The structural RNN model
introduced in https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05298

Author : Anirudh Vemula
Date : 16th March 2017

import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch
import numpy as np

class HumanNodeRNN(nn.Module):
    Class representing human Node RNNs in the st-graph
    def __init__(self, args, infer=False):
        Initializer function
        args : Training arguments
        infer : Training or test time (True at test time)
        super(HumanNodeRNN, self).__init__()

        self.args = args
        self.infer = infer

        # Store required sizes
        self.rnn_size = args.human_node_rnn_size
        self.output_size = args.human_node_output_size
        self.embedding_size = args.human_node_embedding_size
        self.input_size = args.human_node_input_size
        self.edge_rnn_size = args.human_human_edge_rnn_size

        # Linear layer to embed input
        self.encoder_linear = nn.Linear(self.input_size, self.embedding_size)

        # ReLU and Dropout layers
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(args.dropout)

        # Linear layer to embed edgeRNN hidden states
        self.edge_embed = nn.Linear(self.edge_rnn_size, self.embedding_size)

        # Linear layer to embed attention module output
        self.edge_attention_embed = nn.Linear(self.edge_rnn_size*2, self.embedding_size)

        # The LSTM cell
        self.cell = nn.LSTMCell(2*self.embedding_size, self.rnn_size)

        # Output linear layer
        self.output_linear = nn.Linear(self.rnn_size, self.output_size)

    def forward(self, pos, h_temporal, h_spatial_other, h, c):
        Forward pass for the model
        pos : input position
        h_temporal : hidden state of the temporal edgeRNN corresponding to this node
        h_spatial_other : output of the attention module
        h : hidden state of the current nodeRNN
        c : cell state of the current nodeRNN
        # Encode the input position
        encoded_input = self.encoder_linear(pos)
        encoded_input = self.relu(encoded_input)
        encoded_input = self.dropout(encoded_input)

        # Concat both the embeddings
        h_edges = torch.cat((h_temporal, h_spatial_other), 1)
        h_edges_embedded = self.relu(self.edge_attention_embed(h_edges))
        h_edges_embedded = self.dropout(h_edges_embedded)

        concat_encoded = torch.cat((encoded_input, h_edges_embedded), 1)

        # One-step of LSTM
        h_new, c_new = self.cell(concat_encoded, (h, c))

        # Get output
        out = self.output_linear(h_new)

        return out, h_new, c_new

class HumanHumanEdgeRNN(nn.Module):
    Class representing the Human-Human Edge RNN in the s-t graph
    def __init__(self, args, infer=False):
        Initializer function
        args : Training arguments
        infer : Training or test time (True at test time)
        super(HumanHumanEdgeRNN, self).__init__()

        self.args = args
        self.infer = infer

        # Store required sizes
        self.rnn_size = args.human_human_edge_rnn_size
        self.embedding_size = args.human_human_edge_embedding_size
        self.input_size = args.human_human_edge_input_size

        # Linear layer to embed input
        self.encoder_linear = nn.Linear(self.input_size, self.embedding_size)

        # ReLU and Dropout layers
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(args.dropout)

        # The LSTM cell
        self.cell = nn.LSTMCell(self.embedding_size, self.rnn_size)

    def forward(self, inp, h, c):
        Forward pass for the model
        inp : input edge features
        h : hidden state of the current edgeRNN
        c : cell state of the current edgeRNN
        # Encode the input position
        encoded_input = self.encoder_linear(inp)
        encoded_input = self.relu(encoded_input)
        encoded_input = self.dropout(encoded_input)

        # One-step of LSTM
        h_new, c_new = self.cell(encoded_input, (h, c))

        return h_new, c_new

class EdgeAttention(nn.Module):
    Class representing the attention module
    def __init__(self, args, infer=False):
        Initializer function
        args : Training arguments
        infer : Training or test time (True at test time)
        super(EdgeAttention, self).__init__()

        self.args = args
        self.infer = infer

        # Store required sizes
        self.human_human_edge_rnn_size = args.human_human_edge_rnn_size
        self.human_node_rnn_size = args.human_node_rnn_size
        self.attention_size = args.attention_size

        # Linear layer to embed temporal edgeRNN hidden state
        self.temporal_edge_layer = nn.Linear(self.human_human_edge_rnn_size, self.attention_size)

        # Linear layer to embed spatial edgeRNN hidden states
        self.spatial_edge_layer = nn.Linear(self.human_human_edge_rnn_size, self.attention_size)

    def forward(self, h_temporal, h_spatials):
        Forward pass for the model
        h_temporal : Hidden state of the temporal edgeRNN
        h_spatials : Hidden states of all spatial edgeRNNs connected to the node.
        # Number of spatial edges
        num_edges = h_spatials.size()[0]

        # Embed the temporal edgeRNN hidden state
        temporal_embed = self.temporal_edge_layer(h_temporal)
        temporal_embed = temporal_embed.squeeze(0)

        # Embed the spatial edgeRNN hidden states
        spatial_embed = self.spatial_edge_layer(h_spatials)

        # Dot based attention
        attn = torch.mv(spatial_embed, temporal_embed)

        # Variable length
        temperature = num_edges / np.sqrt(self.attention_size)
        attn = torch.mul(attn, temperature)

        # Softmax
        attn = torch.nn.functional.softmax(attn)

        # Compute weighted value
        weighted_value = torch.mv(torch.t(h_spatials), attn)

        return weighted_value, attn

class SRNN(nn.Module):
    Class representing the SRNN model
    def __init__(self, args, infer=False):
        Initializer function
        args : Training arguments
        infer : Training or test time (True at test time)
        super(SRNN, self).__init__()

        self.args = args
        self.infer = infer

        if self.infer:
            # Test time
            self.seq_length = 1
            self.obs_length = 1
            # Training time
            self.seq_length = args.seq_length
            self.obs_length = args.seq_length - args.pred_length

        # Store required sizes
        self.human_node_rnn_size = args.human_node_rnn_size
        self.human_human_edge_rnn_size = args.human_human_edge_rnn_size
        self.output_size = args.human_node_output_size

        # Initialize the Node and Edge RNNs
        self.humanNodeRNN = HumanNodeRNN(args, infer)
        self.humanhumanEdgeRNN_spatial = HumanHumanEdgeRNN(args, infer)
        self.humanhumanEdgeRNN_temporal = HumanHumanEdgeRNN(args, infer)

        # Initialize attention module
        self.attn = EdgeAttention(args, infer)

    def forward(self, nodes, edges, nodesPresent, edgesPresent, hidden_states_node_RNNs, hidden_states_edge_RNNs, cell_states_node_RNNs, cell_states_edge_RNNs):
        Forward pass for the model
        nodes : input node features
        edges : input edge features
        nodesPresent : A list of lists, of size seq_length
        Each list contains the nodeIDs that are present in the frame
        edgesPresent : A list of lists, of size seq_length
        Each list contains tuples of nodeIDs that have edges in the frame
        hidden_states_node_RNNs : A tensor of size numNodes x node_rnn_size
        Contains hidden states of the node RNNs
        hidden_states_edge_RNNs : A tensor of size numNodes x numNodes x edge_rnn_size
        Contains hidden states of the edge RNNs

        outputs : A tensor of shape seq_length x numNodes x 5
        Contains the predictions for next time-step
        # Get number of nodes
        numNodes = nodes.size()[1]

        # Initialize output array
        outputs = Variable(torch.zeros(self.seq_length*numNodes, self.output_size)).cuda()

        # Data structure to store attention weights
        attn_weights = [{} for _ in range(self.seq_length)]

        # For each frame
        for framenum in range(self.seq_length):
            # Find the edges present in the current frame
            edgeIDs = edgesPresent[framenum]

            # Separate temporal and spatial edges
            temporal_edges = [x for x in edgeIDs if x[0] == x[1]]
            spatial_edges = [x for x in edgeIDs if x[0] != x[1]]

            # Find the nodes present in the current frame
            nodeIDs = nodesPresent[framenum]

            # Get features of the nodes and edges present
            nodes_current = nodes[framenum]
            edges_current = edges[framenum]

            # Initialize temporary tensors
            hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_temporal = Variable(torch.zeros(numNodes, self.human_human_edge_rnn_size).cuda())
            hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_spatial = Variable(torch.zeros(numNodes, self.human_human_edge_rnn_size).cuda())

            # If there are any edges
            if len(edgeIDs) != 0:

                # Temporal Edges
                if len(temporal_edges) != 0:
                    # Get the temporal edges
                    list_of_temporal_edges = Variable(torch.LongTensor([x[0]*numNodes + x[0] for x in edgeIDs if x[0] == x[1]]).cuda())
                    # Get nodes associated with the temporal edges
                    list_of_temporal_nodes = torch.LongTensor([x[0] for x in edgeIDs if x[0] == x[1]]).cuda()

                    # Get the corresponding edge features
                    edges_temporal_start_end = torch.index_select(edges_current, 0, list_of_temporal_edges)
                    # Get the corresponding hidden states
                    hidden_temporal_start_end = torch.index_select(hidden_states_edge_RNNs, 0, list_of_temporal_edges)
                    # Get the corresponding cell states
                    cell_temporal_start_end = torch.index_select(cell_states_edge_RNNs, 0, list_of_temporal_edges)

                    # Do forward pass through temporaledgeRNN
                    h_temporal, c_temporal = self.humanhumanEdgeRNN_temporal(edges_temporal_start_end, hidden_temporal_start_end, cell_temporal_start_end)

                    # Update the hidden state and cell state
                    hidden_states_edge_RNNs[list_of_temporal_edges.data] = h_temporal
                    cell_states_edge_RNNs[list_of_temporal_edges.data] = c_temporal

                    # Store the temporal hidden states obtained in the temporary tensor
                    hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_temporal[list_of_temporal_nodes] = h_temporal

                # Spatial Edges
                if len(spatial_edges) != 0:
                    # Get the spatial edges
                    list_of_spatial_edges = Variable(torch.LongTensor([x[0]*numNodes + x[1] for x in edgeIDs if x[0] != x[1]]).cuda())
                    # Get nodes associated with the spatial edges
                    list_of_spatial_nodes = np.array([x[0] for x in edgeIDs if x[0] != x[1]])

                    # Get the corresponding edge features
                    edges_spatial_start_end = torch.index_select(edges_current, 0, list_of_spatial_edges)
                    # Get the corresponding hidden states
                    hidden_spatial_start_end = torch.index_select(hidden_states_edge_RNNs, 0, list_of_spatial_edges)
                    # Get the corresponding cell states
                    cell_spatial_start_end = torch.index_select(cell_states_edge_RNNs, 0, list_of_spatial_edges)

                    # Do forward pass through spatialedgeRNN
                    h_spatial, c_spatial = self.humanhumanEdgeRNN_spatial(edges_spatial_start_end, hidden_spatial_start_end, cell_spatial_start_end)

                    # Update the hidden state and cell state
                    hidden_states_edge_RNNs[list_of_spatial_edges.data] = h_spatial
                    cell_states_edge_RNNs[list_of_spatial_edges.data] = c_spatial

                    # pass it to attention module
                    # For each node
                    for node in range(numNodes):
                        # Get the indices of spatial edges associated with this node
                        l = np.where(list_of_spatial_nodes == node)[0]
                        if len(l) == 0:
                            # If the node has no spatial edges, nothing to do
                        l = torch.LongTensor(l).cuda()
                        # What are the other nodes with these edges?
                        node_others = [x[1] for x in edgeIDs if x[0] == node and x[0] != x[1]]                        
                        # If it has spatial edges
                        # Get its corresponding temporal edgeRNN hidden state
                        h_node = hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_temporal[node]

                        # Do forward pass through attention module
                        hidden_attn_weighted, attn_w = self.attn(h_node.view(1, -1), h_spatial[l])

                        # Store the attention weights
                        attn_weights[framenum][node] = (attn_w.data.cpu().numpy(), node_others)

                        # Store the output of attention module in temporary tensor
                        hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_spatial[node] = hidden_attn_weighted

            # If there are nodes in this frame
            if len(nodeIDs) != 0:

                # Get list of nodes
                list_of_nodes = Variable(torch.LongTensor(nodeIDs).cuda())

                # Get their node features
                nodes_current_selected = torch.index_select(nodes_current, 0, list_of_nodes)

                # Get the hidden and cell states of the corresponding nodes
                hidden_nodes_current = torch.index_select(hidden_states_node_RNNs, 0, list_of_nodes)
                cell_nodes_current = torch.index_select(cell_states_node_RNNs, 0, list_of_nodes)

                # Get the temporal edgeRNN hidden states corresponding to these nodes
                h_temporal_other = hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_temporal[list_of_nodes.data]
                h_spatial_other = hidden_states_nodes_from_edges_spatial[list_of_nodes.data]

                # Do a forward pass through nodeRNN
                outputs[framenum * numNodes + list_of_nodes.data], h_nodes, c_nodes = self.humanNodeRNN(nodes_current_selected, h_temporal_other, h_spatial_other, hidden_nodes_current, cell_nodes_current)

                # Update the hidden and cell states
                hidden_states_node_RNNs[list_of_nodes.data] = h_nodes
                cell_states_node_RNNs[list_of_nodes.data] = c_nodes

        # Reshape the outputs carefully
        outputs_return = Variable(torch.zeros(self.seq_length, numNodes, self.output_size).cuda())
        for framenum in range(self.seq_length):
            for node in range(numNodes):
                outputs_return[framenum, node, :] = outputs[framenum*numNodes + node, :]

        return outputs_return, hidden_states_node_RNNs, hidden_states_edge_RNNs, cell_states_node_RNNs, cell_states_edge_RNNs, attn_weights