"""This file contains code for use with "Think Stats",
by Allen B. Downey, available from greenteapress.com

Copyright 2014 Allen B. Downey
License: GNU GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

from __future__ import print_function, division

import bisect

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import nsfg
import thinkstats2
import thinkplot
import gzip
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import Counter

FORMATS = ['pdf', 'eps', 'png']

class SurvivalFunction(object):
    """Represents a survival function."""

    def __init__(self, ts, ss, label=''):
        self.ts = ts
        self.ss = ss
        self.label = label

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.ts)

    def __getitem__(self, t):
        return self.Prob(t)

    def Prob(self, t):
        """Returns S(t), the probability that corresponds to value t.

        t: time

        returns: float probability
        return np.interp(t, self.ts, self.ss, left=1.0)

    def Probs(self, ts):
        """Gets probabilities for a sequence of values."""
        return np.interp(ts, self.ts, self.ss, left=1.0)

    def Items(self):
        """Sorted list of (t, s) pairs."""
        return zip(self.ts, self.ss)

    def Render(self):
        """Generates a sequence of points suitable for plotting.

        returns: tuple of (sorted times, survival function)
        return self.ts, self.ss

    def MakeHazardFunction(self, label=''):
        """Computes the hazard function.

        This simple version does not take into account the
        spacing between the ts.  If the ts are not equally
        spaced, it is not valid to compare the magnitude of
        the hazard function across different time steps.

        label: string

        returns: HazardFunction object
        lams = pd.Series(index=self.ts)

        prev = 1.0
        for t, s in zip(self.ts, self.ss):
            lams[t] = (prev - s) / prev
            prev = s

        return HazardFunction(lams, label=label)

    def MakePmf(self, filler=None):
        """Makes a PMF of lifetimes.

        filler: value to replace missing values

        returns: Pmf
        pmf = thinkstats2.Pmf()
        for val, prob in self.cdf.Items():
            pmf.Set(val, prob)

        cutoff = self.cdf.ps[-1]
        if filler is not None:
            pmf[filler] = 1-cutoff

        return pmf

    def RemainingLifetime(self, filler=None, func=thinkstats2.Pmf.Mean):
        """Computes remaining lifetime as a function of age.

        func: function from conditional Pmf to expected liftime

        returns: Series that maps from age to remaining lifetime
        pmf = self.MakePmf(filler=filler)
        d = {}
        for t in sorted(pmf.Values())[:-1]:
            pmf[t] = 0
            d[t] = func(pmf) - t

        return pd.Series(d)

def MakeSurvivalFunction(values, label=''):
    counter = Counter(values)
    ts, freqs = zip(*sorted(counter.items()))
    ts = np.asarray(ts)
    ps = np.cumsum(freqs, dtype=np.float)
    ps /= ps[-1]
    ss = 1 - ps
    return SurvivalFunction(ts, ss, label)

class HazardFunction(object):
    """Represents a hazard function."""

    def __init__(self, series, label=''):
        """Initialize the hazard function.

        series: pandas Series
        label: string
        self.series = series
        self.label = label

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.series)

    def __getitem__(self, t):
        return self.series[t]

    def Get(self, t, default=np.nan):
        return self.series.get(t, default)

    def Render(self):
        """Generates a sequence of points suitable for plotting.

        returns: tuple of (sorted times, hazard function)
        return self.series.index.values, self.series.values

    def MakeSurvival(self, label=''):
        """Makes the survival function.

        returns: SurvivalFunction
        series = (1 - self.series).cumprod()
        ts = series.index.values
        ss = series.values
        return SurvivalFunction(ts, ss, label=label)

    def Extend(self, other):
        """Extends this hazard function by copying the tail from another.

        other: HazardFunction
        last_index = self.series.index[-1] if len(self) else 0
        more = other.series[other.series.index > last_index]
        self.series = pd.concat([self.series, more])

    def Truncate(self, t):
        """Truncates this hazard function at the given value of t.

        t: number
        self.series = self.series[self.series.index < t]

def EstimateHazard(complete, ongoing, label='', jitter=0, verbose=False):
    """Estimates the hazard function by Kaplan-Meier.


    complete: list of complete lifetimes
    ongoing: list of ongoing lifetimes
    label: string
    hist_complete = Counter(complete)
    hist_ongoing = Counter(ongoing)

    ts = list(hist_complete | hist_ongoing)
    if not np.all(np.diff(ts) > 0):

    at_risk = len(complete) + len(ongoing)

    lams = pd.Series(index=ts)
    for t in ts:
        ended = hist_complete[t]
        if jitter:
            ended += np.random.normal(0, jitter)
        censored = hist_ongoing[t]

        lams[t] = ended / at_risk
        if verbose:
            print(t, at_risk, ended, censored, lams[t], sep='\t')
        at_risk -= ended + censored

    return HazardFunction(lams, label=label)

def EstimateHazardPandas(complete, ongoing, label=''):
    """Estimates the hazard function by Kaplan-Meier.


    complete: list of complete lifetimes
    ongoing: list of ongoing lifetimes
    label: string
    hist_complete = Counter(complete)
    hist_ongoing = Counter(ongoing)

    ts = set(hist_complete) | set(hist_ongoing)
    at_risk = len(complete) + len(ongoing)

    ended = [hist_complete[t] for t in ts]
    ended_c = np.cumsum(ended)
    censored_c = np.cumsum([hist_ongoing[t] for t in ts])

    not_at_risk = np.roll(ended_c, 1) + np.roll(censored_c, 1)
    not_at_risk[0] = 0

    at_risk_array = at_risk - not_at_risk
    hs = ended / at_risk_array

    lams = dict(zip(ts, hs))

    return HazardFunction(lams, label=label)

def CleanData(resp):
    """Cleans a respondent DataFrame.

    resp: DataFrame of respondents

    Adds columns: agemarry, age, decade, fives
    resp.cmmarrhx.replace([9997, 9998, 9999], np.nan, inplace=True)

    resp['agemarry'] = (resp.cmmarrhx - resp.cmbirth) / 12.0
    resp['age'] = (resp.cmintvw - resp.cmbirth) / 12.0

    month0 = pd.to_datetime('1899-12-15')
    dates = [month0 + pd.DateOffset(months=cm) 
             for cm in resp.cmbirth]
    resp['year'] = (pd.DatetimeIndex(dates).year - 1900)
    resp['decade'] = resp.year // 10
    resp['fives'] = resp.year // 5

def EstimateSurvival(resp, cutoff=None):
    """Estimates the survival curve.

    resp: DataFrame of respondents
    cutoff: where to truncate the estimated functions

    returns: pair of HazardFunction, SurvivalFunction
    complete = resp[resp.evrmarry].agemarry_index
    ongoing = resp[~resp.evrmarry].age_index

    hf = EstimateHazard(complete, ongoing, jitter=0)
    if cutoff:
    sf = hf.MakeSurvival()

    return hf, sf

def JitterResp(df, column, jitter=1):
    """Adds random noise to a column.

    df: DataFrame
    column: string column name
    jitter: standard deviation of noise
    df[column] += np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(df))

def DigitizeResp(df):
    """Digitizes age, agemarry, and birth year.

    df: DataFrame
    age_min = 15
    age_max = 45
    age_step = 1
    age_bins = np.arange(age_min, age_max, age_step)

    year_min = 40
    year_max = 99
    year_step = 10
    year_bins = np.arange(year_min, year_max, year_step)

    df['age_index'] = np.digitize(df.age, age_bins) * age_step
    df.age_index += age_min - age_step
    df.loc[df.age.isnull(), 'age_index'] = np.nan
    df['agemarry_index'] = np.digitize(df.agemarry, age_bins) * age_step
    df.agemarry_index += age_min - age_step
    df.loc[df.agemarry.isnull(), 'agemarry_index'] = np.nan

    df['birth_index'] = np.digitize(df.year, year_bins) * year_step
    df.birth_index += year_min - year_step

def ResampleResps(resps):
    """Resamples each dataframe and then concats them.

    resps: list of DataFrame

    returns: DataFrame
    # we have to resample the data from each cycles separately
    samples = [thinkstats2.ResampleRowsWeighted(resp, column='finalwgt') 
               for resp in resps]
    # then join the cycles into one big sample
    sample = pd.concat(samples, ignore_index=True)

    # remove married people with unknown marriage dates
    sample['missing'] = (sample.evrmarry & sample.agemarry.isnull())
    sample = sample[~sample.missing]

    # TODO: fill missing values
    #grouped = sample.groupby('birth_index')
    #for name, group in iter(grouped):
    #    cdf = thinkstats2.Cdf(group.agemarry)
    #    print(name, cdf.Mean())
    JitterResp(sample, 'age', jitter=1)
    JitterResp(sample, 'agemarry', jitter=1)

    return sample

def EstimateSurvivalByCohort(resps, iters=101, predict_flag=False):
    """Makes survival curves for resampled data.

    resps: list of DataFrames
    iters: number of resamples to plot
    predict_flag: whether to also plot predictions
    returns: map from group name to list of survival functions
    cutoffs = {70:43, 80:33, 90:23}
    sf_map = defaultdict(list)

    # iters is the number of resampling runs to make
    for i in range(iters):
        sample = ResampleResps(resps)

        # group by decade
        grouped = sample.groupby('birth_index')

        # and estimate (hf, sf) for each group
        hf_map = OrderedDict()
        for name, group in iter(grouped):
            cutoff = cutoffs.get(name, 45)
            hf_map[name] = EstimateSurvival(group, cutoff)

        # make predictions if desired
        if predict_flag:

        # extract the sf from each pair and accumulate the results
        for name, (hf, sf) in hf_map.items():
    return sf_map

def PlotSurvivalFunctions(sf_map, predict_flag=False):
    """Plot estimated survival functions.

    sf_map: map from group name to sequence of survival functions
    predict_flag: whether the lines are predicted or actual

    for name, sf_seq in sorted(sf_map.items(), reverse=True):
        if len(sf_seq) == 0:

        sf = sf_seq[0]
        if len(sf) == 0:

        ts, rows = MakeSurvivalCI(sf_seq, [10, 50, 90])
        thinkplot.FillBetween(ts, rows[0], rows[2], color='gray')

        if not predict_flag:
            thinkplot.Plot(ts, rows[1], label='19%d'%name)

    thinkplot.Config(xlabel='age (years)', ylabel='prob unmarried',
                     xlim=[14, 45], ylim=[0, 1],
                     legend=True, loc='upper right')

def MakePredictions(hf_map):
    """Extends a set of hazard functions and recomputes survival functions.

    For each group in hf_map, we extend hf and recompute sf.

    hf_map: map from group name to (HazardFunction, SurvivalFunction)
    names = hf_map.keys()
    hfs = [hf_map[name][0] for name in names]

    # extend each hazard function using data from the previous cohort,
    # and update the survival function
    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        hf, sf = hf_map[name]
        if i > 0:
        sf = hf.MakeSurvival()
        hf_map[name] = hf, sf

def MakeSurvivalCI(sf_seq, percents):
    """Makes confidence intervals from a list of survival functions.

    sf_seq: list of SurvivalFunction
    percents: list of percentiles to select, like [5, 95]

    returns: (ts, rows) where ts is a sequence of times and
             rows contains one row of values for each percent
    # find the union of all ts where the sfs are evaluated
    ts = set()
    for sf in sf_seq:
        ts |= set(sf.ts)
    ts = list(ts)
    # evaluate each sf at all times
    ss_seq = [sf.Probs(ts) for sf in sf_seq if len(sf) > 0]
    # return the requested percentiles from each column
    rows = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(ss_seq, percents)
    return ts, rows

def ReadFemResp(dct_file='2002FemResp.dct',
    """Reads the NSFG respondent data.

    dct_file: string file name
    dat_file: string file name

    returns: DataFrame
    dct = thinkstats2.ReadStataDct(dct_file, encoding='iso-8859-1')
    df = dct.ReadFixedWidth(dat_file, compression='gzip', **options)
    return df

def ReadFemResp2002():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 6.

    returns: DataFrame
    usecols = ['cmmarrhx', 'cmdivorcx', 'cmbirth', 'cmintvw', 
               'evrmarry', 'finalwgt']
    df = ReadFemResp(usecols=usecols)
    df['evrmarry'] = (df.evrmarry == 1)
    return df

def ReadFemResp2010():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 7.

    returns: DataFrame
    usecols = ['cmmarrhx', 'cmdivorcx', 'cmbirth', 'cmintvw',
               'evrmarry', 'wgtq1q16']
    df = ReadFemResp('2006_2010_FemRespSetup.dct',
    df['evrmarry'] = (df.evrmarry == 1)
    df['finalwgt'] = df.wgtq1q16
    return df

def ReadFemResp2013():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 8.

    returns: DataFrame
    usecols = ['cmmarrhx', 'cmdivorcx', 'cmbirth', 'cmintvw',
               'evrmarry', 'wgt2011_2013']
    df = ReadFemResp('2011_2013_FemRespSetup.dct',
    df['evrmarry'] = (df.evrmarry == 1)
    df['finalwgt'] = df.wgt2011_2013
    return df

def ReadFemResp1995():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 5.

    returns: DataFrame
    dat_file = '1995FemRespData.dat.gz'
    names = ['cmintvw', 'timesmar', 'cmmarrhx', 'cmbirth', 'finalwgt']
    colspecs = [(12360-1, 12363),
                (4637-1, 4638),
                (11759-1, 11762),
                (14-1, 16),
                (12350-1, 12359)]
    df = pd.read_fwf(dat_file, 

    df.timesmar.replace([98, 99], np.nan, inplace=True)
    df['evrmarry'] = (df.timesmar > 0)

    return df

def ReadFemResp1982():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 3.

    returns: DataFrame 
    dat_file = '1982NSFGData.dat.gz'
    names = ['finalwgt', 'ageint', 'mar2p', 'cmmarrhx', 'fmarital', 
             'cmintvw', 'cmbirth']
    colspecs = [(976-1, 982),
                (1001-1, 1002),
                (1268-1, 1271),
                (1037-1, 1040),
                (1041-1, 1041),
                (841-1, 844),
                (12-1, 15),

    df = pd.read_fwf(dat_file,

    # CM values above 9000 indicate month unknown
    df.loc[df.cmintvw>9000, 'cmintvw'] -= 9000
    df.loc[df.cmbirth>9000, 'cmbirth'] -= 9000

    df['evrmarry'] = (df.fmarital != 6)

    return df

def ReadFemResp1988():
    """Reads respondent data from NSFG Cycle 4.
    Read as if were a standard ascii file 
    returns: DataFrame 
    filename = '1988FemRespDataLines.dat.gz'
    names = ['finalwgt', 'ageint', 'currentcm', 
             'firstcm', 'cmintvw', 'cmbirth']
    colspecs = [(2568-1, 2574),
                (36-1, 37),
                (1521-1, 1525),
                (1538-1, 1542),
                (12-1, 16),
                (26-1, 30),

    df = pd.read_fwf(filename,

    # clean date of current/only marriage
    df.currentcm.replace([0], np.nan, inplace=True)

    # clean date of first (but not current) marriage
    df.firstcm.replace([0], np.nan, inplace=True)

    # combine current and first marriage
    df['cmmarrhx'] = df.firstcm
    df.cmmarrhx.fillna(df.currentcm, inplace=True)

    # replace NOT ASCERTAINED with NaN
    df.cmmarrhx.replace([99999], np.nan, inplace=True)

    # replace MONTH UNKNOWN with approximate date
    df.loc[df.cmmarrhx>90000, 'cmmarrhx'] -= 90000

    # define evrmarry if either currentcm or firstcm is non-zero
    df['evrmarry'] = ~df.cmmarrhx.isnull()

    return df

def ReadCanadaCycle5():

    #age at first marriage: CC232
    #age of respondent at interview: C3
    #final weight: C1
    #marital status: C5
    #Respondent every married: CC227

def ReadCanadaCycle6():

    #age at first marriage: CC232
    #age of respondent at interview: C3
    #final weight: C1
    #marital status: C5
    #Respondent every married: CC227

def Validate1982(df):
    assert(len(df) == 7969)
    assert(len(df[df.evrmarry]) == 4651)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 71)

def Validate1988(df):
    assert(len(df) == 8450)
    assert(len(df[df.evrmarry]) == 5264)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 73)

def Validate1995(df):

    assert(len(df) == 10847)
    assert(len(df[df.evrmarry]) == 6841)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 79)

def Validate2002(df):
    assert(len(df) == 7643)
    assert(sum(df.evrmarry) == 4126)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 45)

def Validate2010(df):
    assert(len(df) == 12279)
    assert(sum(df.evrmarry) == 5534)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 64)

def Validate2013(df):
    assert(len(df) == 5601)
    assert(sum(df.evrmarry) == 2452)
    assert(df.agemarry.value_counts().max() == 33)

def main():

    # make the plots based on Cycle 6

    resp6 = ReadFemResp2002()
    resps = [resp6]

    sf_map = ResampleSurvivalByDecade(resps)
    sf_map_pred = ResampleSurvivalByDecade(resps, predict_flag=True)
    thinkplot.Save(root='marriage1', formats=['pdf'])

    resp8 = ReadFemResp2013()

    resp7 = ReadFemResp2010()

    resp6 = ReadFemResp2002()

    resp5 = ReadFemResp1995()

    resp4 = ReadFemResp1988()

    resp3 = ReadFemResp1982()

if __name__ == '__main__':