Python scipy.linalg.det() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.linalg.det(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.linalg , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def f_value_wilks_lambda(ER, EF, dfnum, dfden, a, b):
    """Calculation of Wilks lambda F-statistic for multivarite data, per
    Maxwell & Delaney p.657.
    if isinstance(ER, (int, float)):
        ER = array([[ER]])
    if isinstance(EF, (int, float)):
        EF = array([[EF]])
    lmbda = linalg.det(EF) / linalg.det(ER)
    if (a-1)**2 + (b-1)**2 == 5:
        q = 1
        q = np.sqrt(((a-1)**2*(b-1)**2 - 2) / ((a-1)**2 + (b-1)**2 - 5))
    n_um = (1 - lmbda**(1.0/q))*(a-1)*(b-1)
    d_en = lmbda**(1.0/q) / (n_um*q - 0.5*(a-1)*(b-1) + 1)
    return n_um / d_en 
Example #2
Source File:    From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def check_one_qubit_euler_angles(self, operator, basis='U3',
        """Check euler_angles_1q works for the given unitary"""
        decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer(basis)
        with self.subTest(operator=operator):
            target_unitary =
            decomp_unitary = Operator(decomposer(operator)).data
            if not phase_equal:
                target_unitary *= la.det(target_unitary)**(-0.5)
                decomp_unitary *= la.det(decomp_unitary)**(-0.5)
            maxdist = np.max(np.abs(target_unitary - decomp_unitary))
            if not phase_equal and maxdist > 0.1:
                maxdist = np.max(np.abs(target_unitary + decomp_unitary))
            self.assertTrue(np.abs(maxdist) < tolerance, "Worst distance {}".format(maxdist))

    # U3 basis 
Example #3
Source File:    From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _params_zyz(mat):
        """Return the euler angles and phase for the ZYZ basis."""
        # We rescale the input matrix to be special unitary (det(U) = 1)
        # This ensures that the quaternion representation is real
        coeff = la.det(mat)**(-0.5)
        phase = -np.angle(coeff)
        su_mat = coeff * mat  # U in SU(2)
        # OpenQASM SU(2) parameterization:
        # U[0, 0] = exp(-i(phi+lambda)/2) * cos(theta/2)
        # U[0, 1] = -exp(-i(phi-lambda)/2) * sin(theta/2)
        # U[1, 0] = exp(i(phi-lambda)/2) * sin(theta/2)
        # U[1, 1] = exp(i(phi+lambda)/2) * cos(theta/2)
        theta = 2 * math.atan2(abs(su_mat[1, 0]), abs(su_mat[0, 0]))
        phiplambda = 2 * np.angle(su_mat[1, 1])
        phimlambda = 2 * np.angle(su_mat[1, 0])
        phi = (phiplambda + phimlambda) / 2.0
        lam = (phiplambda - phimlambda) / 2.0
        return theta, phi, lam, phase 
Example #4
Source File:    From TextDetector with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sigma, mu, seed=42):
        self.sigma = sigma = mu
        if not (len(mu.shape) == 1):
            raise Exception('mu has shape ' + str(mu.shape) +
                            ' (it should be a vector)')

        self.sigma_inv = solve(self.sigma, N.identity(mu.shape[0]),
        self.L = cholesky(self.sigma)

        self.s_rng = make_theano_rng(seed, which_method='normal')

        #Compute logZ
        #log Z = log 1/( (2pi)^(-k/2) |sigma|^-1/2 )
        # = log 1 - log (2pi^)(-k/2) |sigma|^-1/2
        # = 0 - log (2pi)^(-k/2) - log |sigma|^-1/2
        # = (k/2) * log(2pi) + (1/2) * log |sigma|
        k = float([0])
        self.logZ = 0.5 * (k * N.log(2. * N.pi) + N.log(det(sigma))) 
Example #5
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_compute_log_det_cholesky():
    n_features = 2
    rand_data = RandomData(np.random.RandomState(0))

    for covar_type in COVARIANCE_TYPE:
        covariance = rand_data.covariances[covar_type]

        if covar_type == 'full':
            predected_det = np.array([linalg.det(cov) for cov in covariance])
        elif covar_type == 'tied':
            predected_det = linalg.det(covariance)
        elif covar_type == 'diag':
            predected_det = np.array([ for cov in covariance])
        elif covar_type == 'spherical':
            predected_det = covariance ** n_features

        # We compute the cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
        expected_det = _compute_log_det_cholesky(_compute_precision_cholesky(
            covariance, covar_type), covar_type, n_features=n_features)
        assert_array_almost_equal(expected_det, - .5 * np.log(predected_det)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def f_value_wilks_lambda(ER, EF, dfnum, dfden, a, b):
    """Calculation of Wilks lambda F-statistic for multivarite data, per
    Maxwell & Delaney p.657.
    if isinstance(ER, (int, float)):
        ER = array([[ER]])
    if isinstance(EF, (int, float)):
        EF = array([[EF]])
    lmbda = linalg.det(EF) / linalg.det(ER)
    if (a-1)**2 + (b-1)**2 == 5:
        q = 1
        q = np.sqrt(((a-1)**2*(b-1)**2 - 2) / ((a-1)**2 + (b-1)**2 - 5))

    n_um = (1 - lmbda**(1.0/q))*(a-1)*(b-1)
    d_en = lmbda**(1.0/q) / (n_um*q - 0.5*(a-1)*(b-1) + 1)
    return n_um / d_en 
Example #7
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def berry_phase(h,nk=20,kpath=None):
  """ Calculates the Berry phase of a Hamiltonian"""
  if h.dimensionality==0: raise
  elif h.dimensionality == 1:
    ks = np.linspace(0.,1.,nk,endpoint=False) # list of kpoints
  elif h.dimensionality > 1: # you must provide a kpath
      if kpath is None: 
          print("You must provide a k-path")
          raise # error
      ks = kpath # continue
      nk = len(kpath) # redefine
  else: raise # otherwise
  hkgen = h.get_hk_gen() # get Hamiltonian generator
  wf0 = occupied_states(hkgen,ks[0]) # get occupied states, first k-point
  wfold = wf0.copy() # copy
  m = np.matrix(np.identity(len(wf0))) # initialize as the identity matrix
  for ik in range(1,len(ks)): # loop over k-points, except first one
    wf = occupied_states(hkgen,ks[ik])  # get waves
    m = m@uij(wfold,wf)   # get the uij   and multiply
    wfold = wf.copy() # this is the new old
  m = m@uij(wfold,wf0)   # last one
  d = lg.det(m) # calculate determinant
  phi = np.arctan2(d.imag,d.real)
  return phi # return Berry phase 
Example #8
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def berry_curvature(h,k,dk=0.01,window=None,max_waves=None):
  """ Calculates the Berry curvature of a 2d hamiltonian"""
  if h.dimensionality != 2: raise # only for 2d
  k = np.array([k[0],k[1]]) 
  dx = np.array([dk,0.])
  dy = np.array([0.,dk])
# get the function that returns the occ states
  occf = occ_states_generator(h,k,window=window,max_waves=max_waves)  
  # get the waves
#  print("Doing k-point",k)
  wf1 = occf(k-dx-dy) 
  wf2 = occf(k+dx-dy) 
  wf3 = occf(k+dx+dy) 
  wf4 = occf(k-dx+dy) 
  dims = [len(wf1),len(wf2),len(wf3),len(wf4)] # number of vectors
  if max(dims)!=min(dims): # check that the dimensions are fine 
#    print("WARNING, skipping this k-point",k)
    return 0.0 # if different number of vectors
  # get the uij  
  m = uij(wf1,wf2)@uij(wf2,wf3)@uij(wf3,wf4)@uij(wf4,wf1)
  d = lg.det(m) # calculate determinant
  phi = np.arctan2(d.imag,d.real)/(4.*dk*dk)
  return phi 
Example #9
Source File:    From odl with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_rotation_matrix(mat, show_diff=False):
    from scipy.linalg import det, norm

    dim = mat.shape[0]
    if dim != mat.shape[1]:
        return False

    determ = det(mat)
    right_handed = (np.abs(determ - 1.) < 1E-10)
    orthonorm_diff = mat * mat.T - np.eye(dim)
    diff_norm = norm(orthonorm_diff, 2)
    orthonormal = (diff_norm < 1E-10)
    if not right_handed or not orthonormal:
        if show_diff:
            print('matrix S:\n', mat)
            print('det(S): ', determ)
            print('S*S.T - eye:\n', orthonorm_diff)
            print('2-norm of difference: ', diff_norm)
        return False
    return True 
Example #10
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_compute_log_det_cholesky():
    n_features = 2
    rand_data = RandomData(np.random.RandomState(0))

    for covar_type in COVARIANCE_TYPE:
        covariance = rand_data.covariances[covar_type]

        if covar_type == 'full':
            predected_det = np.array([linalg.det(cov) for cov in covariance])
        elif covar_type == 'tied':
            predected_det = linalg.det(covariance)
        elif covar_type == 'diag':
            predected_det = np.array([ for cov in covariance])
        elif covar_type == 'spherical':
            predected_det = covariance ** n_features

        # We compute the cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
        expected_det = _compute_log_det_cholesky(_compute_precision_cholesky(
            covariance, covar_type), covar_type, n_features=n_features)
        assert_array_almost_equal(expected_det, - .5 * np.log(predected_det)) 
Example #11
Source File:    From econtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _likelihood(ca, D, y_demeaned, n, model):
    R = model(D, ca)
    R_inv = la.inv(R)
    L = np.log(la.det(R)) +
    return L

# Kernel reg of empirical data 
Example #12
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def f_value_multivariate(ER, EF, dfnum, dfden):
    Returns a multivariate F-statistic.

    ER : ndarray
        Error associated with the null hypothesis (the Restricted model).
        From a multivariate F calculation.
    EF : ndarray
        Error associated with the alternate hypothesis (the Full model)
        From a multivariate F calculation.
    dfnum : int
        Degrees of freedom the Restricted model.
    dfden : int
        Degrees of freedom associated with the Restricted model.

    fstat : float
        The computed F-statistic.

    if isinstance(ER, (int, float)):
        ER = array([[ER]])
    if isinstance(EF, (int, float)):
        EF = array([[EF]])
    n_um = (linalg.det(ER) - linalg.det(EF)) / float(dfnum)
    d_en = linalg.det(EF) / float(dfden)
    return n_um / d_en

#         SUPPORT FUNCTIONS         #
Example #13
Source File:    From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def logsqrtdet(self):
    return (1/2)*np.log(la.det(self._Sigma)) 
Example #14
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def mlogdet(self):
        return np.log(linalg.det(self.m)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From deepGP_approxEP with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_phi_prior(self):
        phi = 0
        for d in range(self.Dout):
            # s, a = npalg.slogdet(self.Kuu[d])
            a = np.log(npalg.det(self.Kuu[d]))
            phi += 0.5 * a
        return phi 
Example #16
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def mdet(self):
        return linalg.det(self.m) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def detomega(self):
        Return determinant of white noise covariance with degrees of freedom

        .. math::

            \hat \Omega = \frac{T}{T - Kp - 1} \hat \Omega_{\mathrm{MLE}}
        return L.det(self.sigma_u) 
Example #18
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def is_stable(self, verbose=False):
        """Determine stability based on model coefficients

        verbose : bool
            Print eigenvalues of the VAR(1) companion

        Checks if det(I - Az) = 0 for any mod(z) <= 1, so all the eigenvalues of
        the companion matrix must lie outside the unit circle
        return is_stable(self.coefs, verbose=verbose) 
Example #19
Source File:    From deepGP_approxEP with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_phi_posterior(self):
        phi = 0
        for d in range(self.Dout):
            mud_val =[d].get_value()
            Sud_val = self.Su[d].get_value()
            # s, a = npalg.slogdet(Sud_val)
            a = np.log(npalg.det(Sud_val))
            phi += 0.5 *,, mud_val))[0, 0]
            phi += 0.5 * a
        return phi 
Example #20
Source File:    From Kayak with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_matdet_grad_1():

    for ii in xrange(NUM_TRIALS):
        np_A = npr.randn(12,6)
        A    =, np_A) + 1e-6*np.eye(6)
        B    = kayak.Parameter(A)
        D    = kayak.MatDet(B)

        assert_less((D.value - spla.det(A))**2, 1e-6)

        assert_equal(D.grad(B).shape, B.shape)
        assert_less(kayak.util.checkgrad(B, D), MAX_GRAD_DIFF) 
Example #21
Source File:    From deepGP_approxEP with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_phi_cavity(self):
        phi = 0
        for d in range(self.Dout):
            muhatd_val = self.muhat[d].get_value()
            Suhatd_val = self.Suhat[d].get_value()
            # s, a = npalg.slogdet(Sud_val)
            a = np.log(npalg.det(Suhatd_val))
            phi += 0.5 *,, muhatd_val))[0, 0]
            phi += 0.5 * a
        return phi 
Example #22
Source File:    From Kayak with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_matdet_values_1():

    for ii in xrange(NUM_TRIALS):
        np_A = npr.randn(12,6)
        A    =, np_A) + 1e-6*np.eye(6)
        B    = kayak.Parameter(A)
        D    = kayak.MatDet(B)

        assert_less((D.value - spla.det(A))**2, 1e-6) 
Example #23
Source File:    From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_det(self):
        """Quaternion det = 1"""
        assert_allclose(la.det(self.mat2), 1) 
Example #24
Source File:    From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def check_one_qubit_euler_angles(self, operator, tolerance=1e-14):
        """Check euler_angles_1q works for the given unitary"""
        with self.subTest(operator=operator):
            target_unitary =
            angles = euler_angles_1q(target_unitary)
            decomp_unitary = U3Gate(*angles).to_matrix()
            target_unitary *= la.det(target_unitary)**(-0.5)
            decomp_unitary *= la.det(decomp_unitary)**(-0.5)
            maxdist = np.max(np.abs(target_unitary - decomp_unitary))
            if maxdist > 0.1:
                maxdist = np.max(np.abs(target_unitary + decomp_unitary))
            self.assertTrue(np.abs(maxdist) < tolerance, "Worst distance {}".format(maxdist)) 
Example #25
Source File:    From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def logsqrtdet(self):
    # Sigma = L^T L -- but be careful: only the lower triangle and
    # diagonal of L are actually initialized; the upper triangle is
    # garbage.
    L, _lower = self._cholesky

    # det Sigma = det L^T L = det L^T det L = (det L)^2.  Since L is
    # triangular, its determinant is the product of its diagonal.  To
    # compute log sqrt(det Sigma) = log det L, we sum the logs of its
    # diagonal.
    return np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L))) 
Example #26
Source File:    From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def logpdf(X, Mu, Sigma):
  """Multivariate normal log pdf."""
  # This is the multivariate normal log pdf for an array X of n
  # outputs, an array Mu of n means, and an n-by-n positive-definite
  # covariance matrix Sigma.  The direct-space density is:
  #     P(X | Mu, Sigma)
  #       = ((2 pi)^n det Sigma)^(-1/2)
  #         exp((-1/2) (X - Mu)^T Sigma^-1 (X - Mu)),
  # We want this in log-space, so we have
  #     log P(X | Mu, Sigma)
  #     = (-1/2) (X - Mu)^T Sigma^-1 (X - Mu) - log ((2 pi)^n det Sigma)^(1/2)
  #     = (-1/2) (X - Mu)^T Sigma^-1 (X - Mu)
  #         - (n/2) log (2 pi) - (1/2) log det Sigma.
  n = len(X)
  assert X.shape == (n,)
  assert Mu.shape == (n,)
  assert Sigma.shape == (n, n)
  assert np.all(np.isfinite(X))
  assert np.all(np.isfinite(Mu))
  assert np.all(np.isfinite(Sigma))

  X_ = X - Mu
  covf = _covariance_factor(Sigma)

  logp =, covf.solve(X_)/2.)
  logp -= (n/2.)*np.log(2*np.pi)
  logp -= covf.logsqrtdet()

  # Convert 1x1 matrix to float.
  return float(logp) 
Example #27
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_covariance(self):
        """Computes the covariance matrix for each Gaussian kernel using
        self.factor = self.covariance_factor()
        # Cache covariance and inverse covariance of the data
        if not hasattr(self, '_data_inv_cov'):
            self._data_covariance = atleast_2d(np.cov(self.dataset, rowvar=1,
            self._data_inv_cov = linalg.inv(self._data_covariance)

        self.covariance = self._data_covariance * self.factor**2
        self.inv_cov = self._data_inv_cov / self.factor**2
        self._norm_factor = sqrt(linalg.det(2*pi*self.covariance)) * self.n 
Example #28
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mdet(self):
        return linalg.det(self.m) 
Example #29
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mlogdet(self):
        return np.log(linalg.det(self.m)) 
Example #30
Source File:    From PyFEM with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calcWeight( jac ):

  n = jac.shape

  if n[0] == n[1]:
    return abs(det(jac))
  elif n[0] == 2 and n[1] == 1:
    return sqrt(sum(sum(jac*jac)))
