Python scipy.unique() Examples

The following are 6 code examples of scipy.unique(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From mr_saliency with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __MR_boundary_indictor(self,labels):
        s = sp.amax(labels)+1
        up_indictor = (sp.ones((s,1))).astype(float)
        right_indictor = (sp.ones((s,1))).astype(float)
        low_indictor = (sp.ones((s,1))).astype(float)
        left_indictor = (sp.ones((s,1))).astype(float)
        upper_ids = sp.unique(labels[0,:]).astype(int)
        right_ids = sp.unique(labels[:,labels.shape[1]-1]).astype(int)
        low_ids = sp.unique(labels[labels.shape[0]-1,:]).astype(int)
        left_ids = sp.unique(labels[:,0]).astype(int)

        up_indictor[upper_ids] = 0.0
        right_indictor[right_ids] = 0.0
        low_indictor[low_ids] = 0.0
        left_indictor[left_ids] = 0.0

        return up_indictor,right_indictor,low_indictor,left_indictor 
Example #2
Source File:    From ldpred with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_phenotypes(plinkf, debug=False):
    samples = plinkf.get_samples()
    num_individs = len(samples)
    Y = [s.phenotype for s in samples]
    fids = [s.fid for s in samples]
    iids = [s.iid for s in samples]
    unique_phens = sp.unique(Y)
    if len(unique_phens) == 1:
        print('Unable to find phenotype values.')
        has_phenotype = False
    elif len(unique_phens) == 2:
        cc_bins = sp.bincount(Y)
        assert len(cc_bins) == 2, 'Problems with loading phenotype'
        if debug:
            print('Loaded %d controls and %d cases' % (cc_bins[0], cc_bins[1]))
        has_phenotype = True
        if debug:
            print('Found quantitative phenotype values')
        has_phenotype = True
    return {'has_phenotype':has_phenotype, 'fids':fids, 'iids':iids, 'phenotypes':Y, 'num_individs':num_individs} 
Example #3
Source File:    From mr_saliency with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __MR_second_stage_indictor(self,saliency_img_mask,labels):
        s = sp.amax(labels)+1
        # get ids from labels image
        ids = sp.unique(labels[saliency_img_mask]).astype(int)
        # indictor
        indictor = sp.zeros((s,1)).astype(float)
        indictor[ids] = 1.0
        return indictor 
Example #4
Source File:    From mr_saliency with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __MR_get_adj_loop(self, labels):
        s = sp.amax(labels) + 1
        adj = np.ones((s, s), np.bool)

        for i in range(labels.shape[0] - 1):
            for j in range(labels.shape[1] - 1):
                if labels[i, j] != labels[i+1, j]:
                    adj[labels[i, j],       labels[i+1, j]]              = False
                    adj[labels[i+1, j],   labels[i, j]]                  = False
                if labels[i, j] != labels[i, j + 1]:
                    adj[labels[i, j],       labels[i, j+1]]              = False
                    adj[labels[i, j+1],   labels[i, j]]                  = False
                if labels[i, j] != labels[i + 1, j + 1]:
                    adj[labels[i, j]        ,  labels[i+1, j+1]]       = False
                    adj[labels[i+1, j+1],  labels[i, j]]               = False
                if labels[i + 1, j] != labels[i, j + 1]:
                    adj[labels[i+1, j],   labels[i, j+1]]              = False
                    adj[labels[i, j+1],   labels[i+1, j]]              = False
        upper_ids = sp.unique(labels[0,:]).astype(int)
        right_ids = sp.unique(labels[:,labels.shape[1]-1]).astype(int)
        low_ids = sp.unique(labels[labels.shape[0]-1,:]).astype(int)
        left_ids = sp.unique(labels[:,0]).astype(int)
        bd = np.append(upper_ids, right_ids)
        bd = np.append(bd, low_ids)
        bd = sp.unique(np.append(bd, left_ids))
        for i in range(len(bd)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(bd)):
                adj[bd[i], bd[j]] = False
                adj[bd[j], bd[i]] = False

        return adj 
Example #5
Source File:    From GPPVAE with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def read_face_data(h5fn):

    f = h5py.File(h5fn, "r")
    keys = ["test", "train", "val"]
    Y = {}
    Rid = {}
    Did = {}
    for key in keys:
        Y[key] = f["Y_" + key][:]
    for key in keys:
        Rid[key] = f["Rid_" + key][:]
    for key in keys:
        Did[key] = f["Did_" + key][:]

    # exclude test and validation not in trian
    uDid = sp.unique(Did["train"])
    for key in ["test", "val"]:
        Iok = sp.in1d(Did[key], uDid)
        Y[key] = Y[key][Iok]
        Rid[key] = Rid[key][Iok]
        Did[key] = Did[key][Iok]

    # one hot encode donors
    table = {}
    for _i, _id in enumerate(uDid):
        table[_id] = _i
    D = {}
    for key in keys:
        D[key] = sp.array([table[_id] for _id in Did[key]])[:, sp.newaxis]

    # one hot encode views
    uRid = sp.unique(sp.concatenate([Rid[key] for key in keys]))
    table_w = {}
    for _i, _id in enumerate(uRid):
        table_w[_id] = _i
    W = {}
    for key in keys:
        W[key] = sp.array([table_w[_id] for _id in Rid[key]])[:, sp.newaxis]

    for key in keys:
        Y[key] = Y[key].astype(float) / 255.0
        Y[key] = torch.tensor(Y[key].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)).astype(sp.float32))
        D[key] = torch.tensor(D[key].astype(sp.float32))
        W[key] = torch.tensor(W[key].astype(sp.float32))

    return Y, D, W 
Example #6
Source File:    From ldpred with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def calc_auc(y_true, y_hat, show_plot=False):
    Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC) for a predicted and observed case-control phenotype.
    y_true = sp.copy(y_true)
    if len(sp.unique(y_true)) == 2:
        y_min = y_true.min()
        y_max = y_true.max()
        if y_min != 0 or y_max != 1:
            print('Transforming back to a dichotomous trait')
            y_true[y_true == y_min] = 0
            y_true[y_true == y_max] = 1
        print('Warning: Calculating AUC for a quantitative phenotype.')
        y_mean = sp.mean(y_true)
        zero_filter = y_true <= y_mean
        one_filter = y_true > y_mean
        y_true[zero_filter] = 0
        y_true[one_filter] = 1

    num_cases = sp.sum(y_true == 1)
    num_controls = sp.sum(y_true == 0)
    assert num_cases + num_controls == len(y_true), 'The phenotype is not defined as expected. It is not binary (0 1 case-control status).'
    print('%d cases, %d controls' % (num_cases, num_controls)) 
    num_indivs = float(len(y_true))
    tot_num_pos = float(sp.sum(y_true))
    tot_num_neg = float(num_indivs - tot_num_pos)
    l = y_hat.tolist()
    roc_x = []
    roc_y = []
    auc = 0.0
    prev_fpr = 0.0
    for thres in l:
        thres_filter = y_hat >= thres
        y_t = y_true[thres_filter]
        n = len(y_t)
        tp = sp.sum(y_t)
        fp = n - tp
        fpr = fp / tot_num_neg
        tpr = tp / tot_num_pos
        delta_fpr = fpr - prev_fpr
        auc += tpr * delta_fpr
        prev_fpr = fpr
    print('AUC: %0.4f' % auc)
    if show_plot:
        import pylab
        pylab.plot(roc_x, roc_y)
    return auc