#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from distributed import Client, LocalCluster


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def spawn_cluster_and_client(
    address: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[Optional[LocalCluster], Optional[Client]]:
    If provided an address, create a Dask Client connection.
    If not provided an address, create a LocalCluster and Client connection.
    If not provided an address, other Dask kwargs are accepted and passed down to the
    LocalCluster object.

    When using this function, the processing machine or container must have networking
    capabilities enabled to function properly.
    cluster = None
    if address is not None:
        client = Client(address)
        log.info(f"Connected to Remote Dask Cluster: {client}")
        cluster = LocalCluster(**kwargs)
        client = Client(cluster)
        log.info(f"Connected to Local Dask Cluster: {client}")

    return cluster, client

def shutdown_cluster_and_client(
    cluster: Optional[LocalCluster], client: Optional[Client]
) -> Tuple[Optional[LocalCluster], Optional[Client]]:
    Shutdown a cluster and client.

    When using this function, the processing machine or container must have networking
    capabilities enabled to function properly.
    if cluster is not None:
    if client is not None:

    return cluster, client

def cluster_and_client(address: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
    If provided an address, create a Dask Client connection.
    If not provided an address, create a LocalCluster and Client connection.
    If not provided an address, other Dask kwargs are accepted and passed down to the
    LocalCluster object.

    These objects will only live for the duration of this context manager.

    >>> with cluster_and_client() as (cluster, client):
    ...     img1 = AICSImage("1.tiff")
    ...     img2 = AICSImage("2.czi")
    ...     other processing

    When using this context manager, the processing machine or container must have
    networking capabilities enabled to function properly.
        cluster, client = spawn_cluster_and_client(address=address, **kwargs)
        yield cluster, client
        shutdown_cluster_and_client(cluster=cluster, client=client)