Python numpy.fft.ifft() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of numpy.fft.ifft(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module numpy.fft , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def _dhtm(mag):
    """Compute the modified 1D discrete Hilbert transform

    mag : ndarray
        The magnitude spectrum. Should be 1D with an even length, and
        preferably a fast length for FFT/IFFT.
    # Adapted based on code by Niranjan Damera-Venkata,
    # Brian L. Evans and Shawn R. McCaslin (see refs for `minimum_phase`)
    sig = np.zeros(len(mag))
    # Leave Nyquist and DC at 0, knowing np.abs(fftfreq(N)[midpt]) == 0.5
    midpt = len(mag) // 2
    sig[1:midpt] = 1
    sig[midpt+1:] = -1
    # eventually if we want to support complex filters, we will need a
    # np.abs() on the mag inside the log, and should remove the .real
    recon = ifft(mag * np.exp(fft(sig * ifft(np.log(mag))))).real
    return recon 
Example #2
Source File:    From scikit-dsp-comm with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def xcorr(x1,x2,Nlags):
    r12, k = xcorr(x1,x2,Nlags), r12 and k are ndarray's
    Compute the energy normalized cross correlation between the sequences
    x1 and x2. If x1 = x2 the cross correlation is the autocorrelation.
    The number of lags sets how many lags to return centered about zero
    K = 2*(int(np.floor(len(x1)/2)))
    X1 = fft.fft(x1[:K])
    X2 = fft.fft(x2[:K])
    E1 = sum(abs(x1[:K])**2)
    E2 = sum(abs(x2[:K])**2)
    r12 = np.fft.ifft(X1*np.conj(X2))/np.sqrt(E1*E2)
    k = np.arange(K) - int(np.floor(K/2))
    r12 = np.fft.fftshift(r12)
    idx = np.nonzero(np.ravel(abs(k) <= Nlags))
    return r12[idx], k[idx] 
Example #3
Source File:    From scikit-kge with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def cconv(a, b):
    Circular convolution of vectors

    Computes the circular convolution of two vectors a and b via their
    fast fourier transforms

    a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\mathcal{F}(a) \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

    a: real valued array (shape N)
    b: real valued array (shape N)

    c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
       convolution of a and b
    return ifft(fft(a) * fft(b)).real 
Example #4
Source File:    From lie_learn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def synthesize(f_hat, axis=0):
        Compute the inverse / synthesis Fourier transform of the function f_hat : Z -> C.
        The function f_hat(n) is sampled at points in a limited range -floor(N/2) <= n <= ceil(N/2) - 1

        This function returns
        f[k] = f(theta_k) = sum_{n=-floor(N/2)}^{ceil(N/2)-1} f_hat(n) exp(i n theta_k)
        where theta_k = 2 pi k / N
        for k = 0, ..., N - 1

        :param f_hat:
        :param axis:

        f_hat = ifftshift(f_hat * f_hat.shape[axis], axes=axis)
        f = ifft(f_hat, axis=axis)
        return f 
Example #5
Source File:    From scikit-kge with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ccorr(a, b):
    Circular correlation of vectors

    Computes the circular correlation of two vectors a and b via their
    fast fourier transforms

    a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\overline{\mathcal{F}(a)} \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

    a: real valued array (shape N)
    b: real valued array (shape N)

    c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
       correlation of a and b

    return ifft(np.conj(fft(a)) * fft(b)).real 
Example #6
Source File:    From cesi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cconv(a, b):
	Circular convolution of vectors

	Computes the circular convolution of two vectors a and b via their
	fast fourier transforms

	a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\mathcal{F}(a) \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

	a: real valued array (shape N)
	b: real valued array (shape N)

	c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
	   convolution of a and b
	return ifft(fft(a) * fft(b)).real 
Example #7
Source File:    From cesi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def ccorr(a, b):
	Circular correlation of vectors

	Computes the circular correlation of two vectors a and b via their
	fast fourier transforms

	a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\overline{\mathcal{F}(a)} \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

	a: real valued array (shape N)
	b: real valued array (shape N)

	c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
	   correlation of a and b

	return ifft(np.conj(fft(a)) * fft(b)).real 
Example #8
Source File:    From pyoptools with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _frft2(x, alpha):
    assert x.ndim == 2, "x must be a 2 dimensional array"
    m, n = x.shape
    # TODO please remove this confusing comment. Is it 'm' or 'm-1' ?
    # TODO If 'p = m', more code cleaning is easy to do.
    p = m  # m-1 # deveria incrementarse el sigiente pow
    y = zeros((2 * p, n), dtype=complex)
    z = zeros((2 * p, n), dtype=complex)

    j = indices(z.shape)[0]
    y[(p - m) // 2 : (p + m) // 2, :] = x * exp(
        -1.0j * pi * (j[0:m] ** 2) * float(alpha) / m

    z[0:m, :] = exp(1.0j * pi * (j[0:m] ** 2) * float(alpha) / m)
    z[-m:, :] = exp(1.0j * pi * ((j[-m:] - 2 * p) ** 2) * float(alpha) / m)

    d = exp(-1.0j * pi * j ** 2 ** float(alpha) / m) * ifft(
        fft(y, axis=0) * fft(z, axis=0), axis=0

    return d[0:m]

# TODO better docstring 
Example #9
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def filter(self, x):
        filter a timeseries with the ARMA filter

        padding with zero is missing, in example I needed the padding to get
        initial conditions identical to direct filter

        Initial filtered observations differ from filter2 and signal.lfilter, but
        at end they are the same.

        See Also

        n = x.shape[0]
        if n == self.fftarma:
            fftarma = self.fftarma
            fftarma = self.fftma(n) / self.fftar(n)
        tmpfft = fftarma * fft.fft(x)
        return fft.ifft(tmpfft) 
Example #10
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def invpowerspd(self, n):
        '''autocovariance from spectral density

        scaling is correct, but n needs to be large for numerical accuracy
        maybe padding with zero in fft would be faster
        without slicing it returns 2-sided autocovariance with fftshift

        >>> ArmaFft([1, -0.5], [1., 0.4], 40).invpowerspd(2**8)[:10]
        array([ 2.08    ,  1.44    ,  0.72    ,  0.36    ,  0.18    ,  0.09    ,
                0.045   ,  0.0225  ,  0.01125 ,  0.005625])
        >>> ArmaFft([1, -0.5], [1., 0.4], 40).acovf(10)
        array([ 2.08    ,  1.44    ,  0.72    ,  0.36    ,  0.18    ,  0.09    ,
                0.045   ,  0.0225  ,  0.01125 ,  0.005625])
        hw = self.fftarma(n)
        return np.real_if_close(fft.ifft(hw*hw.conj()), tol=200)[:n] 
Example #11
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _dhtm(mag):
    """Compute the modified 1D discrete Hilbert transform

    mag : ndarray
        The magnitude spectrum. Should be 1D with an even length, and
        preferably a fast length for FFT/IFFT.
    # Adapted based on code by Niranjan Damera-Venkata,
    # Brian L. Evans and Shawn R. McCaslin (see refs for `minimum_phase`)
    sig = np.zeros(len(mag))
    # Leave Nyquist and DC at 0, knowing np.abs(fftfreq(N)[midpt]) == 0.5
    midpt = len(mag) // 2
    sig[1:midpt] = 1
    sig[midpt+1:] = -1
    # eventually if we want to support complex filters, we will need a
    # np.abs() on the mag inside the log, and should remove the .real
    recon = ifft(mag * np.exp(fft(sig * ifft(np.log(mag))))).real
    return recon 
Example #12
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _dhtm(mag):
    """Compute the modified 1D discrete Hilbert transform

    mag : ndarray
        The magnitude spectrum. Should be 1D with an even length, and
        preferably a fast length for FFT/IFFT.
    # Adapted based on code by Niranjan Damera-Venkata,
    # Brian L. Evans and Shawn R. McCaslin (see refs for `minimum_phase`)
    sig = np.zeros(len(mag))
    # Leave Nyquist and DC at 0, knowing np.abs(fftfreq(N)[midpt]) == 0.5
    midpt = len(mag) // 2
    sig[1:midpt] = 1
    sig[midpt+1:] = -1
    # eventually if we want to support complex filters, we will need a
    # np.abs() on the mag inside the log, and should remove the .real
    recon = ifft(mag * np.exp(fft(sig * ifft(np.log(mag))))).real
    return recon 
Example #13
Source File:    From kshape with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _ncc_c(x, y):
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
    array([ 0.13333333,  0.36666667,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,
            0.36666667,  0.13333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,1,1], [1,1,1])
    array([ 0.33333333,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,  0.33333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3], [-1,-1,-1])
    array([-0.15430335, -0.46291005, -0.9258201 , -0.77151675, -0.46291005])
    den = np.array(norm(x) * norm(y))
    den[den == 0] = np.Inf

    x_len = len(x)
    fft_size = 1 << (2*x_len-1).bit_length()
    cc = ifft(fft(x, fft_size) * np.conj(fft(y, fft_size)))
    cc = np.concatenate((cc[-(x_len-1):], cc[:x_len]))
    return np.real(cc) / den 
Example #14
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_fourier_ellipsoid_real01(self):
        for shape in [(32, 16), (31, 15)]:
            for type in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
                a = numpy.zeros(shape, type)
                a[0, 0] = 1.0
                a = fft.rfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = ndimage.fourier_ellipsoid(a, [5.0, 2.5],
                                              shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                assert_almost_equal(ndimage.sum(a), 1.0) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_fourier_shift_real01(self):
        for shape in [(32, 16), (31, 15)]:
            for dtype in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
                expected = numpy.arange(shape[0] * shape[1], dtype=dtype)
                expected.shape = shape
                a = fft.rfft(expected, shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = ndimage.fourier_shift(a, [1, 1], shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                assert_array_almost_equal(a[1:, 1:], expected[:-1, :-1])
                assert_array_almost_equal(a.imag, numpy.zeros(shape)) 
Example #16
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_fourier_uniform_real01(self):
        for shape in [(32, 16), (31, 15)]:
            for type in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
                a = numpy.zeros(shape, type)
                a[0, 0] = 1.0
                a = fft.rfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = ndimage.fourier_uniform(a, [5.0, 2.5],
                                                      shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                assert_almost_equal(ndimage.sum(a), 1.0) 
Example #17
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def invpowerspd(self, n):
        '''autocovariance from spectral density

        scaling is correct, but n needs to be large for numerical accuracy
        maybe padding with zero in fft would be faster
        without slicing it returns 2-sided autocovariance with fftshift

        >>> ArmaFft([1, -0.5], [1., 0.4], 40).invpowerspd(2**8)[:10]
        array([ 2.08    ,  1.44    ,  0.72    ,  0.36    ,  0.18    ,  0.09    ,
                0.045   ,  0.0225  ,  0.01125 ,  0.005625])
        >>> ArmaFft([1, -0.5], [1., 0.4], 40).acovf(10)
        array([ 2.08    ,  1.44    ,  0.72    ,  0.36    ,  0.18    ,  0.09    ,
                0.045   ,  0.0225  ,  0.01125 ,  0.005625])
        hw = self.fftarma(n)
        return np.real_if_close(fft.ifft(hw*hw.conj()), tol=200)[:n] 
Example #18
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def filter(self, x):
        filter a timeseries with the ARMA filter

        padding with zero is missing, in example I needed the padding to get
        initial conditions identical to direct filter

        Initial filtered observations differ from filter2 and signal.lfilter, but
        at end they are the same.

        See Also

        n = x.shape[0]
        if n == self.fftarma:
            fftarma = self.fftarma
            fftarma = self.fftma(n) / self.fftar(n)
        tmpfft = fftarma * fft.fft(x)
        return fft.ifft(tmpfft) 
Example #19
Source File:    From kshape with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _ncc_c_2dim(x, y):
    Variant of NCCc that operates with 2 dimensional X arrays and 1 dimensional
    y vector

    Returns a 2 dimensional array of normalized fourier transforms
    den = np.array(norm(x, axis=1) * norm(y))
    den[den == 0] = np.Inf
    x_len = x.shape[-1]
    fft_size = 1 << (2*x_len-1).bit_length()
    cc = ifft(fft(x, fft_size) * np.conj(fft(y, fft_size)))
    cc = np.concatenate((cc[:,-(x_len-1):], cc[:,:x_len]), axis=1)
    return np.real(cc) / den[:, np.newaxis] 
Example #20
Source File:    From kshape with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _ncc_c_3dim(x, y):
    Variant of NCCc that operates with 2 dimensional X arrays and 2 dimensional
    y vector

    Returns a 3 dimensional array of normalized fourier transforms
    den = norm(x, axis=1)[:, None] * norm(y, axis=1)
    den[den == 0] = np.Inf
    x_len = x.shape[-1]
    fft_size = 1 << (2*x_len-1).bit_length()
    cc = ifft(fft(x, fft_size) * np.conj(fft(y, fft_size))[:, None])
    cc = np.concatenate((cc[:,:,-(x_len-1):], cc[:,:,:x_len]), axis=2)
    return np.real(cc) / den.T[:, :, None] 
Example #21
Source File:    From pyCFTrackers with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def track(self, im, pos, base_target_sz, current_scale_factor):
            track the scale using the scale filter
        # get scale filter features
        scales = current_scale_factor * self.scale_size_factors
        xs = self._extract_scale_sample(im, pos, base_target_sz, scales, self.scale_model_sz)

        # project
        xs = * self.window

        # get scores
        xsf = fft(xs, axis=1)
        scale_responsef = np.sum(self.sf_num * xsf, 0) / (self.sf_den + self.config.lamBda)
        interp_scale_response = np.real(ifft(resize_dft(scale_responsef, self.config.number_of_interp_scales)))
        recovered_scale_index = np.argmax(interp_scale_response)
        if self.config.do_poly_interp:
            # fit a quadratic polynomial to get a refined scale estimate
            id1 = (recovered_scale_index - 1) % self.config.number_of_interp_scales
            id2 = (recovered_scale_index + 1) % self.config.number_of_interp_scales
            poly_x = np.array([self.interp_scale_factors[id1], self.interp_scale_factors[recovered_scale_index], self.interp_scale_factors[id2]])
            poly_y = np.array([interp_scale_response[id1], interp_scale_response[recovered_scale_index], interp_scale_response[id2]])
            poly_A = np.array([[poly_x[0]**2, poly_x[0], 1],
                               [poly_x[1]**2, poly_x[1], 1],
                               [poly_x[2]**2, poly_x[2], 1]], dtype=np.float32)
            poly = np.linalg.inv(poly_A).dot(poly_y.T)
            scale_change_factor = - poly[1] / (2 * poly[0])
            scale_change_factor = self.interp_scale_factors[recovered_scale_index]
        return scale_change_factor 
Example #22
Source File:    From wonambi with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _color_noise(x, s_freq, coef=0):
    """Add some color to the noise by changing the power spectrum.

    x : ndarray
        one vector of the original signal
    s_freq : int
        sampling frequency
    coef : float
        coefficient to apply (0 -> white noise, 1 -> pink, 2 -> brown,
                              -1 -> blue)

        one vector of the colored noise.
    # convert to freq domain
    y = fft(x)
    ph = angle(y)
    m = abs(y)

    # frequencies for each fft value
    freq = linspace(0, s_freq / 2, int(len(m) / 2) + 1)
    freq = freq[1:-1]

    # create new power spectrum
    m1 = zeros(len(m))
    # leave zero alone, and multiply the rest by the function
    m1[1:int(len(m) / 2)] = m[1:int(len(m) / 2)] * f(freq, coef)
    # simmetric around nyquist freq
    m1[int(len(m1) / 2 + 1):] = m1[1:int(len(m1) / 2)][::-1]

    # reconstruct the signal
    y1 = m1 * exp(1j * ph)
    return real(ifft(y1)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From joie-kdd19 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def circular_correlation(h, t):
    return tf.real(tf.spectral.ifft(tf.multiply(tf.conj(tf.spectral.fft(tf.complex(h, 0.))), tf.spectral.fft(tf.complex(t, 0.))))) 
Example #24
Source File:    From joie-kdd19 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def np_ccorr(h, t):
    return ifft(np.conj(fft(h)) * fft(t)).real 
Example #25
Source File:    From text_embedding with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def circular_conv(cooc, w2v):
  for i, word in enumerate(cooc):
    vec = w2v.get(word)
    if vec is None:
      return 0.0
    if i:
      output = output * fft(vec)
      output = fft(vec)
  return np.real(ifft(output)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From piradar with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def delayseq(x, delay_sec: float, fs: int):
    x: input 1-D signal
    delay_sec: amount to shift signal [seconds]
    fs: sampling frequency [Hz]

    xs: time-shifted signal

    assert x.ndim == 1, "only 1-D signals for now"

    delay_samples = delay_sec * fs
    delay_int = round(delay_samples)

    nfft = nextpow2(x.size + delay_int)

    fbins = 2 * pi * ifftshift((arange(nfft) - nfft // 2)) / nfft

    X = fft(x, nfft)
    Xs = ifft(X * exp(-1j * delay_samples * fbins))

    if isreal(x[0]):
        Xs = Xs.real

    xs = zeros_like(x)
    xs[delay_int:] = Xs[delay_int : x.size]

    return xs 
Example #27
Source File:    From suite2p with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute(frames):
    """ computes the bidirectional phase offset

    sometimes in line scanning there will be offsets between lines;
    if ops['do_bidiphase'], then bidiphase is computed and applied

    frames : int16
        random subsample of frames in binary (frames x Ly x Lx)

    bidiphase : int
        bidirectional phase offset in pixels


    Ly = frames.shape[1]
    Lx = frames.shape[2]
    # lines scanned in 1 direction
    yr1 = np.arange(1, np.floor(Ly/2)*2, 2, int)
    # lines scanned in the other direction
    yr2 = np.arange(0, np.floor(Ly/2)*2, 2, int)

    # compute phase-correlation between lines in x-direction
    d1 = fft.fft(frames[:, yr1, :], axis=2)
    d2 = np.conj(fft.fft(frames[:, yr2, :], axis=2))
    d1 = d1 / (np.abs(d1) + 1e-5)
    d2 = d2 / (np.abs(d2) + 1e-5)

    #fhg =  gaussian_fft(1, int(np.floor(Ly/2)), Lx)
    cc = np.real(fft.ifft(d1 * d2 , axis=2))#* fhg[np.newaxis, :, :], axis=2))
    cc = cc.mean(axis=1).mean(axis=0)
    cc = fft.fftshift(cc)
    ix = np.argmax(cc[(np.arange(-10,11,1) + np.floor(Lx/2)).astype(int)])
    ix -= 10
    bidiphase = -1*ix

    return bidiphase 
Example #28
Source File:    From ocelot with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def csr_convolution(a, b):
    P = len(a)
    Q = len(b)
    L = P + Q - 1
    K = 2 ** nextpow2(L)
    a_pad = np.pad(a, (0, K - P), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
    b_pad = np.pad(b, (0, K - Q), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
    c = ifft(fft(a_pad)*fft(b_pad))
    c = c[0:L-1].real
    return c 
Example #29
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_fourier_gaussian_real01(self):
        for shape in [(32, 16), (31, 15)]:
            for type_, dec in zip([numpy.float32, numpy.float64], [6, 14]):
                a = numpy.zeros(shape, type_)
                a[0, 0] = 1.0
                a = fft.rfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.fft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = ndimage.fourier_gaussian(a, [5.0, 2.5], shape[0], 0)
                a = fft.ifft(a, shape[1], 1)
                a = fft.irfft(a, shape[0], 0)
                assert_almost_equal(ndimage.sum(a), 1, decimal=dec) 
Example #30
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def bench_random(self):
        from numpy.fft import ifft as numpy_ifft
        print('       Inverse Fast Fourier Transform')
        print('      |     real input    |    complex input   ')
        print(' size |  scipy  |  numpy  |  scipy  |  numpy  ')
        for size,repeat in [(100,7000),(1000,2000),
            print('%5s' % size, end=' ')

            for x in [random([size]).astype(double),
                if size > 500:
                    y = ifft(x)
                    y = direct_idft(x)
                print('|%8.2f' % measure('ifft(x)',repeat), end=' ')

                print('|%8.2f' % measure('numpy_ifft(x)',repeat), end=' ')

            print(' (secs for %s calls)' % (repeat))