# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 2ndQuadrant Limited
# This file is part of Barman.
# Barman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Barman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Barman.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

This module contains utility functions used in Barman.

import datetime
import decimal
import errno
import grp
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import pwd
import re
import signal
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from contextlib import contextmanager

from distutils.version import Version

from barman.exceptions import TimeoutError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    _text_type = str
    _string_types = str
    _text_type = unicode  # noqa
    _string_types = basestring  # noqa

def drop_privileges(user):
    Change the system user of the current python process.

    It will only work if called as root or as the target user.

    :param string user: target user
    :raise KeyError: if the target user doesn't exists
    :raise OSError: when the user change fails
    pw = pwd.getpwnam(user)
    if pw.pw_uid == os.getuid():
    groups = [e.gr_gid for e in grp.getgrall() if pw.pw_name in e.gr_mem]
    os.environ['HOME'] = pw.pw_dir

def mkpath(directory):
    Recursively create a target directory.

    If the path already exists it does nothing.

    :param str directory: directory to be created
    if not os.path.isdir(directory):

def configure_logging(
        log_format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"):
    Configure the logging module

    :param str,None log_file: target file path. If None use standard error.
    :param int log_level: min log level to be reported in log file.
        Default to INFO
    :param str log_format: format string used for a log line.
        Default to "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
    warn = None
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    if log_file:
        log_file = os.path.abspath(log_file)
        log_dir = os.path.dirname(log_file)
            handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(
                log_file, encoding='utf-8')
        except (OSError, IOError):
            # fallback to standard error
            warn = "Failed opening the requested log file. " \
                   "Using standard error instead."
    formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)
    if warn:
        # this will be always displayed because the default level is WARNING

def parse_log_level(log_level):
    Convert a log level to its int representation as required by
    logging module.

    :param log_level: An integer or a string
    :return: an integer or None if an invalid argument is provided
        log_level_int = int(log_level)
    except ValueError:
        log_level_int = logging.getLevelName(str(log_level).upper())
    if isinstance(log_level_int, int):
        return log_level_int
    return None

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def get_log_levels():
    Return a list of available log level names
        level_to_name = logging._levelToName
    except AttributeError:
        level_to_name = dict([(key, logging._levelNames[key])
                              for key in logging._levelNames
                              if isinstance(key, int)])
    for level in sorted(level_to_name):
        yield level_to_name[level]

def pretty_size(size, unit=1024):
    This function returns a pretty representation of a size value

    :param int|long|float size: the number to to prettify
    :param int unit: 1000 or 1024 (the default)
    :rtype: str
    suffixes = ["B"] + [i + {1000: "B", 1024: "iB"}[unit] for i in "KMGTPEZY"]
    if unit == 1000:
        suffixes[1] = 'kB'  # special case kB instead of KB
    # cast to float to avoid losing decimals
    size = float(size)
    for suffix in suffixes:
        if abs(size) < unit or suffix == suffixes[-1]:
            if suffix == suffixes[0]:
                return "%d %s" % (size, suffix)
                return "%.1f %s" % (size, suffix)
            size /= unit

def human_readable_timedelta(timedelta):
    Given a time interval, returns a human readable string

    :param timedelta: the timedelta to transform in a human readable form
    delta = abs(timedelta)
    # Calculate time units for the given interval
    time_map = {
        'day': int(delta.days),
        'hour': int(delta.seconds / 3600),
        'minute': int(delta.seconds / 60) % 60,
        'second': int(delta.seconds % 60),
    # Build the resulting string
    time_list = []

    # 'Day' part
    if time_map['day'] > 0:
        if time_map['day'] == 1:
            time_list.append('%s day' % time_map['day'])
            time_list.append('%s days' % time_map['day'])

    # 'Hour' part
    if time_map['hour'] > 0:
        if time_map['hour'] == 1:
            time_list.append('%s hour' % time_map['hour'])
            time_list.append('%s hours' % time_map['hour'])

    # 'Minute' part
    if time_map['minute'] > 0:
        if time_map['minute'] == 1:
            time_list.append('%s minute' % time_map['minute'])
            time_list.append('%s minutes' % time_map['minute'])

    # 'Second' part
    if time_map['second'] > 0:
        if time_map['second'] == 1:
            time_list.append('%s second' % time_map['second'])
            time_list.append('%s seconds' % time_map['second'])

    human = ', '.join(time_list)

    # Take care of timedelta when is shorter than a second
    if delta < datetime.timedelta(seconds=1):
        human = 'less than one second'

    # If timedelta is negative append 'ago' suffix
    if delta != timedelta:
        human += " ago"
    return human

def total_seconds(timedelta):
    Compatibility method because the total_seconds method has been introduced
    in Python 2.7

    :param timedelta: a timedelta object
    :rtype: float
    if hasattr(timedelta, 'total_seconds'):
        return timedelta.total_seconds()
        secs = (timedelta.seconds + timedelta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6
        return (timedelta.microseconds + secs) / 10.0**6

def which(executable, path=None):
    This method is useful to find if a executable is present into the
    os PATH

    :param str executable: The name of the executable to find
    :param str|None path: An optional search path to override the current one.
    :return str|None: the path of the executable or None
    # Get the system path if needed
    if path is None:
        path = os.getenv('PATH')
    # If the path is None at this point we have nothing to search
    if path is None:
        return None
    # If executable is an absolute path, check if it exists and is executable
    # otherwise return failure.
    if os.path.isabs(executable):
        if os.path.exists(executable) and os.access(executable, os.X_OK):
            return executable
            return None
    # Search the requested executable in every directory present in path and
    # return the first occurrence that exists and is executable.
    for file_path in path.split(os.path.pathsep):
        file_path = os.path.join(file_path, executable)
        # If the file exists and is executable return the full path.
        if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.access(file_path, os.X_OK):
            return file_path
    # If no matching file is present on the system return None
    return None

class BarmanEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Custom JSON encoder used for BackupInfo encoding

    This encoder supports the following types:

    * dates and timestamps if they have a ctime() method.
    * objects that implement the 'to_json' method.
    * binary strings (python 3)
    def default(self, obj):
        # If the object implements to_json() method use it
        if hasattr(obj, 'to_json'):
            return obj.to_json()
        # Serialise date and datetime objects using ctime() method
        if hasattr(obj, 'ctime') and callable(obj.ctime):
            return obj.ctime()
        # Serialise timedelta objects using human_readable_timedelta()
        if isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
            return human_readable_timedelta(obj)
        # Serialise Decimal objects using their string representation
        # WARNING: When deserialized they will be treat as float values
        # which have a lower precision
        if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
            return float(obj)
        # Binary strings must be decoded before using them in
        # an unicode string
        if hasattr(obj, 'decode') and callable(obj.decode):
            return obj.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        # Manage (Loose|Strict)Version objects as strings.
        if isinstance(obj, Version):
            return str(obj)
        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return super(BarmanEncoder, self).default(obj)

def fsync_dir(dir_path):
    Execute fsync on a directory ensuring it is synced to disk

    :param str dir_path: The directory to sync
    :raise OSError: If fail opening the directory
    dir_fd = os.open(dir_path, os.O_DIRECTORY)
    except OSError as e:
        # On some filesystem doing a fsync on a directory
        # raises an EINVAL error. Ignoring it is usually safe.
        if e.errno != errno.EINVAL:

def fsync_file(file_path):
    Execute fsync on a file ensuring it is synced to disk

    Returns the file stats

    :param str file_path: The file to sync
    :return: file stat
    :raise OSError: If something fails
    file_fd = os.open(file_path, os.O_RDONLY)
    file_stat = os.fstat(file_fd)
        return file_stat
    except OSError as e:
        # On some filesystem doing a fsync on a O_RDONLY fd
        # raises an EACCES error. In that case we need to try again after
        # reopening as O_RDWR.
        if e.errno != errno.EACCES:

    file_fd = os.open(file_path, os.O_RDWR)

    return file_stat

def simplify_version(version_string):
    Simplify a version number by removing the patch level

    :param version_string: the version number to simplify
    :return str: the simplified version number
    if version_string is None:
        return None
    version = version_string.split('.')
    # If a development/beta/rc version, split out the string part
    unreleased = re.search(r'[^0-9.]', version[-1])
    if unreleased:
        last_component = version.pop()
        number = last_component[:unreleased.start()]
        string = last_component[unreleased.start():]
        version += [number, string]
    return '.'.join(version[:-1])

def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
    Function from jinja2/_compat.py. License: BSD.

    Create a base class with a metaclass.

    :param type meta: Metaclass to add to base class
    # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a
    # dummy metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces
    # itself with the actual metaclass.
    class Metaclass(type):
        def __new__(mcs, name, this_bases, d):
            return meta(name, bases, d)
    return type.__new__(Metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})

def timeout(timeout_duration):
    ContextManager responsible for timing out the contained
    block of code after a defined time interval.
    # Define the handler for the alarm signal
    def handler(signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError()

    # set the timeout handler
    previous_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
    if previous_handler != signal.SIG_DFL:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, previous_handler)
        raise AssertionError("Another timeout is already defined")
    # set the timeout duration
        # Execute the contained block of code
        # Reset the signal
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)

def is_power_of_two(number):
    Check if a number is a power of two or not

    # Returns None if number is set to None.
    if number is None:
        return None

    # This is a fast method to check for a power of two.
    # A power of two has this structure:  100000 (one or more zeroes)
    # This is the same number minus one:  011111 (composed by ones)
    # This is the bitwise and:            000000
    # This is true only for every power of two
    return number != 0 and (number & (number - 1)) == 0

def file_md5(file_path, buffer_size=1024 * 16):
    Calculate the md5 checksum for the provided file path

    :param str file_path: path of the file to read
    :param int buffer_size: read buffer size, default 16k
    :return str: Hexadecimal md5 string
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_object:
        while 1:
            buf = file_object.read(buffer_size)
            if not buf:
    return md5.hexdigest()

def force_str(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    Force any object to an unicode string.

    Code inspired by Django's force_text function
    # Handle the common case first for performance reasons.
    if issubclass(type(obj), _text_type):
        return obj
        if issubclass(type(obj), _string_types):
            obj = obj.decode(encoding, errors)
            if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
                if isinstance(obj, bytes):
                    obj = _text_type(obj, encoding, errors)
                    obj = _text_type(obj)
            elif hasattr(obj, '__unicode__'):
                obj = _text_type(obj)
                obj = _text_type(bytes(obj), encoding, errors)
    except (UnicodeDecodeError, TypeError):
        if isinstance(obj, Exception):
            # If we get to here, the caller has passed in an Exception
            # subclass populated with non-ASCII bytestring data without a
            # working unicode method. Try to handle this without raising a
            # further exception by individually forcing the exception args
            # to unicode.
            obj = ' '.join(force_str(arg, encoding, errors)
                           for arg in obj.args)
            # As last resort, use a repr call to avoid any exception
            obj = repr(obj)
    return obj

def redact_passwords(text):
    Redact passwords from the input text.

    Password are found in these two forms:

    Keyword/Value Connection Strings:
    - host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mydb password=SHAME_ON_ME
    Connection URIs:
    - postgresql://[user[:password]][netloc][:port][/dbname]

    :param str text: Input content
    :return: String with passwords removed

    # Remove passwords as found in key/value connection strings
    text = re.sub(
        "password=('(\\'|[^'])+'|[^ '\"]*)",

    # Remove passwords in connection URLs
    text = re.sub(
        r'(?<=postgresql:\/\/)([^ :@]+:)([^ :@]+)?@',

    return text

def check_non_negative(value):
    Check for a positive integer option

    :param value: str containing the value to check
    if value is None:
        return None
        int_value = int(value)
    except Exception:
        raise ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is not a valid non negative integer" %
    if int_value < 0:
        raise ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is not a valid non negative integer" %
    return int_value

def check_positive(value):
    Check for a positive integer option

    :param value: str containing the value to check
    if value is None:
        return None
        int_value = int(value)
    except Exception:
        raise ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is not a valid positive integer" %
    if int_value < 1:
        raise ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is not a valid positive integer" %
    return int_value