Python redis.sentinel() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of redis.sentinel().
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Example #1
Source File: From pysoa with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_service_names(self): # type: () -> List[six.text_type] """ Get a list of service names from Sentinel. Tries Sentinel hosts until one succeeds; if none succeed, raises a ConnectionError. :return: the list of service names from Sentinel. """ master_info = None connection_errors = [] for sentinel in self._sentinel.sentinels: # Unfortunately, redis.sentinel.Sentinel does not support sentinel_masters, so we have to step # through all of its connections manually try: master_info = sentinel.sentinel_masters() break except (redis.ConnectionError, redis.TimeoutError) as e: connection_errors.append('Failed to connect to {} due to error: "{}".'.format(sentinel, e)) continue if master_info is None: raise redis.ConnectionError( 'Could not get master info from Sentinel\n{}:'.format('\n'.join(connection_errors)) ) return list(master_info.keys())
Example #2
Source File: From pysoa with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_connection(self, index): # type: (int) -> redis.StrictRedis if not 0 <= index < self._ring_size: raise ValueError( 'There are only {count} hosts, but you asked for connection {index}.'.format( count=self._ring_size, index=index, ) ) for i in range(self._sentinel_failover_retries + 1): try: return self._get_master_client_for(self._services[index]) except redis.sentinel.MasterNotFoundError: self.reset_clients() # make sure we reach out to get master info again on next call _logger.warning('Redis master not found, so resetting clients (failover?)') if i != self._sentinel_failover_retries: self._get_counter('backend.sentinel.master_not_found_retry').increment() time.sleep((2 ** i + random.random()) / 4.0) raise CannotGetConnectionError('Master not found; gave up reloading master info after failover.')
Example #3
Source File: From python-sensor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): """ Clear all spans before a test run """ self.recorder = tracer.recorder self.recorder.clear_spans() # self.sentinel = Sentinel([(testenv['redis_host'], 26379)], socket_timeout=0.1) # self.sentinel_master = self.sentinel.discover_master('mymaster') # self.client = redis.Redis(host=self.sentinel_master[0]) self.client = redis.Redis(host=testenv['redis_host'])
Example #4
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): pymemcache.client.Client(('localhost', 22122)).flush_all() redis.from_url('unix:///tmp/limits.redis.sock').flushall() redis.from_url("redis://localhost:7379").flushall() redis.from_url("redis://:sekret@localhost:7389").flushall() redis.sentinel.Sentinel([ ("localhost", 26379) ]).master_for("localhost-redis-sentinel").flushall() rediscluster.RedisCluster("localhost", 7000).flushall() if RUN_GAE: from google.appengine.ext import testbed tb = testbed.Testbed() tb.activate() tb.init_memcache_stub()
Example #5
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_storage_check(self): self.assertTrue( storage_from_string("memory://").check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string("redis://localhost:7379").check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string("redis://:sekret@localhost:7389").check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string( "redis+unix:///tmp/limits.redis.sock" ).check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string("memcached://localhost:22122").check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string( "memcached://localhost:22122,localhost:22123" ).check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string( "memcached:///tmp/limits.memcached.sock" ).check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string( "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379", service_name="localhost-redis-sentinel" ).check() ) self.assertTrue( storage_from_string("redis+cluster://localhost:7000").check() ) if RUN_GAE: self.assertTrue(storage_from_string("gaememcached://").check())
Example #6
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.storage_url = 'redis+sentinel://localhost:26379' self.service_name = 'localhost-redis-sentinel' = RedisSentinelStorage( self.storage_url, service_name=self.service_name ) redis.sentinel.Sentinel([ ("localhost", 26379) ]).master_for(self.service_name).flushall()
Example #7
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): pymemcache.client.Client(('localhost', 22122)).flush_all() redis.from_url("redis://localhost:7379").flushall() redis.from_url("redis://:sekret@localhost:7389").flushall() redis.sentinel.Sentinel([ ("localhost", 26379) ]).master_for("localhost-redis-sentinel").flushall() rediscluster.RedisCluster("localhost", 7000).flushall()
Example #8
Source File: From limits with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_fixed_window_with_elastic_expiry_redis_sentinel(self): storage = RedisSentinelStorage( "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379", service_name="localhost-redis-sentinel" ) limiter = FixedWindowElasticExpiryRateLimiter(storage) limit = RateLimitItemPerSecond(10, 2) self.assertTrue(all([limiter.hit(limit) for _ in range(0, 10)])) time.sleep(1) self.assertFalse(limiter.hit(limit)) time.sleep(1) self.assertFalse(limiter.hit(limit)) self.assertEqual(limiter.get_window_stats(limit)[1], 0)
Example #9
Source File: From pylimit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_connection(self, is_read_only=False) -> redis.StrictRedis: """ Gets a StrictRedis connection for normal redis or for redis sentinel based upon redis mode in configuration. :type is_read_only: bool :param is_read_only: In case of redis sentinel, it returns connection to slave :return: Returns a StrictRedis connection """ if self.connection is not None: return self.connection if self.is_sentinel: kwargs = dict() if self.password: kwargs["password"] = self.password sentinel = Sentinel([(, self.port)], **kwargs) if is_read_only: connection = sentinel.slave_for(self.sentinel_service, decode_responses=True) else: connection = sentinel.master_for(self.sentinel_service, decode_responses=True) else: connection = redis.StrictRedis(, port=self.port, decode_responses=True, password=self.password) self.connection = connection return connection
Example #10
Source File: From pylimit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_atomic_connection(self) -> Pipeline: """ Gets a Pipeline for normal redis or for redis sentinel based upon redis mode in configuration :return: Returns a Pipeline object """ return self.get_connection().pipeline(True)
Example #11
Source File: From single-beat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): if self.REDIS_SENTINEL: sentinels = [tuple(s.split(':')) for s in self.REDIS_SENTINEL.split(';')] self._sentinel = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(sentinels, db=self.REDIS_SENTINEL_DB, socket_timeout=0.1) else: self._redis = redis.Redis.from_url(self.rewrite_redis_url())
Example #12
Source File: From pysoa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_master_client_for(self, service_name): # type: (six.text_type) -> redis.StrictRedis if service_name not in self._master_clients: self._get_counter('backend.sentinel.populate_master_client').increment() self._master_clients[service_name] = self._sentinel.master_for(service_name) master_address = self._master_clients[service_name].connection_pool.get_master_address()'Sentinel master address: {}'.format(master_address)) return self._master_clients[service_name]
Example #13
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _get_redis_connection(self, group, shard): """ Create and return a Redis Connection for the given group Returns: redis.StrictRedis: The Redis Connection Raises: Exception: Passes through any exceptions that happen in trying to get the connection pool """ redis_group = self.__config.redis_urls_by_group[group][shard]'Attempting to connect to Redis for group "{}", shard "{}", url "{}"'.format(group, shard, redis_group)) if isinstance(redis_group, PanoptesRedisConnectionConfiguration): redis_pool = redis.BlockingConnectionPool(, port=redis_group.port, db=redis_group.db, password=redis_group.password) redis_connection = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=redis_pool) elif isinstance(redis_group, PanoptesRedisSentinelConnectionConfiguration): sentinels = [(, sentinel.port) for sentinel in redis_group.sentinels]'Querying Redis Sentinels "{}" for group "{}", shard "{}"'.format(repr(redis_group), group, shard)) sentinel = redis.sentinel.Sentinel(sentinels) master = sentinel.discover_master(redis_group.master_name) password_present = u'yes' if redis_group.master_password else u'no''Going to connect to master "{}" ({}:{}, password: {}) for group "{}", shard "{}""' .format(redis_group.master_name, master[0], master[1], password_present, group, shard)) redis_connection = sentinel.master_for(redis_group.master_name, password=redis_group.master_password) else:'Unknown Redis configuration object type: {}'.format(type(redis_group))) return'Successfully connected to Redis for group "{}", shard "{}", url "{}"'.format(group, shard, redis_group)) return redis_connection
Example #14
Source File: From pysoa with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, hosts=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[Union[six.text_type, Tuple[six.text_type, int]]]] connection_kwargs=None, # type: Dict[six.text_type, Any] sentinel_services=None, # type: Iterable[six.text_type] sentinel_failover_retries=0, # type: int sentinel_kwargs=None, # type: Dict[six.text_type, Any] ): # type: (...) -> None # Master client caching self._master_clients = {} # type: Dict[six.text_type, redis.StrictRedis] # Master failover behavior if sentinel_failover_retries < 0: raise ValueError('sentinel_failover_retries must be >= 0') self._sentinel_failover_retries = sentinel_failover_retries connection_kwargs = dict(connection_kwargs) if connection_kwargs else {} if 'socket_connect_timeout' not in connection_kwargs: connection_kwargs['socket_connect_timeout'] = 5.0 # so that we don't wait indefinitely during failover if 'socket_keepalive' not in connection_kwargs: connection_kwargs['socket_keepalive'] = True if ( connection_kwargs.pop('ssl', False) or 'ssl_certfile' in connection_kwargs ) and 'connection_class' not in connection_kwargs: # TODO: Remove this when is released connection_kwargs['connection_class'] = _SSLSentinelManagedConnection sentinel_kwargs = dict(sentinel_kwargs) if sentinel_kwargs else {} if 'socket_connect_timeout' not in sentinel_kwargs: sentinel_kwargs['socket_connect_timeout'] = 5.0 # so that we don't wait indefinitely connecting to Sentinel if 'socket_timeout' not in sentinel_kwargs: sentinel_kwargs['socket_timeout'] = 5.0 # so that we don't wait indefinitely if a Sentinel goes down if 'socket_keepalive' not in sentinel_kwargs: sentinel_kwargs['socket_keepalive'] = True self._sentinel = redis.sentinel.Sentinel( self._convert_hosts(hosts), sentinel_kwargs=sentinel_kwargs, **connection_kwargs ) if sentinel_services: self._validate_service_names(sentinel_services) self._services = list(sentinel_services) # type: List[six.text_type] else: self._services = self._get_service_names() super(SentinelRedisClient, self).__init__(ring_size=len(self._services))