Python sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sensor_msgs.msg , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 10 votes vote down vote up
def ros_to_pcl(ros_cloud):
    """ Converts a ROS PointCloud2 message to a pcl PointXYZRGB

            ros_cloud (PointCloud2): ROS PointCloud2 message

            pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB: PCL XYZRGB point cloud
    points_list = []

    for data in pc2.read_points(ros_cloud, skip_nans=True):
        points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]])

    pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    return pcl_data 
Example #2
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None):
    '''Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2.
    # make it 2d (even if height will be 1)
    cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr)

    cloud_msg = PointCloud2()

    if stamp is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0]
    cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.fields = dtype_to_fields(cloud_arr.dtype)
    cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False # assumption
    cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize
    cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step*cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring()
    return cloud_msg 
Example #3
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, squeeze=True):
    ''' Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray

    Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1.

    The reason for using np.fromstring rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially
    for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster.
    # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud
    dtype_list = fields_to_dtype(cloud_msg.fields, cloud_msg.point_step)

    # parse the cloud into an array
    cloud_arr = np.fromstring(, dtype_list)

    # remove the dummy fields that were added
    cloud_arr = cloud_arr[
        [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]]

    if squeeze and cloud_msg.height == 1:
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.width,))
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) 
Example #4
Source File:    From FL3D with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def publish_pc2(pc, obj):
    """Publisher of PointCloud data"""
    pub = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw", PointCloud2, queue_size=1000000)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pc[:, :3])

    pub2 = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw1", PointCloud2, queue_size=1000000)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points2 = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, obj)

    r = rospy.Rate(0.1)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
Example #5
Source File:    From ros_numpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None):
    '''Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2.
    # make it 2d (even if height will be 1)
    cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr)

    cloud_msg = PointCloud2()

    if stamp is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0]
    cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.fields = dtype_to_fields(cloud_arr.dtype)
    cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False # assumption
    cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize
    cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step*cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring()
    return cloud_msg 
Example #6
Source File:    From ros_numpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, squeeze=True):
    ''' Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray 
    Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1.

    The reason for using np.frombuffer rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially
    for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster.
    # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud
    dtype_list = fields_to_dtype(cloud_msg.fields, cloud_msg.point_step)

    # parse the cloud into an array
    cloud_arr = np.frombuffer(, dtype_list)

    # remove the dummy fields that were added
    cloud_arr = cloud_arr[
        [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]]
    if squeeze and cloud_msg.height == 1:
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.width,))
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From 3D_CNN_tensorflow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def publish_pc2(pc, obj):
    """Publisher of PointCloud data"""
    pub = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw", PointCloud2, queue_size=1000000)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pc[:, :3])

    pub2 = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw1", PointCloud2, queue_size=1000000)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points2 = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, obj)

    r = rospy.Rate(0.1)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
Example #8
Source File:    From PointNetGPD with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None, merge_rgb=False):
    """Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2.
    if merge_rgb:
        cloud_arr = merge_rgb_fields(cloud_arr)

    # make it 2d (even if height will be 1)
    cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr)

    cloud_msg = PointCloud2()

    if stamp is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0]
    cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.fields = arr_to_fields(cloud_arr)
    cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False  # assumption
    cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize
    cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step*cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring()
    return cloud_msg 
Example #9
Source File:    From PointNetGPD with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, split_rgb=False):
    Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray
    Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1.

    The reason for using np.fromstring rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially
    for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster.
    # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud
    dtype_list = pointcloud2_to_dtype(cloud_msg)

    # parse the cloud into an array
    cloud_arr = np.fromstring(, dtype_list)

    # remove the dummy fields that were added
    cloud_arr = cloud_arr[
        [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]]

    if split_rgb:
        cloud_arr = split_rgb_field(cloud_arr)
    return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) 
Example #10
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def ros_to_pcl(ros_cloud):
    """ Converts a ROS PointCloud2 message to a pcl PointXYZRGB

            ros_cloud (PointCloud2): ROS PointCloud2 message

            pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB: PCL XYZRGB point cloud
    points_list = []

    for data in pc2.read_points(ros_cloud, skip_nans=True):
        points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]])

    pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    return pcl_data 
Example #11
Source File:    From RoboND-Perception-Exercises with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ros_to_pcl(ros_cloud):
    """ Converts a ROS PointCloud2 message to a pcl PointXYZRGB

            ros_cloud (PointCloud2): ROS PointCloud2 message

            pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB: PCL XYZRGB point cloud
    points_list = []

    for data in pc2.read_points(ros_cloud, skip_nans=True):
        points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]])

    pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    return pcl_data 
Example #12
Source File:    From RoboND-Perception-Exercises with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ros_to_pcl(ros_cloud):
    """ Converts a ROS PointCloud2 message to a pcl PointXYZRGB

            ros_cloud (PointCloud2): ROS PointCloud2 message

            pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB: PCL XYZRGB point cloud
    points_list = []

    for data in pc2.read_points(ros_cloud, skip_nans=True):
        points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]])

    pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    return pcl_data 
Example #13
Source File:    From Cherry-Autonomous-Racecar with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        print "dataRecorder"
        self.record = False
        self.twist = None
        self.twistLock = Lock()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.globaltime = None
        self.controller = XBox360()
        ##rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth/points" , PointCloud2, self.ptcloudCB)
        rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth/image_rect_raw_drop", Image, self.depthCB)
        rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_rect_color_drop", Image, self.streamCB)
        #rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_rect_mono_drop", Image, self.streamCB)  ##for black and white images see run.launch and look at the drop fps nodes near the bottom
        rospy.Subscriber("/lidargrid", Image, self.lidargridCB)
        rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", TwistStamped, self.cmd_velCB)
        rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy ,self.joyCB)
        self.sound = rospy.Publisher("/sound_server/speech_synth", String, queue_size=1)
Example #14
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, squeeze=True):
    ''' Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray

    Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1.

    The reason for using np.fromstring rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially
    for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster.
    # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud
    dtype_list = fields_to_dtype(cloud_msg.fields, cloud_msg.point_step)

    # parse the cloud into an array
    cloud_arr = np.fromstring(, dtype_list)

    # remove the dummy fields that were added
    cloud_arr = cloud_arr[
        [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]]

    if squeeze and cloud_msg.height == 1:
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.width,))
        return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def xyzrgb_array_to_pointcloud2(points, colors, stamp=None, frame_id=None, seq=None):
    Create a sensor_msgs.PointCloud2 from an array
    of points.
    msg = PointCloud2()
    assert(points.shape == colors.shape)

    buf = []

    if stamp:
        msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id:
        msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    if seq:
        msg.header.seq = seq
    if len(points.shape) == 3:
        msg.height = points.shape[1]
        msg.width = points.shape[0]
        N = len(points)
        xyzrgb = np.array(np.hstack([points, colors]), dtype=np.float32)
        msg.height = 1
        msg.width = N

    msg.fields = [
        PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('r', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('g', 16, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('b', 20, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)
    msg.is_bigendian = False
    msg.point_step = 24
    msg.row_step = msg.point_step * N
    msg.is_dense = True; = xyzrgb.tostring()

    return msg 
Example #16
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None):
    '''Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2.
    # make it 2d (even if height will be 1)
    cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr)

    cloud_msg = PointCloud2()

    if stamp is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id is not None:
        cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0]
    cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.fields = dtype_to_fields(cloud_arr.dtype)
    cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False # assumption
    cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize
    cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step*cloud_arr.shape[1]
    cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring()
    return cloud_msg 
Example #17
Source File:    From voxelnet_chainer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def publish_pc2(pc, obj, pre_obj=None, pc_1=None):
    """Publisher of PointCloud data"""
    pub = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw", PointCloud2, queue_size=10)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pc[:, :3])

    pub2 = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw1", PointCloud2, queue_size=10)
    header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
    header.stamp =
    header.frame_id = "velodyne"
    points2 = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, obj)

    if pre_obj is not None:
        pub3 = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw2", PointCloud2, queue_size=10)
        header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
        header.stamp =
        header.frame_id = "velodyne"
        points3 = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pre_obj)

    if pc_1 is not None:
        pub4 = rospy.Publisher("/points_raw3", PointCloud2, queue_size=10)
        header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
        header.stamp =
        header.frame_id = "velodyne"
        points4 = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, pc_1[:, :3])

    r = rospy.Rate(0.1)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if pre_obj is not None:
        if pc_1 is not None:
Example #18
Source File:    From ros_numpy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_roundtrip_numpy(self):

        points_arr = self.makeArray(100)
        cloud_msg = ros_numpy.msgify(numpy_msg(PointCloud2), points_arr)
        new_points_arr = ros_numpy.numpify(cloud_msg)

        np.testing.assert_equal(points_arr, new_points_arr) 
Example #19
Source File:    From perception with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def start(self):
        """ Start the sensor """
        # initialize subscribers
        self._pointcloud_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/%s/depth/points' %(self.frame), PointCloud2, self._pointcloud_callback)
        self._camera_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/%s/left/camera_info' %(self.frame), CameraInfo, self._camera_info_callback)

        while self._camera_intr is None:
        self._running = True 
Example #20
Source File:    From ros-bridge with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_lidar(self):
        Tests Lidar sensor node
        rospy.init_node('test_node', anonymous=True)
        msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
            "/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1/point_cloud", PointCloud2, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        self.assertEqual(msg.header.frame_id, "ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1") 
Example #21
Source File:    From SqueezeSeg_Ros with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, pub_topic, FLAGS, npy_path="", npy_file_list=""):

        os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = FLAGS.gpu
        self._mc = kitti_squeezeSeg_config()
        self._mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False

        self._mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
        self._model = SqueezeSeg(self._mc)
        self._saver = tf.train.Saver(self._model.model_params)

        self._session = tf.Session(
        self._saver.restore(self._session, FLAGS.checkpoint)

        # ed: Publisher
        self._pub = rospy.Publisher(pub_topic, PointCloud2, queue_size=1)

        self.get_npy_from_lidar_2d(npy_path, npy_file_list)

        self.idx = 0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            self.idx += 1
            if self.idx > self.len_files:
                self.idx = 0


    # Read all .npy data from lidar_2d folder 
Example #22
Source File:    From fssim with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def load_topic_names(self, path):
        bag = rosbag.Bag(path)

        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():
            if type(msg) is PointCloud2:

Example #23
Source File:    From pylot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def run(self):
        rospy.init_node(, anonymous=True, disable_signals=True)
        rospy.Subscriber(self._topic_name, PointCloud2, self.on_point_cloud)
Example #24
Source File:    From 3D_CNN_tensorflow with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def raw_to_voxel(pc, resolution=0.50, x=(0, 90), y=(-50, 50), z=(-4.5, 5.5)):
    """Convert PointCloud2 to Voxel"""
    logic_x = np.logical_and(pc[:, 0] >= x[0], pc[:, 0] < x[1])
    logic_y = np.logical_and(pc[:, 1] >= y[0], pc[:, 1] < y[1])
    logic_z = np.logical_and(pc[:, 2] >= z[0], pc[:, 2] < z[1])
    pc = pc[:, :3][np.logical_and(logic_x, np.logical_and(logic_y, logic_z))]
    pc =((pc - np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]])) / resolution).astype(np.int32)
    voxel = np.zeros((int((x[1] - x[0]) / resolution), int((y[1] - y[0]) / resolution), int(round((z[1]-z[0]) / resolution))))
    voxel[pc[:, 0], pc[:, 1], pc[:, 2]] = 1
    return voxel 
Example #25
Source File:    From Attentional-PointNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def xyzrgb_array_to_pointcloud2(points, colors, stamp=None, frame_id=None, seq=None):
    Create a sensor_msgs.PointCloud2 from an array
    of points.
    msg = PointCloud2()
    assert(points.shape == colors.shape)

    buf = []

    if stamp:
        msg.header.stamp = stamp
    if frame_id:
        msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    if seq:
        msg.header.seq = seq
    if len(points.shape) == 3:
        msg.height = points.shape[1]
        msg.width = points.shape[0]
        N = len(points)
        xyzrgb = np.array(np.hstack([points, colors]), dtype=np.float32)
        msg.height = 1
        msg.width = N

    msg.fields = [
        PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('r', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('g', 16, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('b', 20, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)
    msg.is_bigendian = False
    msg.point_step = 24
    msg.row_step = msg.point_step * N
    msg.is_dense = True; = xyzrgb.tostring()

    return msg 
Example #26
Source File:    From costar_plan with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _cameraCb(self, msg):
        Parse points and fields from a pointcloud2 message. For more info:

        msg: ros sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message
        gen = pc2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True)
        raise RuntimeError('deprecated')
Example #27
Source File:    From FL3D with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def raw_to_voxel(pc, resolution=0.50, x=(0, 90), y=(-50, 50), z=(-4.5, 5.5)):
    """Convert PointCloud2 to Voxel"""
    logic_x = np.logical_and(pc[:, 0] >= x[0], pc[:, 0] < x[1])
    logic_y = np.logical_and(pc[:, 1] >= y[0], pc[:, 1] < y[1])
    logic_z = np.logical_and(pc[:, 2] >= z[0], pc[:, 2] < z[1])
    pc = pc[:, :3][np.logical_and(logic_x, np.logical_and(logic_y, logic_z))]
    pc =((pc - np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]])) / resolution).astype(np.int32)
    voxel = np.zeros((int((x[1] - x[0]) / resolution), int((y[1] - y[0]) / resolution), int(round((z[1]-z[0]) / resolution))))
    voxel[pc[:, 0], pc[:, 1], pc[:, 2]] = 1
    return voxel 
Example #28
Source File:    From ros_numpy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_roundtrip(self):

        points_arr = self.makeArray(100)
        cloud_msg = ros_numpy.msgify(PointCloud2, points_arr)
        new_points_arr = ros_numpy.numpify(cloud_msg)

        np.testing.assert_equal(points_arr, new_points_arr) 
Example #29
Source File:    From baxter_demos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def subscribe(self):
        topic = "object_tracker/blob_info"
        self.centroid_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, BlobInfoArray, self.centroid_callback)
        self.pc_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2, self.pc_callback)
        self.info_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/camera_info", CameraInfo, self.info_callback) 
Example #30
Source File:    From RoboND-Perception-Exercises with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def capture_sample():
    """ Captures a PointCloud2 using the sensor stick RGBD camera

        Args: None

            PointCloud2: a single point cloud from the RGBD camrea
    get_model_state_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/get_model_state',GetModelState)
    model_state = get_model_state_prox('training_model','world')

    set_model_state_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

    roll = random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
    pitch = random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
    yaw = random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
    quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)
    model_state.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
    model_state.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
    model_state.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
    model_state.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3]
    sms_req = SetModelStateRequest()
    sms_req.model_state.pose = model_state.pose
    sms_req.model_state.twist = model_state.twist
    sms_req.model_state.model_name = 'training_model'
    sms_req.model_state.reference_frame = 'world'

    return rospy.wait_for_message('/sensor_stick/point_cloud', PointCloud2)