from __future__ import print_function
import idc
import idautils
import ida_frame
import ida_struct
import idaapi
import sys, os


REGISTERS = ['eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'rax', 'rbx', 'rcx', 'rdx', 'rdi', 'rsi', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10', 'r15', 'X0', 'X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4',
             'X5', 'X6', 'X7', 'X8', 'X9', 'X10', 'X11', 'X12', 'X13', 'X14', 'X15', 'X16', 'X17', 'X18', 'X19', 'X20',
             'X21', 'X22', 'X23', 'X24', 'X25', 'X26', 'X27', 'X28', 'X29', 'X30', 'X31']

def get_processor_architecture():
    arch = "Intel"
    info = idaapi.get_inf_structure()
    if info.procName == "ARM":
        arch = "ARM"
    if info.is_64bit():
        return arch, True
    elif info.is_32bit():
        return arch, False
        return "Error", False

def get_local_var_value_64(loc_var_name):
    frame = ida_frame.get_frame(
    loc_var = ida_struct.get_member_by_name(frame, loc_var_name)
    loc_var_start = loc_var.soff
    loc_var_ea = loc_var_start + idc.get_reg_value("RSP")
    loc_var_value = idc.read_dbg_qword(loc_var_ea)  # in case the variable is 32bit, just use get_wide_dword() instead
    return loc_var_value

def get_arch_dct():
    arch, is_64 = get_processor_architecture()
    if arch != "Error" or (arch == "ARM" and not is_64):
        dct_arch = {}
        if arch == "ARM":
            dct_arch["opcode"] = "LDR"
            dct_arch["separator"] = ","
            dct_arch["val_offset"] = 2
        if arch == "Intel":
            dct_arch["opcode"] = "mov"
            dct_arch["separator"] = "+"
            dct_arch["val_offset"] = 1
        return dct_arch
        print("Error, Architecture is not supported. Supported architectures are Intel x64/x32 and Arm x64")
        return -1

def get_con2_var_or_num(i_cnt, cur_addr):
    :param i_cnt: the register of the virtual call
    :param cur_addr: the current address in the memory
    :return: "success" string and the address of the vtable's location. if it fails it sends the reason and -1
    start_addr = idc.get_func_attr(cur_addr, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
    virt_call_addr = cur_addr
    cur_addr = idc.prev_head(cur_addr)
    dct_arch = get_arch_dct()
    if dct_arch == -1:
        return 'Wrong Architechture', "-1", cur_addr

    while cur_addr >= start_addr:
        if idc.print_insn_mnem(cur_addr)[:3] == dct_arch["opcode"] and idc.print_operand(cur_addr, 0) == i_cnt:  # TODO lea ?
            opnd2 = idc.print_operand(cur_addr, 1)
            place = opnd2.find(dct_arch["separator"])
            if place != -1:  # if the function is not the first in the vtable
                register = opnd2[opnd2.find('[') + 1: place]
                if opnd2.find('*') == -1:
                    offset = opnd2[place + dct_arch["val_offset"]: opnd2.find(']')]
                    offset = "*"
                return register, offset, cur_addr
                offset = "0"
                if opnd2.find(']') != -1:
                    register = opnd2[opnd2.find('[') + 1: opnd2.find(']')]
                    register = opnd2
                return register, offset, cur_addr
        elif idc.print_insn_mnem(cur_addr)[:4] == "call":
            intr_func_name = idc.print_operand(cur_addr, 0)
            # In case the code has CFG -> ignores the function call before the virtual calls
            if "guard_check_icall_fptr" not in intr_func_name:
                if "nullsub" not in intr_func_name:
                    # intr_func_name = idc.Demangle(intr_func_name, idc.GetLongPrm(idc.INF_SHORT_DN))
                    print("Warning! At address 0x%08x: The vtable assignment might be in another function (Maybe %s),"
                          " could not place BP." % (virt_call_addr, intr_func_name))
                cur_addr = start_addr
        cur_addr = idc.prev_head(cur_addr)
    return "out of the function", "-1", cur_addr

    return '', 0, cur_addr

def get_bp_condition(start_addr, register_vtable, offset):
    arch, is_64 = get_processor_architecture()
    file_name = ""
    if arch == "Intel":
        if is_64:
            file_name = ""
        file_name = ""
    condition_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), file_name)
    if arch != "Error" or (arch == "ARM" and not is_64):
        with open(condition_file, 'r') as f1:
            bp_cond_text =
        bp_cond_text = bp_cond_text.replace("<<<start_addr>>>", str(start_addr))
        bp_cond_text = bp_cond_text.replace("<<<register_vtable>>>", register_vtable)
        bp_cond_text = bp_cond_text.replace("<<<offset>>>", offset)
        return bp_cond_text
    return "# Error in BP condition"

def write_vtable2file(start_addr):
    :param start_addr: The start address of the virtual call
    :return: The break point condition and the break point address
    raw_opnd = idc.print_operand(start_addr, 0)
    if raw_opnd in REGISTERS:
        reg = raw_opnd
        for reg in REGISTERS:
            if raw_opnd.find(reg) != -1:
    opnd = get_con2_var_or_num(reg, start_addr)
    reg_vtable = opnd[0]
    offset = opnd[1]
    bp_address = opnd[2]
    set_bp = True
    cond = ""
    # TODO check the get_con2 return variables!!@
        # TODO If a structure was already assigned to the BP (not by Virtuailor), before running the code the code will\
        # assume it was examined by the user, the BP will not be set
        arch_dct = get_arch_dct()
        plus_indx = raw_opnd.find(arch_dct["separator"])
        if plus_indx != -1:
            call_offset = raw_opnd[plus_indx + 1:raw_opnd.find(']')]
            # if the offset is in hex
            if call_offset.find('h') != -1:
                call_offset = int(call_offset[:call_offset.find('h')], 16)
        if offset.find('h') != -1:
            offset = str(int(offset[:offset.find('h')], 16))
        elif offset.find('0x') != -1:
            offset = str(int(offset[offset.find('0x') + 2:], 16))
    except ValueError:
        # A offset structure was set, the old offset will be deleted
        set_bp = False
        if set_bp:
            # start_addr = start_addr - idc.SegStart(start_addr)
            if reg_vtable in REGISTERS:
                cond = get_bp_condition(start_addr, reg_vtable, offset)
    return cond, bp_address