressure terms have negative signs
        # Equation 6-4.4b in Poling for the vapor pressure component
        # For liquids above their critical temperatures, Psat is equal to the system P (COCO).
        if self.phase == 'g':
            S -= R*log(P/101325.) # Gas-phase ideal pressure contribution (checked repeatedly)
            for i in self.cmps:
                S += self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(298.15, T)
        elif self.phase == 'l':
            Psats = self._Psats(T)
            for i in self.cmps:
                Sg298_to_T = self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(298.15, T)
                Hvap = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T)
                if Hvap is None:
                    Hvap = 0 # Handle the case of a package predicting a transition past the Tc
                Svap = -Hvap/T # Do the transition at the temperature of the liquid
                S_P = -R*log(Psats[i]/101325.)
                S += self.zs[i]*(Sg298_to_T + Svap + S_P)
        elif self.phase == 'l/g':
            Psats = self._Psats(T)
            S_P_vapor = -R*log(P/101325.) # Gas-phase ideal pressure contribution (checked repeatedly)
            for i in self.cmps:
                Sg298_to_T_zi = self.zs[i]*self.HeatCapacityGases[i].T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(298.15, T)
                Hvap = self.EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T) 
                if Hvap is None:
                    Hvap = 0 # Handle the case of a package predicting a transition past the Tc

                Svap_contrib = -self.xs[i]*(1-self.V_over_F)*Hvap/T
                # Pressure contributions from both phases
                S_P_vapor_i = self.V_over_F*self.ys[i]*S_P_vapor
                S_P_liquid_i = -R*log(Psats[i]/101325.)*(1-self.V_over_F)*self.xs[i]
                S += (Sg298_to_T_zi + Svap_contrib + S_P_vapor_i + S_P_liquid_i)
        return S

    def flash_PH_zs_bounded(self, P, Hm, zs, T_low=None, T_high=None, 
                            Hm_low=None, Hm_high=None):
        # Begin the search at half the lowest chemical's melting point
        if T_low is None:
            T_low = min(self.Tms)/2 
        # Cap the T high search at 8x the highest critical point
        # (will not work well for helium, etc.)
        if T_high is None:
            max_Tc = max(self.Tcs)
            if max_Tc < 100:
                T_high = 4000
                T_high = max_Tc*8
        temp_pkg_cache = []
        def PH_error(T, P, zs, H_goal):
            if not temp_pkg_cache:
                temp_pkg = self.to(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
                temp_pkg = temp_pkg_cache[0]
                temp_pkg.flash(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
            return temp_pkg.Hm - H_goal
            T_goal = brenth(PH_error, T_low, T_high, args=(P, zs, Hm))
            return T_goal

        except ValueError:
            if Hm_low is None:
                pkg_low = self.to(T=T_low, P=P, zs=zs)
                Hm_low = pkg_low.Hm
            if Hm < Hm_low:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar enthalpy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the lower '
                                 'temperature bound %g K has an enthalpy (%g '
                                 'J/mol) higher than that requested (%g J/mol)' %(
                                                             T_low, Hm_low, Hm))
            if Hm_high is None:
                pkg_high = self.to(T=T_high, P=P, zs=zs)
                Hm_high = pkg_high.Hm
            if Hm > Hm_high:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar enthalpy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the upper '
                                 'temperature bound %g K has an enthalpy (%g '
                                 'J/mol) lower than that requested (%g J/mol)' %(
                                                             T_high, Hm_high, Hm))

    def flash_PS_zs_bounded(self, P, Sm, zs, T_low=None, T_high=None, 
                            Sm_low=None, Sm_high=None):
        # Begin the search at half the lowest chemical's melting point
        if T_low is None:
            T_low = min(self.Tms)/2 
        # Cap the T high search at 8x the highest critical point
        # (will not work well for helium, etc.)
        if T_high is None:
            max_Tc = max(self.Tcs)
            if max_Tc < 100:
                T_high = 4000
                T_high = max_Tc*8
        temp_pkg_cache = []
        def PS_error(T, P, zs, S_goal):
            if not temp_pkg_cache:
                temp_pkg = self.to(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
                temp_pkg = temp_pkg_cache[0]
                temp_pkg.flash(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
            return temp_pkg.Sm - S_goal
            T_goal = brenth(PS_error, T_low, T_high, args=(P, zs, Sm))
            return T_goal

        except ValueError:
            if Sm_low is None:
                pkg_low = self.to(T=T_low, P=P, zs=zs)
                Sm_low = pkg_low.Sm
            if Sm < Sm_low:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar entropy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the lower '
                                 'temperature bound %g K has an entropy (%g '
                                 'J/mol/K) higher than that requested (%g J/mol/K)' %(
                                                             T_low, Sm_low, Sm))
            if Sm_high is None:
                pkg_high = self.to(T=T_high, P=P, zs=zs)
                Sm_high = pkg_high.Sm
            if Sm > Sm_high:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar entropy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the upper '
                                 'temperature bound %g K has an entropy (%g '
                                 'J/mol/K) lower than that requested (%g J/mol/K)' %(
                                                             T_high, Sm_high, Sm))

    def flash_TS_zs_bounded(self, T, Sm, zs, P_low=None, P_high=None, 
                            Sm_low=None, Sm_high=None):
        # Begin the search at half the lowest chemical's melting point
        if P_high is None:
            P_high = self.Pbubble(T, zs)
        if P_low is None:
            P_low = 1E-5 # min pressure
#            P_high = max(self.Pcs)*10

        temp_pkg_cache = []
        def TS_error(P, T, zs, S_goal):
            if not temp_pkg_cache:
                temp_pkg = self.to(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
                temp_pkg = temp_pkg_cache[0]
                temp_pkg.flash(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
            return temp_pkg.Sm - S_goal
            P_goal = brenth(TS_error, P_low, P_high, args=(T, zs, Sm))
            return P_goal

        except ValueError:
            if Sm_low is None:
                pkg_low = self.to(T=T, P=P_low, zs=zs)
                Sm_low = pkg_low.Sm
            if Sm > Sm_low:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar entropy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the lower '
                                 'pressure bound %g Pa has an entropy (%g '
                                 'J/mol/K) lower than that requested (%g J/mol/K)' %(
                                                             P_low, Sm_low, Sm))
            if Sm_high is None:
                pkg_high = self.to(T=T, P=P_high, zs=zs)
                Sm_high = pkg_high.Sm
            if Sm < Sm_high:
                raise ValueError('The requested molar entropy cannot be found'
                                 ' with this bounded solver because the upper '
                                 'pressure bound %g Pa has an entropy (%g '
                                 'J/mol/K) upper than that requested (%g J/mol/K)' %(
                                                             P_high, Sm_high, Sm))

class Activity_PP(Property_Package):
    __TP_cache = None
    __TVF_solve_cache = None
    retention = False
    use_Poynting = False
    use_phis = False

    def _P_VF_err(self, T, P, VF, zs):
        P_calc = self.flash_TVF_zs(T=T, VF=VF, zs=zs)[-1]
        return P_calc- P

    def _P_VF_err_2(self, T, P, VF, zs):
        V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
        if V_over_F < 0:
            if any(i < 0 for i in xs) or any(i < 0 for i in ys):
                return 5
            return -5
        if any(i < 0 for i in xs) or any(i < 0 for i in ys):
            return -5
        return V_over_F - VF

    def _T_VF_err(self, P, T, zs, Psats, Pmax, V_over_F_goal=1):
        if P < 0 or P > Pmax:
            return 1 
        V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Psats=Psats, restart=self.__TVF_solve_cache)
        if any(i < 0 for i in xs) or any(i < 0 for i in ys):
            return -100000*(Pmax-P)/Pmax
        self.__TVF_solve_cache = (V_over_F, xs, ys)
        ans = -(V_over_F-V_over_F_goal)
        return ans

    def Ks(self, T, P, xs, ys, Psats):
        gammas = self.gammas(T=T, xs=xs)
        if self.use_phis:
            phis_g = self.phis_g(T=T, P=P, ys=ys)
            phis_l = self.phis_l(T=T, P=P, xs=xs)
            if self.use_Poynting:
                Poyntings = self.Poyntings(T=T, P=P, Psats=Psats)
                return [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psats[i], gamma=gammas[i], 
                                phi_l=phis_l[i], phi_g=phis_g[i], Poynting=Poyntings[i]) for i in self.cmps]
            return [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psats[i], gamma=gammas[i], 
                            phi_l=phis_l[i], phi_g=phis_g[i]) for i in self.cmps]
        if self.use_Poynting:
            Poyntings = self.Poyntings(T=T, P=P, Psats=Psats)
            Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psats[i], gamma=gammas[i], Poynting=Poyntings[i]) for i in self.cmps]
            return Ks
        Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psats[i], gamma=gammas[i]) for i in self.cmps]
        return Ks
    def Poyntings(self, T, P, Psats):
        Vmls = [VolumeLiquid(T=T, P=P) for VolumeLiquid in self.VolumeLiquids]
        return [exp(Vml*(P-Psat)/(R*T)) for Psat, Vml in zip(Psats, Vmls)]

    def phis_g(self, T, P, ys):
        return self.eos_mix(T=T, P=P, zs=ys, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas).phis_g

    def phis_l(self, T, P, xs):
        P_sat_eos = [i.Psat(T) for i in self.eos_pure_instances]
        return [i.to_TP(T=T, P=Psat).phi_l for i, Psat in zip(self.eos_pure_instances, P_sat_eos)]    

    def _Psats(self, Psats=None, T=None):
        if Psats is None:
            Psats = []
            for i in self.VaporPressures:
                if T < i.Tmax:
                    i.method = None
            return Psats
            return Psats

    def _flash_sequential_substitution_TP(self, T, P, zs, Psats=None, restart=None):
        Psats = self._Psats(Psats=Psats, T=T)
        if self.retention and restart:
            V_over_F, xs, ys = restart
            Ks = self.Ks(T, P, zs, zs, Psats)
            V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks)
        for i in range(100):
            if any(i < 0 for i in xs):
                xs = zs
            if any(i < 0 for i in ys):
                ys = zs
            Ks = self.Ks(T, P, xs, ys, Psats)
            V_over_F, xs_new, ys_new = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks)
            err = (sum([abs(x_new - x_old) for x_new, x_old in zip(xs_new, xs)]) +
                  sum([abs(y_new - y_old) for y_new, y_old in zip(ys_new, ys)]))
            xs, ys = xs_new, ys_new
            if err < 1E-7:
        return V_over_F, xs, ys

    def gammas(self, T, xs):
        return [1 for i in self.N]
#        raise Exception(NotImplemented)

    def P_bubble_at_T(self, T, zs, Psats=None):
        # Returns P_bubble; only thing easy to calculate
        Psats = self._Psats(Psats, T)
        gammas = self.gammas(T=T, xs=zs)
        P = sum([gammas[i]*zs[i]*Psats[i] for i in self.cmps])
        if self.use_Poynting and not self.use_phis:
            # This is not really necessary; and 3 is more than enough iterations
            for i in range(3):
                Poyntings = self.Poyntings(T=T, P=P, Psats=Psats)
                P = sum([gammas[i]*zs[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i] for i in self.cmps])
        elif self.use_phis:
            for i in range(5):
                phis_l = self.phis_l(T=T, P=P, xs=zs)
                if self.use_Poynting:
                    Poyntings = self.Poyntings(T=T, P=P, Psats=Psats)
                    P = sum([gammas[i]*zs[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis_l[i] for i in self.cmps])
                    P = sum([gammas[i]*zs[i]*Psats[i]*phis_l[i] for i in self.cmps])
        # TODO: support equations of state, once you get that figured out.
        return P

    def P_dew_at_T(self, T, zs, Psats=None):
        Psats = self._Psats(Psats, T)
        Pmax = self.P_bubble_at_T(T, zs, Psats)
        diff = 1E-7
        # EOSs do not solve at very low pressure
        if self.use_phis:
            Pmin = max(Pmax*diff, 1)
            Pmin = Pmax*diff
        P_dew = brenth(self._T_VF_err, Pmin, Pmax, args=(T, zs, Psats, Pmax, 1))
        self.__TVF_solve_cache = None
        return P_dew
#        try:
#            return brent(self._dew_P_UNIFAC_err, args=(T, zs, Psats, Pmax), brack=(Pmax*diff, Pmax*(1-diff), Pmax))
#        except:
#        return golden(self._dew_P_UNIFAC_err, args=(T, zs, Psats, Pmax), brack=(Pmax, Pmax*(1-diff)))
    def flash_TVF_zs(self, T, VF, zs):
        assert 0 <= VF <= 1
        Psats = self._Psats(T=T)
        Pbubble = self.P_bubble_at_T(T=T, zs=zs, Psats=Psats)
        if VF == 0:
            P = Pbubble
            diff = 1E-7
            Pmax = Pbubble
            # EOSs do not solve at very low pressure
            if self.use_phis:
                Pmin = max(Pmax*diff, 1)
                Pmin = Pmax*diff

            P = brenth(self._T_VF_err, Pmin, Pmax, args=(T, zs, Psats, Pmax, VF))
            self.__TVF_solve_cache = None
#            P = brenth(self._T_VF_err, Pdew, Pbubble, args=(T, VF, zs, Psats))
        V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Psats=Psats)
        return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F, P
    def flash_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs):
        Psats = self._Psats(T=T)
        Pbubble = self.P_bubble_at_T(T=T, zs=zs, Psats=Psats)
        if P >= Pbubble:
            return 'l', zs, None, 0
        Pdew = self.P_dew_at_T(T=T, zs=zs, Psats=Psats)
        if P <= Pdew:
            # phase, ys, xs, quality
            return 'g', None, zs, 1
            V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Psats=Psats)
            return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F
    def flash_PVF_zs(self, P, VF, zs):
            # In some caases, will find a false root - resort to iterations which
            # are always between Pdew and Pbubble if this happens
            T = brenth(self._P_VF_err_2, min(self.Tms), min(self.Tcs), args=(P, VF, zs), maxiter=500)
            V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
            assert abs(V_over_F-VF) < 1E-6
            T = ridder(self._P_VF_err, min(self.Tms), min(self.Tcs), args=(P, VF, zs))
            V_over_F, xs, ys = self._flash_sequential_substitution_TP(T=T, P=P, zs=zs)
        return 'l/g', xs, ys, V_over_F, T

class UNIFAC_PP(Activity_PP):
    subgroup_data = UFSG

    def __init__(self, UNIFAC_groups, VaporPressures, Tms=None, Tcs=None, Pcs=None,
                 omegas=None, VolumeLiquids=None, eos=None, eos_mix=None):
        self.UNIFAC_groups = UNIFAC_groups
        self.VaporPressures = VaporPressures
        self.Tms = Tms
        self.Tcs = Tcs
        self.Pcs = Pcs
        self.VolumeLiquids = VolumeLiquids
        self.omegas = omegas
        self.eos = eos
        self.eos_mix = eos_mix
        self.N = len(VaporPressures)
        self.cmps = range(self.N)

        if eos:
            self.eos_pure_instances = [eos(Tc=Tcs[i], Pc=Pcs[i], omega=omegas[i], T=Tcs[i]*0.5, P=Pcs[i]*0.1) for i in self.cmps]
        # Pre-calculate some of the inputs UNIFAC uses
        self.rs = []
        self.qs = []
        for groups in self.UNIFAC_groups:
            ri = 0.
            qi = 0.
            for group, count in groups.items():
                ri += self.subgroup_data[group].R*count
                qi += self.subgroup_data[group].Q*count

        self.group_counts = {}
        for groups in self.UNIFAC_groups:
            for group, count in groups.items():
                if group in self.group_counts:
                    self.group_counts[group] += count
                    self.group_counts[group] = count
        self.UNIFAC_cached_inputs = (self.rs, self.qs, self.group_counts)

    def gammas(self, T, xs, cached=None):
        return UNIFAC(chemgroups=self.UNIFAC_groups, T=T, xs=xs, cached=self.UNIFAC_cached_inputs)

class UNIFAC_Dortmund_PP(UNIFAC_PP):
    subgroup_data = DOUFSG

    def gammas(self, T, xs, cached=None):
        return UNIFAC(chemgroups=self.UNIFAC_groups, T=T, xs=xs, 
                      subgroup_data=DOUFSG, interaction_data=DOUFIP2006, modified=True)