#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab

from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function

import struct
# note:  struct pack, unpack, unpack_from all require bytestring format
# data all the way up to at least python 2.7.5, python 3 okay with bytestring

from .unipath import pathof

# important  pdb header offsets
unique_id_seed = 68
number_of_pdb_records = 76

# important palmdoc header offsets
book_length = 4
book_record_count = 8
first_pdb_record = 78

# important rec0 offsets
length_of_book = 4
mobi_header_base = 16
mobi_header_length = 20
mobi_type = 24
mobi_version = 36
first_non_text = 80
title_offset = 84
first_resc_record = 108
first_content_index = 192
last_content_index = 194
kf8_fdst_index = 192  # for KF8 mobi headers
fcis_index = 200
flis_index = 208
srcs_index = 224
srcs_count = 228
primary_index = 244
datp_index = 256
huffoff = 112
hufftbloff = 120

def getint(datain,ofs,sz=b'L'):
    i, = struct.unpack_from(b'>'+sz,datain,ofs)
    return i

def writeint(datain,ofs,n,len=b'L'):
    if len==b'L':
        return datain[:ofs]+struct.pack(b'>L',n)+datain[ofs+4:]
        return datain[:ofs]+struct.pack(b'>H',n)+datain[ofs+2:]

def getsecaddr(datain,secno):
    nsec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    assert secno>=0 & secno<nsec,'secno %d out of range (nsec=%d)'%(secno,nsec)
    secstart = getint(datain,first_pdb_record+secno*8)
    if secno == nsec-1:
        secend = len(datain)
        secend = getint(datain,first_pdb_record+(secno+1)*8)
    return secstart,secend

def readsection(datain,secno):
    secstart, secend = getsecaddr(datain,secno)
    return datain[secstart:secend]

def writesection(datain,secno,secdata):  # overwrite, accounting for different length
    # dataout = deletesectionrange(datain,secno, secno)
    # return insertsection(dataout, secno, secdata)
    datalst = []
    nsec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    zerosecstart,zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain,0)
    secstart,secend = getsecaddr(datain,secno)
    dif = len(secdata) - (secend - secstart)
    newstart = zerosecstart
    for i in range(0,secno):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgval))
    datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L', secstart) + struct.pack(b'>L', (2*secno)))
    for i in range(secno+1,nsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs = ofs + dif
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L',flgval))
    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*nsec)
    if lpad > 0:
        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
    return dataout

def nullsection(datain,secno):  # make it zero-length without deleting it
    datalst = []
    nsec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    secstart, secend = getsecaddr(datain,secno)
    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain, 0)
    dif =  secend-secstart
    for i in range(0,secno+1):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgval))
    for i in range(secno+1, nsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs = ofs - dif
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L',flgval))
    lpad = zerosecstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*nsec)
    if lpad > 0:
        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
    datalst.append(datain[zerosecstart: secstart])
    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
    return dataout

def deletesectionrange(datain,firstsec,lastsec):  # delete a range of sections
    datalst = []
    firstsecstart,firstsecend = getsecaddr(datain,firstsec)
    lastsecstart,lastsecend = getsecaddr(datain,lastsec)
    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain, 0)
    dif = lastsecend - firstsecstart + 8*(lastsec-firstsec+1)
    nsec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    newstart = zerosecstart - 8*(lastsec-firstsec+1)
    for i in range(0,firstsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs = ofs-8*(lastsec-firstsec+1)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgval))
    for i in range(lastsec+1,nsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs = ofs - dif
        flgval = 2*(i-(lastsec-firstsec+1))
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L',flgval))
    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*(nsec - (lastsec - firstsec + 1)))
    if lpad > 0:
        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
    return dataout

def insertsection(datain,secno,secdata):  # insert a new section
    datalst = []
    nsec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    # print("inserting secno" , secno,  "into" ,nsec, "sections")
    secstart,secend = getsecaddr(datain,secno)
    zerosecstart,zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain,0)
    dif = len(secdata)
    newstart = zerosecstart + 8
    for i in range(0,secno):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs += 8
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgval))
    datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L', secstart + 8) + struct.pack(b'>L', (2*secno)))
    for i in range(secno,nsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',datain,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofs = ofs + dif + 8
        flgval = 2*(i+1)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofs) + struct.pack(b'>L',flgval))
    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*(nsec + 1))
    if lpad > 0:
        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
    return dataout

def insertsectionrange(sectionsource,firstsec,lastsec,sectiontarget,targetsec):  # insert a range of sections
    # print("inserting secno" , firstsec,  "to", lastsec, "into" ,targetsec, "sections")
    # dataout = sectiontarget
    # for idx in range(lastsec,firstsec-1,-1):
    #    dataout = insertsection(dataout,targetsec,readsection(sectionsource,idx))
    # return dataout
    datalst = []
    nsec = getint(sectiontarget,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(sectiontarget,0)
    insstart, nul = getsecaddr(sectiontarget,targetsec)
    nins = lastsec - firstsec + 1
    srcstart, nul = getsecaddr(sectionsource,firstsec)
    nul, srcend = getsecaddr(sectionsource,lastsec)
    newstart = zerosecstart + 8*nins

    for i in range(0,targetsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',sectiontarget,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofsnew = ofs + 8*nins
        flgvalnew = flgval
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofsnew) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgvalnew))
        # print(ofsnew, flgvalnew, ofs, flgval)
    srcstart0, nul = getsecaddr(sectionsource,firstsec)
    for i in range(nins):
        isrcstart, nul = getsecaddr(sectionsource,firstsec+i)
        ofsnew = insstart + (isrcstart-srcstart0) + 8*nins
        flgvalnew = 2*(targetsec+i)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofsnew) + struct.pack(b'>L', flgvalnew))
        # print(ofsnew, flgvalnew)
    dif = srcend - srcstart
    for i in range(targetsec,nsec):
        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from(b'>2L',sectiontarget,first_pdb_record+i*8)
        ofsnew = ofs + dif + 8*nins
        flgvalnew = 2*(i+nins)
        datalst.append(struct.pack(b'>L',ofsnew) + struct.pack(b'>L',flgvalnew))
        # print(ofsnew, flgvalnew, ofs, flgval)
    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*(nsec + nins))
    if lpad > 0:
        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
    return dataout

def get_exth_params(rec0):
    ebase = mobi_header_base + getint(rec0,mobi_header_length)
    elen = getint(rec0,ebase+4)
    enum = getint(rec0,ebase+8)
    return ebase,elen,enum

def add_exth(rec0,exth_num,exth_bytes):
    ebase,elen,enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
    newrecsize = 8+len(exth_bytes)
    newrec0 = rec0[0:ebase+4]+struct.pack(b'>L',elen+newrecsize)+struct.pack(b'>L',enum+1)+\
    newrec0 = writeint(newrec0,title_offset,getint(newrec0,title_offset)+newrecsize)
    return newrec0

def read_exth(rec0,exth_num):
    exth_values = []
    ebase,elen,enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
    ebase = ebase+12
    while enum>0:
        exth_id = getint(rec0,ebase)
        if exth_id == exth_num:
            # We might have multiple exths, so build a list.
        enum = enum-1
        ebase = ebase+getint(rec0,ebase+4)
    return exth_values

def write_exth(rec0,exth_num,exth_bytes):
    ebase,elen,enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
    ebase_idx = ebase+12
    enum_idx = enum
    while enum_idx>0:
        exth_id = getint(rec0,ebase_idx)
        if exth_id == exth_num:
            dif = len(exth_bytes)+8-getint(rec0,ebase_idx+4)
            newrec0 = rec0
            if dif != 0:
                newrec0 = writeint(newrec0,title_offset,getint(newrec0,title_offset)+dif)
            return newrec0[:ebase+4]+struct.pack(b'>L',elen+len(exth_bytes)+8-getint(rec0,ebase_idx+4))+\
        enum_idx = enum_idx-1
        ebase_idx = ebase_idx+getint(rec0,ebase_idx+4)
    return rec0

def del_exth(rec0,exth_num):
    ebase,elen,enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
    ebase_idx = ebase+12
    enum_idx = 0
    while enum_idx < enum:
        exth_id = getint(rec0,ebase_idx)
        exth_size = getint(rec0,ebase_idx+4)
        if exth_id == exth_num:
            newrec0 = rec0
            newrec0 = writeint(newrec0,title_offset,getint(newrec0,title_offset)-exth_size)
            newrec0 = newrec0[:ebase_idx]+newrec0[ebase_idx+exth_size:]
            newrec0 = newrec0[0:ebase+4]+struct.pack(b'>L',elen-exth_size)+struct.pack(b'>L',enum-1)+newrec0[ebase+12:]
            return newrec0
        enum_idx += 1
        ebase_idx = ebase_idx+exth_size
    return rec0

class mobi_split:

    def __init__(self, infile):
        datain = b''
        with open(pathof(infile), 'rb') as f:
            datain = f.read()
        datain_rec0 = readsection(datain,0)
        ver = getint(datain_rec0,mobi_version)
        self.combo = (ver!=8)
        if not self.combo:
        exth121 = read_exth(datain_rec0,121)
        if len(exth121) == 0:
            self.combo = False
            # only pay attention to first exth121
            # (there should only be one)
            datain_kf8, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L',exth121[0],0)
            if datain_kf8 == 0xffffffff:
                self.combo = False
        datain_kfrec0 =readsection(datain,datain_kf8)

        # create the standalone mobi7
        num_sec = getint(datain,number_of_pdb_records,b'H')
        # remove BOUNDARY up to but not including ELF record
        self.result_file7 = deletesectionrange(datain,datain_kf8-1,num_sec-2)
        # check if there are SRCS records and delete them
        srcs = getint(datain_rec0,srcs_index)
        num_srcs = getint(datain_rec0,srcs_count)
        if srcs != 0xffffffff and num_srcs > 0:
            self.result_file7 = deletesectionrange(self.result_file7,srcs,srcs+num_srcs-1)
            datain_rec0 = writeint(datain_rec0,srcs_index,0xffffffff)
            datain_rec0 = writeint(datain_rec0,srcs_count,0)
        # reset the EXTH 121 KF8 Boundary meta data to 0xffffffff
        datain_rec0 = write_exth(datain_rec0,121, struct.pack(b'>L', 0xffffffff))
        # datain_rec0 = del_exth(datain_rec0,121)
        # datain_rec0 = del_exth(datain_rec0,534)
        # don't remove the EXTH 125 KF8 Count of Resources, seems to be present in mobi6 files as well
        # set the EXTH 129 KF8 Masthead / Cover Image string to the null string
        datain_rec0 = write_exth(datain_rec0,129, b'')
        # don't remove the EXTH 131 KF8 Unidentified Count, seems to be present in mobi6 files as well

        # need to reset flags stored in 0x80-0x83
        # old mobi with exth: 0x50, mobi7 part with exth: 0x1850, mobi8 part with exth: 0x1050
        # Bit Flags
        # 0x1000 = Bit 12 indicates if embedded fonts are used or not
        # 0x0800 = means this Header points to *shared* images/resource/fonts ??
        # 0x0080 = unknown new flag, why is this now being set by Kindlegen 2.8?
        # 0x0040 = exth exists
        # 0x0010 = Not sure but this is always set so far
        fval, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L',datain_rec0, 0x80)
        # need to remove flag 0x0800 for KindlePreviewer 2.8 and unset Bit 12 for embedded fonts
        fval = fval & 0x07FF
        datain_rec0 = datain_rec0[:0x80] + struct.pack(b'>L',fval) + datain_rec0[0x84:]

        self.result_file7 = writesection(self.result_file7,0,datain_rec0)

        # no need to replace kf8 style fcis with mobi 7 one
        # fcis_secnum, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L',datain_rec0, 0xc8)
        # if fcis_secnum != 0xffffffff:
        #     fcis_info = readsection(datain, fcis_secnum)
        #     text_len,  = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', fcis_info, 0x14)
        #     new_fcis = 'FCIS\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        #     new_fcis += struct.pack(b'>L',text_len)
        #     new_fcis += '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        #     self.result_file7 = writesection(self.result_file7, fcis_secnum, new_fcis)

        firstimage = getint(datain_rec0,first_resc_record)
        lastimage = getint(datain_rec0,last_content_index,b'H')
        # print("Old First Image, last Image", firstimage,lastimage)
        if lastimage == 0xffff:
            # find the lowest of the next sections and copy up to that.
            ofs_list = [(fcis_index,b'L'),(flis_index,b'L'),(datp_index,b'L'),(hufftbloff, b'L')]
            for ofs,sz in ofs_list:
                n = getint(datain_rec0,ofs,sz)
                # print("n",n)
                if n > 0 and n < lastimage:
                    lastimage = n-1
        print("First Image, last Image", firstimage,lastimage)

        # Try to null out FONT and RES, but leave the (empty) PDB record so image refs remain valid
        for i in range(firstimage,lastimage):
            imgsec = readsection(self.result_file7,i)
            if imgsec[0:4] in [b'RESC',b'FONT']:
                self.result_file7 = nullsection(self.result_file7,i)

        # mobi7 finished

        # create standalone mobi8
        self.result_file8 = deletesectionrange(datain,0,datain_kf8-1)
        target = getint(datain_kfrec0,first_resc_record)
        self.result_file8 = insertsectionrange(datain,firstimage,lastimage,self.result_file8,target)
        datain_kfrec0 =readsection(self.result_file8,0)

        # Only keep the correct EXTH 116 StartOffset, KG 2.5 carries over the one from the mobi7 part, which then points at garbage in the mobi8 part, and confuses FW 3.4
        kf8starts = read_exth(datain_kfrec0,116)
        # If we have multiple StartOffset, keep only the last one
        kf8start_count = len(kf8starts)
        while kf8start_count > 1:
            kf8start_count -= 1
            datain_kfrec0 = del_exth(datain_kfrec0,116)

        # update the EXTH 125 KF8 Count of Images/Fonts/Resources
        datain_kfrec0 = write_exth(datain_kfrec0,125,struct.pack(b'>L',lastimage-firstimage+1))

        # need to reset flags stored in 0x80-0x83
        # old mobi with exth: 0x50, mobi7 part with exth: 0x1850, mobi8 part with exth: 0x1050
        # standalone mobi8 with exth: 0x0050
        # Bit Flags
        # 0x1000 = Bit 12 indicates if embedded fonts are used or not
        # 0x0800 = means this Header points to *shared* images/resource/fonts ??
        # 0x0080 = unknown new flag, why is this now being set by Kindlegen 2.8?
        # 0x0040 = exth exists
        # 0x0010 = Not sure but this is always set so far
        fval, = struct.unpack_from('>L',datain_kfrec0, 0x80)
        fval = fval & 0x1FFF
        fval |= 0x0800
        datain_kfrec0 = datain_kfrec0[:0x80] + struct.pack(b'>L',fval) + datain_kfrec0[0x84:]

        # properly update other index pointers that have been shifted by the insertion of images
        ofs_list = [(kf8_fdst_index,b'L'),(fcis_index,b'L'),(flis_index,b'L'),(datp_index,b'L'),(hufftbloff, b'L')]
        for ofs,sz in ofs_list:
            n = getint(datain_kfrec0,ofs,sz)
            if n != 0xffffffff:
                datain_kfrec0 = writeint(datain_kfrec0,ofs,n+lastimage-firstimage+1,sz)
        self.result_file8 = writesection(self.result_file8,0,datain_kfrec0)

        # no need to replace kf8 style fcis with mobi 7 one
        # fcis_secnum, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L',datain_kfrec0, 0xc8)
        # if fcis_secnum != 0xffffffff:
        #     fcis_info = readsection(self.result_file8, fcis_secnum)
        #     text_len,  = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', fcis_info, 0x14)
        #     new_fcis = 'FCIS\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        #     new_fcis += struct.pack(b'>L',text_len)
        #     new_fcis += '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        #     self.result_file8 = writesection(self.result_file8, fcis_secnum, new_fcis)

        # mobi8 finished

    def getResult8(self):
        return self.result_file8

    def getResult7(self):
        return self.result_file7