Module contains various generator functions:

   Generate additive White Gaussian noise
   Gauss-Legendre quadrature grid and weights
   Lebedev quadrature grid and weights
   Modal radial filter
   Modal radial filter over the full spectrum
   Sampled Wave generator, emulating discrete sampling
   Ideal wave generator, returns spatial fourier coefficients
import numpy as _np
from scipy.special import spherical_jn

from .io import ArrayConfiguration, SphericalGrid
from .process import iSpatFT, spatFT
from .sph import array_extrapolation, cart2sph, dsphankel2, kr, sph_harm, sph_harm_all, sphankel2

def whiteNoise(fftData, noiseLevel=80):
    """Adds White Gaussian Noise of approx. 16dB crest to a FFT block.

    fftData : array of complex floats
       Input fftData block (e.g. from F/D/T or S/W/G)
    noiseLevel : int, optional
       Average noise Level in dB [Default: -80dB]

    noisyData : array of complex floats
       Output fftData block including white gaussian noise
    dimFactor = 10 ** (noiseLevel / 20)
    fftData = _np.atleast_2d(fftData)
    channels = fftData.shape[0]
    NFFT = (fftData.shape[1] - 1) * 2
    nNoise = _np.random.rand(channels, NFFT)
    nNoise = dimFactor * nNoise / _np.mean(_np.abs(nNoise))
    nNoiseSpectrum = _np.fft.rfft(nNoise, axis=1)
    return fftData + nNoiseSpectrum

def gauss_grid(azimuth_nodes=10, colatitude_nodes=5):
    """Compute Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights in the SOFiA/VariSphear data format.

    azimuth_nodes, colatitude_nodes : int, optional
       Number of azimuth / elevation nodes

    gridData : io.SphericalGrid
       SphericalGrid containing azimuth, colatitude and weights

    # Azimuth: Gauss
    AZ = _np.linspace(0, azimuth_nodes - 1, azimuth_nodes) * 2 * _np.pi / azimuth_nodes
    AZw = _np.ones(azimuth_nodes) * 2 * _np.pi / azimuth_nodes

    # Elevation: Legendre
    EL, ELw = _np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(colatitude_nodes)
    EL = _np.arccos(EL)

    # Weights
    W = _np.outer(AZw, ELw) / 3
    W /= W.sum()

    # VariSphere order: AZ increasing, EL alternating
    gridData = _np.empty((colatitude_nodes * azimuth_nodes, 3))
    for k in range(0, azimuth_nodes):
        curIDX = k * colatitude_nodes
        gridData[curIDX:curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 0] = AZ[k].repeat(colatitude_nodes)
        gridData[curIDX:curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 1] = EL[::-1 + k % 2 * 2]  # flip EL every second iteration
        gridData[curIDX:curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 2] = W[k][::-1 + k % 2 * 2]  # flip W every second iteration

    gridData = SphericalGrid(gridData[:, 0], gridData[:, 1], _np.ones(colatitude_nodes * azimuth_nodes), gridData[:, 2])
    return gridData

def lebedev(max_order=None, degree=None):
    """Compute Lebedev quadrature nodes and weights given a maximum stable order. Alternatively, a degree may be

    max_order : int
       Maximum stable order of the Lebedev grid, [0 ... 11]
    degree : int, optional
       Lebedev Degree, one of {6, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 110, 146, 170, 194}

    gridData : array_like
       Lebedev quadrature positions and weights: [AZ, EL, W]
    if max_order is None and not degree:
        raise ValueError('Either a maximum order or a degree have to be given.')

    if max_order is 0:
        max_order = 1

    allowed_degrees = [6, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 110, 146, 170, 194]

    if max_order and 0 <= max_order <= 11:
        degree = allowed_degrees[int(max_order) - 1]
    elif max_order:
        raise ValueError('Maximum order can only be between 0 and 11.')

    if degree not in allowed_degrees:
        raise ValueError(f'{degree} is an invalid quadrature degree. Choose one of the following: {allowed_degrees}')

    from . import lebedev
    leb = lebedev.genGrid(degree)
    azimuth, elevation, radius = cart2sph(leb.x, leb.y, leb.z)

    gridData = _np.array([azimuth % (2 * _np.pi), (_np.pi / 2 - elevation) % (2 * _np.pi), radius, leb.w]).T
    gridData = gridData[gridData[:, 1].argsort()]
    gridData = gridData[gridData[:, 0].argsort()]

    return SphericalGrid(*gridData.T)

def radial_filter_fullspec(max_order, NFFT, fs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
    """Generate NFFT/2 + 1 modal radial filter of orders 0:max_order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps radial_filter().

    max_order : int
       Maximum order
    NFFT : int
       Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2.
    fs : int
       Sampling frequency
    array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    amp_maxdB : int, optional
       Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]

    dn : array_like
       Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [max_order + 1 x NFFT / 2 + 1]

    freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT // 2 + 1)
    orders = _np.r_[0:max_order + 1]
    return radial_filter(orders, freqs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=amp_maxdB)

def radial_filter(orders, freqs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
    """Generate modal radial filter of specified orders and frequencies.

    orders : array_like
       orders of filter
    freqs : array_like
       Frequency of modal filter
    array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    amp_maxdB : int, optional
       Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]

    dn : array_like
       Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [nOrders x nFreq]
    array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)

    extrapolation_coeffs = array_extrapolation(orders, freqs, array_configuration)
    extrapolation_coeffs[extrapolation_coeffs == 0] = 1e-12

    amp_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)
    limiting_factor = 2 * amp_max / _np.pi * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs) * _np.arctan(
        _np.pi / (2 * amp_max * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs)))

    return limiting_factor / extrapolation_coeffs

def spherical_head_filter(max_order, full_order, kr, is_tapering=False):
    """Generate coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order.

    max_order : int
        Maximum order
    full_order : int
        Full order necessary to expand sound field in entire modal range
    kr : array_like
        Vector of corresponding wave numbers
    is_tapering : bool, optional
        If set, spherical head filter will be adapted applying a Hann window, according to [2]

    G_SHF : array_like
       Vector of frequency domain filter of shape [NFFT / 2 + 1]

    .. [1] Ben-Hur, Z., Brinkmann, F., Sheaffer, J., et al. (2017). "Spectral equalization in binaural signals
           represented by order-truncated spherical harmonics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America".

    .. [2] Hold, Christoph, Hannes Gamper, Ville Pulkki, Nikunj Raghuvanshi, and Ivan J. Tashev (2019). “Improving
           Binaural Ambisonics Decoding by Spherical Harmonics Domain Tapering and Coloration Compensation.”

    # noinspection PyShadowingNames
    def pressure_on_sphere(max_order, kr, taper_weights=None):
        Calculate the diffuse field pressure frequency response of a spherical scatterer, up to the specified SH order.
        If tapering weights are specified, pressure on the sphere function will be adapted.
        if taper_weights is None:
            taper_weights = _np.ones(max_order + 1)  # no weighting

        p = _np.zeros_like(kr)
        for order in range(max_order + 1):
            # Calculate mode strength b_n(kr) for an incident plane wave on sphere according to [1, Eq.(9)]
            b_n = 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** order * (spherical_jn(order, kr) -
                                              (spherical_jn(order, kr, True) /
                                               dsphankel2(order, kr)) * sphankel2(order, kr))
            p += (2 * order + 1) * _np.abs(b_n) ** 2 * taper_weights[order]

        # according to [1, Eq.(11)]
        return 1 / (4 * _np.pi) * _np.sqrt(p)

    # according to [1, Eq.(12)].
    taper_weights = tapering_window(max_order) if is_tapering else None
    G_SHF = pressure_on_sphere(full_order, kr) / pressure_on_sphere(max_order, kr, taper_weights)

    G_SHF[G_SHF == 0] = 1e-12  # catch zeros
    G_SHF[_np.isnan(G_SHF)] = 1  # catch NaNs
    return G_SHF

def spherical_head_filter_spec(max_order, NFFT, fs, radius, amp_maxdB=None, is_tapering=False):
    """Generate NFFT/2 + 1 coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps

    max_order : int
       Maximum order
    NFFT : int
       Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2
    fs : int
       Sampling frequency
    radius : float
        Array radius
    amp_maxdB : int, optional
       Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: None]
    is_tapering : bool, optional
       If true spherical head filter will be adapted for SH tapering. [Default: False]

    G_SHF : array_like
       Vector of frequency domain filter of shape [NFFT / 2 + 1]
    # frequency support vector & corresponding wave numbers k
    freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, int(NFFT / 2 + 1))
    kr_SHF = kr(freqs, radius)

    # calculate SH order necessary to expand sound field in entire modal range
    order_full = int(_np.ceil(kr_SHF[-1]))

    # calculate filter
    G_SHF = spherical_head_filter(max_order, order_full, kr_SHF, is_tapering=is_tapering)

    # filter limiting
    if amp_maxdB:
        # TODO: implement arctan() soft clipping
        raise NotImplementedError('amplitude soft clipping not yet implemented')
        # amp_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)
        # G_SHF[np.where(G_SHF > amp_max)] = amp_max
    return G_SHF.astype(_np.complex_)

def sampled_wave(order, fs, NFFT, array_configuration,
                 gridData, wave_azimuth, wave_colatitude, wavetype='plane', c=343, distance=1.0, limit_order=85):
    """Returns the frequency domain data of an ideal wave as recorded by a provided array.

    order : int
        Maximum transform order
    fs : int
       Sampling frequency
    NFFT : int
       Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2.
    array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    gridData : io.SphericalGrid
       List/Tuple/gauss_grid, see io.SphericalGrid
    wave_azimuth, wave_colatitude : float, optional
       Direction of incoming wave in radians [0-2pi].
    wavetype : {'plane', 'spherical'}, optional
       Type of the wave. [Default: plane]
    c : float, optional
       __UNUSED__ Speed of sound in [m/s] [Default: 343 m/s]
    distance : float, optional
       Distance of the source in [m] (For spherical waves only)
    limit_order : int, optional
       Sets the limit for wave generation

    If NFFT is smaller than the time the wavefront needs to travel from the source to the array, the impulse response
    will by cyclically shifted (cyclic convolution).

    Pnm : array_like
        Spatial fourier coefficients of resampled sound field
    gridData = SphericalGrid(*gridData)
    array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)

    freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT)
    kr_mic = kr(freqs, array_configuration.array_radius)

    max_order_fullspec = _np.ceil(_np.max(kr_mic) * 2)

    # TODO : Investigate if limit_order works as intended
    if max_order_fullspec > limit_order:
        print(f'Requested wave front needs a minimum order of {max_order_fullspec} but was limited to order '
    Pnm = ideal_wave(min(max_order_fullspec, limit_order), fs, wave_azimuth, wave_colatitude, array_configuration,
                     wavetype, distance, NFFT)
    Pnm_resampled = spatFT(iSpatFT(Pnm, gridData), gridData, order_max=order)
    return Pnm_resampled

def ideal_wave(order, fs, azimuth, colatitude, array_configuration,
               wavetype='plane', distance=1.0, NFFT=128, delay=0.0, c=343.0):
    """Ideal wave generator, returns spatial Fourier coefficients `Pnm` of an ideal wave front hitting a specified array

    order : int
        Maximum transform order
    fs : int
       Sampling frequency
    NFFT : int
       Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2
    array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    azimuth, colatitude : float
       Azimuth/Colatitude angle of the wave in [RAD]
    wavetype : {'plane', 'spherical'}, optional
       Select between plane or spherical wave [Default: Plane wave]
    distance : float, optional
       Distance of the source in [m] (for spherical waves only)
    delay : float, optional
       Time Delay in s [default: 0]
    c : float, optional
       Propagation velocity in m/s [Default: 343m/s]

    If NFFT is smaller than the time the wavefront needs to travel from the source to the array, the impulse response
    will by cyclically shifted.

    Pnm : array of complex floats
       Spatial Fourier Coefficients with nm coeffs in cols and FFT coeffs in rows
    array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)

    order = _np.int(order)
    NFFT = NFFT // 2 + 1
    NMLocatorSize = (order + 1) ** 2

    if wavetype not in {'plane', 'spherical'}:
        raise ValueError('Invalid wavetype: Choose either plane or spherical.')
    if delay * fs > NFFT - 1:
        raise ValueError('Delay t is large for provided NFFT. Choose t < NFFT/(2*FS).')

    w = _np.linspace(0, _np.pi * fs, NFFT)
    freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT)

    radial_filters = _np.zeros([NMLocatorSize, NFFT], dtype=_np.complex_)
    time_shift = _np.exp(-1j * w * delay)

    for n in range(0, order + 1):
        if wavetype is 'plane':
            radial_filters[n] = time_shift * array_extrapolation(n, freqs, array_configuration)
        elif wavetype is 'spherical':
            k_dist = kr(freqs, distance)
            radial_filters[n] = 4 * _np.pi * -1j * w / c * time_shift * sphankel2(n, k_dist) \
                                * array_extrapolation(n, freqs, array_configuration)

    Pnm = _np.empty([NMLocatorSize, NFFT], dtype=_np.complex_)
    # m, n = mnArrays(order + 1)
    ctr = 0
    for n in range(0, order + 1):
        for m in range(-n, n + 1):
            Pnm[ctr] = _np.conj(sph_harm(m, n, azimuth, colatitude)) * radial_filters[n]
            ctr = ctr + 1

    return Pnm

def spherical_noise(gridData=None, order_max=8, spherical_harmonic_bases=None):
    """Returns order-limited random weights on a spherical surface

    gridData : io.SphericalGrid
       SphericalGrid containing azimuth and colatitude
    order_max : int, optional
        Spherical order limit [Default: 8]
    spherical_harmonic_bases : array_like, optional
       Spherical harmonic base coefficients (not yet weighted by spatial sampling grid) [Default: None]

    noisy_weights : array_like, complex
       Noisy weights
    if spherical_harmonic_bases is None:
        if gridData is None:
            raise TypeError('Either a grid or the spherical harmonic bases have to be provided.')
        gridData = SphericalGrid(*gridData)
        spherical_harmonic_bases = sph_harm_all(order_max, gridData.azimuth, gridData.colatitude)
        order_max = _np.int(_np.sqrt(spherical_harmonic_bases.shape[1]) - 1)
    return _np.inner(spherical_harmonic_bases,
                     _np.random.randn((order_max + 1) ** 2) + 1j * _np.random.randn((order_max + 1) ** 2))

def tapering_window(max_order):
    """Design tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3.

    max_order : int
        Maximum SH order

    hann_window_half : array_like
       Tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3. Ones in case of maximum SH order being smaller than

    .. [1] Hold, Christoph, Hannes Gamper, Ville Pulkki, Nikunj Raghuvanshi, and Ivan J. Tashev (2019). “Improving
           Binaural Ambisonics Decoding by Spherical Harmonics Domain Tapering and Coloration Compensation.”
    weights = _np.ones(max_order + 1)

    if max_order >= 3:
        hann_window = _np.hanning(2 * ((max_order + 1) // 2) + 1)
        weights[-((max_order - 1) // 2):] = hann_window[-((max_order + 1) // 2):-1]
        import sys
        print('[WARNING]  SH maximum order is smaller than 3. No tapering will be used.', file=sys.stderr)

    return weights

def delay_fd(target_length_fd, delay_samples):
    """Generate delay in frequency domain that resembles a circular shift in time domain

    target_length_fd : int
        number of bins in single-sided spectrum
    delay_samples : float
        delay time in samples (subsample precision not tested yet!)

        delay spectrum in frequency domain
    omega = _np.linspace(0, .5, target_length_fd)
    return _np.exp(-1j * 2 * _np.pi * omega * delay_samples)