# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Date                 : August 2016
    Copyright            : (C) 2016 Boundless, http://boundlessgeo.com
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                         *
from builtins import str
from builtins import range

__author__ = 'Alexander Bruy'
__date__ = 'August 2016'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2016 Boundless, http://boundlessgeo.com'

import math
import itertools

from osgeo import osr

ALPHABET = {l: c for c, l in enumerate('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')}

ONEHT = 100000.0
TWOMIL = 2000000.0

MAX_PRECISION = 5  # Maximum precision of easting & northing
MAX_EAST_NORTH = 4000000

# letter,
# 2nd letter range - low,
# 2nd letter range - high,
# 3rd letter range - high (UPS),
# false easting based on 2nd letter,
# false northing based on 3rd letter
UPS_CONSTANTS = {0: (ALPHABET['A'], ALPHABET['J'], ALPHABET['Z'], ALPHABET['Z'], 800000.0, 800000.0),
                 1: (ALPHABET['B'], ALPHABET['A'], ALPHABET['R'], ALPHABET['Z'], 2000000.0, 800000.0),
                 2: (ALPHABET['Y'], ALPHABET['J'], ALPHABET['Z'], ALPHABET['P'], 800000.0, 1300000.0),
                 3: (ALPHABET['Z'], ALPHABET['A'], ALPHABET['J'], ALPHABET['P'], 2000000.0, 1300000.0)

# letter, minimum northing, upper latitude, lower latitude, northing offset
LATITUDE_BANDS = [(ALPHABET['C'], 1100000.0, -72.0, -80.5, 0.0),
                  (ALPHABET['D'], 2000000.0, -64.0, -72.0, 2000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['E'], 2800000.0, -56.0, -64.0, 2000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['F'], 3700000.0, -48.0, -56.0, 2000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['G'], 4600000.0, -40.0, -48.0, 4000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['H'], 5500000.0, -32.0, -40.0, 4000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['J'], 6400000.0, -24.0, -32.0, 6000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['K'], 7300000.0, -16.0, -24.0, 6000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['L'], 8200000.0, -8.0, -16.0, 8000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['M'], 9100000.0, 0.0, -8.0, 8000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['N'], 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                  (ALPHABET['P'], 800000.0, 16.0, 8.0, 0.0),
                  (ALPHABET['Q'], 1700000.0, 24.0, 16.0, 0.0),
                  (ALPHABET['R'], 2600000.0, 32.0, 24.0, 2000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['S'], 3500000.0, 40.0, 32.0, 2000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['T'], 4400000.0, 48.0, 40.0, 4000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['U'], 5300000.0, 56.0, 48.0, 4000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['V'], 6200000.0, 64.0, 56.0, 6000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['W'], 7000000.0, 72.0, 64.0, 6000000.0),
                  (ALPHABET['X'], 7900000.0, 84.5, 72.0, 6000000.0)]

class MgrsException(Exception):

def toMgrs(latitude, longitude, precision=5):
    """ Converts geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to an MGRS
    coordinate string, according to the current ellipsoid parameters.

    @param latitude - latitude value
    @param longitude - longitude value
    @param precision - precision level of MGRS string
    @returns - MGRS coordinate string

    # To avoid precision issues, which appear when using more than 6 decimal places
    latitude = round(latitude, 6)
    longitude = round(longitude, 6)

    if math.fabs(latitude) > 90:
        raise MgrsException('Latitude outside of valid range (-90 to 90 degrees).')

    if (longitude < -180) or (longitude > 360):
        raise MgrsException('Longitude outside of valid range (-180 to 360 degrees).')

    if (precision < 0) or (precision > MAX_PRECISION):
        raise MgrsException('The precision must be between 0 and 5 inclusive.')

    hemisphere, zone, epsg = _epsgForWgs(latitude, longitude)
    src = osr.SpatialReference()
    dst = osr.SpatialReference()
    ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(src, dst)
    x, y, z = ct.TransformPoint(longitude, latitude)

    if (latitude < -80) or (latitude > 84):
        # Convert to UPS
        mgrs = _upsToMgrs(hemisphere, x, y, precision)
        # Convert to UTM
        mgrs = _utmToMgrs(zone, hemisphere, latitude, longitude, x, y, precision)

    return mgrs

def toWgs(mgrs):
    """ Converts an MGRS coordinate string to geodetic (latitude and longitude)

    @param mgrs - MGRS coordinate string
    @returns - tuple containning latitude and longitude values
    if _checkZone(mgrs):
        zone, hemisphere, easting, northing = _mgrsToUtm(mgrs)
        zone, hemisphere, easting, northing = _mgrsToUps(mgrs)

    epsg = _epsgForUtm(zone, hemisphere)
    src = osr.SpatialReference()
    dst = osr.SpatialReference()
    ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(src, dst)
    longitude, latitude, z = ct.TransformPoint(easting, northing)

    return latitude, longitude

def _upsToMgrs(hemisphere, easting, northing, precision):
    """ Converts UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates
    to an MGRS coordinate string.

    @param hemisphere - hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'
    @param easting - easting/X in meters
    @param northing - northing/Y in meters
    @param precision - precision level of MGRS string
    @returns - MGRS coordinate string
    if hemisphere not in ['N', 'S']:
        raise MgrsException('Invalid hemisphere ("N" or "S").')

    if (easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) or (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH):
        raise MgrsException('Easting outside of valid range (100,000 to 900,000 meters for UTM, 0 to 4,000,000 meters for UPS).')

    if (northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) or (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH):
        raise MgrsException('Northing outside of valid range (0 to 10,000,000 meters for UTM, 0 to 4,000,000 meters for UPS).')

    if (precision < 0) or (precision > MAX_PRECISION):
        raise MgrsException('The precision must be between 0 and 5 inclusive.')

    letters = [None, None, None]
    if hemisphere == 'N':
        if easting >= TWOMIL:
            letters[0] = ALPHABET['Z']
            letters[0] = ALPHABET['Y']

        idx = letters[0] - 22
        ltr2LowValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][1]
        falseEasting = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][4]
        falseNorthing = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][5]
        if easting >= TWOMIL:
            letters[0] = ALPHABET['B']
            letters[0] = ALPHABET['A']

        ltr2LowValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][1]
        falseEasting = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][4]
        falseNorthing = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][5]

    gridNorthing = northing
    gridNorthing = gridNorthing - falseNorthing

    letters[2] = int(gridNorthing / ONEHT)

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['H']:
        letters[2] = letters[2] + 1

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['N']:
        letters[2] = letters[2] + 1

    gridEasting = easting
    gridEasting = gridEasting - falseEasting
    letters[1] = ltr2LowValue + int(gridEasting / ONEHT)

    if easting < TWOMIL:
        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['L']:
            letters[1] = letters[1] + 3

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['U']:
            letters[1] = letters[1] + 2
        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['C']:
            letters[1] = letters[1] + 2

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['H']:
            letters[1] = letters[1] + 1

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['L']:
            letters[1] = letters[1] + 3

    return _mgrsString(0, letters, easting, northing, precision)

def _mgrsToUps(mgrs):
    """ Converts an MGRS coordinate string to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere,
    easting and northing) coordinates

    @param mgrs - MGRS coordinate string
    @returns - tuple containing UTM zone, hemisphere, easting and northing
    zone, letters, easting, northing, precision = _breakMgrsString(mgrs)

    if zone != 0:
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    if letters[0] >= ALPHABET['Y']:
        hemisphere = 'N'

        idx = letters[0] - 22
        ltr2LowValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][1]
        ltr2HighValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][2]
        ltr3HighValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][3]
        falseEasting = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][4]
        falseNorthing = UPS_CONSTANTS[idx][5]
        hemisphere = 'S'

        ltr2LowValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][1]
        ltr2HighValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][2]
        ltr3HighValue = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][3]
        falseEasting = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][4]
        falseNorthing = UPS_CONSTANTS[letters[0]][5]

    # Check that the second letter of the MGRS string is within the range
    # of valid second letter values. Also check that the third letter is valid
    if (letters[1] < ltr2LowValue) or (letters[1] > ltr2HighValue) or (letters[1] in [invalid]) or (letters[2] > ltr3HighValue):
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    gridNorthing = float(letters[2] * ONEHT + falseNorthing)
    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['I']:
        gridNorthing = gridNorthing - ONEHT

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['O']:
        gridNorthing = gridNorthing - ONEHT

    gridEasting = float((letters[1] - ltr2LowValue) * ONEHT + falseEasting)
    if ltr2LowValue != ALPHABET['A']:
        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['L']:
            gridEasting = gridEasting - 300000.0

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['U']:
            gridEasting = gridEasting - 200000.0
        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['C']:
            gridEasting = gridEasting - 200000.0

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['I']:
            gridEasting = gridEasting - ONEHT

        if letters[1] > ALPHABET['L']:
            gridEasting = gridEasting - 300000.0

    easting += gridEasting
    northing += gridNorthing

    return zone, hemisphere, easting, northing

def _utmToMgrs(zone, hemisphere, latitude, longitude, easting, northing, precision):
    """ Calculates an MGRS coordinate string based on the UTM zone, latitude,
    easting and northing values.

    @param zone - UTM zone number
    @param hemisphere - hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'
    @param latitude - latitude value
    @param longitude - longitude value
    @param easting - easting/X in meters
    @param northing - northing/Y in meters
    @param precision - precision level of MGRS string
    @returns - MGRS coordinate string
    if latitude <= 0.0 and northing == 1.0e7:
        latitude = 0
        northing = 0

    ltr2LowValue, ltr2HighValue, patternOffset = _gridValues(zone)

    letters = [_latitudeLetter(latitude), None, None]

    while northing >= TWOMIL:
        northing = northing - TWOMIL

    northing += patternOffset
    if northing >= TWOMIL:
        northing = northing - TWOMIL

    letters[2] = int(northing / ONEHT)
    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['H']:
        letters[2] += 1

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['N']:
        letters[2] += 1

    if ((letters[0] == ALPHABET['V']) and (zone == 31)) and (easting == 500000.0):
        easting = easting - 1.0  # Substract 1 meter

    letters[1] = ltr2LowValue + int((easting / ONEHT) - 1)
    if ltr2LowValue == ALPHABET['J'] and letters[1] > ALPHABET['N']:
        letters[1] += 1

    return _mgrsString(zone, letters, easting, northing, precision)

def _mgrsToUtm(mgrs):
    """ Converts an MGRS coordinate string to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere,
    easting and northing) coordinates.

    @param mgrs - MGRS coordinate string
    @returns - tuple containing UTM zone, hemisphere, easting, northing
    zone, letters, easting, northing, precision = _breakMgrsString(mgrs)
    if zone == 0:
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    if letters == ALPHABET['X'] and zone in [32, 34, 36]:
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    if letters[0] < ALPHABET['N']:
        hemisphere = 'S'
        hemisphere = 'N'

    ltr2LowValue, ltr2HighValue, patternOffset = _gridValues(zone)

    # Check that the second letter of the MGRS string is within the range
    # of valid second letter values. Also check that the third letter is valid
    if (letters[1] < ltr2LowValue) or (letters[1] > ltr2HighValue) or (letters[2] > ALPHABET['V']):
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    rowLetterNorthing = float(letters[2] * ONEHT)
    gridEasting = float((letters[1] - ltr2LowValue + 1) * ONEHT)
    if ltr2LowValue == ALPHABET['J'] and letters[1] > ALPHABET['O']:
        gridEasting = gridEasting - ONEHT

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['O']:
        rowLetterNorthing = rowLetterNorthing - ONEHT

    if letters[2] > ALPHABET['I']:
        rowLetterNorthing = rowLetterNorthing - ONEHT

    if rowLetterNorthing >= TWOMIL:
        rowLetterNorthing = rowLetterNorthing - TWOMIL

    minNorthing, northingOffset = _latitudeBandMinNorthing(letters[0])

    gridNorthing = rowLetterNorthing - patternOffset
    if gridNorthing < 0:
        gridNorthing += TWOMIL

    gridNorthing += northingOffset

    if gridNorthing < minNorthing:
        gridNorthing += TWOMIL

    easting += gridEasting
    northing += gridNorthing

    return zone, hemisphere, easting, northing

def _mgrsString(zone, letters, easting, northing, precision):
    """ Constructs an MGRS string from its component parts
    @param zone - UTM zone
    @param letters - MGRS coordinate string letters
    @param easting - easting value
    @param northing - northing value
    @param precision - precision level of MGRS string
    @returns - MGRS coordinate string
    if zone:
        tmp = str(zone)
        mgrs = tmp.zfill(3 - len(tmp))
        mgrs = '  '

    for i in range(3):
        mgrs += list(ALPHABET.keys())[list(ALPHABET.values()).index(letters[i])]

    mgrs += '  '
    easting = math.fmod(easting + 1e-8, 100000.0)
    if easting >= 99999.5:
        easting = 99999.0
    mgrs += str(int(easting)).rjust(5, '0')[:precision]

    mgrs += '  '
    northing = math.fmod(northing + 1e-8, 100000.0)
    if northing >= 99999.5:
        northing = 99999.0
    mgrs += str(int(northing)).rjust(5, '0')[:precision]

    return mgrs

def _epsgForWgs(latitude, longitude):
    """ Returns corresponding UTM or UPS EPSG code from WGS84 coordinates
    @param latitude - latitude value
    @param longitude - longitude value
    @returns - tuple containing hemisphere, UTM zone and EPSG code

    if math.fabs(latitude) > 90:
        raise MgrsException('Latitude outside of valid range (-90 to 90 degrees).')

    if longitude < -180 or longitude > 360:
        return MgrsException('Longitude outside of valid range (-180 to 360 degrees).')

    # hemisphere
    if latitude < 0:
        hemisphere = 'S'
        hemisphere = 'N'

    # UTM zone
    if latitude <= -80 or latitude >= 84:
        # Coordinates falls under UPS system
        zone = 61
        # Coordinates falls under UTM system
        if longitude < 180:
            zone = int(31 + (longitude / 6.0))
            zone = int((longitude / 6) - 29)

        if zone > 60:
            zone = 1

        # Handle UTM special cases
        if latitude >= 56.0 and latitude < 64.0 and longitude >= 3.0 and longitude < 12.0:
            zone = 32

        if latitude >= 72.0 and latitude < 84.0:
            if longitude >= 0.0 and longitude < 9.0:
                zone = 31
            elif longitude >= 9.0 and longitude < 21.0:
                zone = 33
            elif longitude >= 21.0 and longitude < 33.0:
                zone = 35
            elif longitude >= 33.0 and longitude < 42.0:
                zone = 37

    # North or South hemisphere
    if latitude >= 0:
        ns = 600
        ns = 700

    return hemisphere, zone, 32000 + ns + zone

def _epsgForUtm(zone, hemisphere):
    """ Returen EPSG code for given UTM zone and hemisphere

    @param zone - UTM zone
    @param hemisphere - hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'
    @returns - corresponding EPSG code
    if hemisphere not in ['N', 'S']:
        raise MgrsException('Invalid hemisphere ("N" or "S").')

    if zone < 0 or zone > 60:
        raise MgrsException('UTM zone ouside valid range.')

    if hemisphere == 'N':
        ns = 600
        ns = 700

    if zone == 0:
        zone = 61

    return 32000 + ns + zone

def _gridValues(zone):
    """ Sets the letter range used for the 2nd letter in the MGRS coordinate
    string, based on the set number of the UTM zone. It also sets the pattern
    offset using a value of A for the second letter of the grid square, based
    on the grid pattern and set number of the UTM zone.

    @param zone - UTM zone number
    @returns - tuple containing 2nd letter low number, 2nd letter high number
    and pattern offset
    setNumber = zone % 6

    if not setNumber:
        setNumber = 6

    if setNumber in [1, 4]:
        ltr2LowValue = ALPHABET['A']
        ltr2HighValue = ALPHABET['H']
    elif setNumber in [2, 5]:
        ltr2LowValue = ALPHABET['J']
        ltr2HighValue = ALPHABET['R']
    elif setNumber in [3, 6]:
        ltr2LowValue = ALPHABET['S']
        ltr2HighValue = ALPHABET['Z']

    if setNumber % 2:
        patternOffset = 0.0
        patternOffset = 500000.0

    return ltr2LowValue, ltr2HighValue, patternOffset

def _latitudeLetter(latitude):
    """ Returns the latitude band letter for given latitude

    @param latitude - latitude value
    @returns - latitude band letter
    if latitude >= 72 and latitude < 84.5:
        return ALPHABET['X']
    elif latitude > -80.5 and latitude < 72:
        idx = int(((latitude + 80.0) / 8.0) + 1.0e-12)
        return LATITUDE_BANDS[idx][0]

def _checkZone(mgrs):
    """ Checks if MGRS coordinate string contains UTM zone definition

    @param mgrs - MGRS coordinate string
    @returns - True if zone is given, False otherwise
    mgrs = mgrs.lstrip()
    count = sum(1 for c in itertools.takewhile(str.isdigit, mgrs))
    if count <= 2:
        return count > 0
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

def _breakMgrsString(mgrs):
    """ Breaks down an MGRS coordinate string into its component parts.

    @param mgrs - MGRS coordinate string
    @returns - tuple containing MGRS string componets: UTM zone,
    MGRS coordinate string letters, easting, northing and precision
    mgrs = mgrs.lstrip()
    # Number of zone digits
    count = sum(1 for c in itertools.takewhile(str.isdigit, mgrs))
    if count <= 2:
        if count > 0:
            zone = int(mgrs[:2])
            if zone < 1 or zone > 60:
                raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')
            zone = 0
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    idx = count
    # MGRS letters
    count = sum(1 for c in itertools.takewhile(str.isalpha, itertools.islice(mgrs, idx, None)))
    if count == 3:
        a = ord('A')
        invalid = [ALPHABET['I'], ALPHABET['O']]

        letters = []
        ch = ord(mgrs[idx:idx + 1].upper()) - a
        if ch in invalid:
            raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')
        idx += 1

        ch = ord(mgrs[idx:idx + 1].upper()) - a
        if ch in invalid:
            raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')
        idx += 1

        ch = ord(mgrs[idx:idx + 1].upper()) - a
        if ch in invalid:
            raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')
        idx += 1
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    # Easting and Northing
    count = sum(1 for c in itertools.takewhile(str.isdigit, itertools.islice(mgrs, idx, None)))
    if count <= 10 and count % 2 == 0:
        precision = int(count / 2)
        if precision > 0:
            easting = float(mgrs[idx:idx + precision])
            northing = float(mgrs[idx + precision:])
            easting = 0
            northing = 0
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    return zone, letters, easting, northing, precision

def _latitudeBandMinNorthing(letter):
    """ Determines the minimum northing and northing offset
    for given latitude band letter.

    @param letter - latitude band letter
    @returns - tuple containing minimum northing and northing offset
    for that letter
    if letter >= ALPHABET['C'] and letter <= ALPHABET['H']:
        minNorthing = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 2][1]
        northingOffset = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 2][4]
    elif letter >= ALPHABET['J'] and letter <= ALPHABET['N']:
        minNorthing = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 3][1]
        northingOffset = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 3][4]
    elif letter >= ALPHABET['P'] and letter <= ALPHABET['X']:
        minNorthing = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 4][1]
        northingOffset = LATITUDE_BANDS[letter - 4][4]
        raise MgrsException('An MGRS string error: string too long, too short, or badly formed')

    return minNorthing, northingOffset