Python scipy.fftpack.fft() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.fftpack.fft(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.fftpack , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 8 votes vote down vote up
def run_mgc_example():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fs, x ="test16k.wav")
    pos = 3000
    fftlen = 1024
    win = np.blackman(fftlen) / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.blackman(fftlen) ** 2))
    xw = x[pos:pos + fftlen] * win
    sp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(xw)))
    mgc_order = 20
    mgc_alpha = 0.41
    mgc_gamma = -0.35
    mgc_arr = win2mgc(xw, order=mgc_order, alpha=mgc_alpha, gamma=mgc_gamma, verbose=True)
    xwsp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(xw)))
    sp = mgc2sp(mgc_arr, mgc_alpha, mgc_gamma, fftlen)
    plt.plot(20. / np.log(10) * np.real(sp), "r")
    plt.xlim(1, len(xwsp)) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_shape_axes_argument(self):
        small_x = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
        large_x1 = array([[1,2,3,0],
        # Disable tests with shape and axes of different lengths
        # y = fftn(small_x,shape=(4,4),axes=(-1,))
        # for i in range(4):
        #    assert_array_almost_equal (y[i],fft(large_x1[i]))
        # y = fftn(small_x,shape=(4,4),axes=(-2,))
        # for i in range(4):
        #    assert_array_almost_equal (y[:,i],fft(large_x1[:,i]))
        y = fftn(small_x,shape=(4,4),axes=(-2,-1))
        y = fftn(small_x,shape=(4,4),axes=(-1,-2))
Example #3
Source File:    From ClearMap with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _centered(arr, newsize):
    # Return the center newsize portion of the array.
    newsize = numpy.asarray(newsize)
    currsize = numpy.array(arr.shape)
    startind = (currsize - newsize) // 2
    endind = startind + newsize
    myslice = [slice(startind[k], endind[k]) for k in range(len(endind))]
    return arr[tuple(myslice)]

#def _rfftn(a, s=None, axes=None):
#    s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes);
#    a = fft.rfft(a, s[-1], axes[-1], overwrite_x = True)
#    for ii in range(len(axes)-1):
#        a = fft.fft(a, s[ii], axes[ii], overwrite_x = True)
#    return a

#def _irfftn(a, s=None, axes=None):   
#    #a = asarray(a).astype('complex64')
#    s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes, invreal=1)
#    for ii in range(len(axes)-1):
#        a = fft.ifft(a, s[ii], axes[ii], overwrite_x = True);
#    a = fft.ifft(a, s[-1], axes[-1], overwrite_x = True);
#    a = a.real;
#    return a 
Example #4
Source File:    From sprocket with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_high_frequency_completion(self):
        path = dirpath + '/data/test16000.wav'
        fs, x =

        f0rate = 0.5
        shifter = Shifter(fs, f0rate=f0rate)
        mod_x = shifter.f0transform(x, completion=False)
        mod_xc = shifter.f0transform(x, completion=True)
        assert len(mod_x) == len(mod_xc)

        N = 512
        fl = int(fs * 25 / 1000)
        win = np.hanning(fl)
        sts = [1000, 5000, 10000, 20000]
        for st in sts:
            # confirm w/o completion
            f_mod_x = fft(mod_x[st: st + fl] / 2**16 * win)
            amp_mod_x = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(f_mod_x))

            # confirm w/ completion
            f_mod_xc = fft(mod_xc[st: st + fl] / 2**16 * win)
            amp_mod_xc = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(f_mod_xc))

            assert np.mean(amp_mod_x[N // 4:] < np.mean(amp_mod_xc[N // 4:])) 
Example #5
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def win2mgc(windowed_signal, order=20, alpha=0.35, gamma=-0.41, miniter=2,
        maxiter=30, criteria=0.001, otype=0, verbose=False):
    Accepts 1D or 2D array of windowed signal frames.

    If 2D, assumes time is axis 0.

    Returns mel generalized cepstral coefficients.

    Based on r9y9 Julia code
    if len(windowed_signal.shape) == 1:
        sp = np.fft.fft(windowed_signal)
        return _sp2mgc(sp, order=order, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma,
                miniter=miniter, maxiter=maxiter, criteria=criteria,
                otype=otype, verbose=verbose)
        raise ValueError("2D input not yet complete for win2mgc") 
Example #6
Source File:    From dispel4py with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def spectralwhitening(stream):
    Apply spectral whitening to data.
    Data is divided by its smoothed (Default: None) amplitude spectrum.
    stream2 = copy.deepcopy(stream)

    for trace in arange(len(stream2)):
        data = stream2[trace].data

        n = len(data)
        nfft = nextpow2(n)

        spec = fft(data, nfft)
        spec_ampl = sqrt(abs(multiply(spec, conjugate(spec))))

        spec /= spec_ampl  # Do we need to do some smoothing here?
        ret = real(ifft(spec, nfft)[:n])

        stream2[trace].data = ret

    return stream2 
Example #7
Source File:    From dispel4py with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def spectralwhitening_smooth(stream, N):
    Apply spectral whitening to data.
    Data is divided by its smoothed (Default: None) amplitude spectrum.
    stream2 = copy.deepcopy(stream)

    for trace in arange(len(stream2)):
        data = stream2[trace].data

        n = len(data)
        nfft = nextpow2(n)

        spec = fft(data, nfft)
        spec_ampl = sqrt(abs(multiply(spec, conjugate(spec))))

        spec_ampl = smooth(spec_ampl, N)

        spec /= spec_ampl  # Do we need to do some smoothing here?
        ret = real(ifft(spec, nfft)[:n])

        stream2[trace].data = ret

    return stream2 
Example #8
Source File:    From fftoptionlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def carr_madan_fraction_fft_call_pricer(N, d_u, d_k, alpha, r, t, S0, q, chf_ln_st):
    rou = (d_u * d_k) / (2 * np.pi)
    beta = np.log(S0) - d_k * N / 2
    u_arr = np.arange(N) * d_u
    k_arr = beta + np.arange(N) * d_k
    delta_arr = np.zeros(N)
    delta_arr[0] = 1
    w_arr = d_u / 3 * (3 + (-1) ** (np.arange(N) + 1) - delta_arr)
    call_chf = (np.exp(-r * t) / ((alpha + 1j * u_arr) * (alpha + 1j * u_arr + 1))) * chf_ln_st(
        u_arr - (alpha + 1) * 1j,
        t, r, q=q, S0=S0)
    x_arr = np.exp(-1j * beta * u_arr) * call_chf * w_arr
    y_arr = np.zeros(2 * N) * 0j
    y_arr[:N] = np.exp(-1j * np.pi * rou * np.arange(N) ** 2) * x_arr
    z_arr = np.zeros(2 * N) * 0j
    z_arr[:N] = np.exp(1j * np.pi * rou * np.arange(N) ** 2)
    z_arr[N:] = np.exp(1j * np.pi * rou * np.arange(N - 1, -1, -1) ** 2)
    ffty = (fft(y_arr))
    fftz = (fft(z_arr))
    fftx = ffty * fftz
    fftpsi = ifft(fftx)
    fft_prices = np.exp(-1j * np.pi * (np.arange(N) ** 2) * rou) * fftpsi[:N]
    call_prices = (np.exp(-alpha * k_arr) / np.pi) * fft_prices.real
    return np.exp(k_arr), call_prices 
Example #9
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def d4c_love_train(x, fs, current_f0, current_position, threshold):
    vuv = 0
    if current_f0 == 0:
        return vuv
    lowest_f0 = 40
    current_f0 = max([current_f0, lowest_f0])
    fft_size = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(3. * fs / lowest_f0 + 1)))
    boundary0 = int(np.ceil(100 / (float(fs) / fft_size)))
    boundary1 = int(np.ceil(4000 / (float(fs) / fft_size)))
    boundary2 = int(np.ceil(7900 / (float(fs) / fft_size)))

    waveform = d4c_get_windowed_waveform(x, fs, current_f0, current_position,
            1.5, 2)
    power_spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(waveform, int(fft_size)) ** 2)
    power_spectrum[0:boundary0 + 1] = 0.
    cumulative_spectrum = np.cumsum(power_spectrum)
    if (cumulative_spectrum[boundary1] / cumulative_spectrum[boundary2]) > threshold:
        vuv = 1
    return vuv 
Example #10
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def cheaptrick_get_power_spectrum(waveform, fs, fft_size, f0):
    power_spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(waveform, fft_size)) ** 2
    frequency_axis = np.arange(fft_size) / float(fft_size) * float(fs)
    ind = frequency_axis < (f0 + fs / fft_size)
    low_frequency_axis = frequency_axis[ind]
    low_frequency_replica = interp1d(f0 - low_frequency_axis,
            power_spectrum[ind], kind="linear",
    p1 = low_frequency_replica[(frequency_axis < f0)[:len(low_frequency_replica)]]
    p2 = power_spectrum[(frequency_axis < f0)[:len(power_spectrum)]]
    power_spectrum[frequency_axis < f0] = p1 + p2
    lb1 = int(fft_size / 2) + 1
    lb2 = 1
    ub2 = int(fft_size / 2)
    power_spectrum[lb1:] = power_spectrum[lb2:ub2][::-1]
    return power_spectrum 
Example #11
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def stft(X, fftsize=128, step="half", mean_normalize=True, real=False,
    Compute STFT for 1D real valued input X
    if real:
        local_fft = fftpack.rfft
        cut = -1
        local_fft = fftpack.fft
        cut = None
    if compute_onesided:
        cut = fftsize // 2 + 1
    if mean_normalize:
        X -= X.mean()
    if step == "half":
        X = halfoverlap(X, fftsize)
        X = overlap(X, fftsize, step)
    size = fftsize
    win = 0.54 - .46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(size) / (size - 1))
    X = X * win[None]
    X = local_fft(X)[:, :cut]
    return X 
Example #12
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fft_1d_loop(arr, axis=-1):
    """Like scipy.fft.pack.fft and numpy.fft.fft, perform fft along an axis.
    Here do this by looping over remaining axes and perform 1D FFTs.

    This was implemented as a low-memory version like
    :func:`~pwtools.crys.smooth` to be used in :func:`~pwtools.pydos.pdos`,
    which fills up the memory for big MD data. But actually it has the same
    memory footprint as the plain scipy fft routine. Keep it here anyway as a
    nice reference for how to loop over remaining axes in the ndarray case.
    if axis < 0:
        axis = arr.ndim - 1
    axes = [ax for ax in range(arr.ndim) if ax != axis]
    # tuple here is 3x faster than generator expression
    #   idxs = (range(arr.shape[ax]) for ax in axes)
    idxs = tuple(range(arr.shape[ax]) for ax in axes)
    out = np.empty(arr.shape, dtype=complex)
    for idx_tup in product(*idxs):
        sl = [slice(None)] * arr.ndim
        for idx,ax in zip(idx_tup, axes):
            sl[ax] = idx
        tsl = tuple(sl)
        out[tsl] = fft(arr[tsl])
    return out 
Example #13
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ezfft(y, dt=1.0):
    """Simple FFT function for interactive use.

    y : 1d array to fft
    dt : float
        time step

    faxis, fft(y)

    >>> t = linspace(0,1,200)
    >>> x = sin(2*pi*10*t) + sin(2*pi*20*t)
    >>> f,d = signal.ezfft(x, dt=t[1]-t[0])
    >>> plot(f,abs(d))
    assert y.ndim == 1
    faxis = np.fft.fftfreq(len(y), dt)
    split_idx = len(faxis)/2
    return faxis[:split_idx], fft(y)[:split_idx] 
Example #14
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def cut_norm(full_y, dt, area=1.0):
    """Cut out an FFT spectrum from scipy.fftpack.fft() (or numpy.fft.fft())
    result and normalize the integral `int(f) y(f) df = area`.

    full_y : 1d array
        Result of fft(...)
    dt : time step
    area : integral area
    full_faxis = np.fft.fftfreq(full_y.shape[0], dt)
    split_idx = full_faxis.shape[0]/2
    y_out = full_y[:split_idx]
    faxis = full_faxis[:split_idx]
    return faxis, num.norm_int(y_out, faxis, area=area)

# common settings for 1d and 3d case
Example #15
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_real(self):
        if np.dtype(np.longdouble).itemsize == np.dtype(np.double).itemsize:
            # longdouble == double; so fft is supported

        x = np.random.randn(10).astype(np.longcomplex)

        for f in [fft, ifft]:
                raise AssertionError("Type %r not supported but does not fail" %
            except ValueError:
Example #16
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_definition(self):
        x = np.array([1,2,3,4+1j,1,2,3,4+2j], dtype=self.cdt)
        y = fft(x)
        assert_equal(y.dtype, self.cdt)
        y1 = direct_dft(x)
        x = np.array([1,2,3,4+0j,5], dtype=self.cdt)
Example #17
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_n_argument_real(self):
        x1 = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype=self.rdt)
        x2 = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype=self.rdt)
        y = fft([x1,x2],n=4)
        assert_equal(y.dtype, self.cdt)
Example #18
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def direct_dftn(x):
    x = asarray(x)
    for axis in range(len(x.shape)):
        x = fft(x,axis=axis)
    return x 
Example #19
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_amplitude(self,signal,l):
        if self.amplitude.has_key(l):
            return self.amplitude[l]
            amp = sp.absolute(sp.fft(get_frame(signal, self.winsize,l) * self.window))
            self.amplitude[l] = amp
            return amp 
Example #20
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def harvest(x, fs):
    f0_floor = 71
    f0_ceil = 800
    target_fs = 8000
    channels_in_octave = 40.
    basic_temporal_positions, temporal_positions = _world_get_temporal_positions(len(x), fs)
    adjusted_f0_floor = f0_floor * 0.9
    adjusted_f0_ceil = f0_ceil * 1.1
    boundary_f0_list = np.arange(1, np.ceil(np.log2(adjusted_f0_ceil / adjusted_f0_floor) * channels_in_octave) + 1) / float(channels_in_octave)
    boundary_f0_list = adjusted_f0_floor * 2.0 ** boundary_f0_list
    y, actual_fs = harvest_get_downsampled_signal(x, fs, target_fs)
    fft_size = 2. ** np.ceil(np.log2(len(y) + np.round(fs / f0_floor * 4) + 1))
    y_spectrum = np.fft.fft(y, int(fft_size))
    raw_f0_candidates = harvest_get_raw_f0_candidates(
        boundary_f0_list, len(y), basic_temporal_positions, actual_fs,
        y_spectrum, f0_floor, f0_ceil)

    f0_candidates, number_of_candidates = harvest_detect_official_f0_candidates(raw_f0_candidates)
    f0_candidates = harvest_overlap_f0_candidates(f0_candidates, number_of_candidates)
    f0_candidates, f0_scores = harvest_refine_candidates(y, actual_fs,
            basic_temporal_positions, f0_candidates, f0_floor, f0_ceil)

    f0_candidates, f0_scores = harvest_remove_unreliable_candidates(f0_candidates, f0_scores)

    connected_f0, vuv = harvest_fix_f0_contour(f0_candidates, f0_scores)
    smoothed_f0 = harvest_smooth_f0_contour(connected_f0)
    idx = np.minimum(len(smoothed_f0) - 1, np.round(temporal_positions * 1000)).astype("int32")
    f0 = smoothed_f0[idx]
    vuv = vuv[idx]
    f0_candidates = f0_candidates
    return temporal_positions, f0, vuv, f0_candidates 
Example #21
Source File:    From tools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def harvest_get_f0_candidate_from_raw_event(boundary_f0,
        fs, y_spectrum, y_length, temporal_positions, f0_floor,
    filter_length_half = int(np.round(fs / boundary_f0 * 2))
    band_pass_filter_base = harvest_nuttall(filter_length_half * 2 + 1)
    shifter = np.cos(2 * np.pi * boundary_f0 * np.arange(-filter_length_half, filter_length_half + 1) / float(fs))
    band_pass_filter = band_pass_filter_base * shifter

    index_bias = filter_length_half
    # possible numerical issues if 32 bit
    spectrum_low_pass_filter = np.fft.fft(band_pass_filter.astype("float64"), len(y_spectrum))
    filtered_signal = np.real(np.fft.ifft(spectrum_low_pass_filter * y_spectrum))
    index_bias = filter_length_half + 1
    filtered_signal = filtered_signal[index_bias + np.arange(y_length).astype("int32")]
    negative_zero_cross = harvest_zero_crossing_engine(filtered_signal, fs)
    positive_zero_cross = harvest_zero_crossing_engine(-filtered_signal, fs)
    d_filtered_signal = filtered_signal[1:] - filtered_signal[:-1]
    peak = harvest_zero_crossing_engine(d_filtered_signal, fs)
    dip = harvest_zero_crossing_engine(-d_filtered_signal, fs)
    f0_candidate = harvest_get_f0_candidate_contour(negative_zero_cross,
            positive_zero_cross, peak, dip, temporal_positions)
    f0_candidate[f0_candidate > (boundary_f0 * 1.1)] = 0.
    f0_candidate[f0_candidate < (boundary_f0 * .9)] = 0.
    f0_candidate[f0_candidate > f0_ceil] = 0.
    f0_candidate[f0_candidate < f0_floor] = 0.
    return f0_candidate 
Example #22
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_n_argument_real(self):
        x1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float16)
        x2 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float16)
        y = fft([x1, x2], n=4)
        assert_equal(y.dtype, np.complex64)
        assert_equal(y.shape, (2, 4))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y[0], direct_dft(x1.astype(np.float32)))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y[1], direct_dft(x2.astype(np.float32))) 
Example #23
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_fft():
    import numpy as np
    from pwtools import signal
    from scipy.fftpack import fft

    y = np.random.rand(1000)
    pwtools_ffty = signal.dft(y)
    scipy_ffty = fft(y)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(scipy_ffty, pwtools_ffty)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(scipy_ffty.real, pwtools_ffty.real)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(scipy_ffty.imag, pwtools_ffty.imag) 
Example #24
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_fft_1d_loop():
    a = rand(10,20,30,40)
    for axis in [0,1,2,3]:
        assert (fft(a, axis=axis) == fft_1d_loop(a, axis=axis)).all()
    a = rand(10)
    assert (fft(a) == fft_1d_loop(a)).all() 
Example #25
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_djbfft(self):
        for i in range(2,14):
            n = 2**i
            x = list(range(n))
            y = fftpack.zfft(x,direction=-1)
            y2 = numpy.fft.ifft(x)
            y = fftpack.zrfft(x,direction=-1)
Example #26
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_fft(self):
        overwritable = (np.complex128, np.complex64)
        for dtype in self.dtypes:
            self._check_1d(fft, dtype, (16,), -1, overwritable)
            self._check_1d(fft, dtype, (16, 2), 0, overwritable)
            self._check_1d(fft, dtype, (2, 16), 1, overwritable) 
Example #27
Source File:    From ciftify with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_falff(timeseries, min_low_freq, max_low_freq, min_total_freq, max_total_freq, calc_alff):
    ''' this will calculate falff from a timeseries'''

    n = len(timeseries)
    time = (np.arange(n))*2

    # Takes fast Fourier transform of timeseries
    fft_timeseries = fft(timeseries)
    # Calculates frequency scale
    freq_scale = np.fft.fftfreq(n, 1/1)

    # Calculates power of fft
    mag = (abs(fft_timeseries))**0.5

    # Finds low frequency range (0.01-0.08) and total frequency range (0.0-0.25)
    low_ind = np.where((float(min_low_freq) <= freq_scale) & (freq_scale <= float(max_low_freq)))
    total_ind = np.where((float(min_total_freq) <= freq_scale) & (freq_scale <= float(max_total_freq)))

    # Indexes power to low frequency index, total frequency range
    low_power = mag[low_ind]
    total_power = mag[total_ind]
    # Calculates sum of lower power and total power
    low_pow_sum = np.sum(low_power)
    total_pow_sum = np.sum(total_power)

    # Calculates alff as the sum of amplitudes within the low frequency range
    if calc_alff:
        calc = low_pow_sum
    # Calculates falff as the sum of power in low frequnecy range divided by sum of power in the total frequency range
        calc = np.divide(low_pow_sum, total_pow_sum)

    return calc 
Example #28
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_shape_axes_argument2(self):
        # Change shape of the last axis
        x = numpy.random.random((10, 5, 3, 7))
        y = fftn(x, axes=(-1,), shape=(8,))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y, fft(x, axis=-1, n=8))

        # Change shape of an arbitrary axis which is not the last one
        x = numpy.random.random((10, 5, 3, 7))
        y = fftn(x, axes=(-2,), shape=(8,))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y, fft(x, axis=-2, n=8))

        # Change shape of axes: cf #244, where shape and axes were mixed up
        x = numpy.random.random((4,4,2))
        y = fftn(x, axes=(-3,-2), shape=(8,8))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y, numpy.fft.fftn(x, axes=(-3, -2), s=(8, 8))) 
Example #29
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_random_complex(self):
        for size in [1,51,111,100,200,64,128,256,1024]:
            x = random([size]).astype(self.cdt)
            x = random([size]).astype(self.cdt) + 1j*x
            y1 = ifft(fft(x))
            y2 = fft(ifft(x))
            assert_equal(y1.dtype, self.cdt)
            assert_equal(y2.dtype, self.cdt)
            assert_array_almost_equal(y1, x)
            assert_array_almost_equal(y2, x) 
Example #30
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_1_argument_real(self):
        x1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float16)
        y = fft(x1, n=4)
        assert_equal(y.dtype, np.complex64)
        assert_equal(y.shape, (4, ))
        assert_array_almost_equal(y, direct_dft(x1.astype(np.float32)))