import os, socket, getpass
from distributed import Client, LocalCluster

from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook

def start_cluster(diagnostics_port=0):
    "Set up a LocalCluster for distributed"
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    n_workers = os.cpu_count() // 2
    cluster = LocalCluster(ip='localhost',
    client = Client(cluster)

    params = { 'bokeh_port':['bokeh'].port,
           'user': getpass.getuser(),
           'scheduler_ip': cluster.scheduler.ip,
           'hostname': hostname, }

    print("If the link to the dashboard below doesn't work, run this command on a local terminal to set up a SSH tunnel:")
    print("  ssh -N -L {bokeh_port}:{scheduler_ip}:{bokeh_port} {hostname} -l {user}".format(**params) )
    return client

def compute_by_block(dsx):
    # determine index key for each chunk
    slices = []
    for chunks in dsx.chunks:
        L  = [0,] + list(np.cumsum(chunks))
        slices.append( [slice(a, b) 
                        for a,b in (zip(L[:-1], L[1:]))]  )
    indexes = list(product(*slices))
    # allocate memory to receive result
    if isinstance(dsx, xr.DataArray):
        result = xr.zeros_like(dsx).load()
        result = np.zeros(dsx.shape)
    #evaluate each chunk one at a time
    for index in tqdm_notebook(indexes, leave=False):
        block = dsx.__getitem__(index).compute()
        result.__setitem__(index, block)
    return result