Python django.test.tag() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of django.test.tag().
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Example #1
Source File: From resolwe with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_process_tag(slug): """Generate test tag for a given process.""" return "{}.{}".format(TAG_PROCESS, slug)
Example #2
Source File: From resolwe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tag_process(*slugs): """Decorate unit test to tag it for a specific process.""" slugs = [generate_process_tag(slug) for slug in slugs] slugs.append(TAG_PROCESS) # Also tag with a general process tag. return tag(*slugs)
Example #3
Source File: From pasportaservo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_incorrect_syntax(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template("{% load variable %}{% asvar %}") self.assertIn("Variable name is required", str(cm.exception)) for content in ("view.public_key", "42 + 24", "global ^X", "~~~ trimmed", "trimmed global"): with self.subTest(tag_content=content): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template(string.Template("{% load variable %}{% asvar $CONTENT %}").substitute(CONTENT=content)) self.assertIn("Syntax is {% asvar", str(cm.exception)) with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template("{% load variable %}{% asvar test %}") self.assertIn("Unclosed tag on line 1: 'asvar'", str(cm.exception))
Example #4
Source File: From pasportaservo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_incorrect_syntax(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template("{% load variable %}{% delvar %}") self.assertIn("At least one variable name is required", str(cm.exception)) for content in ("view.public_key", "42 + 24", "global ^X", "~~~ trimmed", "trimmed:global"): with self.subTest(tag_content=content): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template(string.Template("{% load variable %}{% delvar $CONTENT %}").substitute(CONTENT=content)) self.assertIn("Syntax is {% delvar", str(cm.exception)) with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as cm: Template("{% load variable %}{% delvar test %}{% enddelvar %}") self.assertIn("Invalid block tag on line 1: 'enddelvar'", str(cm.exception))
Example #5
Source File: From pasportaservo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_list_result(self): # A list of parameters is expected to result in a list containing those parameters. # When parameters are safe, they are expected to not be encoded on output. page = Template(""" {% load list from utils %} {% list 'a<a' +2 'b>b' -2 'c&c' as L %} {% for x in L %}[{{ x }}],{% endfor %} """).render(Context()) self.assertEqual(page.strip(), "[a<a],[2],[b>b],[-2],[c&c],") # A list of parameters is expected to result in a list containing those parameters. # When parameters are not safe, they are expected to be encoded on output depending # on the 'autoescape' tag. template_string = string.Template(""" {% load list from utils %} {% autoescape $SWITCH %} {% list AA +2 BB -2 CC as L %} {% for x in L %}[{{ x }}],{% endfor %} {% endautoescape %} """) expected_value = { 'on': "[A<a],[2],[b>B],[-2],[C&c],", 'off': "[A<a],[2],[b>B],[-2],[C&c],", } for switch in ('on', 'off'): with self.subTest(autoescape=switch): template = Template(template_string.substitute(SWITCH=switch)) page = template.render(Context({'CC': "C&c", 'BB': "b>B", 'AA': "A<a"})) self.assertEqual(page.strip(), expected_value[switch])
Example #6
Source File: From pasportaservo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dict_result(self): # A list of parameters is expected to result in a dict containing those keys and values. # When values are safe, they are expected to not be encoded on output. page = Template(""" {% load dict from utils %} {% dict a='+2' b='-2' c='33' as D %} {% for x in D %}[{{ x }}],{% endfor %}; {% for x, y in D.items %}[{{ x }}={{ y }}],{% endfor %}. """).render(Context()) self.assertEqual(page.strip(), "[a],[b],[c],;\n{}[a=+2],[b=-2],[c=33],.".format(' '*12)) # A list of parameters is expected to result in a dict containing those keys and values. # When values are not safe, they are expected to be encoded on output depending on the # 'autoescape' tag. template_string = string.Template(""" {% load dict from utils %} {% autoescape $SWITCH %} {% dict a=AA b=BB c=CC as D %} {% for x in D %}[{{ x }}],{% endfor %}; {% for x, y in D.items %}[{{ forloop.counter }}:{{ x }}={{ y }}],{% endfor %}. {% endautoescape %} """) expected_value = { 'on': "[a],[b],[c],;\n{}[1:a=A<a],[2:b=b>B],[3:c=C&c],.".format(' '*16), 'off': "[a],[b],[c],;\n{}[1:a=A<a],[2:b=b>B],[3:c=C&c],.".format(' '*16), } for switch in ('on', 'off'): with self.subTest(autoescape=switch): template = Template(template_string.substitute(SWITCH=switch)) page = template.render(Context({'CC': "C&c", 'BB': "b>B", 'AA': "A<a"})) self.assertEqual(page.strip(), expected_value[switch])
Example #7
Source File: From iguana with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
def ready(self): # tag all functional tests with 'functional' # collect all modules of this package modules = getModules(sys.modules[]) # iterate over the moules for module in modules: # get the classes of the module clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) for clsName, cls in clsmembers: # check if it's a selenium test case if cls.__module__ == module.__name__ and \ issubclass(cls, SeleniumTestCase): # tag it setattr(module, clsName, tag("functional")(cls))