Python theano.tensor.floor() Examples

The following are 10 code examples of theano.tensor.floor(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module theano.tensor , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From iaf with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def discretized_laplace(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None):
    scale = .5*T.exp(logscale)
    if sample is None:
        u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) - .5
        sample = mean - scale * T.sgn(u) * T.log(1-2*abs(u))
        sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample
    d = .5*binsize
    def cdf(x):
        z = x-mean
        return .5 + .5 * T.sgn(z) * (1.-T.exp(-abs(z)/scale))
    def logmass1(x):
        # General method for probability mass, but numerically unstable for large |x-mean|/scale
        return T.log(cdf(x+d) - cdf(x-d) + 1e-7)
    def logmass2(x):
        # Only valid for |x-mean| >= d
        return -abs(x-mean)/scale + T.log(T.exp(d/scale)-T.exp(-d/scale)) - np.log(2.).astype(G.floatX) 
    def logmass_stable(x):
        switch = (abs(x-mean) < d)
        return switch * logmass1(x) + (1-switch) * logmass2(x)
    logp = logmass_stable(sample).flatten(2).sum(axis=1)
    entr = None #(1 + logscale).flatten(2).sum(axis=1)
    return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, scale=scale) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Point-of-Interest-Recommendation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_sub_all_scores(self, start_end):
        plu = softmax([start_end], self.trained_items.T))[:, :-1]  # (n_batch, n_item)
        length = T.max(T.sum(self.tes_masks[start_end], axis=1))  # 253
        cidx = T.arange(length).reshape((1, length)) + self.tra_accum_lens[start_end][:, 0].reshape((len(start_end), 1))
        cl = T.sum(self.trained_items[self.tra_context_masks[cidx]], axis=2)  # n_batch x seq_length x n_size
        cl = cl.dimshuffle(1, 2, 0)
        pb = self.trained_branch[self.routes]  # (n_item x 4 x tree_depth x n_size)
        shp0, shp1, shp2 = self.lrs.shape
        lrs = self.lrs.reshape((shp0, shp1, shp2, 1, 1))
        pr_bc =, cl)
        br = sigmoid(pr_bc * lrs) * T.ceil(abs(pr_bc))  # (n_item x 4 x tree_depth x seq_length x n_batch)
        path =, axis=2) * self.probs.reshape((shp0, shp1, 1, 1))
        del cl, pb, br, lrs
        # paths = - path) + path), axis=1)  # (n_item x seq_length x n_batch)
        paths = T.sum(path, axis=1)
        paths = T.floor(1 - paths) + paths
        p = paths[:-1].T * plu.reshape((plu.shape[0], 1, plu.shape[1]))  # (n_batch x n_item)
        # p = plu.reshape((plu.shape[0], 1, plu.shape[1])) * T.ones((plu.shape[0], length, plu.shape[1]))
        return T.reshape(p, (p.shape[0] * p.shape[1], p.shape[2])).eval() 
Example #3
Source File:    From D-VAE with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def floor(x):
    Elemwise floor of `x`.

    # see decorator for function body 
Example #4
Source File:    From iaf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def discretized_logistic(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None):
    scale = T.exp(logscale)
    if sample is None:
        u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape)
        _y = T.log(-u/(u-1)) #inverse CDF of the logistic
        sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic
        sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample
    _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale
    logps = T.log( T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample + binsize/scale) - T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample) + 1e-7)
    logp = logps.flatten(2).sum(axis=1)
    #raise Exception()
    entr = logscale.flatten(2)
    entr = entr.sum(axis=1) + 2. * entr.shape[1].astype(G.floatX)
    return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logscale=logscale, logps=logps) 
Example #5
Source File:    From iaf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def discretized_gaussian(mean, logvar, binsize, sample=None):
    scale = T.exp(.5*logvar)
    if sample is None:
        _y = G.rng_curand.normal(size=mean.shape)
        sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic
        sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample
    _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale
    def _erf(x):
        return T.erf(x/T.sqrt(2.))
    logp = T.log( _erf(_sample + binsize/scale) - _erf(_sample) + 1e-7) + T.log(.5)
    logp = logp.flatten(2).sum(axis=1)
    #raise Exception()
    entr = (.5 * (T.log(2 * math.pi) + 1 + logvar)).flatten(2).sum(axis=1)
    return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logvar=logvar) 
Example #6
Source File:    From attention-lvcsr with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def floor(x):
    Elemwise floor of `x`.

    # see decorator for function body 
Example #7
Source File:    From deepQuest with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def floor(x):
    return T.floor(x)

Example #8
Source File:    From Diffusion-Probabilistic-Models with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def generate_forward_diffusion_sample(self, X_noiseless):
        Corrupt a training image with t steps worth of Gaussian noise, and
        return the corrupted image, as well as the mean and covariance of the
        posterior q(x^{t-1}|x^t, x^0).

        X_noiseless = X_noiseless.reshape(
            (-1, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width))

        n_images = X_noiseless.shape[0].astype('int16')
        rng = Random().theano_rng
        # choose a timestep in [1, self.trajectory_length-1].
        # note the reverse process is fixed for the very
        # first timestep, so we skip it.
        # TODO for some reason random_integer is missing from the Blocks
        # theano random number generator.
        t = T.floor(rng.uniform(size=(1,1), low=1, high=self.trajectory_length,
        t_weights = self.get_t_weights(t)
        N = rng.normal(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width),

        # noise added this time step
        beta_forward = self.get_beta_forward(t)
        # decay in noise variance due to original signal this step
        alpha_forward = 1. - beta_forward
        # compute total decay in the fraction of the variance due to X_noiseless
        alpha_arr = 1. - self.beta_arr
        alpha_cum_forward_arr = T.extra_ops.cumprod(alpha_arr).reshape((self.trajectory_length,1))
        alpha_cum_forward =, alpha_cum_forward_arr)
        # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in
        beta_cumulative = 1. - alpha_cum_forward
        # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in one step ago
        beta_cumulative_prior_step = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward

        # generate the corrupted training data
        X_uniformnoise = X_noiseless + (rng.uniform(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width),
        X_noisy = X_uniformnoise*T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward) + N*T.sqrt(1. - alpha_cum_forward)

        # compute the mean and covariance of the posterior distribution
        mu1_scl = T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward / alpha_forward)
        mu2_scl = 1. / T.sqrt(alpha_forward)
        cov1 = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward
        cov2 = beta_forward / alpha_forward
        lam = 1./cov1 + 1./cov2
        mu = (
                X_uniformnoise * mu1_scl / cov1 +
                X_noisy * mu2_scl / cov2
            ) / lam
        sigma = T.sqrt(1./lam)
        sigma = sigma.reshape((1,1,1,1)) = 'mu q posterior' = 'sigma q posterior' = 'X_noisy' = 't'

        return X_noisy, t, mu, sigma 
Example #9
Source File:    From IQA_BIECON_release with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_updates_sgd_momentum(self, cost, params,
                                 decay_mode=None, decay=0.,
                                 momentum=0.9, nesterov=False,
                                 grad_clip=None, constant_clip=True):
        print(' - SGD: lr = %.2e' % (, end='')
        print(', decay = %.2f' % (decay), end='')
        print(', momentum = %.2f' % (momentum), end='')
        print(', nesterov =', nesterov, end='')
        print(', grad_clip =', grad_clip)

        self.grad_clip = grad_clip
        self.constant_clip = constant_clip
        self.iterations = theano.shared(
            np.asarray(0., dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True)

        # lr = self.lr_float
        lr = * (1.0 / (1.0 + decay * self.iterations))
        # lr = * (decay ** T.floor(self.iterations / decay_step))

        updates = [(self.iterations, self.iterations + 1.)]

        # Get gradients and apply clipping
        if self.grad_clip is None:
            grads = T.grad(cost, params)
            assert self.grad_clip > 0
            if self.constant_clip:
                # Constant clipping using theano.gradient.grad_clip
                clip = self.grad_clip
                grads = T.grad(
                    theano.gradient.grad_clip(cost, -clip, clip),
                # Adaptive clipping
                clip = self.grad_clip / lr
                grads_ = T.grad(cost, params)
                grads = [T.clip(g, -clip, clip) for g in grads_]

        for p, g in zip(params, grads):
            # v_prev = theano.shared(p.get_value(borrow=True) * 0.)
            p_val = p.get_value(borrow=True)
            v_prev = theano.shared(np.zeros(p_val.shape, dtype=p_val.dtype),
            v = momentum * v_prev - lr * g
            updates.append((v_prev, v))

            if nesterov:
                new_p = p + momentum * v - lr * g
                new_p = p + v

            updates.append((p, new_p))
        return updates 
Example #10
Source File:    From Point-of-Interest-Recommendation with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __theano_train__(self, n_size):
        Pr(l|u, C(l)) = Pr(l|u) * Pr(l|C(l))
        Pr(u, l, t) = Pr(l|u, C(l))     if C(l) exists,
                      Pr(l|u)           otherwise.
        $Theta$ = argmax Pr(u, l, t)
        tra_mask = T.ivector()
        seq_length = T.sum(tra_mask)  # 有效长度
        wl = T.concatenate((self.wl, self.wl_m))
        tidx, cidx, bidx, userid = T.ivector(), T.imatrix(), T.itensor3(), T.iscalar()
        pb = self.pb[bidx]  # (seq_length x 4 x depth x n_size)
        lrs = self.lrs[tidx]  # (seq_length x 4 x depth)
        # user preference
        xu = self.xu[userid]
        plu = softmax(, self.wl.T))
        # geographical influence
        cl = T.sum(wl[cidx], axis=1)  # (seq_length x n_size)
        cl = cl.reshape((cl.shape[0], 1, 1, cl.shape[1]))
        br = sigmoid(T.sum(pb[:seq_length] * cl, axis=3) * lrs[:seq_length]) * T.ceil(abs(T.mean(cl, axis=3)))
        path =, axis=2) * self.probs[tidx][:seq_length]
        # paths = + path), axis=1)
        paths = T.sum(path, axis=1)
        paths = T.floor(1 - paths) + paths
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # cost, gradients, learning rate, l2 regularization
        lr, l2 = self.alpha_lambda[0], self.alpha_lambda[1]
        seq_l2_sq = T.sum([T.sum(par ** 2) for par in [xu, self.wl]])
        upq = - 1 * T.sum(T.log(plu[tidx[:seq_length]] * paths)) / seq_length
        seq_costs = (
            upq +
            0.5 * l2 * seq_l2_sq)
        seq_grads = T.grad(seq_costs, self.params)
        seq_updates = [(par, par - lr * gra) for par, gra in zip(self.params, seq_grads)]
        pars_subs = [(self.xu, xu), (self.pb, pb)]
        seq_updates.extend([(par, T.set_subtensor(sub, sub - lr * T.grad(seq_costs, sub)))
                            for par, sub in pars_subs])
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        uidx = T.iscalar()  # T.iscalar()类型是 TensorType(int32, )
        self.seq_train = theano.function(
                userid: uidx,
                tidx: self.tra_target_masks[uidx],
                cidx: self.tra_context_masks[T.arange(self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][0], self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][1])],
                bidx: self.routes[self.tra_target_masks[uidx]],
                tra_mask: self.tra_masks[uidx]
                # tra_mask_cot: self.tra_masks_cot[T.arange(self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][0], self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][1])]