import re
import cPickle as pickle
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import skimage.transform
from scipy.fftpack import fftn, ifftn
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max, canny
from skimage.transform import hough_circle
import skimage.draw
from configuration import config
import utils
import skimage.exposure, skimage.filters

def read_labels(file_path):
    id2labels = {}
    train_csv = open(file_path)
    lines = train_csv.readlines()
    i = 0
    for item in lines:
        if i == 0:
            i = 1
        id, systole, diastole = item.replace('\n', '').split(',')
        id2labels[int(id)] = [float(systole), float(diastole)]
    return id2labels

def read_slice(path):
    return pickle.load(open(path))['data']

def read_fft_slice(path):
    d = pickle.load(open(path))['data']
    ff1 = fftn(d)
    fh = np.absolute(ifftn(ff1[1, :, :]))
    fh[fh < 0.1 * np.max(fh)] = 0.0
    d = 1. * fh / np.max(fh)
    d = np.expand_dims(d, axis=0)
    return d

def read_metadata(path):
    d = pickle.load(open(path))['metadata'][0]
    metadata = {k: d[k] for k in ['PixelSpacing', 'ImageOrientationPatient', 'ImagePositionPatient', 'SliceLocation',
                                  'PatientSex', 'PatientAge', 'Rows', 'Columns']}
    metadata['PixelSpacing'] = np.float32(metadata['PixelSpacing'])
    metadata['ImageOrientationPatient'] = np.float32(metadata['ImageOrientationPatient'])
    metadata['SliceLocation'] = np.float32(metadata['SliceLocation'])
    metadata['ImagePositionPatient'] = np.float32(metadata['ImagePositionPatient'])
    metadata['PatientSex'] = 1 if metadata['PatientSex'] == 'F' else -1
    metadata['PatientAge'] = utils.get_patient_age(metadata['PatientAge'])
    metadata['Rows'] = int(metadata['Rows'])
    metadata['Columns'] = int(metadata['Columns'])
    return metadata

def sample_augmentation_parameters(transformation):
    # TODO: bad thing to mix fixed and random params!!!
    if set(transformation.keys()) == {'patch_size', 'mm_patch_size'} or \
                    set(transformation.keys()) == {'patch_size', 'mm_patch_size', 'mask_roi'}:
        return None

    shift_x = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('translation_range_x', [0., 0.]))
    shift_y = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('translation_range_y', [0., 0.]))
    translation = (shift_x, shift_y)
    rotation = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('rotation_range', [0., 0.]))
    shear = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('shear_range', [0., 0.]))
    roi_scale = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('roi_scale_range', [1., 1.]))
    z = config().rng.uniform(*transformation.get('zoom_range', [1., 1.]))
    zoom = (z, z)

    if 'do_flip' in transformation:
        if type(transformation['do_flip']) == tuple:
            flip_x = config().rng.randint(2) > 0 if transformation['do_flip'][0] else False
            flip_y = config().rng.randint(2) > 0 if transformation['do_flip'][1] else False
            flip_x = config().rng.randint(2) > 0 if transformation['do_flip'] else False
            flip_y = False
        flip_x, flip_y = False, False

    sequence_shift = config().rng.randint(30) if transformation.get('sequence_shift', False) else 0

    return namedtuple('Params', ['translation', 'rotation', 'shear', 'zoom',
                                 'flip_x', 'flip_y',
                                 'sequence_shift'])(translation, rotation, shear, zoom,
                                                    flip_x, flip_y,

def transform_norm_rescale(data, metadata, transformation, roi=None, random_augmentation_params=None,
                           mm_center_location=(.5, .4), mm_patch_size=(128, 128), mask_roi=True):
    patch_size = transformation['patch_size']
    mm_patch_size = transformation.get('mm_patch_size', mm_patch_size)
    mask_roi = transformation.get('mask_roi', mask_roi)
    out_shape = (30,) + patch_size
    out_data = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32')

    roi_center = roi['roi_center'] if roi else None
    roi_radii = roi['roi_radii'] if roi else None

    # correct orientation
    data, roi_center, roi_radii = correct_orientation(data, metadata, roi_center, roi_radii)

    # if random_augmentation_params=None -> sample new params
    # if the transformation implies no augmentations then random_augmentation_params remains None
    if not random_augmentation_params:
        random_augmentation_params = sample_augmentation_parameters(transformation)

    # build scaling transformation
    pixel_spacing = metadata['PixelSpacing']
    assert pixel_spacing[0] == pixel_spacing[1]
    current_shape = data.shape[-2:]

    # scale ROI radii and find ROI center in normalized patch
    if roi_center:
        mm_center_location = tuple(int(r * ps) for r, ps in zip(roi_center, pixel_spacing))

    # scale the images such that they all have the same scale
    norm_rescaling = 1. / pixel_spacing[0]
    mm_shape = tuple(int(float(d) * ps) for d, ps in zip(current_shape, pixel_spacing))

    tform_normscale = build_rescale_transform(downscale_factor=norm_rescaling,
                                              image_shape=current_shape, target_shape=mm_shape)
    tform_shift_center, tform_shift_uncenter = build_shift_center_transform(image_shape=mm_shape,

    patch_scale = max(1. * mm_patch_size[0] / patch_size[0],
                      1. * mm_patch_size[1] / patch_size[1])
    tform_patch_scale = build_rescale_transform(patch_scale, mm_patch_size, target_shape=patch_size)

    total_tform = tform_patch_scale + tform_shift_uncenter + tform_shift_center + tform_normscale

    # build random augmentation
    if random_augmentation_params:
        augment_tform = build_augmentation_transform(rotation=random_augmentation_params.rotation,
        total_tform = tform_patch_scale + tform_shift_uncenter + augment_tform + tform_shift_center + tform_normscale

    # apply transformation per image
    for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
        out_data[i] = fast_warp(data[i], total_tform, output_shape=patch_size)


    # apply transformation to ROI and mask the images
    if roi_center and roi_radii and mask_roi:
        roi_scale = random_augmentation_params.roi_scale if random_augmentation_params else 1  # augmentation
        roi_zoom = random_augmentation_params.zoom if random_augmentation_params else (1., 1.)
        rescaled_roi_radii = (roi_scale * roi_radii[0], roi_scale * roi_radii[1])
        out_roi_radii = (int(roi_zoom[0] * rescaled_roi_radii[0] * pixel_spacing[0] / patch_scale),
                         int(roi_zoom[1] * rescaled_roi_radii[1] * pixel_spacing[1] / patch_scale))
        roi_mask = make_circular_roi_mask(patch_size, (patch_size[0] / 2, patch_size[1] / 2), out_roi_radii)
        out_data *= roi_mask

    # if the sequence is < 30 timesteps, copy last image
    if data.shape[0] < out_shape[0]:
        for j in xrange(data.shape[0], out_shape[0]):
            out_data[j] = out_data[j - 1]

    # if > 30, remove images
    if data.shape[0] > out_shape[0]:
        out_data = out_data[:30]

    # shift the sequence for a number of time steps
    if random_augmentation_params:
        out_data = np.roll(out_data, random_augmentation_params.sequence_shift, axis=0)

    if random_augmentation_params:
        targets_zoom_factor = random_augmentation_params.zoom[0] * random_augmentation_params.zoom[1]
        targets_zoom_factor = 1.

    return out_data, targets_zoom_factor

def transform_norm_rescale_after(data, metadata, transformation, roi=None, random_augmentation_params=None,
                                 mm_center_location=(.5, .4), mm_patch_size=(128, 128), mask_roi=True):
    patch_size = transformation['patch_size']
    mm_patch_size = transformation.get('mm_patch_size', mm_patch_size)
    mask_roi = transformation.get('mask_roi', mask_roi)
    out_shape = (30,) + patch_size
    out_data = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32')

    roi_center = roi['roi_center'] if roi else None
    roi_radii = roi['roi_radii'] if roi else None

    # correct orientation
    data, roi_center, roi_radii = correct_orientation(data, metadata, roi_center, roi_radii)

    # if random_augmentation_params=None -> sample new params
    # if the transformation implies no augmentations then random_augmentation_params remains None
    if not random_augmentation_params:
        random_augmentation_params = sample_augmentation_parameters(transformation)

    # build scaling transformation
    pixel_spacing = metadata['PixelSpacing']
    assert pixel_spacing[0] == pixel_spacing[1]
    current_shape = data.shape[-2:]

    # scale ROI radii and find ROI center in normalized patch
    if roi_center:
        mm_center_location = tuple(int(r * ps) for r, ps in zip(roi_center, pixel_spacing))

    # scale the images such that they all have the same scale
    norm_rescaling = 1. / pixel_spacing[0]
    mm_shape = tuple(int(float(d) * ps) for d, ps in zip(current_shape, pixel_spacing))

    tform_normscale = build_rescale_transform(downscale_factor=norm_rescaling,
                                              image_shape=current_shape, target_shape=mm_shape)
    tform_shift_center, tform_shift_uncenter = build_shift_center_transform(image_shape=mm_shape,

    patch_scale = max(1. * mm_patch_size[0] / patch_size[0],
                      1. * mm_patch_size[1] / patch_size[1])
    tform_patch_scale = build_rescale_transform(patch_scale, mm_patch_size, target_shape=patch_size)

    total_tform = tform_patch_scale + tform_shift_uncenter + tform_shift_center + tform_normscale

    # build random augmentation
    if random_augmentation_params:
        augment_tform = build_augmentation_transform(rotation=random_augmentation_params.rotation,
        total_tform = tform_patch_scale + tform_shift_uncenter + augment_tform + tform_shift_center + tform_normscale
    # apply transformation per image
    for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
        out_data[i] = fast_warp(data[i], total_tform, output_shape=patch_size)

    # apply transformation to ROI and mask the images
    if roi_center and roi_radii and mask_roi:
        roi_scale = random_augmentation_params.roi_scale if random_augmentation_params else 1  # augmentation
        roi_zoom = random_augmentation_params.zoom if random_augmentation_params else (1., 1.)
        rescaled_roi_radii = (roi_scale * roi_radii[0], roi_scale * roi_radii[1])
        out_roi_radii = (int(roi_zoom[0] * rescaled_roi_radii[0] * pixel_spacing[0] / patch_scale),
                         int(roi_zoom[1] * rescaled_roi_radii[1] * pixel_spacing[1] / patch_scale))
        roi_mask = make_circular_roi_mask(patch_size, (patch_size[0] / 2, patch_size[1] / 2), out_roi_radii)
        out_data *= roi_mask


    # if the sequence is < 30 timesteps, copy last image
    if data.shape[0] < out_shape[0]:
        for j in xrange(data.shape[0], out_shape[0]):
            out_data[j] = out_data[j - 1]

    # if > 30, remove images
    if data.shape[0] > out_shape[0]:
        out_data = out_data[:30]

    # shift the sequence for a number of time steps
    if random_augmentation_params:
        out_data = np.roll(out_data, random_augmentation_params.sequence_shift, axis=0)

    if random_augmentation_params:
        targets_zoom_factor = random_augmentation_params.zoom[0] * random_augmentation_params.zoom[1]
        targets_zoom_factor = 1.

    return out_data, targets_zoom_factor

def make_roi_mask(img_shape, roi_center, roi_radii):
    Makes 2D ROI mask for one slice
    :param data:
    :param roi:
    mask = np.zeros(img_shape)
    mask[max(0, roi_center[0] - roi_radii[0]):min(roi_center[0] + roi_radii[0], img_shape[0]),
    max(0, roi_center[1] - roi_radii[1]):min(roi_center[1] + roi_radii[1], img_shape[1])] = 1
    return mask

def make_circular_roi_mask(img_shape, roi_center, roi_radii):
    mask = np.zeros(img_shape)
    rr, cc = skimage.draw.ellipse(roi_center[0], roi_center[1], roi_radii[0], roi_radii[1], img_shape)
    mask[rr, cc] = 1.
    return mask

tform_identity = skimage.transform.AffineTransform()

def fast_warp(img, tf, output_shape, mode='constant', order=1):
    This wrapper function is faster than skimage.transform.warp
    m = tf.params  # tf._matrix is
    return skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img, m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode, order=order)

def build_centering_transform(image_shape, target_shape=(50, 50)):
    rows, cols = image_shape
    trows, tcols = target_shape
    shift_x = (cols - tcols) / 2.0
    shift_y = (rows - trows) / 2.0
    return skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift_x, shift_y))

def build_rescale_transform(downscale_factor, image_shape, target_shape):
    estimating the correct rescaling transform is slow, so just use the
    downscale_factor to define a transform directly. This probably isn't
    100% correct, but it shouldn't matter much in practice.
    rows, cols = image_shape
    trows, tcols = target_shape
    tform_ds = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(downscale_factor, downscale_factor))

    # centering
    shift_x = cols / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - tcols / 2.0
    shift_y = rows / (2.0 * downscale_factor) - trows / 2.0
    tform_shift_ds = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift_x, shift_y))
    return tform_shift_ds + tform_ds

def build_center_uncenter_transforms(image_shape):
    These are used to ensure that zooming and rotation happens around the center of the image.
    Use these transforms to center and uncenter the image around such a transform.
    center_shift = np.array(
        [image_shape[1], image_shape[0]]) / 2.0 - 0.5  # need to swap rows and cols here apparently! confusing!
    tform_uncenter = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift)
    tform_center = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift)
    return tform_center, tform_uncenter

def build_augmentation_transform(rotation=0, shear=0, translation=(0, 0), flip_x=False, flip_y=False, zoom=(1.0, 1.0)):
    if flip_x:
        shear += 180  # shear by 180 degrees is equivalent to flip along the X-axis
    if flip_y:
        shear += 180
        rotation += 180

    tform_augment = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(1. / zoom[0], 1. / zoom[1]), rotation=np.deg2rad(rotation),
                                                      shear=np.deg2rad(shear), translation=translation)
    return tform_augment

def correct_orientation(data, metadata, roi_center, roi_radii):
    F = metadata["ImageOrientationPatient"].reshape((2, 3))
    f_1 = F[1, :]
    f_2 = F[0, :]
    y_e = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    if abs(, f_1)) >= abs(, f_2)):
        out_data = np.transpose(data, (0, 2, 1))
        out_roi_center = (roi_center[1], roi_center[0]) if roi_center else None
        out_roi_radii = (roi_radii[1], roi_radii[0]) if roi_radii else None
        out_data = data
        out_roi_center = roi_center
        out_roi_radii = roi_radii

    return out_data, out_roi_center, out_roi_radii

def build_shift_center_transform(image_shape, center_location, patch_size):
    """Shifts the center of the image to a given location.
    This function tries to include as much as possible of the image in the patch
    centered around the new center. If the patch arount the ideal center
    location doesn't fit within the image, we shift the center to the right so
    that it does.
    params in (i,j) coordinates !!!
    if center_location[0] < 1. and center_location[1] < 1.:
        center_absolute_location = [
            center_location[0] * image_shape[0], center_location[1] * image_shape[1]]
        center_absolute_location = [center_location[0], center_location[1]]

    # Check for overlap at the edges
    center_absolute_location[0] = max(
        center_absolute_location[0], patch_size[0] / 2.0)
    center_absolute_location[1] = max(
        center_absolute_location[1], patch_size[1] / 2.0)

    center_absolute_location[0] = min(
        center_absolute_location[0], image_shape[0] - patch_size[0] / 2.0)

    center_absolute_location[1] = min(
        center_absolute_location[1], image_shape[1] - patch_size[1] / 2.0)

    # Check for overlap at both edges
    if patch_size[0] > image_shape[0]:
        center_absolute_location[0] = image_shape[0] / 2.0
    if patch_size[1] > image_shape[1]:
        center_absolute_location[1] = image_shape[1] / 2.0

    # Build transform
    new_center = np.array(center_absolute_location)
    translation_center = new_center - 0.5
    translation_uncenter = -np.array((patch_size[0] / 2.0, patch_size[1] / 2.0)) - 0.5
    return (

def normalize_contrast_zmuv(data, z=2):
    mean = np.mean(data)
    std = np.std(data)
    for i in xrange(len(data)):
        img = data[i]
        img = ((img - mean) / (2 * std * z) + 0.5)
        data[i] = np.clip(img, -0.0, 1.0)

def slice_location_finder(slicepath2metadata):
    :param slicepath2metadata: dict with arbitrary keys, and metadata values

    slicepath2midpix = {}
    slicepath2position = {}

    for sp, metadata in slicepath2metadata.iteritems():
        if 'sax' in sp:
            image_orientation = metadata["ImageOrientationPatient"]
            image_position = metadata["ImagePositionPatient"]
            pixel_spacing = metadata["PixelSpacing"]
            rows = metadata['Rows']
            columns = metadata['Columns']

            # calculate value of middle pixel
            F = np.array(image_orientation).reshape((2, 3))
            # reversed order, as per
            i, j = columns / 2.0, rows / 2.0
            im_pos = np.array([[i * pixel_spacing[0], j * pixel_spacing[1]]], dtype='float32')
            pos = np.array(image_position).reshape((1, 3))
            position =, F) + pos
            slicepath2midpix[sp] = position[0, :]
        if '2ch' in sp:
            slicepath2position[sp] = -10
        if '4ch' in sp:
            slicepath2position[sp] = -50

    if len(slicepath2midpix) <= 1:
        for sp, midpix in slicepath2midpix.iteritems():
            slicepath2position[sp] = 0.
        # find the keys of the 2 points furthest away from each other
        max_dist = -1.0
        max_dist_keys = []
        for sp1, midpix1 in slicepath2midpix.iteritems():
            for sp2, midpix2 in slicepath2midpix.iteritems():
                if sp1 == sp2:
                distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((midpix1 - midpix2) ** 2))
                if distance > max_dist:
                    max_dist_keys = [sp1, sp2]
                    max_dist = distance
        # project the others on the line between these 2 points
        # sort the keys, so the order is more or less the same as they were
        max_dist_keys.sort(key=lambda x: int('/sax_(\d+)\.pkl$', x).group(1)))
        p_ref1 = slicepath2midpix[max_dist_keys[0]]
        p_ref2 = slicepath2midpix[max_dist_keys[1]]
        v1 = p_ref2 - p_ref1
        v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1)

        for sp, midpix in slicepath2midpix.iteritems():
            v2 = midpix - p_ref1
            slicepath2position[sp] = np.inner(v1, v2)

    return slicepath2position

def extract_roi(data, pixel_spacing, minradius_mm=25, maxradius_mm=45, kernel_width=5, center_margin=8, num_peaks=10,
                num_circles=20, radstep=2):
    Returns center and radii of ROI region in (i,j) format
    # radius of the smallest and largest circles in mm estimated from the train set
    # convert to pixel counts
    minradius = int(minradius_mm / pixel_spacing)
    maxradius = int(maxradius_mm / pixel_spacing)

    ximagesize = data[0]['data'].shape[1]
    yimagesize = data[0]['data'].shape[2]

    xsurface = np.tile(range(ximagesize), (yimagesize, 1)).T
    ysurface = np.tile(range(yimagesize), (ximagesize, 1))
    lsurface = np.zeros((ximagesize, yimagesize))

    allcenters = []
    allaccums = []
    allradii = []

    for dslice in data:
        ff1 = fftn(dslice['data'])
        fh = np.absolute(ifftn(ff1[1, :, :]))
        fh[fh < 0.1 * np.max(fh)] = 0.0
        image = 1. * fh / np.max(fh)

        # find hough circles and detect two radii
        edges = canny(image, sigma=3)
        hough_radii = np.arange(minradius, maxradius, radstep)
        hough_res = hough_circle(edges, hough_radii)

        if hough_res.any():
            centers = []
            accums = []
            radii = []

            for radius, h in zip(hough_radii, hough_res):
                # For each radius, extract num_peaks circles
                peaks = peak_local_max(h, num_peaks=num_peaks)
                accums.extend(h[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1]])
                radii.extend([radius] * num_peaks)

            # Keep the most prominent num_circles circles
            sorted_circles_idxs = np.argsort(accums)[::-1][:num_circles]

            for idx in sorted_circles_idxs:
                center_x, center_y = centers[idx]
                brightness = accums[idx]
                lsurface = lsurface + brightness * np.exp(
                    -((xsurface - center_x) ** 2 + (ysurface - center_y) ** 2) / kernel_width ** 2)

    lsurface = lsurface / lsurface.max()

    # select most likely ROI center
    roi_center = np.unravel_index(lsurface.argmax(), lsurface.shape)

    # determine ROI radius
    roi_x_radius = 0
    roi_y_radius = 0
    for idx in range(len(allcenters)):
        xshift = np.abs(allcenters[idx][0] - roi_center[0])
        yshift = np.abs(allcenters[idx][1] - roi_center[1])
        if (xshift <= center_margin) & (yshift <= center_margin):
            roi_x_radius = np.max((roi_x_radius, allradii[idx] + xshift))
            roi_y_radius = np.max((roi_y_radius, allradii[idx] + yshift))

    if roi_x_radius > 0 and roi_y_radius > 0:
        roi_radii = roi_x_radius, roi_y_radius
        roi_radii = None

    return roi_center, roi_radii