Python tkinter.NORMAL Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tkinter.NORMAL().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-in-practice with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def on_modified(self, event=None): if not hasattr(self, "modifiedLabel"): self.editor.edit_modified(False) return if self.editor.edit_modified(): text, mac, state = "MOD", True, tk.NORMAL else: text, mac, state = "", False, tk.DISABLED self.modifiedLabel.config(text=text) if TkUtil.mac(): self.master.attributes("-modified", mac) self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(SAVE, state=state) self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(SAVE_AS + ELLIPSIS, state=state) self.saveButton.config(state=state) self.editMenu.entryconfigure(UNDO, state=state) self.undoButton.config(state=state)
Example #2
Source File: From pynpuzzle with MIT License | 6 votes |
def config_frame_state(frame, state): """ Changes the status property of a frame children. """ for child in frame.winfo_children(): # Only output_play_button can change output_stop_button's state if child is output_stop_button: # If output is playing right now if play_event: # Someone wants to disable the output frame, so output play must stop play_event.set() continue child['state'] = state # output_0_label's and output_to_label's cursor property are depending on their frame status if frame is output_action_frame: cursor = 'arrow' if state == tkinter.NORMAL: cursor = 'fleur' output_0_label['cursor'] = cursor output_to_label['cursor'] = cursor
Example #3
Source File: From python-in-practice with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def update_recent_files_menu(self): if self.recentFiles: menu = tk.Menu(self.fileMenu) i = 1 for filename in self.recentFiles: if filename != self.editor.filename: menu.add_command(label="{}. {}".format(i, filename), underline=0, command=lambda filename=filename: self.load(filename)) i += 1 self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, menu=menu) self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, state=tk.NORMAL if i > 1 else tk.DISABLED) else: self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, state=tk.DISABLED)
Example #4
Source File: From pynpuzzle with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calculation_stop(): """ Does some routine works that has to be done when to stop calculation. """ # Show start button start_button.grid() start_button_border_frame.grid() # Hide progress bar progress_bar.grid_remove() progress_bar.stop() stop_button['state'] = tkinter.DISABLED # Re-enable menu bar buttons menu_bar.entryconfig('Reload algorithms', state=tkinter.NORMAL) menu_bar.entryconfig('Change goal state', state=tkinter.NORMAL) n_spinbox['state'] = tkinter.NORMAL # Enable input data entry config_io_frame_state(input_labelframe, tkinter.NORMAL)
Example #5
Source File: From plex-mpv-shim with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update(self): try: self.text.config(state=tk.NORMAL) while True: action, param = self.queue.get_nowait() if action == "append": self.text.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.text.insert(tk.END, "\n") self.text.insert(tk.END, param) self.text.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.text.see(tk.END) elif action == "die": self.root.destroy() self.root.quit() return except queue.Empty: pass self.text.after(100, self.update)
Example #6
Source File: From proyectoDownloader with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cargarPlayList(self): self.disponibles = self.recursoPL['items'], END) i = 0 texto_a_insertar = "{}) Título: {}, Duración: {}" for s in self.disponibles: i += 1 insertar = texto_a_insertar.format(i, s['pafy'].title[:40]+"...", s['pafy'].duration) try:,insertar) except TclError as e: pass"")
Example #7
Source File: From pyDEA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def change_state_if_needed(self, entry, entry_state, row, col): ''' Changes state of Checkbutton when data was modified depending on the state of main_box. Args: entry (SelfValidatingEntry): Entry widget whose content was modified. entry_state (int): state of the Entry widget after content modification, for possible values see dea_utils module. row (int): row index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. col (int): column index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. ''' category_name = self.get_category() if str(self.main_box.cget('state')) == DISABLED: self.disable(col - 2, category_name) else: self.config(state=NORMAL) if entry_state != CELL_DESTROY and self.var.get() == 1: self.category_frame.add_category(category_name)
Example #8
Source File: From captcha_trainer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def training_task(self): model_conf = ModelConfig(project_name=self.current_project) self.current_task = Trains(model_conf) try: self.button_state(self.btn_training, tk.DISABLED) self.button_state(self.btn_stop, tk.NORMAL) self.is_task_running = True self.current_task.train_process() status = 'Training completed' except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() messagebox.showerror( e.__class__.__name__, json.dumps(e.args, ensure_ascii=False) ) status = 'Training failure' self.button_state(self.btn_training, tk.NORMAL) self.button_state(self.btn_stop, tk.DISABLED) self.comb_project_name['state'] = tk.NORMAL self.is_task_running = False tk.messagebox.showinfo('Training Status', status)
Example #9
Source File: From SEM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_pipeline(self, event=None): top = tkinter.Toplevel() master_selector = SemTkMasterSelector(top, os.path.join(sem.SEM_DATA_DIR, "resources")) lang_selector = SemTkLangSelector(top, os.path.join(sem.SEM_DATA_DIR, "resources")) lang_selector.master_selector = master_selector vars_cur_row = 0 vars_cur_row, _ = lang_selector.grid(row=vars_cur_row, column=0) vars_cur_row, _ = master_selector.grid(row=vars_cur_row, column=0) def cancel(event=None): if self.pipeline is not None: self.tag_document_btn.configure(state=tkinter.NORMAL) top.destroy() def ok(event=None): path = master_selector.workflow() pipeline, _, _, _ = sem.modules.tagger.load_master(path) self.pipeline = pipeline cancel() ok_btn = ttk.Button(top, text="load workflow", command=ok) ok_btn.grid(row=vars_cur_row, column=0) cancel_btn = ttk.Button(top, text="cancel", command=cancel) cancel_btn.grid(row=vars_cur_row, column=1)
Example #10
Source File: From videodownloader with MIT License | 6 votes |
def threaded_check_video(self): self.last_row = 0 [radio_button.destroy() for radio_button in self.stream_widgets] url = self.text_url.get() if 'https' not in url: url = '' % url try: if self.proxy.get() != '': = YouTube(url, proxies={self.proxy.get().split(':')[0]: self.proxy.get()}) else: = YouTube(url) self.label_video_title['text'] = self.streams = for stream in self.streams: if self.audio_only.get(): text = f'Codec: {stream.audio_codec}, ' \ f'ABR: {stream.abr} ' \ f'File Type: {stream.mime_type.split("/")[1]}, Size: {stream.filesize // 1024} KB' else: if stream.video_codec is None: continue text = f'Res: {stream.resolution}, FPS: {stream.fps},' \ f' Video Codec: {stream.video_codec}, Audio Codec: {stream.audio_codec}, ' \ f'File Type: {stream.mime_type.split("/")[1]}, Size: {stream.filesize // 1024} KB' radio_button = tk.Radiobutton(self.frame, text=text,, value=stream.itag) self.last_row += 1 radio_button.grid(row=self.last_row, column=0, columnspan=4) self.stream_widgets.append(radio_button) except PytubeError as e: messagebox.showerror('Something went wrong...', e) except RegexMatchError as e: messagebox.showerror('Something went wrong...', e) finally: self.btn_check_id['text'] = 'Check Video' self.btn_check_id.config(state=tk.NORMAL)
Example #11
Source File: From pyDEA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def radio_btn_change(self, name, *args): ''' Actions that happen when user clicks on a Radiobutton. Changes the corresponding parameter values and options. Args: name (str): name of the parameter that is a key in options dictionary. *args: are provided by IntVar trace method and are ignored in this method. ''' count = self.options[name].get() self.params.update_parameter(name, COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN[name, count]) dea_form = COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN[name, count] if self.max_slack_box: # on creation it is None if dea_form == 'multi': # disable max slacks self.max_slack_box.config(state=DISABLED) self.params.update_parameter('MAXIMIZE_SLACKS', '') elif dea_form == 'env': self.max_slack_box.config(state=NORMAL) if self.options['MAXIMIZE_SLACKS'].get() == 1: self.params.update_parameter('MAXIMIZE_SLACKS', 'yes')
Example #12
Source File: From python-in-practice with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def update_recent_files_menu(self): if self.recentFiles: menu = tk.Menu(self.fileMenu) i = 1 for filename in self.recentFiles: if filename != self.editor.filename: menu.add_command(label="{}. {}".format(i, filename), underline=0, command=lambda filename=filename: self.load(filename)) i += 1 self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, menu=menu) self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, state=tk.NORMAL if i > 1 else tk.DISABLED) else: self.fileMenu.entryconfigure(OPEN_RECENT, state=tk.DISABLED)
Example #13
Source File: From hwk-mirror with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, parent, category, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.category = category self.price_input = lib.PriceInput(self, font=self.font, width=7, conditional_bind=False) self.price_input.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.button = lib.MessageButton(self, text="Open Charge", anchor=tk.W, font=self.font, relief=tk.RAISED, bd=2) self.button.command = self.add_item self.button.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe") self.price_input.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="nswe")
Example #14
Source File: From captcha_trainer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def comb_category_callback(self, event): comb_selected = self.comb_category.get() if comb_selected == 'CUSTOMIZED': self.category_entry['state'] = tk.NORMAL else: self.category_entry.delete(0, tk.END) self.category_entry['state'] = tk.DISABLED
Example #15
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_input_ui_idle_state(self): self.input_high_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.input_low_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.input_start_button["command"] = self.start_input self.input_start_button["text"] = "Start Analog Input"
Example #16
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_ui_idle_state(self): self.high_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.low_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.start_button["command"] = self.start self.start_button["text"] = "Start"
Example #17
Source File: From ATX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _run_selectfile(self): filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**dict( filetypes=[('All files', '.*'), ('Python', '.py')], title='Select file')) self._attachfile_text.set(filename) if filename: self._btn_runedit.config(state=tk.NORMAL) print(filename)
Example #18
Source File: From clai with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_log_data(self, chunk): self.text_gui.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) self.text_gui.insert("end", chunk) if self.autoscroll_enable.get() == 1: self.text_gui.see("end") self.text_gui.configure(state=tk.DISABLED)
Example #19
Source File: From synthesizer with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_effect(self, effect_nr, filename): try: with AudiofileToWavStream(filename, hqresample=hqresample) as wav: sample = Sample(wav) self.effects[effect_nr] = sample except IOError as x: print("Can't load effect sample:", x) else: for button in self.buttons: if button.effect_nr == effect_nr: button["state"] = tk.NORMAL button["text"] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] break
Example #20
Source File: From captcha_trainer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_dataset(self): if not self.current_project: messagebox.showerror( "Error!", "Please set the project name first." ) return if self.is_task_running: messagebox.showerror( "Error!", "Please terminate the current training first or wait for the training to end." ) return self.save_conf() self.button_state(self.btn_make_dataset, tk.DISABLED) model_conf = ModelConfig(self.current_project) train_path = self.dataset_value(DatasetType.Directory, RunMode.Trains) validation_path = self.dataset_value(DatasetType.Directory, RunMode.Validation) if len(train_path) < 1: messagebox.showerror( "Error!", "{} Sample set has not been added.".format(RunMode.Trains.value) ) self.button_state(self.btn_make_dataset, tk.NORMAL) return self.threading_exec( lambda: DataSets(model_conf).make_dataset( trains_path=train_path, validation_path=validation_path, is_add=False, callback=lambda: self.button_state(self.btn_make_dataset, tk.NORMAL), msg=lambda x: tk.messagebox.showinfo('Make Dataset Status', x) ) )
Example #21
Source File: From ATX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _run_check_refresh(self): auto = self._auto_refresh_var.get() state = tk.DISABLED if auto else tk.NORMAL self._btn_refresh.config(state=state)
Example #22
Source File: From proyectoDownloader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __descargarVideo(self): """ Método que descarga el video seleccionado y muestra la carga """ self.d = True try: file = quiet=True,, callback=self.callback) except Exception as e: raise e msg.showerror("Error", "El archivo ya existe.") self.d = False msg.showinfo("Mensaje", "Archivo descargado correctamente"), END), END)"")"No disponible", image='') = '''')"")
Example #23
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_output_ui_idle_state(self): self.output_high_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.output_low_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.output_start_button["command"] = self.start_output self.output_start_button["text"] = "Start Analog Output"
Example #24
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_ui_idle_state(self): self.high_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.low_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.start_button["command"] = self.start self.start_button["text"] = "Start"
Example #25
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def stop(self): self.running = False self.start_button["command"] = self.start self.start_button["text"] = "Start" self.low_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.high_channel_entry["state"] = tk.NORMAL
Example #26
Source File: From mcculw with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send_data(self): # Build the data array num_chans = min(self.ao_props.num_chans, 4) num_points = num_chans ao_range = self.ao_props.available_ranges[0] memhandle = ul.win_buf_alloc(num_points) # Check if the buffer was successfully allocated if not memhandle: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Failed to allocate memory") self.start_button["state"] = tk.NORMAL return try: data_array = self.memhandle_as_ctypes_array(memhandle) full_scale_count = (2 ** self.ao_props.resolution) - 1 value_step = full_scale_count / (num_chans + 1) for point_num in range(0, num_points): raw_value = int(value_step * (point_num + 1)) data_array[point_num] = raw_value self.raw_data_labels[point_num]["text"] = str(raw_value) # ul.to_eng_units cannot be used here, as it uses the analog # input resolution. Instead, do the conversion on our own. volts = self.ao_to_eng_units( raw_value, ao_range, self.ao_props.resolution) self.volts_labels[point_num]["text"] = ( '{:.3f}'.format(volts)) ul.a_out_scan( self.board_num, 0, num_chans - 1, num_points, 100, ao_range, memhandle, 0) except ULError as e: self.show_ul_error(e) finally: ul.win_buf_free(memhandle)
Example #27
Source File: From message-analyser with MIT License | 5 votes |
def emit(self, message): # Overwrites the default handler's emit method formatted_message = self.format(message) # You can change the format here # Disabling states so no user can write in it self.console.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) self.console.insert(tk.END, formatted_message) # Inserting the logger message in the widget self.console.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) self.console.see(tk.END) # print(message) # You can just print to STDout in your overriden emit no need for black magic
Example #28
Source File: From videodownloader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def threaded_download(self): try: if self.proxy.get() != '': proxy = {self.proxy.get().split(':')[0]: self.proxy.get()} else: proxy = None for search_stream in self.streams: if int(search_stream.itag) == int( self.file_size = search_stream.filesize break filename = download_youtube_video(self.text_url.get(),, output_path=self.output_path.get(), filename=self.filename_override.get() if self.filename_override.get() != '' else None, proxies=proxy, progress_callback=self.update_progress_bar) messagebox.showinfo('Download Complete!', 'Download Complete!\n%s' % filename) except PytubeError as e: messagebox.showerror('Something went wrong...', e) except RegexMatchError as e: messagebox.showerror('Something went wrong...', e) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Something went wrong', 'Something unknown went wrong. Is this a live stream? Wait until the stream ends.' '\n\n%s' % e) finally: self.btn_download['text'] = 'Download' self.btn_download.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.btn_check_id.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.btn_output_browse.config(state=tk.NORMAL) [radio_button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) for radio_button in self.radio_video_audio]
Example #29
Source File: From proyectoDownloader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __descargaAudio(self): """ Método que descarga el video seleccionado y muestra la carga """ self.bestaudio = self.recurso.getbestaudio(preftype='m4a') if self.bestaudio != None: self.d = True self.fileaudio = self.bestaudio.title+".m4a" self.size = self.bestaudio.get_filesize() try: quiet=True, callback=self.callback, msg.showinfo("Mensaje", "Archivo descargado correctamente.") except Exception as e: msg.showerror("Error", "El archivo ya existe.") self.d = False, END), END)"")"No disponible", image='') = '''')"")
Example #30
Source File: From Telethon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_signed_in(self, me): """ Configures the application as "signed in" (displays user's name and disables the entry to input phone/bot token/code). """ = me self.sign_in_label.configure(text='Signed in') self.sign_in_entry.configure(state=tkinter.NORMAL) self.sign_in_entry.delete(0, tkinter.END) self.sign_in_entry.insert(tkinter.INSERT, utils.get_display_name(me)) self.sign_in_entry.configure(state=tkinter.DISABLED) self.sign_in_button.configure(text='Log out') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal