Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz
Author: Logread,
        adapted from the Vera plugin by Antor, see:
Version: 0.4.9 (February 1, 2010) - see history.txt for versions history
<plugin key="SVT" name="Smart Virtual Thermostat" author="logread" version="0.4.9" wikilink="https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Plugins/Smart_Virtual_Thermostat.html" externallink="https://github.com/999LV/SmartVirtualThermostat.git">
        <h2>Smart Virtual Thermostat</h2><br/>
        Easily implement in Domoticz an advanced virtual thermostat based on time modulation<br/>
        and self learning of relevant room thermal characteristics (including insulation level)<br/>
        rather then more conventional hysteresis methods, so as to achieve a greater comfort.<br/>
        It is a port to Domoticz of the original Vera plugin from Antor.<br/>
        <h3>Set-up and Configuration</h3>
        See domoticz wiki above.<br/> 
        <param field="Address" label="Domoticz IP Address" width="200px" required="true" default="localhost"/>
        <param field="Port" label="Port" width="40px" required="true" default="8080"/>
        <param field="Username" label="Username" width="200px" required="false" default=""/>
        <param field="Password" label="Password" width="200px" required="false" default=""/>
        <param field="Mode1" label="Inside Temperature Sensors (csv list of idx)" width="100px" required="true" default="0"/>
        <param field="Mode2" label="Outside Temperature Sensors (csv list of idx)" width="100px" required="false" default=""/>
        <param field="Mode3" label="Heating Switches (csv list of idx)" width="100px" required="true" default="0"/>
        <param field="Mode4" label="Apply minimum heating per cycle" width="200px">
				<option label="ony when heating required" value="Normal"  default="true" />
                <option label="always" value="Forced"/>
        <param field="Mode5" label="Calc. cycle, Min. Heating time /cycle, Pause On delay, Pause Off delay, Forced mode duration (all in minutes)" width="200px" required="true" default="30,0,2,1,60"/>
        <param field="Mode6" label="Logging Level" width="200px">
                <option label="Normal" value="Normal"  default="true"/>
                <option label="Verbose" value="Verbose"/>
                <option label="Debug - Python Only" value="2"/>
                <option label="Debug - Basic" value="62"/>
                <option label="Debug - Basic+Messages" value="126"/>
                <option label="Debug - Connections Only" value="16"/>
                <option label="Debug - Connections+Queue" value="144"/>
                <option label="Debug - All" value="-1"/>
import Domoticz
import json
from urllib import parse, request
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import base64
import itertools
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

class deviceparam:

    def __init__(self, unit, nvalue, svalue):
        self.unit = unit
        self.nvalue = nvalue
        self.svalue = svalue

class BasePlugin:

    def __init__(self):

        self.debug = False
        self.calculate_period = 30  # Time in minutes between two calculations (cycle)
        self.minheatpower = 0  # if heating is needed, minimum heat power (in % of calculation period)
        self.deltamax = 0.2  # allowed temp excess over setpoint temperature
        self.pauseondelay = 2  # time between pause sensor actuation and actual pause
        self.pauseoffdelay = 1  # time between end of pause sensor actuation and end of actual pause
        self.forcedduration = 60  # time in minutes for the forced mode
        self.ActiveSensors = {}
        self.InTempSensors = []
        self.OutTempSensors = []
        self.Heaters = []
        self.InternalsDefaults = {
            'ConstC': float(60),  # inside heating coeff, depends on room size & power of your heater (60 by default)
            'ConstT': float(1),  # external heating coeff,depends on the insulation relative to the outside (1 by default)
            'nbCC': 0,  # number of learnings for ConstC
            'nbCT': 0,  # number of learnings for ConstT
            'LastPwr': 0,  # % power from last calculation
            'LastInT': float(0),  # inside temperature at last calculation
            'LastOutT': float(0),  # outside temprature at last calculation
            'LastSetPoint': float(20),  # setpoint at time of last calculation
            'ALStatus': 0}  # AutoLearning status (0 = uninitialized, 1 = initialized, 2 = disabled)
        self.Internals = self.InternalsDefaults.copy()
        self.heat = False
        self.pause = False
        self.pauserequested = False
        self.pauserequestchangedtime = datetime.now()
        self.forced = False
        self.intemp = 20.0
        self.outtemp = 20.0
        self.setpoint = 20.0
        self.endheat = datetime.now()
        self.nextcalc = self.endheat
        self.lastcalc = self.endheat
        self.nextupdate = self.endheat
        self.nexttemps = self.endheat
        self.learn = True
        self.loglevel = None
        self.statussupported = True
        self.intemperror = False

    def onStart(self):

        # setup the appropriate logging level
            debuglevel = int(Parameters["Mode6"])
        except ValueError:
            debuglevel = 0
            self.loglevel = Parameters["Mode6"]
        if debuglevel != 0:
            self.debug = True
            self.loglevel = "Verbose"
            self.debug = False

        # check if the host domoticz version supports the Domoticz.Status() python framework function
            Domoticz.Status("This version of domoticz allows status logging by the plugin (in verbose mode)")
        except Exception:
            self.statussupported = False

        # create the child devices if these do not exist yet
        devicecreated = []
        if 1 not in Devices:
            Options = {"LevelActions": "||",
                       "LevelNames": "Off|Auto|Forced",
                       "LevelOffHidden": "false",
                       "SelectorStyle": "0"}
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Thermostat Control", Unit=1, TypeName="Selector Switch", Switchtype=18, Image=15,
                            Options=Options, Used=1).Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(1, 0, "0"))  # default is Off state
        if 2 not in Devices:
            Options = {"LevelActions": "||",
                       "LevelNames": "Off|Normal|Economy",
                       "LevelOffHidden": "true",
                       "SelectorStyle": "0"}
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Thermostat Mode", Unit=2, TypeName="Selector Switch", Switchtype=18, Image=15,
                            Options=Options, Used=1).Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(2, 0, "10"))  # default is normal mode
        if 3 not in Devices:
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Thermostat Pause", Unit=3, TypeName="Switch", Image=9, Used=1).Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(3, 0, ""))  # default is Off
        if 4 not in Devices:
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Setpoint Normal", Unit=4, Type=242, Subtype=1, Used=1).Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(4, 0, "20"))  # default is 20 degrees
        if 5 not in Devices:
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Setpoint Economy", Unit=5, Type=242, Subtype=1, Used=1).Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(5 ,0, "20"))  # default is 20 degrees
        if 6 not in Devices:
            Domoticz.Device(Name="Thermostat temp", Unit=6, TypeName="Temperature").Create()
            devicecreated.append(deviceparam(6, 0, "20"))  # default is 20 degrees

        # if any device has been created in onStart(), now is time to update its defaults
        for device in devicecreated:
            Devices[device.unit].Update(nValue=device.nvalue, sValue=device.svalue)

        # build lists of sensors and switches
        self.InTempSensors = parseCSV(Parameters["Mode1"])
        self.WriteLog("Inside Temperature sensors = {}".format(self.InTempSensors), "Verbose")
        self.OutTempSensors = parseCSV(Parameters["Mode2"])
        self.WriteLog("Outside Temperature sensors = {}".format(self.OutTempSensors), "Verbose")
        self.Heaters = parseCSV(Parameters["Mode3"])
        self.WriteLog("Heaters = {}".format(self.Heaters), "Verbose")
        # build dict of status of all temp sensors to be used when handling timeouts
        for sensor in itertools.chain(self.InTempSensors, self.OutTempSensors):
            self.ActiveSensors[sensor] = True

        # splits additional parameters
        params = parseCSV(Parameters["Mode5"])
        if len(params) == 5:
            self.calculate_period = CheckParam("Calculation Period", params[0], 30)
            if self.calculate_period < 5:
                Domoticz.Error("Invalid calculation period parameter. Using minimum of 5 minutes !")
                self.calculate_period = 5
            self.minheatpower = CheckParam("Minimum Heating (%)", params[1], 0)
            if self.minheatpower > 100:
                Domoticz.Error("Invalid minimum heating parameter. Using maximum of 100% !")
                self.minheatpower = 100
            self.pauseondelay = CheckParam("Pause On Delay", params[2], 2)
            self.pauseoffdelay = CheckParam("Pause Off Delay", params[3], 0)
            self.forcedduration = CheckParam("Forced Mode Duration", params[4], 60)
            if self.forcedduration < 30:
                Domoticz.Error("Invalid forced mode duration parameter. Using minimum of 30 minutes !")
                self.calculate_period = 30
            Domoticz.Error("Error reading Mode5 parameters")

        # loads persistent variables from dedicated user variable
        # note: to reset the thermostat to default values (i.e. ignore all past learning),
        # just delete the relevant "<plugin name>-InternalVariables" user variable Domoticz GUI and restart plugin

        # if mode = off then make sure actual heating is off just in case if was manually set to on
        if Devices[1].sValue == "0":

    def onStop(self):


    def onCommand(self, Unit, Command, Level, Color):

        Domoticz.Debug("onCommand called for Unit {}: Command '{}', Level: {}".format(Unit, Command, Level))

        if Unit == 3:  # pause switch
            self.pauserequestchangedtime = datetime.now()
            svalue = ""
            if str(Command) == "On":
                nvalue = 1
                self.pauserequested = True
                nvalue = 0
                self.pauserequested = False
            nvalue = 1 if Level > 0 else 0
            svalue = str(Level)

        Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=nvalue, sValue=svalue)

        if Unit in (1, 2, 4, 5): # force recalculation if control or mode or a setpoint changed
            self.nextcalc = datetime.now()
            self.learn = False

    def onHeartbeat(self):

        now = datetime.now()
        # fool proof checking.... based on users feedback
        if not all(device in Devices for device in (1,2,3,4,5,6)):
            Domoticz.Error("one or more devices required by the plugin is/are missing, please check domoticz device creation settings and restart !")

        if Devices[1].sValue == "0":  # Thermostat is off
            if self.forced or self.heat:  # thermostat setting was just changed so we kill the heating
                self.forced = False
                self.endheat = now
                Domoticz.Debug("Switching heat Off !")

        elif Devices[1].sValue == "20":  # Thermostat is in forced mode
            if self.forced:
                if self.endheat <= now:
                    self.forced = False
                    self.endheat = now
                    Domoticz.Debug("Forced mode Off !")
                    Devices[1].Update(nValue=1, sValue="10")  # set thermostat to normal mode
                self.forced = True
                self.endheat = now + timedelta(minutes=self.forcedduration)
                Domoticz.Debug("Forced mode On !")

        else:  # Thermostat is in mode auto

            if self.forced:  # thermostat setting was just changed from "forced" so we kill the forced mode
                self.forced = False
                self.endheat = now
                self.nextcalc = now   # this will force a recalculation on next heartbeat
                Domoticz.Debug("Forced mode Off !")

            elif (self.endheat <= now or self.pause) and self.heat:  # heat cycle is over
                self.endheat = now
                self.heat = False
                if self.Internals['LastPwr'] < 100:
                # if power was 100(i.e. a full cycle), then we let the next calculation (at next heartbeat) decide
                # to switch off in order to avoid potentially damaging quick off/on cycles to the heater(s)

            elif self.pause and not self.pauserequested:  # we are in pause and the pause switch is now off
                if self.pauserequestchangedtime + timedelta(minutes=self.pauseoffdelay) <= now:
                    self.WriteLog("Pause is now Off", "Status")
                    self.pause = False

            elif not self.pause and self.pauserequested:  # we are not in pause and the pause switch is now on
                if self.pauserequestchangedtime + timedelta(minutes=self.pauseondelay) <= now:
                    self.WriteLog("Pause is now On", "Status")
                    self.pause = True

            elif (self.nextcalc <= now) and not self.pause:  # we start a new calculation
                self.nextcalc = now + timedelta(minutes=self.calculate_period)
                self.WriteLog("Next calculation time will be : " + str(self.nextcalc), "Verbose")

                # make current setpoint used in calculation reflect the select mode (10= normal, 20 = economy)
                if Devices[2].sValue == "10":
                    self.setpoint = float(Devices[4].sValue)
                    self.setpoint = float(Devices[5].sValue)

                # call the Domoticz json API for a temperature devices update, to get the lastest temps...
                if self.readTemps():
                    # do the thermostat work
                    # make sure we switch off heating if there was an error with reading the temp

        if self.nexttemps <= now:
            # call the Domoticz json API for a temperature devices update, to get the lastest temps (and avoid the
            # connection time out time after 10mins that floods domoticz logs in versions of domoticz since spring 2018)

        # check if need to refresh setpoints so that they do not turn red in GUI
        if self.nextupdate <= now:
            self.nextupdate = now + timedelta(minutes=int(Settings["SensorTimeout"]))
            Devices[4].Update(nValue=0, sValue=Devices[4].sValue)
            Devices[5].Update(nValue=0, sValue=Devices[5].sValue)

    def AutoMode(self):

        self.WriteLog("Temperatures: Inside = {} / Outside = {}".format(self.intemp, self.outtemp), "Verbose")

        if self.intemp > self.setpoint + self.deltamax:
            self.WriteLog("Temperature exceeds setpoint", "Verbose")
            overshoot = True
            power = 0
            overshoot = False
            if self.learn:
                self.learn = True
            if self.outtemp is None:
                power = round((self.setpoint - self.intemp) * self.Internals["ConstC"], 1)
                power = round((self.setpoint - self.intemp) * self.Internals["ConstC"] +
                              (self.setpoint - self.outtemp) * self.Internals["ConstT"], 1)

        if power < 0:
            power = 0  # lower limit
        elif power > 100:
            power = 100  # upper limit

        # apply minimum power as required
        if power <= self.minheatpower and (Parameters["Mode4"] == "Forced" or not overshoot):
                "Calculated power is {}, applying minimum power of {}".format(power, self.minheatpower), "Verbose")
            power = self.minheatpower

        heatduration = round(power * self.calculate_period / 100)
        self.WriteLog("Calculation: Power = {} -> heat duration = {} minutes".format(power, heatduration), "Verbose")

        if power == 0:
            Domoticz.Debug("No heating requested !")
            self.endheat = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=heatduration)
            Domoticz.Debug("End Heat time = " + str(self.endheat))
            if self.Internals["ALStatus"] < 2:
                self.Internals['LastPwr'] = power
                self.Internals['LastInT'] = self.intemp
                self.Internals['LastOutT'] = self.outtemp
                self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] = self.setpoint
                self.Internals['ALStatus'] = 1
                self.saveUserVar()  # update user variables with latest learning

        self.lastcalc = datetime.now()

    def AutoCallib(self):

        now = datetime.now()
        if self.Internals['ALStatus'] != 1:  # not initalized... do nothing
            Domoticz.Debug("Fist pass at AutoCallib... no callibration")
        elif self.Internals['LastPwr'] == 0:  # heater was off last time, do nothing
            Domoticz.Debug("Last power was zero... no callibration")
        elif self.Internals['LastPwr'] == 100 and self.intemp < self.Internals['LastSetPoint']:
            # heater was on max but setpoint was not reached... no learning
            Domoticz.Debug("Last power was 100% but setpoint not reached... no callibration")
        elif self.intemp > self.Internals['LastInT'] and self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] > self.Internals['LastInT']:
            # learning ConstC
            ConstC = (self.Internals['ConstC'] * ((self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] - self.Internals['LastInT']) /
                                                  (self.intemp - self.Internals['LastInT']) *
                                                  (timedelta.total_seconds(now - self.lastcalc) /
                                                   (self.calculate_period * 60))))
            self.WriteLog("New calc for ConstC = {}".format(ConstC), "Verbose")
            self.Internals['ConstC'] = round((self.Internals['ConstC'] * self.Internals['nbCC'] + ConstC) /
                                             (self.Internals['nbCC'] + 1), 1)
            self.Internals['nbCC'] = min(self.Internals['nbCC'] + 1, 50)
            self.WriteLog("ConstC updated to {}".format(self.Internals['ConstC']), "Verbose")
        elif (self.outtemp is not None and self.Internals['LastOutT'] is not None) and \
                 self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] > self.Internals['LastOutT']:
            # learning ConstT
            ConstT = (self.Internals['ConstT'] + ((self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] - self.intemp) /
                                                  (self.Internals['LastSetPoint'] - self.Internals['LastOutT']) *
                                                  self.Internals['ConstC'] *
                                                  (timedelta.total_seconds(now - self.lastcalc) /
                                                   (self.calculate_period * 60))))
            self.WriteLog("New calc for ConstT = {}".format(ConstT), "Verbose")
            self.Internals['ConstT'] = round((self.Internals['ConstT'] * self.Internals['nbCT'] + ConstT) /
                                             (self.Internals['nbCT'] + 1), 1)
            self.Internals['nbCT'] = min(self.Internals['nbCT'] + 1, 50)
            self.WriteLog("ConstT updated to {}".format(self.Internals['ConstT']), "Verbose")

    def switchHeat(self, switch):

        # Build list of heater switches, with their current status,
        # to be used to check if any of the heaters is already in desired state
        switches = {}
        devicesAPI = DomoticzAPI("type=devices&filter=light&used=true&order=Name")
        if devicesAPI:
            for device in devicesAPI["result"]:  # parse the switch device
                idx = int(device["idx"])
                if idx in self.Heaters:  # this switch is one of our heaters
                    if "Status" in device:
                        switches[idx] = True if device["Status"] == "On" else False
                        Domoticz.Debug("Heater switch {} currently is '{}'".format(idx, device["Status"]))
                        Domoticz.Error("Device with idx={} does not seem to be a switch !".format(idx))

        # fool proof checking.... based on users feedback
        if len(switches) == 0:
            Domoticz.Error("none of the devices in the 'heaters' parameter is a switch... no action !")

        # flip on / off as needed
        self.heat = switch
        command = "On" if switch else "Off"
        Domoticz.Debug("Heating '{}'".format(command))
        for idx in self.Heaters:
            if switches[idx] != switch:  # check if action needed
                DomoticzAPI("type=command&param=switchlight&idx={}&switchcmd={}".format(idx, command))
        if switch:
            Domoticz.Debug("End Heat time = " + str(self.endheat))

    def readTemps(self):

        # set update flag for next temp update
        self.nexttemps = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=5)

        # fetch all the devices from the API and scan for sensors
        noerror = True
        listintemps = []
        listouttemps = []
        devicesAPI = DomoticzAPI("type=devices&filter=temp&used=true&order=Name")
        if devicesAPI:
            for device in devicesAPI["result"]:  # parse the devices for temperature sensors
                idx = int(device["idx"])
                if idx in self.InTempSensors:
                    if "Temp" in device:
                        Domoticz.Debug("device: {}-{} = {}".format(device["idx"], device["Name"], device["Temp"]))
                        # check temp sensor is not timed out
                        if not self.SensorTimedOut(idx, device["Name"], device["LastUpdate"]):
                        Domoticz.Error("device: {}-{} is not a Temperature sensor".format(device["idx"], device["Name"]))
                elif idx in self.OutTempSensors:
                    if "Temp" in device:
                        Domoticz.Debug("device: {}-{} = {}".format(device["idx"], device["Name"], device["Temp"]))
                        # check temp sensor is not timed out
                        if not self.SensorTimedOut(idx, device["Name"], device["LastUpdate"]):
                        Domoticz.Error("device: {}-{} is not a Temperature sensor".format(device["idx"], device["Name"]))

        # calculate the average inside temperature
        nbtemps = len(listintemps)
        if nbtemps > 0:
            self.intemp = round(sum(listintemps) / nbtemps, 1)
            # update the dummy device showing the current thermostat temp
            Devices[6].Update(nValue=0, sValue=str(self.intemp), TimedOut=False)
            if self.intemperror:  # there was previously an invalid inside temperature reading... reset to normal
                self.intemperror = False
                self.WriteLog("Inside Temperature reading is now valid again: Resuming normal operation", "Status")
                # we remove the timedout flag on the thermostat switch
                Devices[1].Update(nValue=Devices[1].nValue, sValue=Devices[1].sValue, TimedOut=False)
            # no valid inside temperature
            noerror = False
            if not self.intemperror:
                self.intemperror = True
                Domoticz.Error("No Inside Temperature found: Switching heating Off")
                # we mark both the thermostat switch and the thermostat temp devices as timedout
                Devices[1].Update(nValue=Devices[1].nValue, sValue=Devices[1].sValue, TimedOut=True)
                Devices[6].Update(nValue=Devices[6].nValue, sValue=Devices[6].sValue, TimedOut=True)

        # calculate the average outside temperature
        nbtemps = len(listouttemps)
        if nbtemps > 0:
            self.outtemp = round(sum(listouttemps) / nbtemps, 1)
            Domoticz.Debug("No Outside Temperature found...")
            self.outtemp = None

        Domoticz.Debug("Inside Temperature = {}".format(self.intemp))
        Domoticz.Debug("Outside Temperature = {}".format(self.outtemp))
        return noerror

    def getUserVar(self):

        variables = DomoticzAPI("type=command&param=getuservariables")
        if variables:
            # there is a valid response from the API but we do not know if our variable exists yet
            novar = True
            varname = Parameters["Name"] + "-InternalVariables"
            valuestring = ""
            if "result" in variables:
                for variable in variables["result"]:
                    if variable["Name"] == varname:
                        valuestring = variable["Value"]
                        novar = False
            if novar:
                # create user variable since it does not exist
                self.WriteLog("User Variable {} does not exist. Creation requested".format(varname), "Verbose")

                #check for Domoticz version:
                # there is a breaking change on dzvents_version 2.4.9, API was changed from 'saveuservariable' to 'adduservariable'
                # using 'saveuservariable' on latest versions returns a "status = 'ERR'" error

                # get a status of the actual running Domoticz instance, set the parameter accordigly
                parameter = "saveuservariable"
                domoticzInfo = DomoticzAPI("type=command&param=getversion")
                if domoticzInfo is None:
                    Domoticz.Error("Unable to fetch Domoticz info... unable to determine version")
                    if domoticzInfo and LooseVersion(domoticzInfo["dzvents_version"]) >= LooseVersion("2.4.9"):
                        self.WriteLog("Use 'adduservariable' instead of 'saveuservariable'", "Verbose")
                        parameter = "adduservariable"
                # actually calling Domoticz API
                    parameter, varname, str(self.InternalsDefaults)))
                self.Internals = self.InternalsDefaults.copy()  # we re-initialize the internal variables
                    self.Internals = self.InternalsDefaults.copy()
            Domoticz.Error("Cannot read the uservariable holding the persistent variables")
            self.Internals = self.InternalsDefaults.copy()

    def saveUserVar(self):

        varname = Parameters["Name"] + "-InternalVariables"
            varname, str(self.Internals)))

    def WriteLog(self, message, level="Normal"):

        if (self.loglevel == "Verbose" and level == "Verbose") or level == "Status":
            if self.statussupported:
        elif level == "Normal":

    def SensorTimedOut(self, idx, name, datestring):

        def LastUpdate(datestring):
            dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
            # the below try/except is meant to address an intermittent python bug in some embedded systems
                result = datetime.strptime(datestring, dateformat)
            except TypeError:
                result = datetime(*(time.strptime(datestring, dateformat)[0:6]))
            return result

        timedout = LastUpdate(datestring) + timedelta(minutes=int(Settings["SensorTimeout"])) < datetime.now()

        # handle logging of time outs... only log when status changes (less clutter in logs)
        if timedout:
            if self.ActiveSensors[idx]:
                Domoticz.Error("skipping timed out temperature sensor '{}'".format(name))
                self.ActiveSensors[idx] = False
            if not self.ActiveSensors[idx]:
                self.WriteLog("previously timed out temperature sensor '{}' is back online".format(name), "Status")
                self.ActiveSensors[idx] = True

        return timedout

global _plugin
_plugin = BasePlugin()

def onStart():
    global _plugin

def onStop():
    global _plugin

def onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Color):
    global _plugin
    _plugin.onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Color)

def onHeartbeat():
    global _plugin

# Plugin utility functions ---------------------------------------------------

def parseCSV(strCSV):

    listvals = []
    for value in strCSV.split(","):
            val = int(value)
    return listvals

def DomoticzAPI(APICall):

    resultJson = None
    url = "http://{}:{}/json.htm?{}".format(Parameters["Address"], Parameters["Port"], parse.quote(APICall, safe="&="))
    Domoticz.Debug("Calling domoticz API: {}".format(url))
        req = request.Request(url)
        if Parameters["Username"] != "":
            Domoticz.Debug("Add authentification for user {}".format(Parameters["Username"]))
            credentials = ('%s:%s' % (Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]))
            encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode('ascii'))
            req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % encoded_credentials.decode("ascii"))

        response = request.urlopen(req)
        if response.status == 200:
            resultJson = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
            if resultJson["status"] != "OK":
                Domoticz.Error("Domoticz API returned an error: status = {}".format(resultJson["status"]))
                resultJson = None
            Domoticz.Error("Domoticz API: http error = {}".format(response.status))
        Domoticz.Error("Error calling '{}'".format(url))
    return resultJson

def CheckParam(name, value, default):

        param = int(value)
    except ValueError:
        param = default
        Domoticz.Error("Parameter '{}' has an invalid value of '{}' ! defaut of '{}' is instead used.".format(name, value, default))
    return param

# Generic helper functions
def DumpConfigToLog():
    for x in Parameters:
        if Parameters[x] != "":
            Domoticz.Debug("'" + x + "':'" + str(Parameters[x]) + "'")
    Domoticz.Debug("Device count: " + str(len(Devices)))
    for x in Devices:
        Domoticz.Debug("Device:           " + str(x) + " - " + str(Devices[x]))
        Domoticz.Debug("Device ID:       '" + str(Devices[x].ID) + "'")
        Domoticz.Debug("Device Name:     '" + Devices[x].Name + "'")
        Domoticz.Debug("Device nValue:    " + str(Devices[x].nValue))
        Domoticz.Debug("Device sValue:   '" + Devices[x].sValue + "'")
        Domoticz.Debug("Device LastLevel: " + str(Devices[x].LastLevel))