import sys
import math
import scipy
import pylab
import as wav
import wave
from scipy import signal
from itertools import product
import numpy

def readWav():
        Reads a sound wave from a standard input and finds its parameters.

    # Read the sound wave from the input.
    sound_wave =[1], "r")

    # Get parameters of the sound wave.
    nframes = sound_wave.getnframes()
    framerate = sound_wave.getframerate()
    params = sound_wave.getparams()
    duration = nframes / float(framerate)

    print "frame rate: %d " % (framerate,)
    print "nframes: %d" % (nframes,)
    print "duration: %f seconds" % (duration,)
    print scipy.array(sound_wave)

    return (sound_wave, nframes, framerate, duration, params)

def getDuration(sound_file):
        Returns the duration of a given sound file.

    wr =, 'r')
    nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname =  wr.getparams()
    return nframes / float(framerate)

def getFrameRate(sound_file):
        Returns the frame rate of a given sound file.

    wr =, 'r')
    nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = wr.getparams()
    return framerate

def get_channels_no(sound_file):
        Returns number of channels of a given sound file.

    wr =, 'r')
    nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = wr.getparams()
    return nchannels

def plotSoundWave(rate, sample):
        Plots a given sound wave.

    t = scipy.linspace(0, 2, 2*rate, endpoint=False)
    pylab.figure('Sound wave')
    T = int(0.0001*rate)
    pylab.plot(t[:T], sample[:T],)

def plotPartials(binFrequencies, maxFreq, magnitudes):
        Calculates and plots the power spectrum of a given sound wave.

    T = int(maxFreq)
    pylab.figure('Power spectrum')
    pylab.plot(binFrequencies[:T], magnitudes[:T],)
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    pylab.ylabel('Power spectrum (|X[k]|^2)')

def plotPowerSpectrum(FFT, binFrequencies, maxFreq):
        Calculates and plots the power spectrum of a given sound wave.

    T = int(maxFreq)
    pylab.figure('Power spectrum')
    pylab.plot(binFrequencies[:T], scipy.absolute(FFT[:T]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[:T]),)
    pylab.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    pylab.ylabel('Power spectrum (|X[k]|^2)')

def get_frequencies_axis(framerate, fft_length):
    binResolution = float(framerate) / float(fft_length)
    binFreqs = []
    for k in range(fft_length):
        binFreq = k * binResolution
    return binFreqs

def get_next_power_2(n):
        Returns the closest number that is smaller than n that is a power of 2.

    power = 1
    while (power < n):
        power *= 2
    if power > 1:
        return power / 2
        return 1

class MIDI_Detector(object):
        Class for MIDI notes detection given a .wav file.

    def __init__(self, wav_file):
        self.wav_file = wav_file
        self.minFreqConsidered = 20
        self.maxFreqConsidered = 5000
        self.low_f0s = [27.5, 29.135, 30.868, 32.703, 34.648, 37.708, 38.891,
                        41.203, 43.654, 46.249, 48.999, 51.913, 55.0, 58.27,
                        61.735, 65.406, 69.296, 73.416, 77.782, 82.407]

    def detect_MIDI_notes(self):
            The algorithm for calculating midi notes from a given wav file.

        (framerate, sample) =
        if get_channels_no(self.wav_file) > 1:
            sample = sample.mean(axis=1)
        duration = getDuration(self.wav_file)
        midi_notes = []

        # Consider only files with a duration longer than 0.18 seconds.
        if duration > 0.18:
            FFT, filteredFreqs, maxFreq, magnitudes, significant_freq = self.calculateFFT(duration, framerate, sample)
            #plotPowerSpectrum(FFT, filteredFreqs, 1000)
            clusters = self.clusterFrequencies(filteredFreqs)
            averagedClusters = self.getClustersMeans(clusters)
            f0_candidates = self.getF0Candidates(averagedClusters)
            midi_notes = self.matchWithMIDINotes(f0_candidates)


            # Include a note with a significant magnitude:
            # if its magnitude is higher than the sum of magnitudes
            # of all other spectral peaks
            # include it in the list of detected notes and
            # remove the note that's octave lower than this one
            # if it was also detected.
            if significant_freq > 0:
                significant_midi_notes = self.matchWithMIDINotes([
                significant_midi_note = significant_midi_notes[0]
                if significant_midi_note not in midi_notes:
                    midi_notes = self.remove_lower_octave(
                        significant_midi_note, midi_notes)

        return midi_notes

    def remove_lower_octave(self, upper_octave, midi_notes):
        lower_octave = upper_octave - 12
        if lower_octave in midi_notes:
        return midi_notes

    def get_candidates_with_partials(self, frequencies, magnitudes):
        print frequencies
        partial_margin = 11.0   # Hz

        # A list of frequencies of each candidate.
        candidates_freq = []

        # A list of magnitudes of frequencies of each candidate.
        candidates_magnitude = []

        for i in range(len(frequencies)):
            partials, partial_magnitudes = self.find_partials(
                frequencies[i:], frequencies[i], magnitudes[i:])
        return (candidates_freq, candidates_magnitude)

    def calculateFFT(self, duration, framerate, sample):
            Calculates FFT for a given sound wave.
            Considers only frequencies with the magnitudes higher than
            a given threshold.

        fft_length = int(duration * framerate)
        # For the FFT to work much faster take the length that is a power of 2.
        fft_length = get_next_power_2(fft_length)
        FFT = numpy.fft.fft(sample, n=fft_length)

        threshold = 0
        power_spectra = []
        frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum = 0
        for i in range(len(FFT) / 2):
            power_spectrum = scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[i])
            if power_spectrum > threshold:
                threshold = power_spectrum
                frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum = i
        max_power_spectrum = threshold
        threshold *= 0.1

        binFrequencies = []
        magnitudes = []
        binResolution = float(framerate) / float(fft_length)
        sum_of_significant_spectra = 0
        # For each bin calculate the corresponding frequency.
        for k in range(len(FFT)):
            binFreq = k * binResolution

            # Truncating the FFT so we consider only hearable frequencies.
            if binFreq > self.maxFreqConsidered:
                FFT = FFT[:k]
            elif binFreq > self.minFreqConsidered:
                # Consider only the frequencies
                # with magnitudes higher than the threshold.
                power_spectrum = power_spectra[k]
                if power_spectrum > threshold:

                    # Sum all significant power spectra
                    # except the max power spectrum.
                    if power_spectrum != max_power_spectrum:
                        sum_of_significant_spectra += power_spectrum

        significant_freq = 0.0

        if max_power_spectrum > sum_of_significant_spectra:
            significant_freq = frequency_bin_with_max_spectrum * binResolution

        # Max. frequency considered after truncating.
        # maxFreq = rate without truncating.
        maxFreq = len(FFT) / duration

        return (FFT, binFrequencies, maxFreq, magnitudes, significant_freq)

    # Code for STFT taken from:
    def STFT(self, x, samplingFreq, framesz, hop):
            Computes STFT for a given sound wave using Hanning window.

        framesamp = int(framesz * samplingFreq)
        print 'FRAMESAMP: ' + str(framesamp)
        hopsamp = int(hop * samplingFreq)
        print 'HOP SAMP: ' + str(hopsamp)
        # Modification: using Hanning window instead of Hamming - by Pertusa
        w = signal.hann(framesamp)
        X = numpy.array([numpy.fft.fft(w * x[i:i + framesamp])
                         for i in range(0, len(x) - framesamp, hopsamp)])
        return X

    def plotMagnitudeSpectrogram(self, rate, sample, framesz, hop):
            Calculates and plots the magnitude spectrum of a given sound wave.

        X = self.STFT(sample, rate, framesz, hop)

        # Plot the magnitude spectrogram.
        pylab.figure('Magnitude spectrogram')
        pylab.imshow(scipy.absolute(X.T), origin='lower', aspect='auto',

    def getFilteredFFT(self, FFT, duration, threshold):
            Returns a list of frequencies with the magnitudes higher
            than a given threshold.

        significantFreqs = []
        for i in range(len(FFT)):
            power_spectrum = scipy.absolute(FFT[i]) * scipy.absolute(FFT[i])
            if power_spectrum > threshold:
                significantFreqs.append(i / duration)

        return significantFreqs

    def clusterFrequencies(self, freqs):
            Clusters frequencies.

        if len(freqs) == 0:
            return {}
        clusteredFreqs = {}
        bin = 0
        clusteredFreqs[0] = [freqs[0]]
        for i in range(len(freqs) - 1):
            dist = self.calcDistance(freqs[i], freqs[i + 1])
            if dist < 2.0:
                clusteredFreqs[bin].append(freqs[i + 1])
                bin += 1
                clusteredFreqs[bin] = [freqs[i + 1]]

        return clusteredFreqs

    def getClustersMeans(self, clusters):
            Given clustered frequencies finds a mean of each cluster.

        means = []
        for bin, freqs in clusters.iteritems():
            means.append(sum(freqs) / len(freqs))
        return means

    def getDistances(self, freqs):
            Returns a list of distances between each frequency.

        distances =  {(freqs[i], freqs[j]): self.calcDistance(freqs[i], freqs[j])
                        for (i, j) in product(range(len(freqs)), repeat=2)}
        distances = {freq_pair: dist for freq_pair, dist in distances.iteritems() if dist < 2.0}
        return distances

    def calcDistance(self, freq1, freq2):
            Calculates distance between frequencies taking into account that
            the frequencies of pitches increase logarithmically.

        difference = abs(freq1 - freq2)
        log = math.log((freq1 + freq2) / 2)
        return difference / log

    def getF0Candidates(self, frequencies):
            Given frequencies finds possible F0 candidates
            by discarding potential harmonic frequencies.

        f0_candidates = []


        if len(frequencies) > 0 and frequencies[0] < 83.0:
            low_freq_candidate = self.find_low_freq_candidate(frequencies)
            if low_freq_candidate > 0.0:
                #frequencies = self.filterOutHarmonics(
                    frequencies, low_freq_candidate)

        while len(frequencies) > 0:
            f0_candidate = frequencies[0]
            frequencies = self.filterOutHarmonics(frequencies, f0_candidate)
        return f0_candidates

    def filterOutHarmonics(self, frequencies, f0_candidate):
            Given frequencies and an f0 candidate remove
            all possible harmonics of this f0 candidate.

        # If an integer frequency is a multiple of another frequency
        # then it is its harmonic. This constant was found empirically.

        def is_multiple(f, f0):
            return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD

        return [f for f in frequencies if not is_multiple(f, f0_candidate)]

    def find_low_freq_candidate(self, frequencies):
        f0_candidates = []

        def is_multiple(f, f0):
            return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD

        best_candidate = -1
        max_no_partials = 0
        for low_f0 in self.low_f0s:
            num_of_partials = 0
            for f in frequencies:
                if is_multiple(f, low_f0):
                    num_of_partials += 1
            if num_of_partials > max_no_partials:
                max_no_partials = num_of_partials
                best_candidate = low_f0
        return best_candidate

    def find_partials(self, frequencies, f0_candidate, magnitudes):
            Given frequencies, frequency magnitudes and an f0 candidate
            return the partials and magnitudes of this f0 candidate.


        def is_multiple(f, f0):
            return abs(round(f / f0) - f / f0) < REMAINDER_THRESHOLD

        partials = []
        partial_magnitudes = []
        for i in range(len(frequencies)):
            if is_multiple(frequencies[i], f0_candidate):
        return (partials, partial_magnitudes)

    def matchWithMIDINotes(self, f0_candidates):
        midi_notes = []
        for freq in f0_candidates:
            # Formula for calculating MIDI note number.
                round(69 + 12 * math.log(freq / 440) / math.log(2))))
        return midi_notes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    MIDI_detector = MIDI_Detector(sys.argv[1])
    midi_notes = MIDI_detector.detect_MIDI_notes()
    print midi_notes