Python pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound().
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Example #1
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ops_document_kindcodes(patent): error_msg_access = 'No bibliographic information for document={0}'.format(patent)'Retrieving kindcodes for document {document}'.format(document=patent)) documents = ops_biblio_documents(patent) kindcodes = [] for document in documents: # TODO: check whether a single occurrance of "not found" should really raise this exception if document.has_key('@status') and document['@status'] == 'not found': error = HTTPNotFound(error_msg_access) raise error kindcode = document['@kind'] kindcodes.append(kindcode) return kindcodes
Example #2
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def api_hazardcategory(request): hazard_type = request.matchdict["hazard_type"] hazard_level = request.matchdict["hazard_level"] GoogleAnalytics().hit(request, "hazardcategory-hazard_type-hazard_level") try: hazard_category = ( request.dbsession.query(HazardCategory) .join(HazardType) .join(HazardLevel) .filter(HazardType.mnemonic == hazard_type) .filter(HazardLevel.mnemonic == hazard_level) .one() ) except: raise HTTPNotFound() return {"hazard_category": hazard_category}
Example #3
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): vm = PopularPackageViewModel(request) if not (1 <= vm.num or vm.num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #4
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pdf_document_build(patent):'PDF {}: OPS attempt'.format(patent)) # 1. collect all single pdf pages image_info = inquire_images(patent) if not image_info: msg = 'No image information for document={0}'.format(patent) # TODO: respond with proper json error raise HTTPNotFound(msg) resource_info = image_info.get('FullDocument') if not resource_info: msg = 'No image information for document={0}, type=FullDocument'.format(patent) raise HTTPNotFound(msg) page_count = int(resource_info['@number-of-pages'])'OPS PDF builder will collect {0} pages for document {1}'.format(page_count, patent)) pdf_pages = [] for page_number in range(1, page_count + 1): page = get_ops_image_pdf(patent, page_number) pdf_pages.append(page) # 2. join single pdf pages pdf_document = pdf_join(pages=pdf_pages) # 3. add pdf metadata page_sections = None if resource_info.has_key('ops:document-section'): page_sections = resource_info['ops:document-section'] #pprint(page_sections) metadata = pdf_make_metadata(patent, 'ip-navigator:digi42', page_count, page_sections) pdf_document = pdf_set_metadata(pdf_document, metadata) # TODO: 4. add attachments (e.g. xml) return pdf_document
Example #5
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def report_json(request): division_code = request.matchdict.get("divisioncode") selected_hazard = request.matchdict.get("hazardtype") hazard_category = None division = get_division(request, division_code) GoogleAnalytics().hit(request, "report-division_code-hazard_type") try: hazard_category = get_info_for_hazard_type(request, selected_hazard, division) except NoResultFound: raise HTTPNotFound( detail="No data available for this division and " "hazardtype" ) return hazard_category
Example #6
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def espacenet_description_handler(patent): try: description = espacenet_description(patent) except KeyError as ex: logger.error('No details at Espacenet: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: logger.error('Fetching details from Espacenet failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return description
Example #7
Source File: From patzilla with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def espacenet_claims_handler(patent): try: claims = espacenet_claims(patent) except KeyError as ex: logger.error('No details at Espacenet: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPNotFound(ex) except ValueError as ex: logger.error('Fetching details from Espacenet failed: %s %s', type(ex), ex) raise HTTPBadRequest(ex) return claims
Example #8
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def contact_edit(request): id = request.matchdict["id"] obj = request.dbsession.query(Contact).get(id) if obj is None: raise HTTPNotFound() return contact_process(request, obj)
Example #9
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def climate_rec_edit(request): id = request.matchdict["id"] obj = request.dbsession.query(ClimateChangeRecommendation).get(id) if obj is None: raise HTTPNotFound() return climate_rec_process(request, obj)
Example #10
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def climate_rec_hazardtype(request): hazard_type = request.matchdict["hazard_type"] hazardtype = HazardType.get(request.dbsession, hazard_type) if hazardtype is None: raise HTTPNotFound hazard_types = request.dbsession.query(HazardType).order_by(HazardType.order) climate_recs = request.dbsession.query(ClimateChangeRecommendation).filter( ClimateChangeRecommendation.hazardtype == hazardtype ) return {"hazard_types": hazard_types, "climate_recs": climate_recs}
Example #11
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def technical_rec_edit(request): id = request.matchdict["id"] obj = request.dbsession.query(TechnicalRecommendation).get(id) if obj is None: raise HTTPNotFound() return technical_rec_process(request, obj)
Example #12
Source File: From thinkhazard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def contact_delete(request): id = request.matchdict["id"] obj = request.dbsession.query(Contact).get(id) if obj is None: raise HTTPNotFound() for association in obj.associations: request.dbsession.delete(association) request.dbsession.delete(obj) return HTTPFound(request.route_url("admin_contacts"))
Example #13
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): vm = PopularPackageViewModel(request) if not (1 <= vm.num or vm.num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #14
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): vm = PackageDetailsViewModel(request) if not vm.package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict() # /{num}
Example #15
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): vm = PopularPackageViewModel(request) if not (1 <= vm.num or vm.num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #16
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): vm = PackageDetailsViewModel(request) if not vm.package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict() # /{num}
Example #17
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cms_page(request: Request): vm = PageViewModel(request) if not raise HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #18
Source File: From schematizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_handle_view_no_result_found_exception(self): request_mock = Mock() no_result_found_exception = NoResultFound() no_result_found_err_message = "Result not found." @handle_view_exception(Exception, 500) @handle_view_exception(NoResultFound, 404, no_result_found_err_message) def _view_mock_raise_no_result_found_exception(request): raise no_result_found_exception with pytest.raises(HTTPNotFound) as e: _view_mock_raise_no_result_found_exception(request_mock) assert e.code == 404 assert str(e) == no_result_found_err_message
Example #19
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): vm = PackageDetailsViewModel(request) if not vm.package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict() # /{num}
Example #20
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): num = int(request.matchdict.get('num', -1)) if not (1 <= num or num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return { 'package_name': "The {}th popular package".format(num), 'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(request) }
Example #21
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): package_name = request.matchdict.get('package_name') package = package_service.find_package_by_name(package_name) if not package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() latest_version = '0.0.0' latest_release = None if package.releases: latest_release = package.releases[0] latest_version = '{}.{}.{}'.format( latest_release.major_ver, latest_release.minor_ver, latest_release.build_ver ) return { 'package': package, 'latest_version': latest_version, 'latest_release': latest_release, 'release_version': latest_version, 'maintainers': [], 'is_latest': True, 'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(request) } # /{num}
Example #22
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cms_page(request: Request): subpath = request.matchdict.get('subpath') suburl = '/'.join(subpath) page = fake_db.get(suburl) if not page: raise HTTPNotFound() return page
Example #23
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): num = int(request.matchdict.get('num', -1)) if not (1 <= num or num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return { 'package_name': "The {}th popular package".format(num) }
Example #24
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): package_name = request.matchdict.get('package_name') package = package_service.find_package_by_name(package_name) if not package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() latest_version = '0.0.0' latest_release = None if package.releases: latest_release = package.releases[0] latest_version = '{}.{}.{}'.format( latest_release.major_ver, latest_release.minor_ver, latest_release.build_ver ) return { 'package': package, 'latest_version': latest_version, 'latest_release': latest_release, 'release_version': latest_version, 'maintainers': [], 'is_latest': True } # /{num}
Example #25
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): num = int(request.matchdict.get('num', -1)) if not (1 <= num or num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return { 'package_name': "The {}th popular package".format(num) }
Example #26
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): package_name = request.matchdict.get('package_name') package = package_service.find_package_by_name(package_name) if not package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() latest_version = '0.0.0' latest_release = None if package.releases: latest_release = package.releases[0] latest_version = '{}.{}.{}'.format( latest_release.major_ver, latest_release.minor_ver, latest_release.build_ver ) return { 'package': package, 'latest_version': latest_version, 'latest_release': latest_release, 'release_version': latest_version, 'maintainers': [], 'is_latest': True } # /{num}
Example #27
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cms_page(request: Request): vm = PageViewModel(request) if not raise HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #28
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def popular(request: Request): vm = PopularPackageViewModel(request) if not (1 <= vm.num or vm.num <= 10): raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict()
Example #29
Source File: From data-driven-web-apps-with-pyramid-and-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def details(request: Request): vm = PackageDetailsViewModel(request) if not vm.package: raise x.HTTPNotFound() return vm.to_dict() # /{num}
Example #30
Source File: From kotori with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def favicon_view(request): """ """ icon = resource_filename('kotori.frontend', 'static/favicon.ico') if os.path.isfile(icon): return FileResponse(icon, request=request) else: return HTTPNotFound()