# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Joses Ho
# Email : joseshowh@gmail.com
A range of functions to compute various effect sizes.


def two_group_difference(control, test, is_paired=False,
    Computes the following metrics for control and test:
        - Unstandardized mean difference
        - Standardized mean differences (paired or unpaired)
            * Cohen's d
            * Hedges' g
        - Median difference
        - Cliff's Delta

    See the Wikipedia entry here: https://bit.ly/2LzWokf

    control, test: list, tuple, or ndarray.
        Accepts lists, tuples, or numpy ndarrays of numeric types.

    is_paired: boolean, default False.
        If True, returns the paired Cohen's d.

    effect_size: string, default "mean_diff"
        Any one of the following effect sizes:
        ["mean_diff", "median_diff", "cohens_d", "hedges_g", "cliffs_delta"]

        mean_diff:      This is simply the mean of `control` subtracted from
                        the mean of `test`.

        cohens_d:       This is the mean of control subtracted from the
                        mean of test, divided by the pooled standard deviation
                        of control and test. The pooled SD is the square as:

                               (n1 - 1) * var(control) + (n2 - 1) * var(test)
                        sqrt (   -------------------------------------------  )
                                                 (n1 + n2 - 2)

                        where n1 and n2 are the sizes of control and test

        hedges_g:       This is Cohen's d corrected for bias via multiplication
                         with the following correction factor:

                        J(n) = ------------------------------
                               sqrt(n/2) * gamma((n - 1) / 2)

                        where n = (n1 + n2 - 2).

        median_diff:    This is the median of `control` subtracted from the
                        median of `test`.

        float: The desired effect size.
    import numpy as np

    if effect_size == "mean_diff":
        return func_difference(control, test, np.mean, is_paired)

    elif effect_size == "median_diff":
        return func_difference(control, test, np.median, is_paired)

    elif effect_size == "cohens_d":
        return cohens_d(control, test, is_paired)

    elif effect_size == "hedges_g":
        return hedges_g(control, test, is_paired)

    elif effect_size == "cliffs_delta":
        if is_paired is True:
            err1 = "`is_paired` is True; therefore Cliff's delta is not defined."
            raise ValueError(err1)
            return cliffs_delta(control, test)

def func_difference(control, test, func, is_paired):
    Applies func to `control` and `test`, and then returns the difference.

        control, test: List, tuple, or array.
            NaNs are automatically discarded.

        func: summary function to apply.

        is_paired: boolean.
            If True, computes func(test - control).
            If False, computes func(test) - func(control).

        diff: float.
    import numpy as np

    # Convert to numpy arrays for speed.
    # NaNs are automatically dropped.
    if control.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        control = np.array(control)
    if test.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        test    = np.array(test)

    if is_paired:
        if len(control) != len(test):
            err = "The two arrays supplied do not have the same length."
            raise ValueError(err)

        control_nan = np.where(np.isnan(control))[0]
        test_nan    = np.where(np.isnan(test))[0]

        indexes_to_drop = np.unique(np.concatenate([control_nan,

        good_indexes = [i for i in range(0, len(control))
                        if i not in indexes_to_drop]

        control = control[good_indexes]
        test    = test[good_indexes]

        return func(test - control)

        control = control[~np.isnan(control)]
        test    = test[~np.isnan(test)]
        return func(test) - func(control)

def cohens_d(control, test, is_paired=False):
    Computes Cohen's d for test v.s. control.
    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size#Cohen's_d

    control, test: List, tuple, or array.

    is_paired: boolean, default False
        If True, the paired Cohen's d is returned.

        d: float.
            If is_paired is False, this is equivalent to:
            (numpy.mean(test) - numpy.mean(control))  / pooled StDev

            If is_paired is True, returns
            (numpy.mean(test) - numpy.mean(control))  / average StDev

            The pooled standard deviation is equal to:

                   (n1 - 1) * var(control) + (n2 - 1) * var (test)
            sqrt(  ---------------------------------------------- )
                           (n1 + n2 - 2)

            The average standard deviation is equal to:

                  var(control) + var(test)
            sqrt( ------------------------- )

    The sample variance (and standard deviation) uses N-1 degrees of freedoms.
    This is an application of Bessel's correction, and yields the unbiased
    sample variance.

    import numpy as np

    # Convert to numpy arrays for speed.
    # NaNs are automatically dropped.
    if control.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        control = np.array(control)
    if test.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        test    = np.array(test)
    control = control[~np.isnan(control)]
    test    = test[~np.isnan(test)]

    pooled_sd, average_sd = _compute_standardizers(control, test)
    # pooled SD is used for Cohen's d of two independant groups.
    # average SD is used for Cohen's d of two paired groups
    # (aka repeated measures).
    # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Correlation adjusted SD is used for Cohen's d of
    # two paired groups but accounting for the correlation between
    # the two groups.

    if is_paired:
        # Check control and test are same length.
        if len(control) != len(test):
            raise ValueError("`control` and `test` are not the same length.")
        # assume the two arrays are ordered already.
        delta = test - control
        M = np.mean(delta)
        divisor = average_sd

        M = np.mean(test) - np.mean(control)
        divisor = pooled_sd
    return M / divisor

def hedges_g(control, test, is_paired=False):
    Computes Hedges' g for  for test v.s. control.
    It first computes Cohen's d, then calulates a correction factor based on
    the total degress of freedom using the gamma function.

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size#Hedges'_g

    control, test: numeric iterables.
        These can be lists, tuples, or arrays of numeric types.

        g: float.
    import numpy as np

    # Convert to numpy arrays for speed.
    # NaNs are automatically dropped.
    if control.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        control = np.array(control)
    if test.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        test    = np.array(test)
    control = control[~np.isnan(control)]
    test    = test[~np.isnan(test)]

    d = cohens_d(control, test, is_paired)
    len_c = len(control)
    len_t = len(test)
    correction_factor = _compute_hedges_correction_factor(len_c, len_t)
    return correction_factor * d

def cliffs_delta(control, test):
    Computes Cliff's delta for 2 samples.
    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size#Effect_size_for_ordinal_data

    control, test: numeric iterables.
        These can be lists, tuples, or arrays of numeric types.

        A single numeric float.
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu

    # Convert to numpy arrays for speed.
    # NaNs are automatically dropped.
    if control.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        control = np.array(control)
    if test.__class__ != np.ndarray:
        test    = np.array(test)

    c = control[~np.isnan(control)]
    t = test[~np.isnan(test)]

    control_n = len(c)
    test_n = len(t)

    # Note the order of the control and test arrays.
    U, _ = mannwhitneyu(t, c, alternative='two-sided')
    cliffs_delta = ((2 * U) / (control_n * test_n)) - 1

    # more = 0
    # less = 0
    # for i, c in enumerate(control):
    #     for j, t in enumerate(test):
    #         if t > c:
    #             more += 1
    #         elif t < c:
    #             less += 1
    # cliffs_delta = (more - less) / (control_n * test_n)

    return cliffs_delta

def _compute_standardizers(control, test):
    from numpy import mean, var, sqrt, nan
    # For calculation of correlation; not currently used.
    # from scipy.stats import pearsonr

    control_n = len(control)
    test_n = len(test)

    control_mean = mean(control)
    test_mean = mean(test)

    control_var = var(control, ddof=1) # use N-1 to compute the variance.
    test_var = var(test, ddof=1)

    control_std = sqrt(control_var)
    test_std = sqrt(test_var)

    # For unpaired 2-groups standardized mean difference.
    pooled = sqrt(((control_n - 1) * control_var + (test_n - 1) * test_var) /
               (control_n + test_n - 2)

    # For paired standardized mean difference.
    average = sqrt((control_var + test_var) / 2)

    # if len(control) == len(test):
    #     corr = pearsonr(control, test)[0]
    #     std_diff = sqrt(control_var + test_var - (2 * corr * control_std * test_std))
    #     std_diff_corrected = std_diff / (sqrt(2 * (1 - corr)))
    #     return pooled, average, std_diff_corrected
    # else:
    return pooled, average # indent if you implement above code chunk.

def _compute_hedges_correction_factor(n1, n2):
    Computes the bias correction factor for Hedges' g.

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size#Hedges'_g

        j: float

    Larry V. Hedges & Ingram Olkin (1985).
    Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis. Orlando: Academic Press.
    ISBN 0-12-336380-2.

    from scipy.special import gamma
    from numpy import sqrt, isinf
    import warnings

    df = n1 + n2 - 2
    numer = gamma(df / 2)
    denom0 = gamma((df - 1) / 2)
    denom = sqrt(df / 2) * denom0

    if isinf(numer) or isinf(denom):
        # occurs when df is too large.
        # Apply Hedges and Olkin's approximation.
        df_sum = n1 + n2
        denom = (4 * df_sum) - 9
        out = 1 - (3 / denom)

        out = numer / denom

    return out