Python pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden().
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Example #1
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def unsubscribe(request): tutorials = request.context.tutorials tutorial = tutorials[0] lecture = tutorial.lecture ls = request.db.query(models.LectureStudent).get((, if not ls or ls.tutorial_id != return HTTPForbidden('Sie sind zu dieser Übungsgruppe nicht angemeldet') lrs = request.db.query(models.LectureRemovedStudent).get((, if not lrs: lrs = models.LectureRemovedStudent() lrs.lecture = lecture lrs.student = request.user lrs.tutorial = tutorial if not lrs in request.db: request.db.add(lrs) request.db.delete(ls) request.db.commit() sendChangesMailUnsubscribe(request, tutorial, request.user) request.session.flash('Erfolgreich aus Übungsgruppe ausgetragen', queue='messages') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('overview'))
Example #2
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def confirmEmail(request): done = False aborted = False if request.context.confirmation.source != 'user/change_email': return HTTPForbidden('This confirmation is not for a email change') if request.POST.get('confirm'): user = request.context.confirmation.user = request.context.confirmation.what request.db.delete(request.context.confirmation) request.db.commit() done = True elif request.POST.get('abort'): request.db.delete(request.context.confirmation) aborted = True request.db.commit() # registerCommon(request, form) # return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('user_wait_for_confirmation')) return {'done': done, 'aborted': aborted, 'confirmation': request.context.confirmation}
Example #3
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def doAllocation(request): db = request.db lecture = request.context.lecture if not lecture.mode == 'prefs': return HTTPForbidden('This lecture is not in preferences mode') allocation = Allocation(lecture) result = allocation.doAllocation() prefs = {} for student in set(result['students_unhappy']+result['students_without_group']): p = [tp for tp in student.time_preferences if and tp.penalty < utils.students_unhappiness] prefs[] = p lecture.mode = 'off' db.commit() return {'lecture': lecture, 'result': result, 'prefs': prefs}
Example #4
Source File: From pyramid_openapi3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hello(request): """Say hello.""" if request.openapi_validated.parameters["query"]["name"] == "admin": raise HTTPForbidden() return {"hello": request.openapi_validated.parameters["query"]["name"]}
Example #5
Source File: From n6 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def iter_content(self, **kwargs): try: yield self.render_content(list(self.data_generator)) except TooMuchDataError as exc: raise HTTPForbidden(exc.public_message)
Example #6
Source File: From channelstream with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def unauthorized_handler(context, request, renderer="json"): if ( request.matched_route and request.matched_route.pattern.startswith("/admin") or "api-explorer" in request.url ): url = request.route_url("admin_action", action="sign_in") return HTTPFound(url) return HTTPForbidden()
Example #7
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def checkTutorials(tutorials): if tutorials: lecture_id = tutorials[0].lecture_id for tutorial in tutorials: if tutorial.lecture_id != lecture_id: raise HTTPForbidden('Tutorials belong to different lectures!')
Example #8
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self): lecture = self.db.query(models.Lecture).get(self.lecture_id) tutorials = lecture.tutorials if self.request.method == 'POST': student_email = self.request.POST['student_email'] new_tutorial = int(self.request.POST['new_tutorial']) try: student = self.db.query(models.User).filter( except exc.NoResultFound: self.request.session.flash('Emailadresse nicht gefunden!', queue='errors') return {'lecture': lecture, 'tutorials': tutorials } tutorial = [t for t in tutorials if == new_tutorial] if len(tutorial)!=1: raise HTTPForbidden('Tutorial gehoert nicht zu dieser Vorlesung!') tutorial = tutorial[0] if student in lecture.students.all(): self.request.session.flash('Der Student ist in diese Vorlesung bereits eingetragen!', queue='errors') else: lrs = self.request.db.query(models.LectureRemovedStudent).get((, if lrs: self.request.db.delete(lrs) #ls = request.db.query(models.LectureStudent).get((, #if ls: # oldtutorial = ls.tutorial #else: ls = models.LectureStudent() ls.lecture = lecture ls.student = student oldtutorial = None ls.tutorial = tutorial if not ls in self.request.db: self.request.db.add(ls) self.request.db.commit() self.request.session.flash('Der Student %s wurde in das Tutorial %s (%s) eingetragen' % (student, tutorial.time.__html__(), tutorial.tutor_name), queue='messages') return {'lecture': lecture, 'tutorials': tutorials }