from collections import defaultdict
from graph import Graph
import numpy as np
from utils import cmap2C

def normalized_adj_wgt(graph):
    adj_wgt = graph.adj_wgt
    adj_idx = graph.adj_idx
    norm_wgt = np.zeros(adj_wgt.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    degree =
    for i in range(graph.node_num):
        for j in range(adj_idx[i], adj_idx[i + 1]):
            neigh = graph.adj_list[j]
            norm_wgt[j] = adj_wgt[neigh] / np.sqrt(degree[i] * degree[neigh])
    return norm_wgt

# This section of code adapted from jiongqianliang/MILE #
# #

def generate_hybrid_matching(max_node_wgt, graph):
    '''Generate matchings using the hybrid method. It changes the cmap in graph object, 
    return groups array and coarse_graph_size.'''
    node_num = graph.node_num
    adj_list = graph.adj_list  # big array for neighbors.
    adj_idx = graph.adj_idx  # beginning idx of neighbors.
    adj_wgt = graph.adj_wgt  # weight on edge
    node_wgt = graph.node_wgt  # weight on node
    cmap = graph.cmap
    norm_adj_wgt = normalized_adj_wgt(graph)
    groups = []  # a list of groups, each group corresponding to one coarse node.
    matched = [False] * node_num

    # SEM: structural equivalence matching.
    jaccard_idx_preprocess(graph, matched, groups)
    #print("# groups have perfect jaccard idx (1.0): %d" % len(groups))
    degree = [adj_idx[i + 1] - adj_idx[i] for i in range(0, node_num)]

    sorted_idx = np.argsort(degree)
    for idx in sorted_idx:
        if matched[idx]:
        max_idx = idx
        max_wgt = -1
        for j in range(adj_idx[idx], adj_idx[idx + 1]):
            neigh = adj_list[j]
            if neigh == idx:  # KEY: exclude self-loop. Otherwise, mostly matching with itself.
            curr_wgt = norm_adj_wgt[j]
            if ((not matched[neigh]) and max_wgt < curr_wgt and node_wgt[idx] + node_wgt[neigh] <= max_node_wgt):
                max_idx = neigh
                max_wgt = curr_wgt
        # it might happen that max_idx is idx, which means cannot find a match for the node. 
        matched[idx] = matched[max_idx] = True
        if idx == max_idx:
            groups.append([idx, max_idx])
    coarse_graph_size = 0
    for idx in range(len(groups)):
        for ele in groups[idx]:
            cmap[ele] = coarse_graph_size
        coarse_graph_size += 1
    return (groups, coarse_graph_size)

def jaccard_idx_preprocess(graph, matched, groups):
    '''Use hashmap to find out nodes with exactly same neighbors.'''
    neighs2node = defaultdict(list)
    for i in range(graph.node_num):
        neighs = str(sorted(graph.get_neighs(i)))
    for key in neighs2node.keys():
        g = neighs2node[key]
        if len(g) > 1:
            for node in g:
                matched[node] = True

def create_coarse_graph(graph, groups, coarse_graph_size):
    '''create the coarser graph and return it based on the groups array and coarse_graph_size'''
    coarse_graph = Graph(coarse_graph_size, graph.edge_num)
    coarse_graph.finer = graph
    graph.coarser = coarse_graph
    cmap = graph.cmap
    adj_list = graph.adj_list
    adj_idx = graph.adj_idx
    adj_wgt = graph.adj_wgt
    node_wgt = graph.node_wgt

    coarse_adj_list = coarse_graph.adj_list
    coarse_adj_idx = coarse_graph.adj_idx
    coarse_adj_wgt = coarse_graph.adj_wgt
    coarse_node_wgt = coarse_graph.node_wgt
    coarse_degree =

    coarse_adj_idx[0] = 0
    nedges = 0  # number of edges in the coarse graph
    for idx in range(len(groups)):  # idx in the graph
        coarse_node_idx = idx
        neigh_dict = dict()  # coarser graph neighbor node --> its location idx in adj_list.
        group = groups[idx]
        for i in range(len(group)):
            merged_node = group[i]
            if (i == 0):
                coarse_node_wgt[coarse_node_idx] = node_wgt[merged_node]
                coarse_node_wgt[coarse_node_idx] += node_wgt[merged_node]

            istart = adj_idx[merged_node]
            iend = adj_idx[merged_node + 1]
            for j in range(istart, iend):
                k = cmap[adj_list[
                    j]]  # adj_list[j] is the neigh of v; k is the new mapped id of adj_list[j] in coarse graph.
                if k not in neigh_dict:  # add new neigh
                    coarse_adj_list[nedges] = k
                    coarse_adj_wgt[nedges] = adj_wgt[j]
                    neigh_dict[k] = nedges
                    nedges += 1
                else:  # increase weight to the existing neigh
                    coarse_adj_wgt[neigh_dict[k]] += adj_wgt[j]
                # add weights to the degree. For now, we retain the loop. 
                coarse_degree[coarse_node_idx] += adj_wgt[j]

        coarse_node_idx += 1
        coarse_adj_idx[coarse_node_idx] = nedges

    coarse_graph.edge_num = nedges

    C = cmap2C(cmap)  # construct the matching matrix.
    graph.C = C
    coarse_graph.A = C.transpose().dot(graph.A).dot(C)
    return coarse_graph