Python mathutils.Matrix() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of mathutils.Matrix().
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Example #1
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def fix_matrix(mtx): """ Shuffles a matrix to change from y-up to z-up""" # TODO: can this be replaced my a matrix multiplcation? trans = mathutils.Matrix(mtx) up_axis = 2 for i in range(3): trans[1][i], trans[up_axis][i] = trans[up_axis][i], trans[1][i] for i in range(3): trans[i][1], trans[i][up_axis] = trans[i][up_axis], trans[i][1] trans[1][3], trans[up_axis][3] = trans[up_axis][3], trans[1][3] trans[up_axis][0] = -trans[up_axis][0] trans[up_axis][1] = -trans[up_axis][1] trans[0][up_axis] = -trans[0][up_axis] trans[1][up_axis] = -trans[1][up_axis] trans[up_axis][3] = -trans[up_axis][3] return trans
Example #2
Source File: From Arnold-For-Blender with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): col = layout.column() col.prop(self, "geometry_type") col.prop(self, "axis") col.prop(self, "ramp") col.prop(self, "height_edge") col.prop(self, "width_edge") col.prop(self, "roundness") col.label(text="Matrix:") sub = sub.prop_search(self, "geometry_matrix_object", context.scene, "objects", text="") sub = sub.column() sub.enabled = not self.geometry_matrix_object sub.template_component_menu(self, "geometry_matrix_scale", name="Weight:") sub.template_component_menu(self, "geometry_matrix_rotation", name="Rotation:") sub.template_component_menu(self, "geometry_matrix_translation", name="Translation:")
Example #3
Source File: From camera-calibration-pvr with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_vertical_mode_matrix(is_vertical, camera_rotation): if is_vertical: # Get the up direction of the camera up_vec = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) up_vec.rotate(camera_rotation) # Decide around which axis to rotate vert_mode_rotate_x = abs(up_vec[0]) < abs(up_vec[1]) # Create rotation matrix if vert_mode_rotate_x: vert_angle = pi / 2 if up_vec[1] > 0 else -pi / 2 return mathutils.Matrix().Rotation(vert_angle, 3, "X") else: vert_angle = pi / 2 if up_vec[0] < 0 else -pi / 2 return mathutils.Matrix().Rotation(vert_angle, 3, "Y") else: return mathutils.Matrix().Identity(3)
Example #4
Source File: From Arnold-For-Blender with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ai_properties(self): scale = self.geometry_matrix_scale matrix = Matrix([ [scale.x, 0, 0], [0, scale.y, 0], [0, 0, scale.z] ]) matrix.rotate(Euler(self.geometry_matrix_rotation)) matrix = matrix.to_4x4() matrix.translation = (self.geometry_matrix_translation) return { "format": ('STRING', self.format), "resolution": ('STRING', self.resolution), "portal_mode": ('STRING', self.portal_mode), "matrix": ('MATRIX', matrix), "camera": ('BOOL',, "diffuse": ('BOOL', self.diffuse), "specular": ('BOOL', self.specular), "sss": ('BOOL', self.sss), "volume": ('BOOL', self.volume), "transmission": ('BOOL', self.transmission) }
Example #5
Source File: From ObjectPoseEstimationSummary with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setup_camera(scene, fx=572, fy=574, cx=325, cy=242): cam = scene.objects['Camera'] width = scene.render.resolution_x height = scene.render.resolution_y = * height / width = (fx + fy) / 2 * / width = (width / 2 - cx) / width = (cy - height / 2) / width # change to OpenCV camera coordinate system cam.matrix_world = Matrix(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) return cam # Add material to object
Example #6
Source File: From verge3d-blender-addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_lookat_aligned_up_matrix(eye, target): """ This method uses camera axes for building the matrix. """ axis_z = (eye - target).normalized() if axis_z.length == 0: axis_z = mathutils.Vector((0, -1, 0)) axis_x = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1)).cross(axis_z) if axis_x.length == 0: axis_x = mathutils.Vector((1, 0, 0)) axis_y = axis_z.cross(axis_x) return mathutils.Matrix([ axis_x, axis_y, axis_z, ]).transposed()
Example #7
Source File: From verge3d-blender-addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def mat4_svd_decompose_to_mats(mat4): """ Decompose the given matrix into a couple of TRS-decomposable matrices or Returns None in case of an error. """ try: u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(mat4.to_3x3()) mat_u = mathutils.Matrix(u) mat_s = mathutils.Matrix([[s[0], 0, 0], [0, s[1], 0], [0, 0, s[2]]]) mat_vh = mathutils.Matrix(vh) # NOTE: a potential reflection part in U and VH matrices isn't considered mat_trans = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(mat4.to_translation()) mat_left = mat_trans @ (mat_u @ mat_s).to_4x4() return (mat_left, mat_vh.to_4x4()) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # numpy failed to decompose the matrix return None
Example #8
Source File: From archipack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def scale_rot_matrix(self, u, v): """ given vector u and v (from and to p0 p1) apply scale factor to radius and return a matrix to rotate and scale the center around u origin so arc fit v """ # signed angle old new vectors (rotation) a = self.signed_angle(u, v) # scale factor scale = v.length / u.length ca = scale * cos(a) sa = scale * sin(a) return scale, Matrix([ [ca, -sa], [sa, ca] ])
Example #9
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_view_projection_matrix(context, settings): """ Returns view projection matrix. Projection matrix is either identity if 3d export is selected or camera projection if a camera or view is selected. Currently only orthographic projection is used. (Subject to discussion). """ cam = settings['projectionThrough'] if cam == None: mw = mathutils.Matrix() mw.identity() elif cam in projectionMapping.keys(): projection = mathutils.Matrix.OrthoProjection(projectionMapping[cam], 4) mw = projection else: # get camera with given name c = context.scene.objects[cam] mw = getCameraMatrix(c) return mw
Example #10
Source File: From archipack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def rotate(self, a): """ Rotate center so we rotate ccw arround p0 """ ca = cos(a) sa = sin(a) rM = Matrix([ [ca, -sa], [sa, ca] ]) p0 = self.p0 self.c = p0 + rM * (self.c - p0) dp = p0 - self.c self.a0 = atan2(dp.y, dp.x) return self # make offset for line / arc, arc / arc
Example #11
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_obj_xform_track(self, node_type, track_path, xform_frames_list, frame_range, parent_mat_inverse=mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4)): """Add a object transform track to AnimationResource""" track = TransformTrack( track_path, frames_iter=range(frame_range[0], frame_range[1]), values_iter=xform_frames_list, ) track.set_parent_inverse(parent_mat_inverse) if node_type in ("SpotLight", "DirectionalLight", "Camera", "CollisionShape"): track.is_directional = True self.add_track(track) # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
Example #12
Source File: From jewelcraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def offscreen_refresh(self, context): if self.offscreen is not None: width = self.region.width height = self.region.height self.offscreen = gpu.types.GPUOffScreen(width, height) mat_offscreen = Matrix() mat_offscreen[0][0] = 2 / width mat_offscreen[0][3] = -1 mat_offscreen[1][1] = 2 / height mat_offscreen[1][3] = -1 with self.offscreen.bind(): bgl.glClear(bgl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) with gpu.matrix.push_pop(): gpu.matrix.load_matrix(mat_offscreen) gpu.matrix.load_projection_matrix(Matrix()) self.draw_gems(context)
Example #13
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def to_matrix(self): """ mat = M(to original transform)^-1 * Mt(to origin) * Ms * Mt(to origin)^-1 * M(to original transform) """ m = self.__mat mi = self.__mat.inverted() mtoi = mathutils.Matrix.Translation((-self.__iox, -self.__ioy, 0.0)) mto = mathutils.Matrix.Translation((self.__iox, self.__ioy, 0.0)) # every point must be transformed to origin t = m * mathutils.Vector((self.__ix, self.__iy, 0.0)) tix, tiy = t.x, t.y t = m * mathutils.Vector((self.__ox, self.__oy, 0.0)) tox, toy = t.x, t.y t = m * mathutils.Vector((self.__x, self.__y, 0.0)) tx, ty = t.x, t.y ms = mathutils.Matrix() ms.identity() if self.__dir_x == 1: ms[0][0] = (tx - tox) * self.__dir_x / (tix - tox) if self.__dir_y == 1: ms[1][1] = (ty - toy) * self.__dir_y / (tiy - toy) return mi * mto * ms * mtoi * m
Example #14
Source File: From addon_common with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_mvp_matrix(self, view3D=True): ''' if view3D == True: returns MVP for 3D view else: returns MVP for pixel view TODO: compute separate M,V,P matrices ''' if not self.r3d: return None if view3D: # 3D view return self.r3d.perspective_matrix else: # pixel view return self.get_pixel_matrix() mat_model = Matrix() mat_view = Matrix() mat_proj = Matrix() view_loc = self.r3d.view_location # vec view_rot = self.r3d.view_rotation # quat view_per = self.r3d.view_perspective # 'PERSP' or 'ORTHO' return mat_model,mat_view,mat_proj
Example #15
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def finalize_islands(self, title_height=0): for island in self.islands: if title_height: island.title = "[{}] {}".format(island.abbreviation, island.label) points = list( for vertex in island.verts) + island.fake_verts angle = M.geometry.box_fit_2d(points) rot = M.Matrix.Rotation(angle, 2) for point in points: # note: we need an in-place operation, and Vector.rotate() seems to work for 3d vectors only point[:] = rot * point for marker in island.markers: marker.rot = rot * marker.rot bottom_left = M.Vector((min(v.x for v in points), min(v.y for v in points) - title_height)) for point in points: point -= bottom_left island.bounding_box = M.Vector((max(v.x for v in points), max(v.y for v in points)))
Example #16
Source File: From pvnet-rendering with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender(camera): # bcam stands for blender camera R_bcam2cv = Matrix( ((1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1))) # Use matrix_world instead to account for all constraints location, rotation = camera.matrix_world.decompose()[0:2] R_world2bcam = rotation.to_matrix().transposed() # Convert camera location to translation vector used in coordinate changes # Use location from matrix_world to account for constraints: T_world2bcam = -1 * R_world2bcam * location # Build the coordinate transform matrix from world to computer vision camera R_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * R_world2bcam T_world2cv = R_bcam2cv * T_world2bcam # put into 3x4 matrix RT = Matrix((R_world2cv[0][:] + (T_world2cv[0],), R_world2cv[1][:] + (T_world2cv[1],), R_world2cv[2][:] + (T_world2cv[2],))) return RT
Example #17
Source File: From rigacar with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_bone(self, rig, name, delta_pos): b ='DEF-' + name) b.head = self.bones_position[name] + delta_pos b.tail = b.head if name == 'Body': b.tail.y += b.tail.z * 4 else: b.tail.y += b.tail.z target_obj_name = self.target_objects_name.get(name) if target_obj_name is not None and target_obj_name in bpy.context.scene.objects: target_obj = bpy.context.scene.objects[target_obj_name] if name == 'Body': b.tail = b.head b.tail.y += target_obj.dimensions[1] / 2 if target_obj.dimensions and target_obj.dimensions[0] != 0 else 1 target_obj.parent = rig target_obj.parent_bone = target_obj.parent_type = 'BONE' target_obj.location += rig.matrix_world.to_translation() target_obj.matrix_parent_inverse = (rig.matrix_world @ mathutils.Matrix.Translation(b.tail)).inverted() return b
Example #18
Source File: From addon_common with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def shorten_floats(s): # reduces number of digits (for float) found in a string # useful for reducing noise of printing out a Vector, Buffer, Matrix, etc. s = re.sub(r'(?P<neg>-?)(?P<d0>\d)\.(?P<d1>\d)\d\d+e-02', r'\g<neg>0.0\g<d0>\g<d1>', s) s = re.sub(r'(?P<neg>-?)(?P<d0>\d)\.\d\d\d+e-03', r'\g<neg>0.00\g<d0>', s) s = re.sub(r'-?\d\.\d\d\d+e-0[4-9]', r'0.000', s) s = re.sub(r'-?\d\.\d\d\d+e-[1-9]\d', r'0.000', s) s = re.sub(r'(?P<digs>\d\.\d\d\d)\d+', r'\g<digs>', s) return s
Example #19
Source File: From archipack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def cylinder(self, radius, size, x, y, z, axis, verts, faces, matids): seg = 12 deg = 2 * pi / seg nv = len(verts) if axis == 'X': tM = Matrix([ [0, 0, size, x], [0, radius, 0, y], [radius, 0, 0, z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) elif axis == 'Y': tM = Matrix([ [radius, 0, 0, x], [0, 0, size, y], [0, radius, 0, z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) else: tM = Matrix([ [radius, 0, 0, x], [0, radius, 0, y], [0, 0, size, z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) verts.extend([tM * Vector((sin(deg * a), cos(deg * a), 0)) for a in range(seg)]) verts.extend([tM * Vector((sin(deg * a), cos(deg * a), 1)) for a in range(seg)]) faces.extend([tuple([nv + i + f for f in (0, 1, seg + 1, seg)]) for i in range(seg - 1)]) faces.append((nv + seg - 1, nv, nv + seg, nv + 2 * seg - 1)) matids.extend([2 for i in range(seg)])
Example #20
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.transform = Matrix() self.parent = None self.children = [] = ""
Example #21
Source File: From BlenderUSDZ with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def addBone(arm, joint, pose): stack = joint.split('/') bone =[-1]) bone.head = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) bone.tail = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) matrix = mathutils.Matrix(pose) matrix.transpose() bone.transform(matrix) if len(stack) > 1: bone.parent =[stack[-2]]
Example #22
Source File: From rigacar with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, armature, bone_name): objs = [o for o in armature.children if o.parent_bone == bone_name] bone =[bone_name] self.__center = bone.head.copy() if not objs: self.__xyz = [bone.head.x - bone.length / 2, bone.head.x + bone.length / 2, bone.head.y - bone.length, bone.head.y + bone.length, .0, bone.head.z * 2] else: self.__xyz = [inf, -inf, inf, -inf, inf, -inf] self.__compute(mathutils.Matrix(), *objs)
Example #23
Source File: From addon_common with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_pixel_matrix(self): ''' returns MVP for pixel view TODO: compute separate M,V,P matrices ''' return Matrix(self.get_pixel_matrix_list()) if self.r3d else None
Example #24
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def blender_value_to_string(blender_value): """convert blender socket.default_value to shader script""" if isinstance(blender_value, (bpy.types.bpy_prop_array, mathutils.Vector)): tmp = list() for val in blender_value: tmp.append(str(val)) return "vec%d(%s)" % (len(tmp), ", ".join(tmp)) if isinstance(blender_value, mathutils.Euler): return "vec3(%s)" % ', '.join([str(d) for d in blender_value]) if isinstance(blender_value, mathutils.Matrix): # godot mat is column major order mat = blender_value.transposed() column_vec_list = list() for vec in mat: column_vec_list.append(blender_value_to_string(vec)) return "mat%d(%s)" % ( len(column_vec_list), ", ".join(column_vec_list) ) return "float(%s)" % blender_value
Example #25
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_bone_rest(self, bl_bone_name): """Given a blender bone name , return its rest matrix""" bone_id = self.find_bone_id(bl_bone_name) bone_rest_key = 'bones/%d/rest' % bone_id return self.get(bone_rest_key, mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4))
Example #26
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_parent_inverse(self, parent_inverse): """Blender interpolate is matrix_basis, it needs to left multiply its parent's object.matrix_parent_inverse to get matrix_local(parent space transform)""" self.parent_trans_inverse = mathutils.Matrix(parent_inverse)
Example #27
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, track_path, frames_iter=(), values_iter=()): super().__init__("transform", track_path, frames_iter, values_iter) self.parent_trans_inverse = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4) # Fix of object's rotation, directional object like # camera, spotLight has different initial orientation self.is_directional = False self.interp = LINEAR_INTERPOLATION
Example #28
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def fix_bone_attachment_transform(attachment_obj, blender_transform): """Godot and blender bone children nodes' transform relative to different bone joints, so there is a difference of bone_length along bone direction axis""" armature_obj = attachment_obj.parent bone_length =[attachment_obj.parent_bone].length mtx = mathutils.Matrix(blender_transform) mtx[1][3] += bone_length return mtx
Example #29
Source File: From import_3dm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_view(context, view, name, scale): vp = view.Viewport # Construct transformation matrix mat = Matrix([ [vp.CameraX.X, vp.CameraX.Y, vp.CameraX.Z, 0], [vp.CameraY.X, vp.CameraY.Y, vp.CameraY.Z, 0], [vp.CameraZ.X, vp.CameraZ.Y, vp.CameraZ.Z, 0], [0,0,0,1]]) mat.invert() mat[0][3] = vp.CameraLocation.X * scale mat[1][3] = vp.CameraLocation.Y * scale mat[2][3] = vp.CameraLocation.Z * scale lens = vp.Camera35mmLensLength blcam = utils.get_iddata(context.blend_data.cameras, None, name, None) # Set camera to perspective or parallel if vp.IsPerspectiveProjection: blcam.type = "PERSP" blcam.lens = lens blcam.sensor_width = 36.0 elif vp.IsParallelProjection: blcam.type = "ORTHO" frustum = vp.GetFrustum() blcam.ortho_scale = (frustum['right'] - frustum['left']) * scale # Link camera data to new object blobj = utils.get_iddata(context.blend_data.objects, None, name, blcam) blobj.matrix_world = mat # Return new camera return blobj
Example #30
Source File: From BlenderAndMBDyn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def insert_keyframe(self, label, fields): database.node[label].location = fields[:3] if self.orientation == "orientation matrix": euler = Matrix([fields[3:6], fields[6:9], fields[9:12]]).to_euler() database.node[label].rotation_euler = euler[0], euler[1], euler[2] elif self.orientation == "euler321": database.node[label].rotation_euler = Euler((math.radians(fields[5]), math.radians(fields[4]), math.radians(fields[3])), 'XYZ') elif self.orientation == "euler123": database.node[label].rotation_euler = Euler((math.radians(fields[3]), math.radians(fields[4]), math.radians(fields[5])), 'ZYX').to_quaternion().to_euler('XYZ') #database.node[label].rotation_mode = 'ZYX' elif self.orientation == "orientation vector": #database.node[label].rotation_axis_angle = [math.sqrt(sum([x*x for x in fields[3:6]]))] + fields[3:6] database.node[label].rotation_euler = Quaternion(fields[3:6], math.sqrt(sum([x*x for x in fields[3:6]]))).to_euler('XYZ') for data_path in "location rotation_euler".split(): database.node[label].keyframe_insert(data_path)