Python sqlalchemy.func.random() Examples

The following are 16 code examples of sqlalchemy.func.random(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sqlalchemy.func , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Flask-MonitoringDashboard with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_latencies_sample(db_session, endpoint_id, interval, sample_size=500):
    criterion = create_time_based_sample_criterion(interval.start_date(), interval.end_date())

    dialect =

    if dialect in ['sqlite', 'mysql']:
        order_by = func.random() if dialect == 'sqlite' else func.rand()

        items = db_session.query(Request.duration) \
            .filter(Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id, *criterion) \
            .order_by(order_by) \
            .limit(sample_size) \

        durations = [item.duration for item in items]

        return durations
        return get_latencies_in_timeframe(db_session, endpoint_id, interval.start_date(), interval.end_date()) 
Example #2
Source File:    From CAQE with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_encoding_maps(encrypted_audio_stimuli):
    Build a stimulus key translation map from the `encypted_audio_stimuli`.

    encrypted_audio_stimuli: list of tuple
        The first element of each duple is a key, the second is the encrypted audio_file_path
        For all non-references, the key should be of the form E[0-9+]. The order of the stimuli will be random (except
        for the references)

    encoding_map : dict
        A map from unencoded to encoded stimulus keys
    decoding_map : dict
        A map from encoded to unencoded stimulus keys
    decrypted_filenames : dict
        A map from stimulus key to filename
    decrypted_filenames = {}
    encoding_map = {}
    decoding_map = {}

    # decrypt the URLs to find the mapping between s_id and e_id and the real filename
    for k, v in encrypted_audio_stimuli:
        adict = _decode_url(v)
        decrypted_filenames[adict['s_id']] = adict['URL']
        encoding_map[adict['s_id']] = adict['e_id']
        decoding_map[adict['e_id']] = adict['s_id']

    return encoding_map, decoding_map, decrypted_filenames 
Example #3
Source File:    From CAQE with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def generate_comparison_pairs(condition_datas):
    Generate all stimulus comparison pairs for a condition and return in a random order for a paired comparison test.

    condition_datas: list of dict
        List of dictionary of condition data as returned in the test_configuration defined by get_test_configurations()

    condition_datas: list of dict
        List of updated dictionary of condition data with a new field, `comparison_pairs`, which is a list of stimulus
        pairs, e.g. (('E1','E2'),('E5','E8'),...)
    for condition_data in condition_datas:
        stimulus_names = [c[0] for c in condition_data['stimulus_files']]
        pairs = []
        for x in itertools.combinations(stimulus_names, 2):
            if random.randint(0, 1):
        condition_data['comparison_pairs'] = pairs

    return condition_datas 
Example #4
Source File:    From impactstory-tng with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_random_people(n, refset_only=False):
    # this simpler way didn't work: func.setseed(0.42)
    # below way is from
    sql = text('select setseed({0});'.format(0.42))

    q = Person.query
    if refset_only:
        q = q.filter(Person.campaign == "2015_with_urls")

    q = q.order_by(func.random())
    q = q.limit(n)
    people = q.all()
    return people 
Example #5
Source File:    From sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_generic_random(self):
        assert func.random().type == sqltypes.NULLTYPE
        assert isinstance(func.random(type_=Integer).type, Integer)

        for ret, dialect in [
            ("random()", sqlite.dialect()),
            ("random()", postgresql.dialect()),
            ("rand()", mysql.dialect()),
            ("random()", oracle.dialect()),
            self.assert_compile(func.random(), ret, dialect=dialect) 
Example #6
Source File:    From glossary-bot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_learnings(how_many=12, sort_order="recent", offset=0):
    ''' Gather and return some recent definitions
    order_descending = Definition.creation_date.desc()
    order_random = func.random()
    order_alphabetical = Definition.term
    order_function = order_descending
    prefix_singluar = "I recently learned the definition for"
    prefix_plural = "I recently learned definitions for"
    no_definitions_text = "I haven't learned any definitions yet."
    if sort_order == "random":
        order_function = order_random
    elif sort_order == "alpha":
        order_function = order_alphabetical

    if sort_order == "random" or sort_order == "alpha" or offset > 0:
        prefix_singluar = "I know the definition for"
        prefix_plural = "I know definitions for"

    # if how_many is 0, ignore offset and return all results
    if how_many == 0:
        definitions = db.session.query(Definition).order_by(order_function).all()
    # if order is random and there is an offset, randomize the results after the query
    elif sort_order == "random" and offset > 0:
        definitions = db.session.query(Definition).order_by(order_descending).limit(how_many).offset(offset).all()
        definitions = db.session.query(Definition).order_by(order_function).limit(how_many).offset(offset).all()

    if not definitions:
        return no_definitions_text, no_definitions_text

    wording = prefix_plural if len(definitions) > 1 else prefix_singluar
    plain_text = "{}: {}".format(wording, ', '.join([item.term for item in definitions]))
    rich_text = "{}: {}".format(wording, ', '.join([make_bold(item.term) for item in definitions]))
    return plain_text, rich_text 
Example #7
Source File:    From glossary-bot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def parse_learnings_params(command_params):
    ''' Parse the passed learnings command params
    recent_args = {}
    # extract parameters
    params_list = command_params.split(' ')
    for param in params_list:
        if param == "random":
            recent_args['sort_order'] = param
        if param == "alpha" or param == "alphabetical":
            recent_args['sort_order'] = "alpha"
        if param == "all":
            recent_args['how_many'] = 0
            passed_int = int(param)
            if 'how_many' not in recent_args:
                recent_args['how_many'] = passed_int
            elif 'offset' not in recent_args:
                recent_args['offset'] = passed_int
        except ValueError:

    return recent_args 
Example #8
Source File:    From clgen with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def Random(self):
    """Get the backend-specific random function.

    This can be used to select a random row from a table, e.g.
    if self.url.startswith("mysql"):
      return func.rand
      return func.random  # for PostgreSQL, SQLite 
Example #9
Source File:    From uszipcode-project with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def select_random(engine, table_or_columns, limit=5):
    Randomly select some rows from table.
    s = select(table_or_columns).order_by(func.random()).limit(limit)
    return engine.execute(s).fetchall() 
Example #10
Source File:    From sticker-finder with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def handle_next(session, bot, chat, tg_chat, user):
    """Handle the /next call or the 'next' button click."""
    # We are tagging a whole sticker set. Skip the current sticker
    if chat.tag_mode == TagMode.STICKER_SET:
        # Check there is a next sticker
        stickers = chat.current_sticker.sticker_set.stickers
        for index, sticker in enumerate(stickers):
            if sticker == chat.current_sticker and index + 1 < len(stickers):
                # We found the next sticker. Send the messages and return
                chat.current_sticker = stickers[index + 1]
                send_tag_messages(chat, tg_chat, user)


        # There are no stickers left, reset the chat and send success message.
        chat.current_sticker.sticker_set.completely_tagged = True
        send_tagged_count_message(session, bot, user, chat)
            "The full sticker set is now tagged.", reply_markup=get_main_keyboard(user)

    # Find a random sticker with no changes
    elif chat.tag_mode == TagMode.RANDOM:
        base_query = (
        # Let the users tag the deluxe sticker set first.
        # If there are no more deluxe sets, just tag another random sticker.
        # Remove the favoring of deluxe stickers until the deluxe pool is bigger again.
        #        sticker = base_query.filter(StickerSet.deluxe.is_(True)) \
        #            .order_by(func.random()) \
        #            .limit(1) \
        #            .one_or_none()
        #        if sticker is None:
        sticker = base_query.order_by(func.random()).limit(1).one_or_none()

        # No stickers for tagging left :)
        if not sticker:
                ["It looks like all stickers are already tagged :)."],
                {"reply_markup": get_main_keyboard(user)},

        # Found a sticker. Send the messages
        chat.current_sticker = sticker
        send_tag_messages(chat, tg_chat, user, send_set_info=True) 
Example #11
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None):
    """Return a :class:`.TableSample` object.

    :class:`.TableSample` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents
    a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it.
    is also available from the :class:`.FromClause` class via the
    :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method.

    The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate
    percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods,
    most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


        from sqlalchemy import func

        selectable = people.tablesample(
        stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id])

    Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above
    statement would render as::

        SELECT alias.people_id FROM
        people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
        REPEATABLE (random())

    .. versionadded:: 1.1

    :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or

    :param name: optional alias name

    :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression.  When specified, the
     REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

    return _interpret_as_from(selectable).tablesample(
        sampling, name=name, seed=seed) 
Example #12
Source File:    From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None):
    """Return a :class:`.TableSample` object.

    :class:`.TableSample` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents
    a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it.
    is also available from the :class:`.FromClause` class via the
    :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method.

    The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate
    percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods,
    most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


        from sqlalchemy import func

        selectable = people.tablesample(
        stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id])

    Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above
    statement would render as::

        SELECT alias.people_id FROM
        people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
        REPEATABLE (random())

    .. versionadded:: 1.1

    :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or

    :param name: optional alias name

    :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression.  When specified, the
     REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

    return _interpret_as_from(selectable).tablesample(
        sampling, name=name, seed=seed) 
Example #13
Source File:    From CAQE with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_test_configurations(condition_ids, participant_id):
    Generate template configuration variables from the list of experimental conditions.

    condition_ids : list
    participant_id : int

    test_configuration : list of list of dict
        A list of dictionaries containing all the configuration variables for each test, including a list of conditions
        and their variables
    test_configurations = []

    current_test_id = None
    test_config = None
    for c_id in condition_ids:
        condition = Condition.query.filter_by(id=c_id).first()
        if condition.test_id != current_test_id:
            if test_config is not None:
            current_test_id = condition.test_id
            test_config = {'test': json.loads(,
                           'conditions': [],
                           'condition_groups': {}}

        condition_data = json.loads(
        condition_group_data = json.loads(

        if app.config['STIMULUS_ORDER_RANDOMIZED']:

        if app.config['ENCRYPT_AUDIO_STIMULI_URLS']:
            condition_group_data['reference_files'] = encrypt_audio_stimuli(condition_group_data['reference_files'],
            condition_group_data['stimulus_files'] = encrypt_audio_stimuli(condition_group_data['stimulus_files'],
            encoding_map, _, _ = get_encoding_maps(condition_group_data['stimulus_files'])
            condition_data['stimulus_keys'] = [encoding_map[key] for key in condition_data['stimulus_keys']]

        test_config['condition_groups'][condition.group_id] = condition_group_data

        # make sure that condition_id is added to the conditions dict
        test_config['conditions'].append(dict({'id':, 'group_id': condition.group_id}, **condition_data))

    return test_configurations 
Example #14
Source File:    From sqlalchemy with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _factory(cls, selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None):
        """Return a :class:`_expression.TableSample` object.

        :class:`_expression.TableSample` is an :class:`_expression.Alias`
        subclass that represents
        a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it.
        is also available from the :class:`_expression.FromClause`
        class via the
        :meth:`_expression.FromClause.tablesample` method.

        The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate
        percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods,
        most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


            from sqlalchemy import func

            selectable = people.tablesample(
            stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id])

        Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above
        statement would render as::

            SELECT alias.people_id FROM
            people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
            REPEATABLE (random())

        .. versionadded:: 1.1

        :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or

        :param name: optional alias name

        :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression.  When specified, the
         REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

        return coercions.expect(roles.FromClauseRole, selectable).tablesample(
            sampling, name=name, seed=seed
Example #15
Source File:    From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None):
    """Return a :class:`.TableSample` object.

    :class:`.TableSample` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents
    a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it.
    is also available from the :class:`.FromClause` class via the
    :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method.

    The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate
    percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods,
    most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


        from sqlalchemy import func

        selectable = people.tablesample(
        stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id])

    Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above
    statement would render as::

        SELECT alias.people_id FROM
        people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
        REPEATABLE (random())

    .. versionadded:: 1.1

    :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or

    :param name: optional alias name

    :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression.  When specified, the
     REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

    return _interpret_as_from(selectable).tablesample(
        sampling, name=name, seed=seed) 
Example #16
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None):
    """Return a :class:`.TableSample` object.

    :class:`.TableSample` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents
    a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it.
    is also available from the :class:`.FromClause` class via the
    :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method.

    The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate
    percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods,
    most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


        from sqlalchemy import func

        selectable = people.tablesample(
        stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id])

    Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above
    statement would render as::

        SELECT alias.people_id FROM
        people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
        REPEATABLE (random())

    .. versionadded:: 1.1

    :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or

    :param name: optional alias name

    :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression.  When specified, the
     REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

    return _interpret_as_from(selectable).tablesample(
        sampling, name=name, seed=seed)