Python pymongo.collection() Examples

The following are 22 code examples of pymongo.collection(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pymongo , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def xtract(clazz_or_instance):
    Extract class name from class, removing the Service/Controller/Resource ending and adding a plural -s or -ies.
    :param clazz_or_instance: the class object
    :return: the name of the desired collection
    clazz_name = clazz_or_instance.__name__ if inspect.isclass(
        clazz_or_instance) else clazz_or_instance.__class__.__name__
    name = re.split('Service|Controller|Resource', clazz_name)[0]
    if name[-2:] in ['sh', 'ch'] or name[-1:] in ['s', 'x', 'z']:
        name = f'{name}es'
    elif name[-1:] == 'y' and (name[-2:-1] in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"] or name[-3:-2] == 'qu'):
        name = f'{name[-1:]}ies'
        name = f'{name}s'
    return name 
Example #2
Source File:    From optimade-python-tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(
        collection: Union[
            pymongo.collection.Collection, mongomock.collection.Collection
        resource_cls: EntryResource,
        resource_mapper: BaseResourceMapper,
        super().__init__(collection, resource_cls, resource_mapper)
        self.transformer = MongoTransformer(mapper=resource_mapper)

        self.provider_prefix = CONFIG.provider.prefix
        self.provider_fields = CONFIG.provider_fields.get(resource_mapper.ENDPOINT, [])
        self.parser = LarkParser(
            version=(0, 10, 1), variant="default"
        )  # The MongoTransformer only supports v0.10.1 as the latest grammar

        # check aliases do not clash with mongo operators
Example #3
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 6 votes vote down vote up
def dump_database(self, db):
        """Dumps a database dict via mongoexport."""
        dbpath = dbpathname(db, self.rc)
        os.makedirs(dbpath, exist_ok=True)
        to_add = []
        colls = self.client[db["name"]].collection_names(
        for collection in colls:
            f = os.path.join(dbpath, collection + ".json")
            cmd = [
            to_add.append(os.path.join(db["path"], collection + ".json"))
        return to_add 
Example #4
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_database(self, db: dict):
        """Load the database information from mongo database.

        It populate the 'dbs' attribute with a dictionary like {database: {collection: docs_dict}}.

        db : dict
            The dictionary of data base information, such as 'name'.
        dbs: dict = self.dbs
        client: pymongo.MongoClient = self.client
        mongodb = client[db['name']]
        for colname in mongodb.list_collection_names():
            col = mongodb[colname]
            dbs[db['name']][colname] = load_mongo_col(col)
Example #5
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_mongo_col(col: Collection) -> dict:
    """Load the pymongo collection to a dictionary.

    In the dictionary. The key will be the '_id' and in each value which is a dictionary there will also be a
    key '_id' so that the structure will be the same as the filesystem collection.

    col : Collection
        The mongodb collection.

    dct : dict
        A dictionary with all the info in the collection.
    return {
        doc['_id']: doc for doc in col.find({})
Example #6
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_index(collection, field_name, sort_order, unique=False):
        # type: (pymongo.collection.Collection, str, SortOrder, bool) -> ()
            collection(pymongo.collection.Collection): the collection to which the index is applied to
            field_name(str): the name of the document field which is being indexed
            sort_order(SortOrder): the sort order
            unique(bool): if true (false by default) it will create a unique index
        if field_name not in collection.index_information():
            if isinstance(sort_order, SortOrder):
                direction = pymongo.ASCENDING if sort_order == SortOrder.ASC else pymongo.DESCENDING
                direction = sort_order
                [(field_name, direction)],
                unique=unique, background=True, name='{}_idx'.format(field_name)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def insert_one(self, dbname, collname, doc):
        """Inserts one document to a database/collection."""
        coll = self.client[dbname][collname]
        if ON_PYMONGO_V2:
            i = coll.insert(doc)
            return InsertOneProxy(i, True)
            return coll.insert_one(doc) 
Example #8
Source File:    From optimade-python-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def find(
        self, params: Union[EntryListingQueryParams, SingleEntryQueryParams]
    ) -> Tuple[List[EntryResource], int, bool, set]:
        criteria = self._parse_params(params)

        all_fields = criteria.pop("fields")
        if getattr(params, "response_fields", False):
            fields = set(params.response_fields.split(","))
            fields |= self.resource_mapper.get_required_fields()
            fields = all_fields.copy()

        results = []
        for doc in self.collection.find(**criteria):

        nresults_now = len(results)
        if isinstance(params, EntryListingQueryParams):
            criteria_nolimit = criteria.copy()
            criteria_nolimit.pop("limit", None)
            data_returned = self.count(**criteria_nolimit)
            more_data_available = nresults_now < data_returned
            # SingleEntryQueryParams, e.g., /structures/{entry_id}
            data_returned = nresults_now
            more_data_available = False
            if nresults_now > 1:
                raise HTTPException(
                    detail=f"Instead of a single entry, {nresults_now} entries were found",
            results = results[0] if results else None

        return results, data_returned, more_data_available, all_fields - fields 
Example #9
Source File:    From optimade-python-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def count(self, **kwargs):
        for k in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if k not in ("filter", "skip", "limit", "hint", "maxTimeMS"):
                del kwargs[k]
        if "filter" not in kwargs:  # "filter" is needed for count_documents()
            kwargs["filter"] = {}
        return self.collection.count_documents(**kwargs) 
Example #10
Source File:    From optimade-python-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __contains__(self, entry):
        return self.collection.count_documents(entry.dict()) > 0 
Example #11
Source File:    From optimade-python-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __len__(self):
        return self.collection.estimated_document_count() 
Example #12
Source File:    From iopipe-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_trace_plugin__auto_db__pymongo(
    mock_send_report, handler_with_trace_auto_db_pymongo, mock_context, monkeypatch
        pymongo.collection, "Collection", mongomock.collection.Collection
    monkeypatch.setattr(pymongo, "MongoClient", mongomock.MongoClient)
    setattr(mongomock.database.Database, "address", ("localhost", 27017))

    iopipe, handler = handler_with_trace_auto_db_pymongo

    assert len(iopipe.config["plugins"]) == 1

    handler({}, mock_context)

    assert len( == 0

    db_traces =

    assert len(db_traces) == 3

    for db_trace in db_traces:
        assert db_trace["dbType"] == "mongodb"
        assert db_trace["request"]["hostname"] == "localhost"
        assert db_trace["request"]["port"] == 27017
        assert db_trace["request"]["db"] == "test"
        assert db_trace["request"]["table"] == "my_collection"

    assert db_traces[0]["request"]["command"] == "insert_one"
    assert db_traces[2]["request"]["command"] == "update" 
Example #13
Source File:    From WavesGatewayFramework with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
                 collection: Collection,
                 serializer: TransactionAttemptListSerializer,
                 max_tries: int,
                 limit: int = 10) -> None:
        self._serializer = serializer
        self._collection = collection
        self._limit = limit
        self._max_tries = max_tries

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic 
Example #14
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def delete_one(self, dbname, collname, doc):
        """Removes a single document from a collection"""
        coll = self.client[dbname][collname]
        if ON_PYMONGO_V2:
            return coll.remove(doc, multi=False)
            return coll.delete_one(doc) 
Example #15
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def insert_many(self, dbname, collname, docs):
        """Inserts many documents into a database/collection."""
        coll = self.client[dbname][collname]
        if ON_PYMONGO_V2:
            return coll.insert(docs)
            return coll.insert_many(docs) 
Example #16
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_unique_index(collection, field_name, sort_order):
        MongoRepository.create_index(collection, field_name, sort_order, unique=True) 
Example #17
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def all_documents(self, collname, copy=True):
        """Returns an iterable over all documents in a collection."""
        if copy:
            return deepcopy(self.chained_db.get(collname, {})).values()
        return self.chained_db.get(collname, {}).values() 
Example #18
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, connection_object: pymongo.collection.Collection, user_class, *expressions):
        self.connection: pymongo.collection.Collection = connection_object
        self.user_class = user_class 
Example #19
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_text_index(collection, field_name, *args):
        # type: (pymongo.collection.Collection, str, SortOrder, bool) -> ()
        MongoRepository.create_index(collection, field_name, pymongo.TEXT) 
Example #20
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_yamls(dbpath: str, dbname: str, host: str = None, uri: str = None) -> None:
    """Import the yaml files to mongo db.

    Each yaml file will be a collection in the database. The _id will be the id_key for each doc in the yaml file.

    dbpath : str
        The path to the db folder.

    dbname : str
        The name of the database in mongo.

    host : str
        The hostname or IP address or Unix domain socket path of a single mongod or mongos instance to connect
        to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of hostnames / mongodb URIs.

    uri : str
        Specify a resolvable URI connection string (enclose in quotes) to connect to the MongoDB deployment.
    yaml_files = itertools.chain(Path(dbpath).glob('*.yaml'), Path(dbpath).glob('*.yml'))
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tempd:
        for yaml_file in yaml_files:
            json_file = Path(tempd).joinpath(yaml_file.with_suffix('.json').name)
            loader = YAML(typ='safe')
            loader.constructor.yaml_constructors[u',2002:timestamp'] = \
            fsclient.yaml_to_json(str(yaml_file), str(json_file), loader=loader)
        import_jsons(tempd, dbname, host=host, uri=uri)
Example #21
Source File:    From regolith with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 5 votes vote down vote up
def import_jsons(dbpath: str, dbname: str, host: str = None, uri: str = None) -> None:
    """Import the json files to mongo db.

    Each json file will be a collection in the database. The _id will be the same as it is in the json file.

    dbpath : str
        The path to the db folder.

    dbname : str
        The name of the database in mongo.

    host : str
        The hostname or IP address or Unix domain socket path of a single mongod or mongos instance to connect
        to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of hostnames / mongodb URIs.

    uri : str
        Specify a resolvable URI connection string (enclose in quotes) to connect to the MongoDB deployment.
    for json_path in Path(dbpath).glob("*.json"):
        cmd = ["mongoimport"]
        if host is not None:
            cmd += ['--host', host, "--db", dbname]
        if uri is not None:
            cmd += ['--uri', uri]
        cmd += ["--collection", json_path.stem, "--file", str(json_path)]
Example #22
Source File:    From appkernel with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def delete_all(cls):
        deletes all documents from the collection
        :return: the count of deleted documents
        return cls.get_collection().delete_many({}).deleted_count