# Volatility
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details. 
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

@author:       Cem Gurkok
@license:      GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
@contact:      cemgurkok@gmail.com

import volatility.obj as obj
import common
import volatility.commands as commands
import distorm3
import volatility.plugins.mac.check_sysctl as check_sysctl
import volatility.plugins.mac.check_trap_table as check_trap_table

class mac_apihooks_kernel(common.AbstractMacCommand):
    """ Checks to see if system call and kernel functions are hooked """

    def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs):
        self.addr_space = None
        commands.Command.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self._config.add_option("CHECKKEXTS", short_option = 'X', default = False,
                          cache_invalidator = False, help = "Check all kext functions in the kext's symbol table for hooking, including kernel symbol table", action = "store_true")
        self._config.add_option("CHECKKERNEL", short_option = 'K', default = False,
                          cache_invalidator = False, help = "Check only kernel symbol table functions for hooking", action = "store_true")

    def getKextSymbols(self, kext_obj = None, kext_name = None, kext_addr = 0, onlyFunctions = False, fmodel = '64bit'):
        # get symbol table based on https://github.com/gdbinit/hydra/blob/master/hydra/hydra/kernel_info.c (works)
        # and https://github.com/snarez/KernelResolver/blob/master/KernelResolver/KernelResolver.c (http://ho.ax/tag/kexts/, almost works)
        # return only functions if requested, this is done by checking if symbol entry points to the __TEXT segment's __text section, which contains executable code

        mach_header_struct = 'macho64_header'
        segment_command_struct = 'macho64_segment_command'
        section_struct = 'macho64_section'
        nlist_struct = 'macho64_nlist'
        LC_SEGMENT = 0x19 # x64
        if fmodel == '32bit':
            mach_header_struct = 'macho32_header'
            segment_command_struct = 'macho32_segment_command'
            section_struct = 'macho32_section'
            nlist_struct = 'macho32_nlist'
            LC_SEGMENT = 0x1

        # if kext_name is given get kext_address based on name
        if kext_name != None:
            if kext_name in ["kernel", "__kernel__"]:
                kext_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_g_kernel_kmod_info")
                # get list of kexts and loop thru them to find match
                kmodaddr = obj.Object("Pointer", offset = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_kmod"), vm = self.addr_space)
                kmod = kmodaddr.dereference_as("kmod_info")
                while kmod.is_valid():
                    if str(kmod.name) == kext_name:
                        kext_addr = kmod.address
                    kmod = kmod.next
                if kext_addr == None:
        elif kext_obj != None:
            kext_addr = kext_obj.adddress

        # get Mach-O header to get start of segments
        mh = obj.Object(mach_header_struct, offset = kext_addr, vm=self.addr_space)
        seg_offset = mh.obj_offset + self.addr_space.profile.get_obj_size(mach_header_struct)

        linkedit_vmaddr = 0 # the first struct nlist is here
        symtab_symoff = 0 # specifies the offset in the file to the symbol table 
        symtab_stroff = 0 # specifies the offset in the file to the string table
        symbol_cnt = 0
        linkedit_fileoffset = 0
        linkedit_size = 0
        text_sect_num = 0
        sect_cnt = 0

        for i in xrange(0, mh.ncmds):
            seg = obj.Object(segment_command_struct, offset = seg_offset, vm = self.addr_space)
            if seg.cmd == 0x19 and seg.segname and str(seg.segname) == "__LINKEDIT":
                linkedit_vmaddr = seg.vmaddr
                linkedit_fileoffset = seg.fileoff
                linkedit_size = seg.filesize
            elif seg.cmd == 0x02: #SYMTAB
                symtab = obj.Object('symtab_command', offset = seg_offset, vm = self.addr_space)
                symtab_symoff = symtab.symoff
                symtab_stroff = symtab.stroff
                symbol_cnt = symtab.nsyms

            # only looking at LC_SEGMENT for sections
            if seg.cmd == LC_SEGMENT:
                # loop thru segment's sections to locate __TEXT segment's __text section number, used to determine executable code
                for j in xrange(0, seg.nsects):
                    sect_cnt += 1
                    sect = obj.Object(section_struct, offset = seg_offset + self.addr_space.profile.get_obj_size(segment_command_struct) + (self.addr_space.profile.get_obj_size(section_struct) * j), vm = self.addr_space)
                    sect_name = "".join(map(str, str(sect.sectname))).strip(' \t\r\n\0')
                    # find __TEXT segment's __text section since all executable code is here
                    if seg.cmd == 0x19 and seg.segname and str(seg.segname) == "__TEXT" and sect_name == "__text":
                        text_sect_num = sect_cnt
            seg_offset += seg.cmdsize

        symbol_offset = symtab_symoff - linkedit_fileoffset
        string_offset = symtab_stroff- linkedit_fileoffset

        # loop thru symbols within __LINKEDIT given offset
        for i in range(0, symbol_cnt-1):
            sym = obj.Object(nlist_struct, offset = linkedit_vmaddr + symbol_offset  + (i * self.addr_space.profile.get_obj_size(nlist_struct)), vm = self.addr_space)
            sym_addr = sym.n_strx + linkedit_vmaddr + string_offset
            sym_name = obj.Object('String', offset = sym_addr, vm = self.addr_space, length = 256)
            if sym_name.is_valid():
                if onlyFunctions:
                    if sym.n_sect == text_sect_num:
                        yield (sym_name, sym.n_value)
                    yield (sym_name, sym.n_value)

    def findKextWithAddress(self, addr):
        # function to find what kext the given address lies within
        kexts = []
        #get kernel kext
        kp = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_g_kernel_kmod_info")
        kmodk = obj.Object("kmod_info", offset = kp, vm = self.addr_space)

        # get other kexts
        p = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_kmod")
        kmodaddr = obj.Object("Pointer", offset = p, vm = self.addr_space)
        kmod = kmodaddr.dereference_as("kmod_info")
        while kmod.is_valid():
            kmod = kmod.next
        for kext in kexts:
            if addr >= kext.address and addr <= (kext.address + kext.m('size')):
                return kext.name
        return "UNKNOWN"

    def isCallReferenceModified(self, model, distorm_mode, func_addr, kernel_syms, kmods):
        # check if CALL targets are within the kernel/kext range to detect possible call reference modification

        modified = False

        #modified malware/apihooks.py/check_inline function
        data = self.addr_space.read(func_addr, 750)

        # Number of instructions disassembled so far
        n = 0
        # Destination address of hooks
        d = None
        # Save the last PUSH before a CALL
        push_val = None
        # Save the general purpose registers
        regs = {}
        ops = []

        for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, data, distorm_mode):

        for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, data, distorm_mode):
            # Quit when a decomposition error is encountered
            # or when reach function end
            if not op.valid or op.mnemonic == "NOP":

            if op.flowControl == 'FC_CALL':
                # Clear the push value
                if push_val:
                    push_val = None
                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].type == 'AbsoluteMemoryAddress':
                    # Check for CALL [ADDR]
                    if model == '32bit':
                        const = op.operands[0].disp & 0xFFFFFFFF
                        d = obj.Object("unsigned int", offset = const, vm = self.addr_space)
                        const = op.operands[0].disp
                        d = obj.Object("unsigned long long", offset = const, vm = self.addr_space)
                    if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                elif op.operands[0].type == 'Immediate':
                    # Check for CALL ADDR
                    d = op.operands[0].value
                    if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                elif op.operands[0].type == 'Register':
                    # Check for CALL REG
                    d = regs.get(op.operands[0].name)
                    if d and self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
            n += 1

        # filtering out false positives due to structs, you can tweak this as needed 
        if d and self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods) == True and str(ops[n+1].mnemonic) not in ["DB 0xff", "ADD", "XCHG", "OUTS"]:
            modified = True

        return (modified, d)

    def isPrologInlined(self, model, distorm_mode, func_addr):
        ##check if function prologs are modified
        inlined = False
        content = self.addr_space.read(func_addr, 24)

        op_cnt = 1
        for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
            if op_cnt == 2:
                if model == "32bit":
                    if (op.mnemonic == "MOV" and len(op.operands) == 2 and op.operands[0].type == "Register" and
                            op.operands[1].type == "Register" and op.operands[0].name == "EBP" and op.operands[1].name == "ESP" and
                            prev_op.mnemonic == "PUSH" and len(prev_op.operands) == 1 and prev_op.operands[0].type == "Register" and prev_op.operands[0].name == "EBP"):
                        inlined = True
                elif model == "64bit":
                    if (op.mnemonic == "MOV" and len(op.operands) == 2 and op.operands[0].type == "Register" and
                            op.operands[1].type == "Register" and op.operands[0].name == "RBP" and op.operands[1].name == "RSP" and
                            prev_op.mnemonic == "PUSH" and len(prev_op.operands) == 1 and prev_op.operands[0].type == "Register" and prev_op.operands[0].name == "RBP"):
                    elif (prev_op.mnemonic == "PUSH" and len(prev_op.operands) == 1 and prev_op.operands[0].type == "Register" and prev_op.operands[0].name == "RBP" and 
                          op.mnemonic == "PUSH" and len(op.operands) == 1 and op.operands[0].type == "Register" and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"]):
                        # Registers preserved across calls, http://people.freebsd.org/~lstewart/references/amd64.pdf
                        inlined = True
            prev_op = op
            op_cnt += 1

        return inlined

    # This function orignally checked for any call outside the kernel module
    # This produces too many false positives so its modified to check if the call
    # is to a known module or a kernel symbol
    def outside_module(self, addr, kernel_syms, kmods):
        (good, _) = common.is_known_address_name(addr, kernel_syms, kmods) 

        return not good

    def isInlined(self, model, distorm_mode, func_addr, kernel_syms, kmods):
        inlined = False

        #modified malware/apihooks.py/check_inline function
        data = self.addr_space.read(func_addr, 24)

        # Number of instructions disassembled so far
        n = 0
        # Destination address of hooks
        d = None
        # Save the last PUSH before a CALL
        push_val = None
        # Save the general purpose registers
        regs = {}
        ops = []

        for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, data, distorm_mode):

        for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, data, distorm_mode):
           # Quit the loop when we have three instructions or when
           # a decomposition error is encountered, whichever is first.
            if not op.valid or n == 3:

            if op.flowControl == 'FC_CALL':
                # Clear the push value
                if push_val:
                    push_val = None
                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].type == 'AbsoluteMemoryAddress':
                    # Check for CALL [ADDR]
                    if model == '32bit':
                        const = op.operands[0].disp & 0xFFFFFFFF
                        d = obj.Object("unsigned int", offset = const, vm = addr_space)
                        const = op.operands[0].disp
                        d = obj.Object("unsigned long long", offset = const, vm = addr_space)
                    if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                elif op.operands[0].type == 'Immediate':
                    # Check for CALL ADDR
                    d = op.operands[0].value
                    if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                elif op.operands[0].type == 'Register':
                    # Check for CALL REG
                    d = regs.get(op.operands[0].name)
                    if d and self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
            elif op.flowControl == 'FC_UNC_BRANCH' and op.mnemonic == "JMP":
               # Clear the push value
                if push_val:
                    push_val = None
                if op.size > 2:
                    if op.operands[0].type == 'AbsoluteMemoryAddress':
                        # Check for JMP [ADDR]
                        if model == '32bit':
                            const = op.operands[0].disp & 0xFFFFFFFF
                            d = obj.Object("unsigned int", offset = const, vm = addr_space)
                            const = op.operands[0].disp
                            d = obj.Object("long long", offset = const, vm = addr_space)
                        if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                    elif op.operands[0].type == 'Immediate':
                        # Check for JMP ADDR
                        d = op.operands[0].value
                        if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                elif op.size == 2 and op.operands[0].type == 'Register':
                    # Check for JMP REG
                    d = regs.get(op.operands[0].name)
                    if d and self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
            elif op.flowControl == 'FC_NONE':
                # Check for PUSH followed by a RET
                if (op.mnemonic == "PUSH" and
                     op.operands[0].type == 'Immediate' and op.size == 5):
                    # Set the push value
                    push_val = op.operands[0].value
                # Check for moving immediate values into a register
                if (op.mnemonic == "MOV" and op.operands[0].type == 'Register'
                        and op.operands[1].type == 'Immediate'):
                    # Clear the push value
                    if push_val:
                        push_val = None
                    # Save the value put into the register
                    regs[op.operands[0].name] = op.operands[1].value
            elif op.flowControl == 'FC_RET':
                if push_val:
                    d = push_val
                    if self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods):
                # This causes us to stop disassembling when
                # reaching the end of a function
            n += 1

        # filtering out false positives due to structs, you can tweak this as needed 
        if d and self.outside_module(d, kernel_syms, kmods) == True and str(ops[n+1].mnemonic) not in ["DB 0xff", "ADD", "XCHG", "OUTS"]:
            inlined = True            

        return (inlined, d)

    def calculate(self):

        (kernel_symbol_addresses, kmod) = common.get_kernel_function_addrs(self)
        model = self.addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', 0)
        if model == '32bit':
            distorm_mode = distorm3.Decode32Bits
            distorm_mode = distorm3.Decode64Bits

        sym_addrs = self.profile.get_all_function_addresses()

        # get kernel start, end
        kp = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_g_kernel_kmod_info")
        kmodk = obj.Object("kmod_info", offset = kp, vm = self.addr_space)
        k_start = kmodk.address
        k_end = k_start + kmodk.m('size')

        ####### STEP 1 - CHECK SYSTEM CALL INLINE HOOKS ############
        # get syscall table      
        nsysent = obj.Object("int", offset = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_nsysent"), vm = self.addr_space)
        sysents = obj.Object(theType = "Array", offset = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_sysent"), vm = self.addr_space, count = nsysent, targetType = "sysent")

        # check if syscall table entries have been modified
        dict_syscall_funcs = {}
        list_syscall_names = []
        for (i, sysent) in enumerate(sysents):
            ent_addr = sysent.sy_call.v()
            hooked  = ent_addr not in sym_addrs # using check_syscalls method
            inlined, dst_addr = self.isInlined(model, distorm_mode, ent_addr, kernel_symbol_addresses, [kmodk]) 
            prolog_inlined = self.isPrologInlined(model, distorm_mode, ent_addr)
            if hooked == True or inlined == True or prolog_inlined == True:
                if dst_addr != None:
                    kext = self.findKextWithAddress(dst_addr)
                    kext = self.findKextWithAddress(ent_addr)
                yield ("SyscallTable1", i, ent_addr, hooked, (inlined or prolog_inlined), False, '-', kext)
                ent_name = self.profile.get_symbol_by_address_type("kernel", ent_addr, "N_FUN")
                # check for duplicate syscall functions
                if ent_name != "_nosys" and ent_name in dict_syscall_funcs:
                    prev_ent = dict_syscall_funcs[ent_name]
                    kext = self.findKextWithAddress(ent_addr)
                    yield ("SyscallTable", list_syscall_names.index(ent_name), prev_ent.sy_call.v(), False, False, False, '-', kext)
                    yield ("DuplicateSyscall -> {0}".format(ent_name), i, ent_addr, True, False, False, '-', kext)
                    # check for dtrace syscall hooks
                    if ent_name.find("dtrace") > -1:
                        kext = self.findKextWithAddress(ent_addr)
                        yield ("SyscallTable", i, ent_addr, False, False, False, '-', kext)
                        # add to list
                        dict_syscall_funcs[ent_name] = sysent

        ####### STEP 2 - KERNEL & KEXTS ############### 

        # get symbols from kext __TEXT in memory rather than file
        kext_addr_list = []

        # get kernel address
        kmod = obj.Object("kmod_info", offset = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_g_kernel_kmod_info"), vm = self.addr_space)
        kext_addr_list.append((kmod.address.v(), kmod.address + kmod.m('size'), '__kernel__'))
        # get other kext addresses 
        p = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol("_kmod")
        kmodaddr = obj.Object("Pointer", offset = p, vm = self.addr_space)
        kmod = kmodaddr.dereference_as("kmod_info")
        while kmod.is_valid():
            kext_addr_list.append((kmod.address.v(), kmod.address + kmod.m('size'), kmod.name))
            kmod = kmod.next

        # loop thru kexts
        for kext_address, kext_end, kext_name in kext_addr_list:
            #loop thru kext functions
            for func_name, func_addr in self.getKextSymbols(kext_addr = kext_address, onlyFunctions = True, fmodel = model):
                inlined = False

                # false positive, remove if needed
                if func_name in ["pthreads_dummy_symbol"]:

                # check if function's been modified
                modified, dst_addr = self.isCallReferenceModified(model, distorm_mode, func_addr, kernel_symbol_addresses, kext_addr_list)
                if modified:
                    if dst_addr != None:
                        hook_kext = self.findKextWithAddress(dst_addr)
                        hook_kext = kext_name
                    yield ("SymbolsTable", '-', func_addr, False, modified, False, '-', hook_kext)

                inlined, dst_addr = self.isInlined(model, distorm_mode, func_addr, kernel_symbol_addresses, kext_addr_list)
                if inlined:
                    if dst_addr != None:
                        hook_kext = self.findKextWithAddress(dst_addr)
                        hook_kext = kext_name 
                    yield ("SymbolsTable", '-', func_addr, False, inlined, False, '-', hook_kext)

        ########## STEP 3 - TRAP TABLE ###############

        # check if trap table hooked using check_trap_table
        args = ()
        trap = check_trap_table.mac_check_trap_table(self._config, args)
        for (table_addr, table_name, i, call_addr, sym_name, hooked) in trap.calculate():
            if hooked == True or 'dtrace' in sym_name:
                kext = self.findKextWithAddress(call_addr)
                yield ("TrapTable", i, call_addr, hooked, False, False, '-', kext)
                inlined, dst_addr = self.isInlined(model, distorm_mode, call_addr, kernel_symbol_addresses, [kmodk]) 
                if inlined: 
                    if dst_addr != None:
                        hook_kext = self.findKextWithAddress(dst_addr)
                        hook_kext = kext_name 
                    yield ("TrapTable", '-', func_addr, False, inlined, False, '-', hook_kext)
                    modified, dst_addr = self.isCallReferenceModified(model, distorm_mode, call_addr, kernel_symbol_addresses, [kmodk])

                    if modified:
                        if dst_addr != None:
                            hook_kext = self.findKextWithAddress(dst_addr)
                            hook_kext = kext_name
                        yield ("TrapTable", '-', func_addr, False, modified, False, '-', hook_kext)

    def render_text(self, outfd, data):
        self.table_header(outfd, [("Table Name", "<50"), ("Index", "<6"), ("Address", "[addrpad]"), ("Symbol", "<50"), ("Inlined", "<5"), ("Shadowed","<5"), ("Perms","<6"), ("Hook In", "<50")])
        for (table_name, i, call_addr, hooked, inlined, syscall_shadowed, perms, kext) in data:
            if hooked == False:
                sym_name = self.profile.get_symbol_by_address_type("kernel", call_addr, "N_FUN")
                if sym_name.find("dtrace") > -1:
                    sym_name = "[HOOKED] {0}".format(sym_name)
            elif hooked == True:
                sym_name = "HOOKED"
                sym_name = hooked

            if inlined == False:
                txt_inlined = "No"
            elif inlined == True:
                txt_inlined = "Yes"
                txt_inlined = "-"

            if syscall_shadowed == False:
                txt_shadowed = "No"
            elif syscall_shadowed == True:
                txt_shadowed = "Yes"
                txt_shadowed = "-"

            self.table_row(outfd, table_name, i, call_addr, sym_name, txt_inlined, txt_shadowed, perms, kext)