Python google.appengine.api.memcache() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of google.appengine.api.memcache(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module google.appengine.api , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From endpoints-python with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def VerifyIdToken(self, cls, *args):
    with mock.patch.object(users_id_token, 'time') as mock_time,\
          mock.patch.object(users_id_token, '_get_id_token_user') as mock_get:
      mock_time.time.return_value = 1001
      mock_get.return_value = users.User('')
      os.environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ('Bearer ' + self._SAMPLE_TOKEN)
      if args:
Example #2
Source File:    From budou with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_cache(filename=None):
  """Returns a cache service.

  If Google App Engine Standard Environment's memcache is available, this uses
  memcache as the backend. Otherwise, this uses :obj:`pickle` to cache
  the outputs in the local file system.

    filename (str, optional): The file path to the cache file. This is
        used only when :obj:`pickle` is used as the backend.

    A cache system (:obj:`budou.cachefactory.BudouCache`)
    return AppEngineMemcache()
  except ImportError:
    return PickleCache(filename) 
Example #3
Source File:    From budou with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def set(self, key, val):
    """Sets a value in a key.

      key (str): Key for the value.
      val (str): Value to set.
    self.memcache.set(key, val) 
Example #4
Source File:    From Flask with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    if redis is not None:
    if memcache is not None:
    return suite 
Example #5
Source File:    From Flask with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    if redis is not None:
    if memcache is not None:
    return suite 
Example #6
Source File:    From browserscope with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def remote_api_shell(servername, appid, path, secure, rpc_server_factory):
  """Actually run the remote_api_shell."""

  remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi(appid, path, auth_func,
                                     save_cookies=True, secure=secure,

  os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development (remote_api_shell)/1.0'

  if not appid:

    appid = os.environ['APPLICATION_ID']
  sys.ps1 = '%s> ' % appid
  if readline is not None:

    readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
    atexit.register(lambda: readline.write_history_file(HISTORY_PATH))
    if os.path.exists(HISTORY_PATH):

  if '' not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, '')

  preimported_locals = {
      'memcache': memcache,
      'urlfetch': urlfetch,
      'users': users,
      'db': db,
      'ndb': ndb,

  code.interact(banner=BANNER, local=preimported_locals) 
Example #7
Source File:    From budou with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get(self, key):
    """Gets a value by a key.

      key (str): Key to retrieve the value.

      Retrieved value (str or None).
    return self.memcache.get(key, None) 
Example #8
Source File:    From budou with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    self.memcache = memcache 
Example #9
Source File:    From cloud-pubsub-samples-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_client_from_credentials(credentials):
    """Creates Pub/Sub client from a given credentials and returns it."""
    if credentials.create_scoped_required():
        credentials = credentials.create_scoped(PUBSUB_SCOPES)

    http = httplib2.Http(memcache)

    return'pubsub', 'v1', http=http) 
Example #10
Source File:    From gsc-logger with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_Auth():
    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(cfg.CREDENTIAL_SERVICE, cfg.DEFAULT_SCOPES)
    http = httplib2.Http(memcache, timeout=60)
    #http = httplib2.Http()
    return credentials.authorize(http) 
Example #11
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #12
Source File:    From endpoints-python with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _get_id_token_user(token, issuers, audiences, allowed_client_ids, time_now, cache):
  """Get a User for the given id token, if the token is valid.

    token: The id_token to check.
    issuers: dict of Issuers
    audiences: List of audiences that are acceptable.
    allowed_client_ids: List of client IDs that are acceptable.
    time_now: The current time as a long (eg. long(time.time())).
    cache: Cache to use (eg. the memcache module).

    A User if the token is valid, None otherwise.
  # Verify that the token is valid before we try to extract anything from it.
  # This verifies the signature and some of the basic info in the token.
  for issuer_key, issuer in issuers.items():
    issuer_cert_uri = convert_jwks_uri(issuer.jwks_uri)
      parsed_token = _verify_signed_jwt_with_certs(
          token, time_now, cache, cert_uri=issuer_cert_uri)
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
          'id_token verification failed for issuer %s', issuer_key, exc_info=True)

    issuer_values = _listlike_guard(issuer.issuer, 'issuer', log_warning=False)
    if isinstance(audiences, _Mapping):
      audiences = audiences[issuer_key]
    if _verify_parsed_token(
        parsed_token, issuer_values, audiences, allowed_client_ids,
        # There's some special handling we do for Google issuers.
        # ESP doesn't do this, and it's both unnecessary and invalid for other issuers.
        # So we'll turn it off except in the Google issuer case.
        is_legacy_google_auth=(issuer.issuer == _ISSUERS)):
      email = parsed_token['email']
      # The token might have an id, but it's a Gaia ID that's been
      # obfuscated with the Focus key, rather than the AppEngine (igoogle)
      # key.  If the developer ever put this email into the user DB
      # and retrieved the ID from that, it'd be different from the ID we'd
      # return here, so it's safer to not return the ID.
      # Instead, we'll only return the email.
      return users.User(email)

# pylint: disable=unused-argument 
Example #13
Source File:    From endpoints-python with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_verified_jwt(
    providers, audiences,
    check_authorization_header=True, check_query_arg=True,
    request=None, cache=memcache):
  This function will extract, verify, and parse a JWT token from the
  Authorization header or access_token query argument.

  The JWT is assumed to contain an issuer and audience claim, as well
  as issued-at and expiration timestamps. The signature will be
  cryptographically verified, the claims and timestamps will be
  checked, and the resulting parsed JWT body is returned.

  If at any point the JWT is missing or found to be invalid, the
  return result will be None.

  providers - An iterable of dicts each containing 'issuer' and 'cert_uri' keys
  audiences - An iterable of valid audiences

  check_authorization_header - Boolean; check 'Authorization: Bearer' header
  check_query_arg - Boolean; check 'access_token' query arg

  request - Must be the request object if check_query_arg is true; otherwise ignored.
  cache - In testing, override the certificate cache
  if not (check_authorization_header or check_query_arg):
      raise ValueError(
          'Either check_authorization_header or check_query_arg must be True.')
  if check_query_arg and request is None:
      raise ValueError(
          'Cannot check query arg without request object.')
  schemes = ('Bearer',) if check_authorization_header else ()
  keys = ('access_token',) if check_query_arg else ()
  token = _get_token(
      request=request, allowed_auth_schemes=schemes, allowed_query_keys=keys)
  if token is None:
    return None
  time_now = long(time.time())
  for provider in providers:
    parsed_token = _parse_and_verify_jwt(
        token, time_now, (provider['issuer'],), audiences, provider['cert_uri'], cache)
    if parsed_token is not None:
      return parsed_token
  return None 
Example #14
Source File:    From data with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From data with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #16
Source File:    From data with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #17
Source File:    From data with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #18
Source File:    From data with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #19
Source File:    From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #20
Source File:    From python-compat-runtime with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def remote_api_shell(servername, appid, path, secure,
                     rpc_server_factory, oauth2=False):
  """Actually run the remote_api_shell."""

  if oauth2:
    remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApiForOAuth(servername, path,
                                               secure=secure, app_id=appid)
    remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi(appid, path, auth_func,
                                       save_cookies=True, secure=secure,

  os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development (remote_api_shell)/1.0'

  if not appid:

    appid = os.environ['APPLICATION_ID']
  sys.ps1 = '%s> ' % appid
  if readline is not None:

    readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
    atexit.register(lambda: readline.write_history_file(HISTORY_PATH))
    if os.path.exists(HISTORY_PATH):

  if '' not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, '')

  preimported_locals = {
      'memcache': memcache,
      'urlfetch': urlfetch,
      'users': users,
      'db': db,
      'ndb': ndb,

  code.interact(banner=BANNER, local=preimported_locals) 
Example #21
Source File:    From twitter-for-bigquery with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #22
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #24
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #25
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From alfred-gmail with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
    """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

    Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
    but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
    these methods:

    * ``get(key, namespace=ns)``
    * ``set(key, value, namespace=ns)``


        # without caching
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
        # using App Engine memcache service
        from google.appengine.api import memcache
        client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

        filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
        cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
        methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
                 a filesystem.

        InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
                                   I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

        (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
        JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
    _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

    if not cache:
        return _loadfile(filename)

    obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
    if obj is None:
        client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
        obj = {client_type: client_info}
        cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

    return next(six.iteritems(obj)) 
Example #27
Source File:    From endpoints-python with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def testMaybeSetVarsFail(self, mock_time, mock_get_id_token_user):
    mock_time.return_value = 1001
    mock_get_id_token_user.return_value = users.User('')

    # This token should correctly result in _get_id_token_user being called
    os.environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ('Bearer ' + self._SAMPLE_TOKEN)
    api_instance = self.TestApiAnnotatedAtApi()

    # No im_self is present and no api_info can be used, so the method itself
    # has no access to scopes, hence scopes will be null and neither of the
    # token checks will occur
    self.assertNotIn('ENDPOINTS_USE_OAUTH_SCOPE', os.environ)
    self.assertEqual(os.getenv('ENDPOINTS_AUTH_EMAIL'), '')
    self.assertEqual(os.getenv('ENDPOINTS_AUTH_DOMAIN'), '')

    # Test the same works when using the method and not im_func
    self.assertEqual(os.getenv('ENDPOINTS_AUTH_EMAIL'), '')

    # Test that it works using the api info from the API
    self.assertEqual(os.getenv('ENDPOINTS_AUTH_EMAIL'), '')

Example #28
Source File:    From earthengine with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #29
Source File:    From splunk-ref-pas-code with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next() 
Example #30
Source File:    From sndlatr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.

  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
  these methods:
    - get(key, namespace=ns)
    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)

    # without caching
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
    # using App Engine memcache service
    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)

    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
      a filesystem.

    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.

    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'

  if not cache:
    return _loadfile(filename)

  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
  if obj is None:
    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
    obj = {client_type: client_info}
    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)

  return obj.iteritems().next()