import sys
from typing import List
from models import ApiResponse
from inference.errors import Error
from starlette.responses import FileResponse
from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from deep_learning_service import DeepLearningService
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, File, UploadFile, Header
from inference.exceptions import ModelNotFound, InvalidModelConfiguration, ApplicationError, ModelNotLoaded, \
	InferenceEngineNotFound, InvalidInputData


dl_service = DeepLearningService()
error_logging = Error()
app = FastAPI(version='1.0', title='BMW InnovationLab tensorflow cpu inference Automation',
			  description="<b>API for performing tensorflow cpu inference</b></br></br>"
						  "<b>Contact the developers:</b></br>"
						  "<b>Antoine Charbel: <a href=''></a></b></br>"
						  "<b>BMW Innovation Lab: <a href=''></a></b>")

# app.mount("/public", StaticFiles(directory="/main/public"), name="public")

# app.add_middleware(
#     CORSMiddleware,
#     allow_origins=["*"],
#     allow_credentials=True,
#     allow_methods=["*"],
#     allow_headers=["*"],
# )

def load_custom():
	Loads all the available models.
	:return: All the available models with their respective hashed values
		return dl_service.load_all_models()
	except ApplicationError as e:
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
	except Exception:
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error')'/detect')
async def detect_custom(model: str = Form(...), image: UploadFile = File(...)):
	Performs a prediction for a specified image using one of the available models.
	:param model: Model name or model hash
	:param image: Image file
	:return: Model's Bounding boxes
	draw_boxes = False
	predict_batch = False
		output = await dl_service.run_model(model, image, draw_boxes, predict_batch)'request successful;' + str(output))
		return output
	except ApplicationError as e:
		error_logging.warning(model + ';' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
	except Exception as e:
		error_logging.error(model + ' ' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error')'/get_labels')
def get_labels_custom(model: str = Form(...)):
	Lists the model's labels with their hashed values.
	:param model: Model name or model hash
	:return: A list of the model's labels with their hashed values
	return dl_service.get_labels_custom(model)

async def load(model_name: str, force: bool = False):
	Loads a model specified as a query parameter.
	:param model_name: Model name
	:param force: Boolean for model force reload on each call
	:return: APIResponse
		dl_service.load_model(model_name, force)
		return ApiResponse(success=True)
	except ApplicationError as e:
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)

async def list_models(user_agent: str = Header(None)):
	Lists all available models.
	:param user_agent:
	:return: APIResponse
	return ApiResponse(data={'models': dl_service.list_models()})'/models/{model_name}/predict')
async def run_model(model_name: str, input_data: UploadFile = File(...)):
	Performs a prediction by giving both model name and image file.
	:param model_name: Model name
	:param input_data: An image file
	:return: APIResponse containing the prediction's bounding boxes
		output = await dl_service.run_model(model_name, input_data, draw=False, predict_batch=False)'request successful;' + str(output))
		return ApiResponse(data=output)
	except ApplicationError as e:
		error_logging.warning(model_name + ';' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
	except Exception as e:
		error_logging.error(model_name + ' ' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error')'/models/{model_name}/predict_batch', include_in_schema=False)
async def run_model_batch(model_name: str, input_data: List[UploadFile] = File(...)):
	Performs a prediction by giving both model name and image file(s).
	:param model_name: Model name
	:param input_data: A batch of image files or a single image file
	:return: APIResponse containing prediction(s) bounding boxes
		output = await dl_service.run_model(model_name, input_data, draw=False, predict_batch=True)'request successful;' + str(output))
		return ApiResponse(data=output)
	except ApplicationError as e:
		error_logging.warning(model_name + ';' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
	except Exception as e:
		error_logging.error(model_name + ' ' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error')'/models/{model_name}/predict_image')
async def predict_image(model_name: str, input_data: UploadFile = File(...)):
	Draws bounding box(es) on image and returns it.
	:param model_name: Model name
	:param input_data: Image file
	:return: Image file
		output = await dl_service.run_model(model_name, input_data, draw=True, predict_batch=False)'request successful;' + str(output))
		return FileResponse("/main/result.jpg", media_type="image/jpg")
	except ApplicationError as e:
		error_logging.warning(model_name + ';' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
	except Exception as e:
		error_logging.error(model_name + ' ' + str(e))
		return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error')

async def list_model_labels(model_name: str):
	Lists all the model's labels.
	:param model_name: Model name
	:return: List of model's labels
	labels = dl_service.get_labels(model_name)
	return ApiResponse(data=labels)

async def list_model_config(model_name: str):
	Lists all the model's configuration.
	:param model_name: Model name
	:return: List of model's configuration
	config = dl_service.get_config(model_name)
	return ApiResponse(data=config)