Python jsonpatch.apply_patch() Examples

The following are 9 code examples of jsonpatch.apply_patch(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module jsonpatch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From magnum with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply_jsonpatch(doc, patch):
    for p in patch:
        if p['op'] == 'add' and p['path'].count('/') == 1:
            attr = p['path'].lstrip('/')
            if attr not in doc:
                msg = _("Adding a new attribute %s to the root of "
                        "the resource is not allowed.") % p['path']
                raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
            if doc[attr] is not None:
                msg = _("The attribute %s has existed, please use "
                        "'replace' operation instead.") % p['path']
                raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)

        if (p['op'] == 'replace' and (p['path'] == '/labels' or
                                      p['path'] == '/health_status_reason')):
                val = p['value']
                dict_val = val if type(val) == dict else ast.literal_eval(val)
                p['value'] = dict_val
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError, AssertionError) as e:
                raise exception.PatchError(patch=patch, reason=e)
    return jsonpatch.apply_patch(doc, patch) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Paradrop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def getHostConfig(update):
    Load host configuration.

    Read device information from networkDevices.
    Store host configuration in hostConfig.
    # TODO We need to check for changes in hardware.  If a new device was
    # added, we should try to automatically configure it.  If a device was
    # removed, we should be aware of what is no longer valid.
    devices = update.cache_get('networkDevices')
    config = prepareHostConfig(devices)

    # update.old is not guaranteed to contain the old host configuration, so
    # save a backup copy in  This will be used by revertHostConfig
    # if we need to back out.
    update.cache_set('oldHostConfig', config)

    # If this is a sethostconfig operation, then read the host config from the
    # update object.  Ordinary chute operations should not alter the host
    # configuration.
    if update.updateType == 'sethostconfig':
        config = update.hostconfig

    elif update.updateType == 'patchhostconfig':
        config = jsonpatch.apply_patch(config, update.patch)

    # For factoryreset, try to load the default configuration or automatically
    # generate a new one if the file is not found.
    elif update.updateType == 'factoryreset':
        config = prepareHostConfig(devices,

    update.cache_set('hostConfig', config) 
Example #3
Source File:    From openprocurement.api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply_data_patch(item, changes):
    patch_changes = []
    prepare_patch(patch_changes, item, changes)
    if not patch_changes:
        return {}
    return _apply_patch(item, patch_changes) 
Example #4
Source File:    From watcher with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply_jsonpatch(doc, patch):
    for p in patch:
        if p['op'] == 'add' and p['path'].count('/') == 1:
            if p['path'].lstrip('/') not in doc:
                msg = _('Adding a new attribute (%s) to the root of '
                        ' the resource is not allowed')
                raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg % p['path'])
    return jsonpatch.apply_patch(doc, jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)) 
Example #5
Source File:    From cyborg with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply_jsonpatch(doc, patch):
    for p in patch:
        if p['op'] == 'add' and p['path'].count('/') == 1:
            if p['path'].lstrip('/') not in doc:
                msg = _('Adding a new attribute (%s) to the root of '
                        ' the resource is not allowed')
                raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg % p['path'])
    return jsonpatch.apply_patch(doc, jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From python-ilorest-library-old with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get(self, selector=None):
        """Main function for get command

        :param selector: the type selection for the get operation.
        :type selector: str.
        :returns: returns a list from get operation

        results = list()

        instances = self.get_selection()
        if not instances or len(instances) == 0:
            raise NothingSelectedError()

        for instance in instances:
            currdict = instance.resp.dict

            # apply patches to represent current edits
            for patch in instance.patches:
                currdict = jsonpatch.apply_patch(currdict, patch)

            if selector:
                jsonpath_expr = jsonpath_rw.parse(u'%s' % selector)
                matches = jsonpath_expr.find(currdict)
                temp_dict = OrderedDict()

                for match in matches:
                    json_pstr = u'/%s' % match.full_path
                    json_node = jsonpointer.resolve_pointer(currdict, json_pstr)
                    temp_dict[str(match.full_path)] = json_node

        return results 
Example #7
Source File:    From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def patch(self):
        # NOTE(sileht): should we check for "application/json-patch+json"
        # Content-Type ?

            rt = pecan.request.indexer.get_resource_type(self._name)
        except indexer.NoSuchResourceType as e:
            abort(404, six.text_type(e))
        enforce("update resource type", rt)

        # Ensure this is a valid jsonpatch dict
        patch = deserialize_and_validate(

        # Add new attributes to the resource type
        rt_json_current = rt.jsonify()
            rt_json_next = jsonpatch.apply_patch(rt_json_current, patch)
        except jsonpatch.JsonPatchException as e:
            abort(400, six.text_type(e))
        del rt_json_next['state']

        # Validate that the whole new resource_type is valid
        schema = pecan.request.indexer.get_resource_type_schema()
            rt_json_next = voluptuous.Schema(schema.for_update, required=True)(
        except voluptuous.Error as e:
            abort(400, "Invalid input: %s" % e)

        # Get only newly formatted and deleted attributes
        add_attrs = {k: v for k, v in rt_json_next["attributes"].items()
                     if k not in rt_json_current["attributes"]}
        del_attrs = [k for k in rt_json_current["attributes"]
                     if k not in rt_json_next["attributes"]]

        if not add_attrs and not del_attrs:
            # NOTE(sileht): just returns the resource, the asked changes
            # just do nothing
            return rt

            add_attrs = schema.attributes_from_dict(add_attrs)
        except resource_type.InvalidResourceAttribute as e:
            abort(400, "Invalid input: %s" % e)

            return pecan.request.indexer.update_resource_type(
                self._name, add_attributes=add_attrs,
        except indexer.NoSuchResourceType as e:
                abort(400, six.text_type(e)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From yournextrepresentative with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_version_diff(from_data, to_data):
    """Calculate the diff (a mangled JSON patch) between from_data and to_data"""

    basic_patch = jsonpatch.make_patch(from_data, to_data)
    result = []
    for operation in sorted(basic_patch, key=lambda o: (o['op'], o['path'])):
        op = operation['op']
        ignore = False
        # We deal with standing_in and party_memberships slightly
        # differently so they can be presented in human-readable form,
        # so match those cases first:
        m =
        if op in ('replace', 'remove'):
            operation['previous_value'] = \

        attribute, election, leaf = m.groups() if m else (None, None, None)
        if attribute:
            explain_standing_in_and_party_memberships(operation, attribute, election, leaf)
        if op in ('replace', 'remove'):
            if op == 'replace' and not operation['previous_value']:
                if operation['value']:
                    operation['op'] = 'add'
                    # Ignore replacing no data with no data:
                    ignore = True
        elif op == 'add':
            # It's important that we don't skip the case where a
            # standing_in value is being set to None, because that's
            # saying 'we *know* they're not standing then'
            if (not operation['value']) and (attribute != 'standing_in'):
                ignore = True
        operation['path'] = re.sub(r'^/', '', operation['path'])
        if not ignore:
        # The operations generated by jsonpatch are incremental, so we
        # need to apply each before going on to parse the next:
        operation['path'] = '/' + operation['path']
        from_data = jsonpatch.apply_patch(from_data, [operation])
    for operation in result:
        operation['path'] = operation['path'].lstrip('/')
    return result 
Example #9
Source File:    From python-ilorest-library-old with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_save(self, selector=None, currentoverride=False, pluspath=False, \
        """Special main function for get in save command

        :param selector: the type selection for the get operation.
        :type selector: str.
        :param currentoverride: flag to override current selection.
        :type currentoverride: boolean.
        :param pluspath: flag to add path to the results.
        :type pluspath: boolean.
        :param onlypath: flag to enable only that path selection.
        :type onlypath: boolean.
        :returns: returns a list from the get command

        results = list()

        instances = self.get_selection()
        if not instances or len(instances) == 0:
            raise NothingSelectedError()

        for instance in instances:
            if self.get_save_helper(instance.resp.request.path, instances)\
                                                     and not currentoverride:
            elif onlypath:
                if not onlypath == instance.resp.request.path:

            currdict = instance.resp.dict

            # apply patches to represent current edits
            for patch in instance.patches:
                currdict = jsonpatch.apply_patch(currdict, patch)

            if selector:
                for item in currdict.iterkeys():
                    if selector.lower() == item.lower():
                        selector = item

                    jsonpath_expr = jsonpath_rw.parse(u'"%s"' % selector)
                except Exception, excp:
                    raise InvalidCommandLineError(excp)

                matches = jsonpath_expr.find(currdict)
                temp_dict = OrderedDict()

                for match in matches:
                    json_pstr = u'/%s' % match.full_path
                    json_node = jsonpointer.resolve_pointer(currdict, json_pstr)
                    temp_dict[str(match.full_path)] = json_node

                if pluspath:
                    results.append({instance.resp.request.path: currdict})