# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utilities_general_v2 import *
import cv2
import textwrap
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ExifTags
import urllib, base64, io

# Description:
#    This is a collection of basic Computer Vision utility / helper functions.
# Typical meaning of variable names:
#    pt                     = 2D point (column,row)
#    img                    = image
#    width,height (or w/h)  = image dimensions
#    bbox                   = bbox object (stores: left, top,right,bottom co-ordinates)
#    rect                   = rectangle (order: left, top, right, bottom)
#    angle                  = rotation angle in degree
#    scale                  = image up/downscaling factor
# - All points are (column,row order). This is similar to OpenCV and other packages.
#   However, OpenCV indexes images as img[row,col] (but using OpenCVs Point class it's: img[Point(x,y)] )
# - all rotations are counter-clockwise, all angles are in degree

# Image transformation
def imread(imgPath, boThrowErrorIfExifRotationTagSet = True):
    # Use OpenCV to load image. However OpenCV ignores the exifTags, e.g. to indicate
    # that the image is rotated, hence need to perform rotation manually.
    if not os.path.exists(imgPath):
        raise Exception("ERROR: image path does not exist: " + imgPath)
    rotation = getRotationFromExifTag(imgPath)
    if boThrowErrorIfExifRotationTagSet and rotation != 0:
        print("Error: exif roation tag set, image needs to be rotated by %d degrees." % rotation)
    img = cv2.imread(imgPath)
    if img is None:
        raise Exception("ERROR: cannot load image " + imgPath)
    if rotation != 0:
        img = imrotate(img, -90).copy()  # got this error occassionally without copy "TypeError: Layout of the output array img is incompatible with cv::Mat"
    return img

def imwrite(img, imgPath):
    cv2.imwrite(imgPath, img)

def imresize(img, scale, interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
    return cv2.resize(img, (0,0), fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=interpolation)

def imresizeToSize(img, targetWidth, targetHeight = []):
    if targetHeight == []:
        scale = 1.0 * targetWidth / imWidth(img)
        targetHeight = int(round(scale * imHeight(img)))
    return cv2.resize(img, (targetWidth,targetHeight))

def imresizeMaxDim(img, maxDim, boUpscale = False, interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
    scale = 1.0 * maxDim / max(img.shape[:2])
    if scale < 1  or boUpscale:
        img = imresize(img, scale, interpolation)
        scale = 1.0
    return img, scale

def imresizeAndPad(img, width, height, pad_value = 0):
    # resize image
    imgWidth, imgHeight = imWidthHeight(img)
    scale = min(float(width) / float(imgWidth), float(height) / float(imgHeight))
    imgResized = imresize(img, scale) #, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    resizedWidth, resizedHeight = imWidthHeight(imgResized)

    # pad image
    top  = int(max(0, np.round((height - resizedHeight) / 2)))
    left = int(max(0, np.round((width  - resizedWidth)  / 2)))
    bottom = height - top  - resizedHeight
    right  = width  - left - resizedWidth
    return cv2.copyMakeBorder(imgResized, top, bottom, left, right,
                              cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[pad_value, pad_value, pad_value])

def imrotate(img, angle, resample = Image.BILINEAR, expand = True):
    imgPil = imconvertCv2Pil(img)
    imgPil = imgPil.rotate(angle, resample, expand)
    return imconvertPil2Cv(imgPil)
    #NOTE: the code below rotates the image, but does not
    #  change the size of the image to make sure it fits
    #w, h = imWidthHeight(img)
    #if centerPt == None:
    #    centerPt = (w/2.0, h/2.0)
    #rotMat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centerPt, angle, 1.0)
    #return cv2.warpAffine(img, rotMat, (w,h))

def imRigidTransform(img, srcPts, dstPts):
    srcPts = np.array([srcPts], np.int)
    dstPts = np.array([dstPts], np.int)
    M = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(srcPts, dstPts, False)
    if transformation is not None:
        return cv2.warpAffine(img, M)
        return None

def imconvertCv2Pil(img):
    return Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

def imconvertCv2Ski(img):
    return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

def imconvertCv2Numpy(img):
    (b,g,r) = cv2.split(img)
    return cv2.merge([r,g,b])

def imconvertPil2Cv(pilImg):
    return imconvertPil2Numpy(pilImg)[:, :, ::-1]

def imconvertPil2Numpy(pilImg):
    return np.array(pilImg.convert('RGB')).copy()

def imconvertNumpy2Cv(img):
    return np.dstack((img[:,:,2], img[:,:,1], img[:,:,0]))

def imconvertSki2Cv(imgSki):
    return cv2.cvtColor(imgSki, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# Image info
def imWidth(input):
    return imWidthHeight(input)[0]

def imHeight(input):
    return imWidthHeight(input)[1]

def imWidthHeight(input):
    if isString(input):
        width, height = Image.open(input).size #this does not load the full image, hence fast
        width, height = (input.shape[1], input.shape[0])
    return width,height

def getRotationFromExifTag(imgPath):
    # read exif tags from image, if present
        exifTags = Image.open(imgPath)._getexif()
        exifTags = None

    #rotate the image if orientation exif tag is present
    rotation = 0
    tag2Id = {v: k for k, v in list(ExifTags.TAGS.items())}
    orientationExifId = tag2Id['Orientation']
    if exifTags != None and orientationExifId != None and orientationExifId in exifTags:
        orientation = exifTags[orientationExifId]
        if orientation == 1 or orientation == 0:
            rotation = 0 #no need to do anything
        elif orientation == 6:
            rotation = -90
        elif orientation == 8:
            rotation = 90
            raise Exception("ERROR: orientation = " + str(orientation) + " not_supported!")
    return rotation

# Visualization
def imshow(img, waitDuration=0, maxDim = None, windowName = 'img', boUpscale = False):
    if isString(img): # isinstance(img, basestring): #test if 'img' is a string
        img = cv2.imread(img)
    if maxDim is not None:
        scaleVal = 1.0 * maxDim / max(img.shape[:2])
        if scaleVal < 1 or boUpscale:
            img = imresize(img, scaleVal)
    cv2.imshow(windowName, img)

def plotHeatMap(img, heatGrayImg, alpha=0.5, drawColorbar = True, subplotString = None):
    if subplotString:
    plt.imshow(img, cmap=plt.cm.gray) #, interpolation='nearest', extent=extent)
    plt.imshow(heatGrayImg, cmap=plt.cm.jet, alpha=alpha) #, interpolation='bilinear', extent=extent)
    if drawColorbar:
    return plt

def drawLine(img, pt1, pt2, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    cv2.line(img, tuple(toIntegers(pt1)), tuple(toIntegers(pt2)), color, thickness)

def drawLines(img, pt1s, pt2s, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    for pt1,pt2 in zip(pt1s,pt2s):
        drawLine(img, pt1, pt2, color, thickness)

def drawPolygon(img, pts, boCloseShape = False, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
        drawLine(img, pts[i], pts[i+1], color = color, thickness = thickness)
    if boCloseShape:
        drawLine(img, pts[len(pts)-1], pts[0], color = color, thickness = thickness)

def drawRectangles(img, rects, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    for rect in rects:
        pt1 = tuple(toIntegers(rect[0:2]))
        pt2 = tuple(toIntegers(rect[2:]))
        cv2.rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, color, thickness)

def drawCircle(img, centerPt, radius, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    radius = int(round(radius))
    centerPt = tuple(toIntegers(centerPt))
    cv2.circle(img, centerPt, radius, color, thickness)

def drawCircles(img, centerPts, radius, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2):
    for centerPt in centerPts:
        drawCircle(img, centerPt, radius, color, thickness)

def drawCrossbar(img, pt):
    (x,y) = pt
    cv2.rectangle(img, (0, y),            (x, y), (255, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.rectangle(img, (x, 0),            (x, y), (255, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.rectangle(img, (img.shape[1],y),  (x, y), (255, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.rectangle(img, (x, img.shape[0]), (x, y), (255, 255, 0), 1)

def drawText(img, pt, text, textWidth=None, color = (255,255,255), colorBackground = None, font = []):
    if font == []:
        font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 16)
    pilImg = imconvertCv2Pil(img)
    pilImg = pilDrawText(pilImg,  pt, text, textWidth, color, colorBackground, font)
    return imconvertPil2Cv(pilImg)

def pilDrawText(pilImg, pt, text, textWidth=None, color = (255,255,255), colorBackground = None, font = []):
    if font == []:
        font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 16)
    pt = pt[:]  # create copy
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilImg)
    if textWidth == None:
        lines = [text]
        lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=textWidth)

    for line in lines:
        width, height = font.getsize(line)
        if colorBackground != None:
            draw.rectangle((pt[0], pt[1], pt[0] + width, pt[1] + height), fill=tuple(colorBackground[::-1]))
        draw.text(pt, line, fill = tuple(color), font = font)
        pt[1] += height
    return pilImg

def pilDrawPoints(pilImg, pts, color=(0,255,0), thickness=2):
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilImg)
    for (x,y) in pts:
        draw.rectangle((x-thickness, y-thickness, x+thickness, y+thickness), fill=color)

# Random
def pilReadImageFromUrl(imgUrl):
    bytfile = io.BytesIO(urllib.request.urlopen(imgUrl).read())
    pilImg = Image.open(bytfile).convert('RGB')
    return pilImg

def pilImread(imgPath):
    pilImg = Image.open(imgPath).convert('RGB')
    return pilImg

def pilImgToBase64(pilImg):
    pilImg = pilImg.convert('RGB') #not sure this is necessary
    imgio = io.BytesIO()
    pilImg.save(imgio, 'PNG')
    dataimg = base64.b64encode(imgio.read())
    return dataimg.decode('utf-8')

def base64ToPilImg(base64ImgString):
    if base64ImgString.startswith('b\''):
        base64ImgString = base64ImgString[2:-1]
    base64Img   =  base64ImgString.encode('utf-8')
    decoded_img = base64.b64decode(base64Img)
    img_buffer  = io.BytesIO(decoded_img)
    pil_img = Image.open(img_buffer).convert('RGB')
    return pil_img